I'm looking for a tutorial on how to embed Wordpress into a webpage e.g a php page. I found one such tutorial about a year ago. I remember it split the pages into parts making the main require the rest, one of the requires was the blog posts on the wordpress. I'm looking for this tutorial or something similar. Basically I just want all of my blog updates appearing on a php file.
See http://codex.wordpress.org/Integrating_WordPress_with_Your_Website
Just grab the rss feed from your blog and parse it. That should be simple enough.
I found a way to display my latest blog posts on my website's home page using SimplePie. My blog is built on WordPress but my home page is coded by hand, so it took me some time to figure out a way to do it. I wrote a blog post about it if you care to check it out. Displaying WordPress posts on a separate web page. Hope it helps, let me know if you have any questions!
I've tried searching but can't find any clear answers.
I have a Wordpress site with some non-Wordpress (PHP) pages that are located in the root directory.
I'm trying to display the content from a WP post on one of these non-WP pages. Since the post is constantly updated, simply copy/pasting the content won't work.
I guess I could create a template with the non-WP content and just exclude the theme/header/footer... but I'd prefer to keep the file in the root directory with the other pages.
Does anyone have any ideas of how I can accomplish this?
Thanks in advance :)
Perhaps you could use the rest api? https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/
The solution for you is providing an API for your Wordpress posts then use it in non-wordpress pages.
Also you can use the wordpress REST-APIitself, it has provided so many useful capabilities.
Take a look at it:
I'm looking to do something with a website I'm working on. This is my first time using Wordpress, and I've got most of the things I need to work running fine.
However, I'd like to create another page on my website that can display loop posts that is formatted completely different from the normal index.php file.
For example, index.php has it's own loop, and acts as the website homepage. The second page would be called roster.php, and has a loop that displays and formats posts from a specific category of posts. If this is possible, where would I create the roster.php file, and would it still work properly with my Wordpress installation?
I've dug around the Wordpress Codex, and done several Google searches on this subject, but I can't seem to find anything similar to this scenario. Or maybe I've just misunderstood them all.
I really appreciate your time reading this post, anything you can contribute would be extremely useful to me.
Thanks again, Callum Kerr
You can create a page roster in wordpress and a page-roster.php in your template directory. Wordpress will automatically route the page to the php file.
You can then do a custom search & loop in page-roster.php
page-roster.php should do the trick!
Check this for more info: http://codex.wordpress.org/Pages#What_Template_is_Used_to_Display_a_Particular_Page.3F
You can create custom Templates for your pages, posts and even categories, this Codex Page may help you with examples on how to do it.
I have an existing single website (index.html) that works with a jquery content slider and I want to add my wordpress blog in one of the tabs. The blog is installed in mysite.com/blog/.
I saw a tutorial on how to show posts with php, but then when clicking those, it sends people off my page to the blog.
If I use iframe then I have SEO problems (or do I?) and the blog seems to be moving up when entering a comment on a post.
I hope somebody can help!
Sincerely, Brian
You probably need something like this
Demo is here
I have a wordpress multisite network and it has 6 blogs who's posts I want to extract and put into 6 different pages on a separate website (this separate website is not wordpress based but it is php based). Its kind of like integrating wordpress blog into my own website but it does'nt seem to work for wordpress MU blogs. I spent all morning searching the web on how to do this but have come up with nothing. Anyone have any idea on how I can achieve this?
Easiest way to do it is with the free FishPig extension for Magento.
I use it on all of my sites and it's pretty easy.
You can get then get WordPress MU Integration from this extension:
If you are extracting posts from each site, then using feed would be an obvious option to go. just post fix the /feed to each blog main url to get posts. In your own site, you will get posts in XML format, you then can parse it with php simpleXML.
I want to write a plugin that will pull a sidebar from one Wordpress blog and place it in the sidebar of another blog. I know to write a plugin, but actually don't know where to start with this idea.
I believe he's saying that he wants to write a plugin to be able to retrieve a sidebar from another website and display it (possibly as a widget?). If that is not the question then I apologize; otherwise, I'll take a shot at answering.
The first thing I would recommend would be to view the code of just about any other widget plugin to make sure that a plugin (and not just some JavaScript) is really what you want.
Assuming you want the plugin, check out this resource for some basics. Also, you'll need the retrieval code which will either be "screen-scraping" in PHP or AJAX partial page loading with JavaScript.
I hope any or all of this helps you get where you're going.