i was wondering if there is any way to turn my website into a proxy server ..
i found plenty of scripts using PHP but they all require navigating to site in order to use
the proxy, but what i really want is a script that enables me to access the site via browser configuration like in firefox when you enter the IP and port number in the options dialog, is there any kind of scripts that does that ?
any links may help me get quick on the subject are welcomed ..
Thank you,
(and more, ask google)
Is this the kind of proxy software you're looking for? Just plain HTTP proxies in PHP.
Redirect your adapter to this computer's ip and port, its synchronous though so it'll be slow.
$addr = gethostbyname(''); //ip sensitive :((
$server = stream_socket_server("tcp://" . $addr . ":8000", $errno, $errorMessage);
echo "connected to: $addr:8000";
if ($server === false) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException("Could not bind to socket: $errorMessage");
$conns = array( $server ); // connections
$connection = 0;
// loop forever
for (;;) {
$reads = $conns;
// get number of connections with new data
$mod = stream_select($reads, $write, $except, 5);
if ($mod===false) break;
// I have no idea what this does but what im doing here is separating the client ip and port from server 1:1 only!
foreach ($reads as $read) {
if ($read===$server) {
// if a client is connected
if ($client = #stream_socket_accept( $server )) {
echo "\nconnection from " . stream_socket_get_name( $client, true ) . "\n";
$recv = fread($client, 1024);
$rec_arr = explode( ' ', $recv );
echo hex_dump($recv);
if(strpos($recv, "CONNECT ")!==0) {
if( $src = #fopen( $rec_arr[ 1 ], 'rb') ) {
while ($chunk = fread($src, 1024000)) {
#fwrite( $client, $chunk );
$chunk = "";
fclose( $src );
stream_socket_shutdown($client, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);
function hex_dump($data, $newline="\n")
$from = '';
$to = '';
$width = 16; # number of bytes per line
$pad = '.'; # padding for non-visible characters
if ($from==='')
for ($i=0; $i<=0xFF; $i++)
$from .= chr($i);
$to .= ($i >= 0x20 && $i <= 0x7E) ? chr($i) : $pad;
$hex = str_split(bin2hex($data), $width*2);
$chars = str_split(strtr($data, $from, $to), $width);
$offset = 0;
foreach ($hex as $i => $line)
$line = strtoupper( $line );
echo sprintf('%6X',$offset).' : '.implode(' ', str_split($line,2)) . ' [' . $chars[$i] . ']' . $newline;
$offset += $width;
I have used WebSocket in PHP. but somehow it will close after some time(so many requests).
Is it anyway to handle it?
We got following error when we try to run it after stop:
socket_bind(): unable to bind address [10013]: An attempt was made to
access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
in C:\wamp64\www\Websocket\server.php on line 52
Warning: socket_listen(): unable to listen on socket [10022]: An invalid argument was supplied.
in C:\wamp64\www\Websocket\server.php on line 55
Here is my code:
//include 'Triangulate.php';
$filename = 'logs.txt';
class Values
public $distance;
public $rasp_id;
public $rssi;
$host = ''; //host
$port = '9000'; //port
$null = null; //null var
$rasp = array(
47 => array(17, 0),
124 => array(1,6.4),
43 => array(1,0),
44 => array(4.6,2));
//Create TCP/IP sream socket
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
//reuseable port
socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
//bind socket to specified host
socket_bind($socket, 0, $port);
//listen to port
//create & add listning socket to the list
$clients = array($socket);
$distance = array();
$totalbicken = array(array());
//start endless loop, so that our script doesn't stop
while (true) {
//manage multipal connections
$changed = $clients;
//returns the socket resources in $changed array
socket_select($changed, $null, $null, 0, 10);
$fp = fopen($filename, 'a+');
//check for new socket
if (in_array($socket, $changed)) {
$socket_new = socket_accept($socket); //accpet new socket
$clients[] = $socket_new; //add socket to client array
$header = socket_read($socket_new, 1024); //read data sent by the socket
perform_handshaking($header, $socket_new, $host, $port); //perform websocket handshake
socket_getpeername($socket_new, $ip); //get ip address of connected socket
$response = mask(json_encode(array('type' => 'system', 'message' => $ip . ' connected'))); //prepare json data
fwrite ($fp,$response . "\n");
// send_message($response); //notify all users about new connection
// send_message_socket($response, $socket_new);
//make room for new socket
$found_socket = array_search($socket, $changed);
//loop through all connected sockets
foreach ($changed as $changed_socket) {
//check for any incomming data
try {
while (socket_recv($changed_socket, $buf, 1024, 0) >= 1) {
$received_text = unmask($buf); //Unmask Recive data.
