The documentation for Netsuite is quite lacking, they cover the basics and then let you loose to explore. Anyone without a vast knowledge of PHP trying to use their php toolkit would be on their knees begging for mercy.
At any point throughout this whole project it's been trail and error and trying to make sense out of everything until stuff started to work.
I'm stumped on assigning custom fields to sales orders, I know it has to be an object of an object of an object in order for it to tier down the xml for the soap to take over but what with what with what?
I have some code I worked that is getting somewhere but it is complaining it's not the right RecordRef type. If anyone worked with Netsuite and feels my pain please lend me your knowledge before I pull out all my hair.
Thanks in advance.
$customFields = array('internalId' => 'custbody_new_die_yn','value' => array('name' => 'custbody_new_die_yn','internalId' => 'NO'));
$customObject = new nsComplexObject("SelectCustomFieldRef");
$salesOrderFields = array(
'entity' => new nsRecordRef(array('internalId' => $userId)),
'paymentMethod' => array('internalId' => 8),
'ccNumber' => 4111111111111111,
'ccExpireDate' => date("c", mktime(0,0,0,11,1,2011)),
'ccName' => 'Test Testerson',
'itemList' => array(
'item' => array(
'item' => array('internalId' => 5963),
'quantity' => 5
'department' => new nsRecordRef(array('internalId' => 1)),
'class' => new nsRecordRef(array('internalId' => 47)),
'customFieldList' => $customObject
I am not familiar using PHP with Netsuite but I have done a good amount of c#/.net Netsuite work. As Craig mentioned I find it much easier using a language such c#/.net with a Visual Studio generated interface to figure out what is available in the Netsuite SuiteTalk web service API.
There is a fair amount of documentation around this stuff in the NetSuite Help Center - by no means everythign you will need but a good start. Netsuite Help Center
Check out the SuiteFlex/SuiteTalk (Web Services) section specifically this page on Ids & References.
Using Internal Ids, External Ids, and References
With that said I will try to help with a .net example & explanation of adding a custom field to a Sales Order.
Here are a few examples of adding different CustomFieldRefs:
//A list object to store all the customFieldRefs
List<CustomFieldRef> oCustomFieldRefList = new List<CustomFieldRef>();
//List or Record Type reference
SelectCustomFieldRef custbody_XXX_freight_terms = new SelectCustomFieldRef();
custbody_XXX_freight_terms.internalId = "custbody_XXX_freight_terms";
ListOrRecordRef oFreightTermsRecordRef = new ListOrRecordRef();
oFreightTermsRecordRef.internalId = <internalId of specific record in Netsuite>;
//See the References link above for more info on this - trying to figure out typeId caused me a lot of pain.
oFreightTermsRecordRef.typeId = <internalId of the List Record Type in Netsuite>;
custbody_XXX_freight_terms.value = oFreightTermsRecordRef;
//Freeform text sorta field
StringCustomFieldRef objStringCustomFieldRef = new StringCustomFieldRef();
objStringCustomFieldRef.internalId = "custbody_XXX_tracking_link";
objStringCustomFieldRef.value = "StringValue";
//Checkbox field type
BooleanCustomFieldRef custbody_XXX_if_fulfilled = new BooleanCustomFieldRef();
custbody_XXX_if_fulfilled.internalId = "custbody_XXX_if_fulfilled";
custbody_XXX_if_fulfilled.value = true;
//By far the most complicated example a multi-select list referencing other records in Netsuite
MultiSelectCustomFieldRef custrecord_XXX_transaction_link = new MultiSelectCustomFieldRef();
//internal id of field you are updating
custrecord_XXX_transaction_link.internalId = "custrecord_XXX_transaction_link";
List<ListOrRecordRef> oListOrRecordRefList = new List<ListOrRecordRef>();
ListOrRecordRef oListOrRecordRefItemFulfillment = new ListOrRecordRef(); = "Item Fulfillment";
oListOrRecordRefItemFulfillment.internalId = <ItemFulfillmentInternalId>;
//Item Fulfillment is record type (Transaction -30) - this is from the above Reference links
oListOrRecordRefItemFulfillment.typeId = "-30";
ListOrRecordRef oListOrRecordRefSalesOrder = new ListOrRecordRef(); = "Sales Order";
oListOrRecordRefSalesOrder.internalId = <SalesOrderInternalId>;
//Sales Order is record type (Transaction -30) - this is from the above Reference links
oListOrRecordRefSalesOrder.typeId = "-30";
//Add array of all the ListOrRecordRefs to the MultiSelectCustomFieldRef
custrecord_XXX_transaction_link.value = oListOrRecordRefList.ToArray();
//And then add all these to the Custom Record List (Array) on the Sales Order Record
objSalesOrder.customFieldList = oCustomFieldRefList.ToArray();
From what I can tell in your above example I think your issue is with the ListOrRecordRef typeId. Its hard to tell from your example what typeId you are referencing but if you can figure that out and set the TypeId on your SelectCustomFieldRef I think that should fix your issue.
