Retrieving single node value from a nodelist - php

I'm having difficulty extracting a single node value from a nodelist.
My code takes an xml file which holds several fields, some containing text, file paths and full image names with extensions.
I run an expath query over it, looking for the node item with a certain id. It then stores the matched node item and saves it as $oldnode
Now my problem is trying to extract a value from that $oldnode. I have tried to var_dump($oldnode) and print_r($oldnode) but it returns the following: "object(DOMElement)#8 (0) { } "
Im guessing the $oldnode variable is an object, but how do I access it?
I am able to echo out the whole node list by using: echo $oldnode->nodeValue;
This displays all the nodes in the list.
Here is the code which handles the xml file. line 6 is the line in question...
$xpathexp = "//item[#id=". $updateID ."]";
$xpath = new DOMXpath($xml);
$nodelist = $xpath->query($xpathexp);
if((is_null($nodelist)) || (! is_numeric($nodelist))) {
$oldnode = $nodelist->item(0);
echo $oldnode->nodeValue;
//$imgUpload = strchr($oldnode->nodeValue, ' ');
//$imgUpload = strrchr($imgUpload, '/');
//$imgUpload = trim($imgUpload);
$newItem = new DomDocument;
$item_node = $newItem ->createElement('item');
//Create attribute on the node as well
$item_node ->setAttribute("id", $updateID);
$largeImageText = $newItem->createElement('largeImgText');
$largeImageText->appendChild( $newItem->createCDATASection($largeImgText));
$urlANode = $newItem->createElement('urlA');
$urlANode->appendChild( $newItem->createCDATASection($urlA));
$largeImg = $newItem->createElement('largeImg');
$largeImg->appendChild( $newItem->createCDATASection($imgUpload));
$thumbnailTextNode = $newItem->createElement('thumbnailText');
$thumbnailTextNode->appendChild( $newItem->createCDATASection($thumbnailText));
$urlB = $newItem->createElement('urlB');
$urlB->appendChild( $newItem->createCDATASection($urlA));
$thumbnailImg = $newItem->createElement('thumbnailImg');
$thumbnailImg->appendChild( $newItem->createCDATASection(basename($_FILES['thumbnailImg']['name'])));
$newnode = $xml->importNode($newItem->documentElement, true);
// Replace
$oldnode->parentNode->replaceChild($newnode, $oldnode);
// Display
//header('Location: index.php?a=112&id=5');
Any help would be great.

Wasn't it supposed to be echo $oldnode->firstChild->nodeValue;? I remember this because technically you need the value from the text node.. but I might be mistaken, it's been a while. You could give it a try?
After our discussion in the comments on this answer, I came up with this solution. I'm not sure if it can be done cleaner, perhaps. But it should work.
$nodelist = $xpath->query($xpathexp);
if((is_null($nodelist)) || (! is_numeric($nodelist))) {
$oldnode = $nodelist->item(0);
$largeImg = null;
$thumbnailImg = null;
foreach( $oldnode->childNodes as $node ) {
if( $node->nodeName == "largeImg" ) {
$largeImg = $node->nodeValue;
} else if( $node->nodeName == "thumbnailImg" ) {
$thumbnailImg = $node->nodeValue;
You could also use getElementsByTagName on the $oldnode, then see if it found anything (and if a node was found, $oldnode->getElementsByTagName("thumbnailImg")->item(0)->nodeValue). Which might be cleaner then looping through them.


How to pull a specific tag from a node in xml with PHP?

Here is where I set up basic variables, such as creating the new DomDoc and such as well as loading some of the Tags. This all works fine at the moment.
if (isset($_GET['edit'])&& $_GET['edit']=='delete' && isset($_GET['id'])&&!empty($_GET['id'])){
$dom = new DomDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$root = $dom->documentElement;
$record = $root->getElementsByTagName("data");
$nodetoremove = null;
foreach($ID as $node){
$pid =$node->textContent;
Here I am checking if it's a new ID and if it is it does the following as seen.
if ($pid == $newid)
The issue is here. I am able to go through the selected node I wish to delete ($nodetoremove) and select a specific element (sign_in) but I am unsure how to so. Right now all I can do is go through and print all of the elements within the nodes of $nodetoremove. Is there a way I can get the element I want from XML this way?
//Prints all information within $nodetoremove
foreach ($nodetoremove->childNodes AS $item){
print $item->nodeName . "=" . $item->nodeValue . "<br>";
foreach ($nodetoremove as $node) {
//Sets $name to the first Child of $nodetoremove
//Checks if the nods to remove is not null, if it is removes $nodetoremove

How can I retrieve infos from PHP DOMElement?

I'm working on a function that gets the whole content of the style.css file, and returns only the CSS rules that needed by the currently viewed page (it will be cached too, so the function only runs when the page was changed).
My problem is with parsing the DOM (I'm never doing it before with PHP DOM). I have the following function, but $element->tagname returns NULL. I also want to check the element's "class" attribute, but I'm stuck here.
function get_rules($html) {
$arr = array();
$dom = new DOMDocument();
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('*') as $element ){
$arr[sizeof($arr)] = $element->tagname;
return array_unique($arr);
What can I do? How can I get all of the DOM elements tag name, and class from HTML?
Because tagname should be an undefined index because its supposed to be tagName (camel cased).
function get_rules($html) {
$arr = array();
$dom = new DOMDocument();
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('*') as $element ){
$e = array();
$e['tagName'] = $element->tagName; // tagName not tagname
// get all elements attributes
foreach($element->attributes as $attr) {
$attrs = array();
$attrs['name'] = $attr->nodeName;
$attrs['value'] = $attr->nodeValue;
$e['attributes'][] = $attrs;
$arr[] = $e;
return $arr;
Simple Output