fwrite ($fp,"Text receive:" . $received_text . "\n");
$tst_msg = json_decode($received_text); //json decode.
fwrite ($fp,"Json Decord!". "\n");
if (!isset($tst_msg->action)) {
} else {
$user_action = $tst_msg->action; //sender name.
if ($user_action == "distance") { //If action is distance.
$rasp_id = $tst_msg->rasp_id; //get raspberry uniq id.
$beacon_id = $tst_msg->beacon_id; //get beacon id
$distance_temp = $tst_msg->distance; // get distance
$rssi = $tst_msg->rssi; //get RSSI.
fwrite ($fp,isset($distance[$beacon_id]). "\n");
fwrite ($fp,"Get all values!". "\n");
// echo mask(json_encode(array('type'=>'message', 'action'=>'distance', 'beacon_id'=>$beacon_id, 'rasp_id'=>$rasp_id, 'distance'=>$distance)));
if (isset($distance[$beacon_id])) {
$totalbicken[$beacon_id] = count($distance[$beacon_id]); //get total distance of sender beacon
} else {
$totalbicken[$beacon_id] = 0;
if (isset($rasp[$rasp_id])) {
echo "\nRequest from: " . $rasp_id;
$myVal = new Values();
$myVal->distance = $distance_temp;
$myVal->rasp_id = $rasp_id;
$myVal->rssi = $rssi;
$flag = false;
if (isset($distance[$beacon_id])) {
if (count($distance[$beacon_id]) > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($distance[$beacon_id]); $i++) {
$myTempVal = $distance[$beacon_id][$i];
if (($myTempVal->rasp_id) == $rasp_id) {
$flag = true;
$distance[$beacon_id][$i] = $myVal;
if (!$flag) {
$distance[$beacon_id][$totalbicken[$beacon_id]] = $myVal;
} else {
$distance[$beacon_id][$totalbicken[$beacon_id]] = $myVal;
} else {
$distance[$beacon_id][$totalbicken[$beacon_id]] = $myVal;
if (count($distance[$beacon_id]) > 2) {
/*$data = triangulate($rasp[$distance[$beacon_id][0]->rasp_id], $distance[$beacon_id][0]->distance,
$rasp[$distance[$beacon_id][1]->rasp_id], $distance[$beacon_id][1]->distance,
$rasp[$distance[$beacon_id][2]->rasp_id], $distance[$beacon_id][2]->distance);*/
fwrite ($fp,"Before Triangulation!". "\n");
$data = getTrilateration($rasp[$distance[$beacon_id][0]->rasp_id], $distance[$beacon_id][0]->distance,
$rasp[$distance[$beacon_id][1]->rasp_id], $distance[$beacon_id][1]->distance,
$rasp[$distance[$beacon_id][2]->rasp_id], $distance[$beacon_id][2]->distance);
fwrite ($fp,"End Triangulation!". "\n");
$response_text = mask(json_encode(array('type' => 'message', 'action' => 'distance',
'beacon_id' => $beacon_id, 'distance' => $distance[$beacon_id], 'coordinates' => $data)));
fwrite ($fp,"Response: ". $response_text . "\n");
fwrite ($fp,"Break!: ". "\n");
break 2; //exist this loop*/
} catch (Exception $e) {
fwrite ($fp,"Exception: done! \n");
fwrite ($fp,"Exception: ". $e->getMessage(). "\n");
echo "Exception:" . $e->getMessage();
$buf = #socket_read($changed_socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ);
if ($buf === false) { // check disconnected client
// remove client for $clients array
try {
$found_socket = array_search($changed_socket, $clients);
socket_getpeername($changed_socket, $ip);
//notify all users about disconnected connection
$response = mask(json_encode(array('type' => 'system', 'message' => $ip . ' disconnected')));
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Exception:" . $e;
// close the listening socket
$fclose ($fp);
function send_message($msg)
global $clients;
foreach ($clients as $changed_socket) {
#socket_write($changed_socket, $msg, strlen($msg));
return true;
function send_message_socket($msg, $changed_socket)
#socket_write($changed_socket, $msg, strlen($msg));
return true;
//Unmask incoming framed message
function unmask($text)
$length = ord($text[1]) & 127;
if ($length == 126) {
$masks = substr($text, 4, 4);
$data = substr($text, 8);
} elseif ($length == 127) {
$masks = substr($text, 10, 4);
$data = substr($text, 14);
} else {
$masks = substr($text, 2, 4);
$data = substr($text, 6);
$text = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); ++$i) {
$text .= $data[$i] ^ $masks[$i % 4];
