Get a number after a character in a string - php

I'm making my own forums and I don't want any BB code on it, but instead my own,
so i've gotten [b][u][img] working etc.
But i'm having problems with [quote=1][/quote] where the number is the user id...
E.G lets say I quote someone
So once I submit my post: (The variable $post would be:)
'[quote=1] Quoted post :P[/quote]'
How would I then get the number out the string? (But not the wrong number -not a number in the quoted post)
(So I could then use str_replace() to replace with a table which makes it looked quoted)
?? :)

\[quote=([0-9]*)\] and grab the captured string $1
$pattern = "{\[quote=([0-9]*)\](.*)\[\/quote\]}";
$subject = $post;
preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches);
//$matches[0] contains the whole string
//$matches[1] contains the id

It is very common to use regular expressions in order to implement BB-Codes. Of course you could use something like str_replace, but you will probably get some problems later.
Use the following pattern to make sure that the quote-tag gets also closed:
Now you should use preg_replace or preg_match to work with it.
For example:
echo preg_replace('/\[quote=(\d+)\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/is',
'<b>\\1 wrote:</b> \\2',
$input = "text [quote=11]my quoted post
[quote=20]my quoted post 2[/quote]";
if(preg_match_all('/\[quote=(\d+)\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/is', $input, $matches)) {

This should work for you.
$post = '[quote=1] Quoted post :P[/quote]';
if (preg_match("/\\[quote=([\d]+)\\]/",$post,$matches)) {
//echo "<pre>".print_r($matches,true)."</pre>";
$quote_user = $matches[1];


Create a function to find a specific word in the title

I have the following title formation on my website:
It's no use going back to yesterday, because at that time I was... Lewis Carroll
Always is: The phrase… (author).
I want to delete everything after the ellipsis (…), leaving only the sentence as the title. I thought of creating a function in php that would take the parts of the titles, throw them in an array and then I would work each part, identifying the only pattern I have in the title, which is the ellipsis… and then delete everything. But when I do that, in the X space of my array, it returns the following:
In position 8 of the array comes the word and the ellipsis and I don't know how to find a pattern to delete the author of the title, my pattern was the ellipsis. Any idea?
$a = get_the_title(155571);
$search = '... ';
if(preg_match("/{$search}/i", $a)) {
echo 'true';
I tried with the code above and found the ellipsis, but I needed to bring it into an array to delete the part I need. I tried something like this:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
global $wpdb;
$title_array = explode(' ', get_the_title(155571));
$search = '... ';
if (array_key_exists("/{$search}/i",$title_array)) {
echo "true";
I started doing it this way, but it doesn't work, any ideas?
If you use regex you need to escape the string as preg_quote() would do, because a dot belongs to the pattern.
But in your simple case, I would not use a regex and just search for the three dots from the end of the string.
Note: When the elipsis come from the browser, there's no way to detect in PHP.
$title = 'The phrase... (author).';
echo getPlainTitle($title);
function getPlainTitle(string $title) {
$rpos = strrpos($title, '...');
return ($rpos === false) ? $title : substr($title, 0, $rpos);
will output
The phrase
First of all, since you're working with regular expressions, you need to remember that . has a special meaning there: it means "any character". So /... / just means "any three characters followed by a space", which isn't what you want. To match a literal . you need to escape it as \.
Secondly, rather than searching or splitting, you could achieve what you want by replacing part of the string. For instance, you could find everything after the ellipsis, and replace it with an empty string. To do that you want a pattern of "dot dot dot followed by anything", where "anything" is spelled .*, so \.\.\..*
$title = preg_replace('/\.\.\..*/', '', $title);

Matching a substring (an apostrophe) in a given word using regex

I have a server application which looks up where the stress is in Russian words. The end user writes a word жажда. The server downloads a page from another server which contains the stresses indicated with apostrophes for each case/declension like this жа'жда. I need to find that word in the downloaded page.
In Russian the stress is always written after a vowel. I've been using so far a regex that is a grouping of all possible combinations (жа'жда|жажда'). Is there a more elegant solution using just a regex pattern instead of making a PHP script which creates all these combinations?
I have a word жажда
The downloaded page contains the string жа'жда. (notice the
apostrophe, I do not before-hand know where the apostrophe in the
word is)
I want to match the word with apostrophe (жа'жда).
P.S.: So far I have a PHP script creating the string (жа'жда|жажда') used in regex (apostrophe is only after vowels) which matches it. My goal is to get rid of this script and use just regex in case it's possible.
If I understand your question,
have these options (d'isorder|di'sorder|dis'order|diso'rder|disor'der|disord'er|disorde'r|disorder‌​') and one of these is in the downloaded page and I need to find out which one it is
this may suit your needs:
$s = "d'isorder|di'sorder|dis'order|diso'rder|disor'der|disord'er|disorde'r|disorder'|disorde'";
$s = explode("|",$s);
$matches = preg_grep("#[aeiou]'#", $s);
running example:
Uhm... Is this ok with you?
function find_stresses($word, $haystack) {
$pattern = preg_replace('/[aeiou]/', '\0\'?', $word);
$pattern = "/\b$pattern\b/";
// word = 'disorder', pattern = "diso'?rde'?r"
preg_match_all($pattern, $haystack, $matches);
return $matches[0];
$hay = "something diso'rder somethingelse";
find_stresses('disorder', $hay);
// => array(diso'rder)
You didn't specify if there can be more than one match, but if not, you could use preg_match instead of preg_match_all (faster). For example, in Italian language we have àncora and ancòra :P
Obviously if you use preg_match, the result would be a string instead of an array.
Based, on your code, and the requirements that no function is called and disorder is excluded. I think this is what you want. I have added a test vector.
// test code
$downloadedPage = "
there is some disorde'r
there is some disord'er in the example
there is some di'sorder in the example
there also' is some order in the example
there is some disorder in the example
there is some dso'rder in the example
$word = 'disorder';
preg_match_all("#".preg_replace("#[aeiou]#", "$0'?", $word)."#iu"
, $downloadedPage
, $result
$result = preg_grep("#'#"
, $result[0]
// the code you need
$word = 'also';
preg_match("#".preg_replace("#[aeiou]#", "$0'?", $word)."#iu"
, $downloadedPage
, $result
$result = preg_grep("#'#"
, $result
Working demo:

