I find IntelliJ is usually great at commenting out code when I highlight it and press Ctrl +/. It handles commenting Java, Scala, Groovy, HTML, Javascript, Typescript, JSPs, JSFs and GSPs perfectly.
I am now trying to use it to edit Drupal's PHP files, which are full of single line PHP blocks. The following is an example. Pressing Ctrl+/ on the following line:
<?php print render($content['body']); ?>
//<?php print render($content['body']); ?>
Can IntelliJ be configured to comment out these single line blocks correctly? Maybe to something like this:
<?php /*print render($content['field_date']);*/ ?>
I am using the Ultimate Edition version 12.
Intellij in not designed for working with PHP. I don't think you can configure how comments are applied.
Two ideas from me:
go for PHPStorm, JetBrains IDE for PHP, and after pressing Ctrl+/ you'll get:
<!-- --> <?php // print render($content['body']); ?>
if you want to stick with Intellij, hit Ctrl+W one or more times inside <?php ?> tags; this will let you select all the contents quickly and then comment them out using Ctrl+Shift+/
I'm using Laravel so all the views are .blade.php files. Visual Studio Code won't format the HTML because of the PHP extension. I removed the "blade" part of the filename, but it still isn't formatting the files properly (via Alt+Shift+F).
I also tried about five extensions, but none of them do the reformatting.
How can I format .blade.php files in Visual Studio Code?
The extension Beautify (from HookyQR) just does it very well. Either add PHP, and any other file extension type, to the configuration. As said by Nico, here is an example:
Go to user settings (Ctrl + Shift + P → User settings (UI) or Ctrl + , (comma)
Search for Beautify in the field above. And click on "Edit in settings.json" for "Beautify: Config".
For the "html" section, add "php" and "blade".
You can invoke it directly. Press F1, and then write Beautify. The auto completion gives you two choices, "Beautify file" and "Beautify selection". Choose the one you need, and it will do the job. That's a straightforward direct way.
You can also add a keybinding to have a keyboard shortcut. Here is how to do it:
Open keybindings.json (go to menu File → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts)
Click in the above. Open and edit file keybindings.json
Add the following into the closed brackets, []
"key": "alt+b",
"command": "HookyQR.beautify",
"when": "editorFocus"
Choose any key you want, and make sure you don't override an existing one. Search first in the left side if it exists or not.
Note that all of those things are well documented in the description of the extension.
Extra: Note about blade
(suite to #Peter Mortensen clarification pinpoint)
blade or blade.php
If you are confused if it's blade or blade.php for the setting! I'll clear it up for you! It's blade! That's vscode keyword for the language!
How do you know ?
First if you open the list of languages as by the image bellow:
Write blade
You can see Laravel Blade (blade)! The language keyword is in the paratheses! blade!
Well but how to check!
Try with blade.php in the settings!
Try to beautify
You'll get an asking context menu for what language (html, css, js)!
So it doesn't works!
To really know ! Put back blade!
And it will work and beautify directly!
How well it works with blade
The awesome answer to that! Is try it, and see for yourself!
But if you ask me! I'll say it does work as with html! It can be too handy! And you may need to fix some lines! Depending on your expectations and your style!
Here an illustration! I screwed the indentation in purpose
And here the beautification result:
Beautify (from HookyQR) does solve this problem!
Many people add "blade.php" and "php" to the HTML configuration. Beautify does not recognize and manually choose an HTML template. Instead, just adding "blade" to the HTML configuration fixes all issues.
I think Beautify (by HookyQR) might do the trick. Just add 'php' and/or 'blade.php' to the HTML section of its configuration to beautify PHP / Blade view files.
It works for me!
If you want something that just works out of the box, add the format nested HTML in PHP files support Visual Studio Code should already have.
It uses all the native settings for html.format, format on save, etc. Give the extension Format HTML in PHP a try. I made it because every other solution made me annoyed, because it didn't work 100%.
I found this extension called Format HTML in PHP that works well for me.
Andrew Schultz mentioned the extension: "Format HTML in PHP".
This is indeed a great extension for format PHP files with HTML markup. It also formats JavaScript code included in PHP files.
Moreover. Good news! The developer is already working successfully to include Laravel blade.php files. In the meantime I format Laravel blade files in Visual Studio Code by switching language manually from Blade to PHP then I use the extension "Format HTML in PHP" with Ctrl + Alt + F or right click. It works great for me.
Using a newish feature in php, vscode seems to format and highlight embedded HTML beautifully. (php 7.3, released after the question was posted) adds what are called "heredoc" and "neardoc" strings. They are well described here: https://andy-carter.com/blog/what-are-php-heredoc-nowdoc.
Basically, you put your HTML in like this:
[php code.....]
<h1>This is a headline</h1>
<p> this is a paragraph. lorem ipsum lorem ipsum blah black </p>
[^ don't forget the ; follow with more php if you want]
it looks just great on screen.
I use Format HTML in PHP which works well in a file containing both HTML and PHP. However it does not appear to format a 'pure' php file such as a Class. So I have also installed Phpfmt, which does a great job with the pure php file but wrecks the indenting in a file with mixed content. Here's an example of what I get:
if (!$logged_in) {
$login_form = 'data-toggle="modal" data-target="#Modal1"';
$href = '#';
} else {
$login_form = '';
$href = 'members';
The opening php tag is correctly aligned with the html. 'I see that under 'Supported Transformations' it says:
AlignPHPCode: Align PHP code within HTML block.