return $text;
//Encode message for transfer to client.
function mask($text)
$b1 = 0x80 | (0x1 & 0x0f);
$length = strlen($text);
if ($length <= 125) {
$header = pack('CC', $b1, $length);
} elseif ($length > 125 && $length < 65536) {
$header = pack('CCn', $b1, 126, $length);
} elseif ($length >= 65536) {
$header = pack('CCNN', $b1, 127, $length);
return $header . $text;
//handshake new client.
function perform_handshaking($receved_header, $client_conn, $host, $port)
$headers = array();
$lines = preg_split("/\r\n/", $receved_header);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = chop($line);
if (preg_match('/\A(\S+): (.*)\z/', $line, $matches)) {
$headers[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
$secKey = $headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key'];
$secAccept = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($secKey . '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11')));
//hand shaking header
$upgrade = "HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake\r\n" .
"Upgrade: websocket\r\n" .
"Connection: Upgrade\r\n" .
"WebSocket-Origin: $host\r\n" .
"WebSocket-Location: ws://$host:$port/Websocket/shout.php\r\n" .
socket_write($client_conn, $upgrade, strlen($upgrade));
Thanks in advance!
I have setup Linux environment and test. It is working fine. It might a firewall issue in windows.
As per my knowledge, the newer version of windows (after service pack-3) has some of the RPC rules for connection (Limit of HTTP requests and connection in second) so, that might be an issue.
Please read this.
As of now, change the operating system is the one of a solution.
Thanks & Regards
Jignesh M. Mehta
Is there any way (other than checking for ping responses) to detect when a client stream (I don't know if a stream would be any different from sockets) becomes unavailable (ie there is no longer any connection but no clean disconnection was made)?
Using this code:
#!/usr/bin/env php
$socket = stream_socket_server(
if (!$socket) {
echo 'Could not listen on socket'."\n";
else {
$clients = array((int)$socket => $socket);
$last = time();
while(true) {
$read = $clients;
$write = null;
$ex = null;
foreach ($read as $sock) {
if ($sock === $socket) {
echo 'Incoming on master...'."\n";
$client = stream_socket_accept(
if ($client) {
stream_set_timeout($client, 1);
$clients[(int)$client] = $client;
else {
echo 'Incoming on client '.((int)$sock)."...\n";
$length = 1400;
$remaining = $length;
$buffer = '';
$metadata['unread_bytes'] = 0;
do {
if (feof($sock)) {
$result = fread($sock, $length);
if ($result === false) {
$buffer .= $result;
if (feof($sock)) {
$continue = false;
if (strlen($result) == $length) {
$continue = true;
$metadata = stream_get_meta_data($sock);
if ($metadata && isset($metadata['unread_bytes']) && $metadata['unread_bytes']) {
$continue = true;
$length = $metadata['unread_bytes'];
} while ($continue);
if (strlen($buffer) === 0 || $buffer === false) {
echo 'Client disconnected...'."\n";
stream_socket_shutdown($sock, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);
else {
echo 'Received: '.$buffer."\n";
echo 'There are '.(count($clients) - 1).' clients'."\n";
if ($last < (time() - 5)) {
foreach ($clients as $id => $client) {
if ($client !== $socket) {
$text = 'Yippee!';
$ret = fwrite($client, $text);
if ($ret !== strlen($text)) {
echo 'There seemed to be an error sending to the client'."\n";
if ($socket) {
stream_socket_shutdown($socket, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);
and a sockets client on a different computer, I can connect to the server, send and receive data, and disconnect cleanly and everything functions as expected. If, however, I pull the network connection on the client computer, nothing is detected on the server side - the server keeps on listening to the client socket, and also writes to it without any error manifesting itself.