The Custom Field Ref Internal ID is the reference ID on the record you are trying to update. This can be found in the Transaction Body fields for that record within Netsuite.
The Internal ID for the ListOrRecordRef is the internal ID for the actual list item or record that you want to attach to the previously mentioned record
The typeID for the ListOrRecordRef is the internal ID for the custom list/record. This is the parent ID for the previous internal ID, and is not inherently tied to the original record.
I am trying to add a new option to PodioCategoryItemField using the podio php api
$field = new \PodioCategoryItemField('test');
$field->add_value( array(
'value'=>array( 'status'=>'active','text' =>'some label','color'=>'#FFF' )
I can't get it to work. I have to set an id in the array, but if I do, I get an error that the option is not valid ( offcourse, I try to create a new one )
Any ideas on this?
Im new to coding and web development as it is and diving into the deep end with API's is a thing i wish i never had done! However being said i have progressed further than expected. I am now having problems when trying to add custom fields to the add contact feature. Im trying to get the code to add the hidden form input fields when the user hits my thankyou page. I dont want to use Getresponses own Form builder for my main page so it was better to use the API. I have the code running perfectly when it comes to just adding the contact however when i add the set_contact_customs the code does not execute and fails with the following error: (Request have return error: Array) So i understand its to do with the set_contact_customs array however im clueless as to what it is i have done wrong.. Any advice and help is greatly appreciated as i am still learning the basics so picking up on what you experts say is a great learning curve. Thanks.
--- Below is the working version without the set_contact_customs ----
// Add contact to selected campaign id
$result_contact = $client->add_contact(
array (
'campaign' => 'My-Camp-ID',
'name' => $fullname,
'email' => $emailaddress
echo "<p style='color: blue; font-size:24px;'>No Errors, Contact and Custom Fields have been added...</p>";
catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
--- Here is the code that causes the problems (with set_contact_customs) ----
// Add contact to selected campaign id
$result_contact = $client->add_contact(
array (
'campaign' => 'My-Camp-ID',
'name' => $fullname,
'email' => $emailaddress
$result_contact = $client->set_contact_customs(
'Survey Type' => $surveytype,
'Survey Cost' => $surveycost
echo "<p style='color: blue; font-size:24px;'> Contact Added </p>";
catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
API 2 doesn't really exist: in GetResponse they say version "1.5.0 - this is last JSON/RPC version of our API", especially if you were speaking 10 months ago. Now they are preparing to beta-test v3. So I will assume you were speaking about 1.5 and answer about it (I'm not familiar with v3, maybe there it's different).
You must send contact id with set_contact_customs, and you didn't.
When it says, "request error: array", it doesn't relate to your array (even though the problem is in your array, because you don't send in it contact id), they are sending an array as a response with error messages.
I'd love to tell you, where to get the contact id in order to send it, but I'm looking for it myself now. :)
Ok, I combined it from pieces all over the internet, and now here's the working format.
You don't need to add_contact and then update it, you can do it in one go, adding the 'customs' parameter to the add_contact call (GR say, that we shouldn't expect for the contact to be added immediately, so you might not even get whom to update, if you call that function right away).
The fields for add_contact are described here.
The 'customs' parameter should look differently. Instead of:
'Survey Type' => $surveytype,
'Survey Cost' => $surveycost
it should be:
array( 'name' => 'Survey Type', 'content' => $surveytype ),
array( 'name' => 'Survey Cost', 'content' => $surveycost )
By the way, from what I tested, - blessedly, you don't need to define in GR UI those custom fields first, whatever you send, will be added or updated (in their limits for the custom field names and values).