Get data out of string

I am going to parse a log file and I wonder how I can convert such a string:
[5189192e][game]: kill killer='0:Tee' victim='1:nameless tee' weapon=5 special=0
into some kind of array:
$log['5189192e']['game']['killer'] = '0:Tee';
$log['5189192e']['game']['victim'] = '1:nameless tee';
$log['5189192e']['game']['weapon'] = '5';
$log['5189192e']['game']['special'] = '0';
The best way is to use function preg_match_all() and regular expressions.
For example to get 5189192e you need to use expression
This says that the first 7 characters are digits last character is e you can change it to fits any letter
it is almost the same but fits every letter in the end
more advanced example with subpatterns and whole details
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('\[[0-9]{7}e\]\[game]: kill killer=\'([0-9]+):([a-zA-z]+)\' victim=\'([0-9]+):([a-zA-Z ]+)\' weapon=([0-9]+) special=([0-9])+\', $str, $matches);
$str is string to be parsed
$matches contains the whole data you needed to be pared like killer id, weapon, name etc.
Using the function preg_match_all() and a regex you will be able to generate an array, which you then just have to organize into your multi-dimensional array:
here's the code:
$log_string = "[5189192e][game]: kill killer='0:Tee' victim='1:nameless tee' weapon=5 special=0";
preg_match_all("/^\[([0-9a-z]*)\]\[([a-z]*)\]: kill (.*)='(.*)' (.*)='(.*)' (.*)=([0-9]*) (.*)=([0-9]*)$/", $log_string, $result);
$log[$result[1][0]][$result[2][0]][$result[3][0]] = $result[4][0];
$log[$result[1][0]][$result[2][0]][$result[5][0]] = $result[6][0];
$log[$result[1][0]][$result[2][0]][$result[7][0]] = $result[8][0];
$log[$result[1][0]][$result[2][0]][$result[9][0]] = $result[10][0];
// $log is your formatted array
You definitely need a regex. Here is the pertaining PHP function and here is a regex syntax reference.

Locate text in string in PHP

I have a string of varying length taken from a MySQL database and in that string is a value (in bold below):
s:1:"4", s:2:"53", s:3:"7", s:4:"5"
I need a way to find whatever is in quotes following the s:3:. So in this example, it would be 7. I've looked around and I think I need to use the explode function but I am having trouble implementing it. The string may contain multiple values of this in which case I'd like to get them all into an array.
Use preg_match_all() for that:
$str = 's:1:"4", s:2:"53", s:3:"7", s:4:"5"';
if(preg_match_all('/s:3:"(.*?)"/', $str, $matches)) {
Non-greedy method, includes multi-lines.
$str = 's:1:"4", s:2:"53", s:3:"7", s:4:"5"';
if(preg_match_all('!s:3:"([^"]+)"!s', $str, $matches)) {

Saving strings in quotes (") using regex

I've got a simple string that looks like a:104:{i:143;a:5:{s:5:"naz";s:7:"Alb";s:10:"base"}} and I'd like to save all text in quotation mark cleaning it of things like s:5 and stuff using regex. Is this possible?
Want to get everything between quotes? use: ".*" as your search string (escape " characters as required)
..also you can check out for more help with regex. (It's got a great tool where you can test input text, RE, and see what you get out)
As long as the double quotes are matched, the following call
will give you all the text between the quotes as array of strings in $matches[1]
function session_raw_decode ($data) {
$vars = preg_split('/([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff^|]*)\|/', $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$result = array();
for($i = 0; isset($vars[$i]); $i++)
$result[$vars[$i++]] = unserialize($vars[$i]);
return $result;
I have this snippet somewhere found on my server... (no idea from where it is or if I have it written myself)
You can use it and do:
$json = json_encode(session_raw_decode($string));
This should do the job.