As I understand it, calling feof($stream) will tell you if the remote socket disconnected, but I'm not absolutely certain about that. I'm using ping/pong myself while continuing to research a solution.
You need to set a socket timeout, in which case you get an error if a client does not respond in a timely fashion.
Check PHP's stream_set_timeout function:
Also check socket_set_option:
and finally, check out this great article on how to use sockets in PHP effectively:
"PHP Socket Programming, done the Right Way™"
Is there any available implementation of POP3/IMAP server in PHP?
I am handling my e-mail service using sendgrid. I am going to store the messages on my server using files/db/whatever and now I'd like to provide full POP3 or IMAP (preferable) access for my users to their mailbox. Is there such implementation in PHP? Or is there any other possibility to run POP3/IMAP in the distributed environment of Windows Azure (assuming I have the mailboxes stored in shared blobs/tables/db)?
Well, just to show that it is in fact possible to write a POP3 server in PHP, here it is. The server does no authentication--or pretty much anything else. It just keep sending the same message over and over. But it works. Thunderbird was able to retrieve messages from it. Totally useless, but sort of cool.
My setup is Apache 2 on Windows with PHP 5.2.
// echo something so fopen() would return
header("Content-type: text/plain");
echo "OK\n";
// listen for incoming connection
$listen_socket = socket_create_listen(110, 1);
$r = $w = $e = array($listen_socket);
$n = socket_select($r, $w, $e, 120);
$client_socket = ($n == 1) ? socket_accept($listen_socket) : null;
// spawn copy of myself
$internal_url = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}:{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}";
$stream_context_options = array (
'http' => array (
'method' => 'GET',
'timeout' => 1
$context = stream_context_create($stream_context_options);
if($f = fopen($internal_url, "rb", 0, $context)) {
if(!$client_socket) {
// timed out
// start handling the session
$read_buffer = "";
$write_buffer = "+OK POP3 server ready\r\n";
$active = true;
$messages = array(
"From: webmaster#example.com\r\nSubject: This is a test\r\n\r\nHello world!\r\n"
$idle_start = time();
while(true) {
$r = $w = $e = array($client_socket);
$n = socket_select($r, $w, $e, 60);
if($n) {
if($r) {
// read from the socket
$read_buffer .= socket_read($client_socket, 128);
$idle_start = time();
if($w) {
if($write_buffer) {
// write to the socket
$written = socket_write($client_socket, $write_buffer);
$write_buffer = substr($write_buffer, $written);
$idle_start = time();
} else if($active) {
$now = time();
$idle_time = $now - $idle_start;
if($idle_time > 10) {
// exit if nothing happened for 10 seconds
} else if($idle_time > 2) {
// start napping when the client is too slow
} else {
if($e) {
if($read_buffer) {
if(preg_match('/(.*?)(?:\s+(.*?))?[\r\n]+/', $read_buffer, $matches)) {
$read_buffer = substr($read_buffer, strlen($matches[0]));
$command = $matches[1];
$argument = $matches[2];
switch($command) {
case 'USER':
$username = $argument;
$write_buffer .= "+OK $username is welcome here\r\n";
case 'PASS':
$message_count = count($messages);
$write_buffer .= "+OK mailbox has $message_count message(s)\r\n";
case 'QUIT':
$write_buffer .= "+OK POP3 server signing off\r\n";
$active = false;
case 'STAT':
$message_count = count($messages);
$mailbox_size = 0;
foreach($messages as $message) {