URL decode all values in xml document in php

I'm after a way of making simplexml_load_string return a document where all the text values are urldecoded. For example:
$xmlstring = "<my_element>2013-06-19+07%3A20%3A51</my_element>";
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstring);
$value = $xml->my_element;
//and value would contain: "2013-06-19 07:20:51"
Is it possible to do this? I'm not concerned about attribute values, although that would be fine if they were also decoded.
you can run
$value = urldecode( $value )
which will decode your string.
As long as each value is inside an element of its own (in SimpleXML you can not process text-nodes on its own, compare with the table in Which DOMNodes can be represented by SimpleXMLElement?) this is possible.
As others have outlined, this works by applying the urldecode function on each of these elements.
To do that, you need to change and add some lines of code:
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstring, 'SimpleXMLIterator');
if (!$xml->children()->count()) {
$nodes = [$xml];
} else {
$nodes = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($xml, RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
foreach($nodes as $node) {
$node[0] = urldecode($node);
This code-example takes care that each leave is processed and in case, it's only the root element, that that one is processed. Afterwards, the whole document is changed so that you can access it as known. Demo:
* URL decode all values in XML document in PHP
* #link
$xmlstring = "<root><my_element>2013-06-19+07%3A20%3A51</my_element></root>";
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstring, 'SimpleXMLIterator');
$nodes = $xml->children()->count()
? new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
$xml, RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY
: [$xml];
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$node[0] = urldecode($node);
echo $value = $xml->my_element; # prints "2013-06-19 07:20:51"

How to put XML content in reverse order?

I tried a few solutions already posted here, but nothing seems to work. That might be, because I am really not that familiar with php or xml. I just need to output xml for xcoding. So hopefully someone can shed some light, on how I can reverse the order of my xml, so that the last entry is on top.
My last try what with:
$query = array_reverse($doc->xpath('query'));
but it did not like it ,e.g. it did not work.
So here is my code in order to create my xml document:
if(!$dbconnect = mysql_connect('localhost', '-', '-')) {
echo "Connection failed to the host 'localhost'.";
} // if
if (!mysql_select_db('-')) {
echo "Cannot connect to database '-'";
} // if
$table_id = 'table1';
$query = "SELECT Name,Age,Sex FROM $table_id";
$dbresult = mysql_query($query, $dbconnect);
// create a new XML document
$doc = new DomDocument('1.0');
// create root node
$root = $doc->createElement('root');
$root = $doc->appendChild($root);
// process one row at a time
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbresult)) {
// add node for each row
$occ = $doc->createElement($table_id);
$occ = $root->appendChild($occ);
// add a child node for each field
foreach ($row as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) {
$child = $doc->createElement($fieldname);
$child = $occ->appendChild($child);
$value = $doc->createTextNode($fieldvalue);
$value = $child->appendChild($value);
} // foreach
} // while
// get completed xml document
$xml_string = $doc->saveXML();
//echo $xml_string;
The best thing to do is to issue an SQL query which returns results in the order you want. The SQL query you have here has no ORDER BY clause, so results come back in no particular order.
However, you can also reverse the order of results as you add them to your XML document: instead of appending new child nodes for each row, prepend them. Replace this line:
$occ = $root->appendChild($occ);
$occ = $root->insertBefore($occ, $root->firstChild);
Also generally speaking it's best to finish building a tree of XML before you add it to the document.

Extracting certain portions of HTML from within PHP

Ok, so I'm writing an application in PHP to check my sites if all the links are valid, so I can update them if I have to.
And I ran into a problem. I've tried to use SimpleXml and DOMDocument objects to extract the tags but when I run the app with a sample site I usually get a ton of errors if I use the SimpleXml object type.
So is there a way to scan the html document for href attributes that's pretty much as simple as using SimpleXml?
// what I want to do is get a similar effect to the code described below:
foreach($html->html->body->a as $link)
// store the $link into a file
foreach($link->attributes() as $attribute=>$value);
//procedure to place the href value into a file
so basically i'm looking for a way to preform the above operation. The thing is I'm currently getting confused as to how should I treat the string that i'm getting with the html code in it...
just to be clear, I'm using the following primitive way of getting the html file:
$target = "";
$file_handle = fopen($target, "r");
$a = "";
while (!feof($file_handle)) $a .= fgets($file_handle, 4096);
Any info would be useful as well as any other language alternatives where the above problem is more elegantly fixed (python, c or c++)
You can use DOMDocument::loadHTML
Here's a bunch of code we use for a HTML parsing tool we wrote.
$target = "";
$result = file_get_contents($target);
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$links = extractLink(getTags( $dom, 'a', ));
function extractLink( $html, $argument = 1 ) {
$href_regex_pattern = '/<a[^>]*?href=[\'"](.*?)[\'"][^>]*?>(.*?)<\/a>/si';
if (count($matches)) {
if (is_array($matches[$argument]) && count($matches[$argument])) {
return $matches[$argument][0];
return $matches[1];
} else
function getTags( $dom, $tagName, $element = false, $children = false ) {
$html = '';
$domxpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$children = ($children) ? "/".$children : '';
$filtered = $domxpath->query("//$tagName" . $children);
$i = 0;
while( $myItem = $filtered->item($i++) ){
$newDom = new DOMDocument;
$newDom->formatOutput = true;
$node = $newDom->importNode( $myItem, true );
$html[] = $newDom->saveHTML();
if ($element !== false && isset($html[$element])) {
return $html[$element];
} else
return $html;
You could just use strpos($html, 'href=') and then parse the URL. You could also search for <a or .php
