How do I tell Netbeans that a section of code is Javascript? - php

I'm using the Zend Framework's javascript helpers of the form:
<?php $this->headScript()->captureStart(); ?>
//Javascript here
<?php $this->headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>
//Rest of view here
The problem is that Netbeans keeps complaining about code problems in the block, because it thinks it's an HTML, rather than a Javascript, block. Plus syntax coloring is broken.
Netbeans already has special comment hinting which you can use to apply a type to a variable when it can't be resolved by Netbeans automatically to tell it that we're writing Javascript in that range, rather than HTML?

Something like this:
<?php $this->headScript()->captureStart(); ?>
//<script type="text/javascript">
var validJSsyntax = true,
netbeansJShighlighting = true,
problem = 'solved';
<?php $this->headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>
Of course it will produce two useless lines in your JS output, but you can modify captureEnd() method to strip those for you.

From my knowledge this functionality is not yet implemented in the current version of NetBeans IDE that is 6.9.1. I can show you a workaround through which you can fool the NetBeans IDE to highlight the Javascript as a script section, and also keeps the PHP processor happy. It will look like following code snippet:
<?php $this->headScript()->captureStart(); ?>
<?php if( false ) {?><script><?php } ?>
// keep Javascript here
<?php if( false ) { ?></script><?php } ?>
<?php $this->headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>
I have tested this in NetBeans IDE 6.9.1

I was actually just reading about this yesterday in their blog:
Their HTML in PHP parsing has been flaky, especially with indenting incorrectly short/alternate form code, but the latest nightly builds (I presume those after 201010060000) have improvements in that area. I haven't tried it yet but give it a shot.

print problematic code with PHP
<script <?PHP echo 'type="text/template"?> id="Template-1">
//your code here
If you print all script tag with PHP, NetBeans perfectlly format HTML tags


Configure IntelliJ to comment single line PHP blocks

I find IntelliJ is usually great at commenting out code when I highlight it and press Ctrl +/. It handles commenting Java, Scala, Groovy, HTML, Javascript, Typescript, JSPs, JSFs and GSPs perfectly.
I am now trying to use it to edit Drupal's PHP files, which are full of single line PHP blocks. The following is an example. Pressing Ctrl+/ on the following line:
<?php print render($content['body']); ?>
//<?php print render($content['body']); ?>
Can IntelliJ be configured to comment out these single line blocks correctly? Maybe to something like this:
<?php /*print render($content['field_date']);*/ ?>
I am using the Ultimate Edition version 12.
Intellij in not designed for working with PHP. I don't think you can configure how comments are applied.
Two ideas from me:
go for PHPStorm, JetBrains IDE for PHP, and after pressing Ctrl+/ you'll get:
<!-- --> <?php // print render($content['body']); ?>
if you want to stick with Intellij, hit Ctrl+W one or more times inside <?php ?> tags; this will let you select all the contents quickly and then comment them out using Ctrl+Shift+/

PHP inspection reports CSS selector unused. It is used by a PHP echoed Tag

I have PHP code which creates an HTML
echo('<div id="keyboard">');
In my CSS I have
#keyboard {
PHPStorm reports the CSS selector is not used. It is used. Can I make it realize that? In not, I once saw some way of disabling a single error or warning, but I can no longer find that in the documentation.
What you can try is to move the html out of the php script and just open the parentheses when needed. I suspect that the IDE cannot distiguish between php echoed html and html outside of php tags.
//add php code here
<div id="keyboard">
//php code here
//add php code here
The IDE should now be able to match the CSS with the relavant id.

HTML treat code within brackets as PHP code

I am building my website completely in PHP. I am trying to make it as much flexible as possible.
I have seen there are some softwares made in PHP that are able to get a HTML page, and before showing it, the PHP code recognizes the code inside brackets {PHP Code} as PHP code, runs it and only then shows the final page.
<h1>Hi My Name is {echo $name}</h1>
How can I achieve the same? I know there is Smarty Code. But I do not want to learn Smarty, I just want to know how to check a HTML page with PHP, find every bracket and threat that as PHP before showing the page..?
Can you point me somewhere?
Are you looking for PHP's basic syntax?
If you enable short_open_tags (it usually is enabled by default), this will work:
<h1>Hi My Name is <?=$name?></h1>
otherwise, this will always work:
<h1>Hi My Name is <?php echo $name; ?></h1>
PHP is already a templating language - there often is no need to add another layer of templating on top of it.
I want to keep the template files separated from the php engine
In fact, you don't
Your template files would behave as native PHP files in every way.
So, there is asolutely no [logical] reason to prefer such a strange solution over native PHP.
use the php tags for the echo statement.
<h1>Hi my name is <?php echo $name; ?></h1>
Well, just point apache to index.php which includes phtml templates into itself. Use <?php ?> instead of { }.