$mailbox_size += strlen($message);
$write_buffer .= "+OK $message_count $mailbox_size\r\n";
case 'LIST':
$start_index = (int) $argument;
$message_count = count($messages) - $start_index;
$total_size = 0;
for($i = $start_index; $i < count($messages); $i++) {
$total_size += strlen($messages[$i]);
$write_buffer .= "+OK $message_count messages ($total_size octets)\r\n";
for($i = $start_index; $i < count($messages); $i++) {
$message_id = $i + 1;
$message_size = strlen($messages[$i]);
$write_buffer .= "$message_id $message_size\r\n";
$write_buffer .= ".\r\n";
case 'RETR':
$message_id = (int) $argument;
$message = $messages[$message_id - 1];
$message_size = strlen($message);
$write_buffer .= "+OK $message_size octets\r\n";
$write_buffer .= "$message\r\n";
$write_buffer .= ".\r\n";
case 'DELE':
$write_buffer .= "+OK\r\n";
case 'NOOP':
$write_buffer .= "+OK\r\n";
case 'LAST':
$message_count = count($messages) - $start_index;
$write_buffer .= "+OK $message_count\r\n";
case 'RSET':
$write_buffer .= "+OK\r\n";
$write_buffer .= "-ERR Unknown command '$command'\r\n";
} else {
I'm trying to use IMAP function to detach an attachment received from inbox and save into the server directory specified.
I am doing this for all UNSEEN messages but the problem is that it only does for one message only.
Below is the code (I deleted $host,$login,$password variables for obvious reasons):
$type = 'ReadAttachment';
$obj = new $type;
class ReadAttachment
function getdecodevalue($message,$coding) {
switch($coding) {
case 0:
case 1:
$message = imap_8bit($message);
case 2:
$message = imap_binary($message);
case 3:
case 5:
$message = imap_base64($message);
case 4:
$message = imap_qprint($message);
return $message;
function getdata($host,$login,$password,$savedirpath,$delete_emails=false, $read_type="UNSEEN") {
// make sure save path has trailing slash (/)
$savedirpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $savedirpath);
if (substr($savedirpath, strlen($savedirpath) - 1) != '/') {
$savedirpath .= '/';
$mbox = imap_open ($host, $login, $password) or die("can't connect: " . imap_last_error());
$message = array();
$message["attachment"]["type"][0] = "text";
$message["attachment"]["type"][1] = "multipart";
$message["attachment"]["type"][2] = "message";
$message["attachment"]["type"][3] = "application";
$message["attachment"]["type"][4] = "audio";
$message["attachment"]["type"][5] = "image";
$message["attachment"]["type"][6] = "video";
$message["attachment"]["type"][7] = "other";
$emails = imap_search($mbox,$read_type) or die(print_r(imap_last_error()));
$e = imap_search($mbox,$read_type, SE_UID) or die(print_r(imap_last_error()));
foreach($emails as $email_number) {
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $e[$i] , FT_UID) or die(print_r(imap_last_error()));
$parts = $structure->parts;
for($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i++) {
$message["pid"][$i] = ($i);
$part = $parts[$i];
if($part->disposition == "attachment") {
$message["type"][$i] = $message["attachment"]["type"][$part->type] . "/" . strtolower($part->subtype);
$message["subtype"][$i] = strtolower($part->subtype);
$params = $part->dparameters;
$mege = imap_fetchbody($mbox,$email_number,$fpos);
// imap_expunge deletes all tagged messages
Is there something that I could change above?
I'm not sure whether this is the cause of the problem, or if I even understood your code correctly. However I think your $i=0 needs to go inside the foreach loop, and you need to lose the ++$i at the end.