But as you can see from the above, it's not working for me. Any suggestions??
This can be done by using HTML formatting for ".blade.php":
Open Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P (on a PC))
Type "Preferences:Open Settings (JSON)" (this is for opening settings.json)
"files.associations": {
"*.blade.php": "html",
"*.tpl": "html"
This will format .blade.php files as HTML, but it will not remove Blade snippets.
I've just started using Komodo IDE 8.5.4 for editing a PHP project and want to use snippets to quickly type in the PHP start and end tags.
The block snippet does produce this:
and the inline snippet does produce this:
<?php echo $var; ?>
The problem is these only seem to work when used within a PHP code block and not when outside one - which is precisely the opposite of how it should be.
Any suggestions for how to fix this?
Check out your toolbox (View > Tabs & Sidebars > Toolbox), you can move these snippets around there in your Abbreviations folder. Note that these are sample snippets meant for people to get started with, so please make sure you move your Abbreviations folder outside of the "Samples" folder if you intend to use it.
Also note that you can use a snippet anywhere you want, its only the auto-abbreviation part that limits it by language. You could also insert the snippet with the "Invoke" tool (Ctrl+Shift+I).
I am trying to set up sublime text 2 with PHP, but I am having some trouble getting the snippets to work. I have loaded a PHP project and see that the syntax is correctly set to PHP. When I go to preferences -> browse -> packages _>php , I can see a number of PHP snippets that I am unable to activate including $_files $_get ,$post. As far as I can tell, the tab trigger for these are '$_'
but this does not generate any snippets being displayed, when I try it in a php file.
Can anyone give me advice on what to do next?
Thank you,
Works on my Sublime Text 2, but only within the <?php ?> tags, not just in a file called .php.
Typing "$_ + TAB" within <?php ?> tags gives a list of all the $_ Snippets COOKIE, FILES, ENV, etc...
My next steps would be:
Do other Snippets work?
Did you create a Snippet that could overrule the $_ ?
Re-install ;-)
You enabled the source for php, you can only be call this snippet in your php file only.
create new file and save as somename.php
write <?php after
type $_ and hit TAB or Ctrl + Space
It generates the snippet, lets happy coding.
I've just started using Netbeans (7.1.2, php version) to work on a PHP project. Netbeans is really great for editing long stretches of PHP Code.
But in my view files where HTML is mixed up with short bits of PHP I am getting really tired of manually typing:
<?php ?>
In Dreamweaver you just press a button to create these tags, but in Netbeans I can't find anything like a keyboard shortcut. Surely there must be one. Does anybody know what it is?
In Netbeans I had gone to Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Code Templates and looked through all abbreviations for the PHP language. There were lots and lots of abbreviations for pieces of PHP. But the <?php ?> tags weren't there.
After typing out my question it occurred to me that the place such abbreviations would be was for the HTML language instead of PHP. I looked there and there weren't any code templates at all. But it was simple to add one of my own (abbreviation: 'p', expanded text '<?php ?>').
Now when the cursor's in the middle of some HTML, I type p[TAB] and my tags appear!
Thanks to link from #chris in comment above I can change expanded text to <?php echo ${cursor} ?> and the cursor ends up where I want it.
Looked through the guide and didn't see any
I don't think there is, but you can create a macro to do it yourself :)
You just have to click on Edit -> Start Macro Recording then you have to type in <?php ?> and afterwards click on Edit -> Stop Macro Recording.
There isn't one by default. The closest is typing <? and pressing ctrl+space which will suggest you <?php...
Just type php + TAB to have <?php ?> or phpe + TAB for <?php echo ?>
It's works for Netbeans 8 with default Php Package
If you want, you can change that shortcut on Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Code Templates; choose HTML on Language's select box.
I'm using the Zend Framework's javascript helpers of the form:
<?php $this->headScript()->captureStart(); ?>
//Javascript here
<?php $this->headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>
//Rest of view here
The problem is that Netbeans keeps complaining about code problems in the block, because it thinks it's an HTML, rather than a Javascript, block. Plus syntax coloring is broken.
Netbeans already has special comment hinting which you can use to apply a type to a variable when it can't be resolved by Netbeans automatically to tell it that we're writing Javascript in that range, rather than HTML?
Something like this:
<?php $this->headScript()->captureStart(); ?>
//<script type="text/javascript">
var validJSsyntax = true,
netbeansJShighlighting = true,
problem = 'solved';
<?php $this->headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>
Of course it will produce two useless lines in your JS output, but you can modify captureEnd() method to strip those for you.
From my knowledge this functionality is not yet implemented in the current version of NetBeans IDE that is 6.9.1. I can show you a workaround through which you can fool the NetBeans IDE to highlight the Javascript as a script section, and also keeps the PHP processor happy. It will look like following code snippet:
<?php $this->headScript()->captureStart(); ?>
<?php if( false ) {?><script><?php } ?>
// keep Javascript here
<?php if( false ) { ?></script><?php } ?>
<?php $this->headScript()->captureEnd(); ?>
I have tested this in NetBeans IDE 6.9.1
I was actually just reading about this yesterday in their blog:
Their HTML in PHP parsing has been flaky, especially with indenting incorrectly short/alternate form code, but the latest nightly builds (I presume those after 201010060000) have improvements in that area. I haven't tried it yet but give it a shot.
print problematic code with PHP
<script <?PHP echo 'type="text/template"?> id="Template-1">
//your code here
If you print all script tag with PHP, NetBeans perfectlly format HTML tags