Embedding Wordpress blog in div? - php

I have an existing single website (index.html) that works with a jquery content slider and I want to add my wordpress blog in one of the tabs. The blog is installed in mysite.com/blog/.
I saw a tutorial on how to show posts with php, but then when clicking those, it sends people off my page to the blog.
If I use iframe then I have SEO problems (or do I?) and the blog seems to be moving up when entering a comment on a post.
I hope somebody can help!
Sincerely, Brian

You probably need something like this
Demo is here


How to dynamically add <!--nextpage--> to a wordpress post?

I am after adding dynamically the <--nextpage--> tag only on mobile, to posts.
It appears that hooking to the_content is too late, as nextpage is being decided on "the_post()" phase.
I found some code that would do that on "the_content", but, at the_post phase, $content is not available for manipulation.
I would really appreciate if you could write the relevant php code to hook/filter the right phase and be able to dynamically insert the <--nextpage--> on posts that are viewed on mobile.
I'm using wordpress + thesis2, editing custom.php for hooks/filters/functions.
Thank you in advance,
Here's the answer:
You'll find in the above link the code to use.

Standard HTML & CSS to wordpress page

I created a webpage in Standard HTML and CSS and everything looks / works exactly how I want it too.
Now I need it to appear as it is on a wordpress site (http://www.texasenergyessentials.com/). I already created a template page and can see it in the template select in the wordpress "add new page" window. I was hoping I could just select the template and leave the text editor blank but that doesn't seem to be the case. All I get is a completely un-formatted page that says welcome guest.
What is the easiest way to get https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8545681 to work on the aforementioned wordpress site? ?
P.S. Please don't link any codex files I just spent 2 hours digging around in them :(
Try to read and understand how http://codex.wordpress.org/The_Loop works
Install this theme https://code.google.com/p/wordpress-naked/ and try to work your way to the desired theme by editing theme files. That will be much easier.
Maybe the problem can be understood by reading the template hierarchy:
(especially check the visual overview)
If you name your file page-[insert-page-id-here].php Wordpress will use it for the page you've created. Get your page id by editing the page and looking it up in the url.

Edit WP html code, but cannot find the page

I am new to Word Press and I have been assigned to change something at work in our homepage.
I am always worked with raw HTML/CSS/php files, so I am a bit out of place here.
The page in question is the following: GAN Integrity Solutions Products
Inspecting the html I found where the CSS is (in the theme folder).
If I go in word press under pages, and I choose Products (which is the page I want) there is not content in it even in the text or visual editor. (but the page does indeed have content)
I installed the plugin called "Always edit in HTML" but it only removes the Visual tab and does not really replace it with the HTML tab (like I have seen a friend of mine has).
Also I am currently using WP v. 3.7.1 and I have not update because I still had to learn what happens when one updates (does it screw up my site? I can't afford to screw it up).
Anyone have any idea of what I am doing wrong or how I can solve this?
Btw the different "products" are created individually under "Portfolio" but what I would like to edit is that first link page html. What I need to do is instead of having pictures in the "squares" and then text as ones mouse over them, the reverse.
I would appreciate it!
Can you try to login in Wordpress?
You should go to pages and search for the product page.
Then check the template part.
Go to your themes map again and search for that template.
Your code should be there.
This is my first comment. Hope it is helpfull.

Embedding wordpress into a php page

I'm looking for a tutorial on how to embed Wordpress into a webpage e.g a php page. I found one such tutorial about a year ago. I remember it split the pages into parts making the main require the rest, one of the requires was the blog posts on the wordpress. I'm looking for this tutorial or something similar. Basically I just want all of my blog updates appearing on a php file.
See http://codex.wordpress.org/Integrating_WordPress_with_Your_Website
Just grab the rss feed from your blog and parse it. That should be simple enough.
I found a way to display my latest blog posts on my website's home page using SimplePie. My blog is built on WordPress but my home page is coded by hand, so it took me some time to figure out a way to do it. I wrote a blog post about it if you care to check it out. Displaying WordPress posts on a separate web page. Hope it helps, let me know if you have any questions!

Adding inline wordpress comment functionality to a non-wordpress page

I have created a wordpress.org blog on my website but I do not use the actual blog page to display the blog posts. Initially I tried to style the wordpress blog to match my site, but since wordpress' theme is too constricted I decided to use "the loop" to gather the_author_posts_link, the_title, the_content, etc and display them on my main page. (reference: http://www.corvidworks.com/articles/wordpress-content-on-other-pages). The problem I am running into is the comment section. No matter what, I cannot seem to find a way to add comments to my front page using php. I know I can get my post content to display by calling the_content(), but I cannot seem to find a similar function for comments. I'm open to any solution that will allow my pseudo-blog to display comments under each post.
Thank you!
Should be <?php comments_template(); ?>. Look in your theme files for that template tag. But it working depends on if you've correctly included the blog header on your non-WP pages.