Let's go through it. First, you set $i=0. foreach gets the first message and enters the for loop, which iterates over incrementing values of $i. Let's say that $i is set to 4 when the for loop ends. At that point, ++$i sets it to 5. The foreach iteration ends and the next email should be processed. But this does not happen because $i is still 5, so when you do:
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $e[$i] , FT_UID)
You are picking the wrong email.
Actually looking at the script I think he's using $i in 2 places incorrectly. the $i within the foreach should be a different variable.
for the $structure variable he should use the $i as expected ...
but the mail parts should use a separate variable (I used $p)
i know this is an old post, but it helped me a bit.
function foldersize($path) {
$total_size = 0;
$files = scandir($path);
foreach($files as $t) {
if (is_dir(rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $t)) {
if ($t<>"." && $t<>"..") {
$size = foldersize(rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $t);
$total_size += $size;
} else {
$size = filesize(rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $t);
$total_size += $size;
return $total_size;
function format_size($size) {
$mod = 1024;
$units = explode(' ','B KB MB GB TB PB');
for ($i = 0; $size > $mod; $i++) {
$size /= $mod;
return round($size, 2) . ' ' . $units[$i];
$SIZE_LIMIT = 5368709120; // 5 GB
$sql="select * from users order by id";
while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$disk_used = foldersize("C:/xampp/htdocs/freehosting/".$row['name']);
$disk_remaining = $SIZE_LIMIT - $disk_used;
print 'Name: ' . $row['name'] . '<br>';
print 'diskspace used: ' . format_size($disk_used) . '<br>';
print 'diskspace left: ' . format_size($disk_remaining) . '<br><hr>';
php disk_total_space
Any idea why the processor usage shoot up too high or 100% till the script execution is finish ? Can anything be done to optimize it? or is there any other alternative way to check folder and folders inside it size?
function GetDirectorySize($path){
$bytestotal = 0;
$path = realpath($path);
if($path!==false && $path!='' && file_exists($path)){
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)) as $object){
$bytestotal += $object->getSize();
return $bytestotal;
The same idea as Janith Chinthana suggested.
With a few fixes:
Converts $path to realpath
Performs iteration only if path is valid and folder exists
Skips . and .. files
Optimized for performance
The following are other solutions offered elsewhere:
If on a Windows Host:
$f = 'f:/www/docs';
$obj = new COM ( 'scripting.filesystemobject' );
if ( is_object ( $obj ) )
$ref = $obj->getfolder ( $f );
echo 'Directory: ' . $f . ' => Size: ' . $ref->size;
$obj = null;
echo 'can not create object';
Else, if on a Linux Host:
$f = './path/directory';
$io = popen ( '/usr/bin/du -sk ' . $f, 'r' );
$size = fgets ( $io, 4096);
$size = substr ( $size, 0, strpos ( $size, "\t" ) );
pclose ( $io );
echo 'Directory: ' . $f . ' => Size: ' . $size;
directory size using php filesize and RecursiveIteratorIterator.
This works with any platform which is having php 5 or higher version.
* Get the directory size
* #param string $directory
* #return integer
function dirSize($directory) {
$size = 0;
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory)) as $file){
return $size;
A pure php example.
$units = explode(' ', 'B KB MB GB TB PB');
$SIZE_LIMIT = 5368709120; // 5 GB
$disk_used = foldersize("/webData/users/vdbuilder#yahoo.com");
$disk_remaining = $SIZE_LIMIT - $disk_used;
echo('diskspace used: ' . format_size($disk_used) . '<br>');
echo( 'diskspace left: ' . format_size($disk_remaining) . '<br><hr>');
function foldersize($path) {
$total_size = 0;
$files = scandir($path);
$cleanPath = rtrim($path, '/'). '/';
foreach($files as $t) {
if ($t<>"." && $t<>"..") {
$currentFile = $cleanPath . $t;
if (is_dir($currentFile)) {
$size = foldersize($currentFile);
$total_size += $size;
else {
$size = filesize($currentFile);
$total_size += $size;
return $total_size;
function format_size($size) {
global $units;
$mod = 1024;
for ($i = 0; $size > $mod; $i++) {
$size /= $mod;
$endIndex = strpos($size, ".")+3;
return substr( $size, 0, $endIndex).' '.$units[$i];
function get_dir_size($directory){
$size = 0;
$files = glob($directory.'/*');
foreach($files as $path){
is_file($path) && $size += filesize($path);
is_dir($path) && $size += get_dir_size($path);
return $size;
Thanks to Jonathan Sampson, Adam Pierce and Janith Chinthana I did this one checking for most performant way to get the directory size. Should work on Windows and Linux Hosts.
