I'm having trouble trying to build an array in PHP which will output in the JSON format I am looking for. I will show you what I am trying to achieve and where I have got to so far:
I am looping through db results and trying to build arrays to output the above json, my php looks like this (which is obviously not right yet):
//build the data
$data = array(
'x' => $age_start,
'y' => $ill_type
'x' => $age_end,
'y' => $ill_type
$illnesses[] = $data;
This code outputs the following json:
Any pointers on this would be great!
Basically, if you know your desired JSON output already, you can simply json_decode it to get it's representation in PHP. The var_export function prints the structure in parseable format. You can also use print_r or var_dump to dump the structure though.
$json = <<< JSON
var_export( json_decode($json) );
The above approach is universal. Just decode and dump the structure. Then assemble your code to create this structure and encode.
do this:
$data['data'] = array(
'x' => $age_start,
'y' => $ill_type
'x' => $age_end,
'y' => $ill_type
Looking at the JSON string, you can see that:
it is an array (it is surrounded by [ and ])
each element is an object (surrounded by { and })
the objects have an element data that is itself an array
that array consists of two objects with an x and a y property
It is important to know that a JSON object is represented in PHP by an associative array (when json_encode()'ing, json_decode() has a specific parameter to use either a stdClass or an assoc. array).
So the php structure looks like this:
$data = array(
array('data' => array(array('x' => 3, 'y' => 0), array('x' => 10, 'y' => 0))
,array('data' => array(array('x' => 11, 'y' => 0), array('x' => 13, 'y' => 0))
,array('data' => array(array('x' => 12, 'y' => 1), array('x' => 17, 'y' => 1))
I'm trying to create a PHP script to generate JSON data for a jqplot bubble chart. The jqplot sample code requires data in the format
var arr = [
[45, 92, 1067, {label:"Alfa Romeo", color:'skyblue'}],
My script is along the lines of
while ...
array('label' => $car, 'color' => 'skyblue')
echo json_encode($arrBubble);
The problem is that the result is
[ [11, 123, 1236, "{\"label\":"VW", \"color\":\"skyblue\"}"] ]
The double json_encode has encoded the object(?) as a literal string.
What's the best way to work around this?
There is no reason to explicitly have a json_encode for one of the values inside the array. When you're using json_encode, it'll convert each level of the array as you expect.
['label' => $car, 'color' => 'skyblue']
Outputs the structure you want:
string(48) "[11,123,1236,{"label":"VW","color":"skyblue"}]"
I am looking for a way to parse strings in an array to an array which has a similar pattern to how CakePHP handles POST data. Or even a function in CakePHP that would do it.
Current array:
'data[callers]' => (int) 4,
'data[status]' => 'Unknown',
'data[country_id][107]' => (int) 1,
'data[country_id][150]' => (int) 0
Desired result:
'callers' => (int) 4,
'status' => 'Unknown',
'country_id' => array(
(int) 107 => (int) 1,
(int) 150 => (int) 0
The purpose is saving serialized form data which can later be passed to a PHP function without having to POST the data from the browser.
The data comes from a form which was serialized and saved in the database. CakePHP generates input names in the form with brackets like this: data[country_id][107] and inside the controller you can access it like this $this->request->data['country_id']['107']
But when I serialize the form with javascript and save the raw JSON string in the database I need a way to make it into an array like CakePHP does.
Firstly make sure your array is valid first like:
$data = array (
'callers' => 4,
'status' => 'Unknown',
'country_id' => array(
'107' => 0,
'150' => 0
Now you can json encode it
$json = json_encode($data);
echo $json; // prints: {"callers":4,"status":"Unknown","country_id":{"107":0,"150":0}}
See ^ it is now a string.
Then when you need it as an array call json_decode()
json_decode($data, true);
Note the second parameter is setting return array to true else you will get an the json returned as an object.
when i return a key pair array in php to ajax call at jquery (javascript) end the order i have maintain in php get lost. how to preserve array order.
e.g array('node' => 'abc', 'test' => 'xyz', 'a' => 'xyz') this array disorder to array('a' => 'xyz', 'node' => 'abc', 'test' => 'xyz') in jquery. Any help.
JavaScript has no concept of an associative array as in PHP, so when you JSON encode something, it becomes an object instead. The ordering of object keys isn't important, so relying on them could lead to unexpected behaviour.
If ordering is important, you should consider using a non-associative array with objects (or associative arrays) as values.
$myArray = array(
array('x' => 'node', 'y' => 'abc'),
array('x' => 'test', 'y' => 'xyz'),
array('x' => 'a', 'y' => 'xyz'),
That would encode as:
{"x": "node", "y": "abc"},
{"x": "test", "y": "xyz"},
{"x": "a", "y": "xyz"}
I'm trying to POST an array to a RESTful PHP API. The idea is to allow (n>0) records, each containing a remote_id, a dimension_id and a metric.
Here's my client Python:
data = urllib.urlencode([
("remote_id", 1),
("dimension_id", 1),
("remote_id", 1),
("dimension_id", 2),
response = urllib2.urlopen(url=url, data=data)
And here's my serverside PHP
This returns, predictably:
[remote_id] => 1
[dimension_id] => 2
[metric] => 16
It looks to me like I'm overwriting every instance of remote_id, dimension_id and metric with the final values, which is unsurprising since they're all keyed with identical names.
What's the proper way to do this? I can see a horrible method with unique keys (1_remote_id, 1_dimension_id, 1_metric + 2_remote_id, 2_dimension_id, 2_metric) but that doesn't scale very well.
I guess I'm after something like this PHP, but in Python:
$observations = array();
$observations[] = [
"remote_id" => "a1",
"metric_id" => "foo",
"metric" => 1
$observations[] = [
"remote_id" => "a1",
"metric_id" => "bar",
"metric" => 2
Appreciate any tips!
Don't quote me on this (I haven't done any PHP in a LOOONG time), but this may just work:
data = urllib.urlencode([
("remote_id[]", 1),
("dimension_id[]", 1),
("remote_id[]", 1),
("dimension_id[]", 2),
I would give it a try anyway.
It is possible to put an array into a multi dim array? I have a list of user settings that I want to return in a JSON array and also have another array stored in that JSON array...what is the best way to do that if it isn't possible?
A multi dimension is already an array inside an array. So there's nothing stopping you from putting another array in there. Sort of like dreams within dreams :P
Just use associative arrays if you want to give your array meaning
'SETTINGS' => array(
'arr1' => array( 0, 1),
'arr2' => array( 0, 1)
'DATA' => array(
'arr1' => array( 0, 1),
'arr2' => array( 0, 1)
To answer your comment, $output_files[$file_id]['shared_with'] = $shared_info; translates to (your comment had an extra ] which I removed)
$shared_info = array(1, 2, 3);
$file_id = 3;
$output_files = array(
'3' => array(
'shared_with' => array() //this is where $shared_info will get assigned
//you don't actually have to declare it an empty array. I just did it to demonstrate.
$output_files[$file_id]['shared_with'] = $shared_info; // now that empty array is replaced.
any array key can have an array value in php, as well as in json.
'key' => array(...)
"key" : [...]
note: php doesn't support multidimensional arrays as in C or C++. it's just an array element containing another array.