Was using index.php but now need index.html

I'm learning all this web programming stuff after years writing .EXE Windows programs so bear with me.
I developed a basic .php and mysql website that works fine.
But I went to add javascript code to my index.php and I don't think the javascript code is executing.
My index.php has the form:
require_once blah blah
Then I added this code inside the php blocks of the '<\?\php' and "\?>" as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
// some known-good javascript code that displays an image
Nothing showed up.
So I thought "ah-HAH, I blew it, all I need to do is -- move the javascript code outside
of the php block, at the bottom of index.php, and surely I'm good to go."
And still, Nothing showed up.
I checked the source of my 'known-good' javascript code and it said 'embed this javascript code
in your HTML file' so I thought "wow, I guess I need an index.html or something here."
So my questions:
1) should my index.php be able to run the javascript block of code?
I'm guessing 'No because index.php executes on the server and javascript runs on the client machine.'
2) How should I architect this if I want to keep my index.php, whose code works fine and I don't want to mess with it?
I'm thinking that this is an extremely basic client/server, php and javascript script organization issue that every web programmer knows how to handle, but like I said, I'm new to all this. I read in the archives about .htaccess etc. etc. but I
bet there's an easier way, and I'm not sure if the stuff I read applies.
the file name extension is completely irrelevant
PHP executes on the server and doesn't care at all about any Javascript
code inside <?php ?> tags must of course be valid PHP code to be executed by PHP
your browser receives whatever the result of your PHP execution is
you can use PHP code to output Javascript or simply have Javascript on the same page outside of <?php ?> tags
only whatever the browser receives matters, so use View Source
look at the browser's Javascript Console to debug client-side Javascript problems
Then I added this code inside the php blocks of the '" as follows:
Dont add your script inside the php block bring it outside php block.
After you are done with script you can reopen php block and write php again
index.php can run javascript, just that You need to echo the javascript code to put it in the page.
Anything that appears inside your php open/close tags has to be echoed or printed to be rendered to the html page. Anything outside your php open/close tags should appear in your html page but whether it works correctly or not is another matter not necessarily related to your php. The php interpreter doesn't run your javascript code, however, so it can't just sit inside your php tags.
Javascript will run inside .php file.
But you have to write outside the tags.
echo "Helloooooo";
function TestingMyFirstScript()
Javascript will execute in a PHP file but not inside of a PHP block. It executes in the server, yes and anything coming from PHP should be printed out to see. You should have the JS code outside of the PHP block and it can be anywhere in the page e.g.
It depends how to mix/match the code but of course keep it clean and easy to read (and debug).
// code here
<script type="text/javascript">
// JS here
// some more code here
Answer to both of your question is that you dont have to create a separate html file to execute your JS code. You can have HTML, JS, and PHP code in the same file. PHP code inside the PHP tags will be processed on the server and replace with HTML. The server generated HTML will be combined with other HTML present on the .php file and sent to the browser as one HTML.
There must be some error in the JS code which is causing the script to fail.
require_once blah blah
<script type="text/javascript">
// some known-good javascript code that displays an image
// other php code
Most of the above comments should help you with your PHP + JS problem. However, if you are still getting errors with your output, try using:
alert("breakpoint 1");
//some code
alert("breakpoint 2");
throughout your Javascript function (it will show you where the code is failing). Good for beginners debugging. Also check out

Javascript in CakePHP

I had one page in Views in CakePHP, it have normal javascript block,
Just inserted:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
Inside page, and it was all working okay...
But now... It doesn't show...
How can I change configuration or something to enable showing javascript blocks without CakePHP commands.
Javascript needs data from that page so I can't use outer file,
and it's too long to use $javascript->codeBlock
Is there any way to reconfigure stupid CakePHP to start showing those blocks?
Some files are showing javascript, and it's working all okay, but some of them won't show...
Please help...
If you mean that you want to view the code when the page is displayed, try surrounding it with <pre>...</pre>
If you mean you want the browser to process the code, then provided you are
actually going to that view file and
the code isn't commented out (<!-- ... --> or <?php /* ?> ... <?php */ ?> etc.) and
the code isn't being obliviated by a php conditional (if ... then ... else... endif)
then it will be there. Try Firefox ctrl-u to view the source.
Also try posting the view code here so that we can give you some sort of informed solution.