static function getTotalSize($dir)
$dir = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $dir), '/');
if (is_dir($dir) === true) {
$totalSize = 0;
$os = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3));
// If on a Unix Host (Linux, Mac OS)
if ($os !== 'WIN') {
$io = popen('/usr/bin/du -sb ' . $dir, 'r');
if ($io !== false) {
$totalSize = intval(fgets($io, 80));
return $totalSize;
// If on a Windows Host (WIN32, WINNT, Windows)
if ($os === 'WIN' && extension_loaded('com_dotnet')) {
$obj = new \COM('scripting.filesystemobject');
if (is_object($obj)) {
$ref = $obj->getfolder($dir);
$totalSize = $ref->size;
$obj = null;
return $totalSize;
// If System calls did't work, use slower PHP 5
$files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
foreach ($files as $file) {
$totalSize += $file->getSize();
return $totalSize;
} else if (is_file($dir) === true) {
return filesize($dir);
Even though there are already many many answers to this post, I feel I have to add another option for unix hosts that only returns the sum of all file sizes in the directory (recursively).
If you look at Jonathan's answer he uses the du command. This command will return the total directory size but the pure PHP solutions posted by others here will return the sum of all file sizes. Big difference!
What to look out for
When running du on a newly created directory, it may return 4K instead of 0. This may even get more confusing after having deleted files from the directory in question, having du reporting a total directory size that does not correspond to the sum of the sizes of the files within it. Why? The command du returns a report based on some file settings, as Hermann Ingjaldsson commented on this post.
The solution
To form a solution that behaves like some of the PHP-only scripts posted here, you can use ls command and pipe it to awk like this:
ls -ltrR /path/to/dir |awk '{print \$5}'|awk 'BEGIN{sum=0} {sum=sum+\$1} END {print sum}'
As a PHP function you could use something like this:
function getDirectorySize( $path )
if( !is_dir( $path ) ) {
return 0;
$path = strval( $path );
$io = popen( "ls -ltrR {$path} |awk '{print \$5}'|awk 'BEGIN{sum=0} {sum=sum+\$1} END {print sum}'", 'r' );
$size = intval( fgets( $io, 80 ) );
pclose( $io );
return $size;
I found this approach to be shorter and more compatible. The Mac OS X version of "du" doesn't support the -b (or --bytes) option for some reason, so this sticks to the more-compatible -k option.
$file_directory = './directory/path';
$output = exec('du -sk ' . $file_directory);
$filesize = trim(str_replace($file_directory, '', $output)) * 1024;
Returns the $filesize in bytes.
Johnathan Sampson's Linux example didn't work so good for me. Here's an improved version:
function getDirSize($path)
$io = popen('/usr/bin/du -sb '.$path, 'r');
$size = intval(fgets($io,80));
return $size;
It works perfectly fine .
public static function folderSize($dir)
$size = 0;
foreach (glob(rtrim($dir, '/') . '/*', GLOB_NOSORT) as $each) {
$func_name = __FUNCTION__;
$size += is_file($each) ? filesize($each) : static::$func_name($each);
return $size;
There are several things you could do to optimise the script - but maximum success would make it IO-bound rather than CPU-bound:
Calculate rtrim($path, '/') outside the loop.
make if ($t<>"." && $t<>"..") the outer test - it doesn't need to stat the path
Calculate rtrim($path, '/') . '/' . $t once per loop - inside 2) and taking 1) into account.
Calculate explode(' ','B KB MB GB TB PB'); once rather than each call?
PHP get directory size (with FTP access)
After hard work, this code works great!!!! and I want to share with the community (by MundialSYS)
function dirFTPSize($ftpStream, $dir) {
$size = 0;
$files = ftp_nlist($ftpStream, $dir);
foreach ($files as $remoteFile) {
if(preg_match('/.*\/\.\.$/', $remoteFile) || preg_match('/.*\/\.$/', $remoteFile)){
$sizeTemp = ftp_size($ftpStream, $remoteFile);
if ($sizeTemp > 0) {
$size += $sizeTemp;
}elseif($sizeTemp == -1){//directorio
$size += dirFTPSize($ftpStream, $remoteFile);
return $size;
$hostname = ''; // or 'ftp.domain.com'
$username = 'username';
$password = 'password';
$startdir = '/public_html'; // absolute path
$files = array();
$ftpStream = ftp_connect($hostname);
$login = ftp_login($ftpStream, $username, $password);
if (!$ftpStream) {
echo 'Wrong server!';
} else if (!$login) {
echo 'Wrong username/password!';
} else {
$size = dirFTPSize($ftpStream, $startdir);
echo number_format(($size / 1024 / 1024), 2, '.', '') . ' MB';
Good code!
Object Oriented Approach :
* Returns a directory size
* #param string $directory
* #return int $size directory size in bytes
function dir_size($directory)
$size = 0;
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory)) as $file)
$size += $file->getSize();
return $size;
Fast and Furious Approach :
function dir_size2($dir)
$line = exec('du -sh ' . $dir);
$line = trim(str_replace($dir, '', $line));
return $line;
Code adjusted to access main directory and all sub folders within it. This would return the full directory size.
function get_dir_size($directory){
$size = 0;
$files= glob($directory.'/*');
foreach($files as $path){
is_file($path) && $size += filesize($path);
if (is_dir($path))
$size += get_dir_size($path);
return $size;
if you are hosted on Linux:
passthru('du -h -s ' . $DIRECTORY_PATH)
It's better than foreach
Regarding Johnathan Sampson's Linux example, watch out when you are doing an intval on the outcome of the "du" function, if the size is >2GB, it will keep showing 2GB.
$totalSize = intval(fgets($io, 80));
strtok(fgets($io, 80), " ");
supposed your "du" function returns the size separated with space followed by the directory/file name.
Just another function using native php functions.
function dirSize($dir)
$dirSize = 0;
if(!is_dir($dir)){return false;};
$files = scandir($dir);if(!$files){return false;}
$files = array_diff($files, array('.','..'));
foreach ($files as $file) {
$dirSize += dirSize("$dir/$file");
$dirSize += filesize("$dir/$file");
return $dirSize;
NOTE: this function returns the files sizes, NOT the size on disk
Evolved from Nate Haugs answer I created a short function for my project:
function uf_getDirSize($dir, $unit = 'm')
$dir = trim($dir, '/');
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
trigger_error("{$dir} not a folder/dir/path.", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
if (!function_exists('exec')) {
trigger_error('The function exec() is not available.', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$output = exec('du -sb ' . $dir);
$filesize = (int) trim(str_replace($dir, '', $output));
switch ($unit) {
case 'g': $filesize = number_format($filesize / 1073741824, 3); break; // giga
case 'm': $filesize = number_format($filesize / 1048576, 1); break; // mega
case 'k': $filesize = number_format($filesize / 1024, 0); break; // kilo
case 'b': $filesize = number_format($filesize, 0); break; // byte
return ($filesize + 0);
A one-liner solution. Result in bytes.
$size=array_sum(array_map('filesize', glob("{$dir}/*.*")));
Added bonus: you can simply change the file mask to whatever you like, and count only certain files (eg by extension).
This is the simplest possible algorithm to find out directory size irrespective of the programming language you are using.
For PHP specific implementation. go to: Calculate Directory Size in PHP | Explained with Algorithm | Working Code