I got error, when tried to send one custom field with empty content, when calling add_contact. When I sent it with set_contact_customs, I didn't get any error; I wanted to see, if it would delete the field or field value - it didn't do a thing.
If you still wish to update the existing contact, here's how to send the contact id with the update call:
$result = $client->set_contact_customs(
$api_key, array(
'contact' => $contact_id,
'customs' => $custom_fields_array
To first find contact id, you should call get_contacts. And since it's been said (I haven't tested it), that in different campaigns contacts with the same email address have different contact id, you should pass both the campaign, and the email with it.
As you can see, campaign can be sent in 'campaigns' parameter (then campaign id, that you got for add_contact, should be used), or in 'get_campaigns' (then the campaign name or even prefix can be used).
Here's the call with campaign id, for your code:
$result = $client->get_contacts(
$api_key, array(
'campaigns' => array( 'My-Camp-ID' ),
'email' => array( 'EQUALS' => $emailaddress )
To retrieve contact id from get_contacts, do the same as recommended for retrieving campaign id:
$contact_id = array_pop( array_keys( $result ) );
if ( empty( $contact_id ) ) {
//still not ok
else {
//you can call set_contact_customs
In order for that error message to be more descriptive, instead of just 'Request have return error: Array', open your jsonRPCClient.php, which you most surely include in your file with these GR function calls, and look for the following line:
!is_null($response['error']) => 'Request have return error: ' . $response['error'],
and replace it with the following, at least:
!is_null($response['error']) => 'Request have returned error: ' . var_export($response['error'], true),
Now your code will use the beloved var_export function and if you make a mistake, you will see in your error log something like:
Request have returned error: array (
'message' => 'Invalid params',
'code' => -32602,
I dedicate this thorough answer to all those, who helped me endlessly here on StackOverflow, just giving their answers to someone else's questions, sometimes years ago. Thank you! Hopefully my answer will save someone time, efforts, and mood, too. :)
Looking for some help adding sort by Rating in Magento. I have added code snippets to toolbar.php which seem to add the sort by Rating but when trying to select it, it gets stuck until I reload the page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Code can be found below: This is the Toolbar.php file.
// Begin new Code
// End new Code
// Add rating to "Sort by"
$_availableOrder = $this->_availableOrder;
$_availableOrder['rating'] = 'Rating';
return $_availableOrder;
$this->_availableOrder = array(
‘rating_summary’ => Mage::helper(’catalog’)->__(’Rating’),
‘price’ => Mage::helper(’catalog’)->__(’Price’),
‘newest’ => Mage::helper(’catalog’)->__(’Newest’),
‘name’ => Mage::helper(’catalog’)->__(’Name’)
Best is to make this in a module but here you go:
First we shall alter the way products are retrieved from the database, to include the overall rating (shown as the number of stars on the product) along with the rest of the product attributes. Copy the file app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List.php to app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Block/Product/List.php and open it for editing.
In the new List.php file find the following line (around line 86):
$this->_productCollection = $layer->getProductCollection();
After this add the following:
$this->_productCollection->joinField('rating_summary', 'review_entity_summary', 'rating_summary', 'entity_pk_value=entity_id', array('entity_type'=>1, 'store_id'=> Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()), 'left');
Now we need to add in an option so that the customer can select "Rating" as an attribute to sort by. Copy the file app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Config.php to app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Config.php and edit.
In the new Config.php file find the following code (which should start around line 298):
$options = array(
'position' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Position')
Replace with code with:
$options = array(
'position' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Position'),
'rating_summary' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Rating')
Now when viewing categories on your website you should have an option of "Rating" in addition to the others. Note that the sort order defaults to ascending so the lowest rated products will be displayed first. The sort order can be changed by the customer by clicking the arrow next to the drop-down box. Aside from this caveat the new sort is fairly easy to implement and extends the usefulness of the ratings.
I was able to add features as children to initiatives by updating the parent field of the feature to point to the initiative (add features to initiative as children (php api))
I assumed this would be the same way to do add user stories as children to features -- by updating the field of the user story to point to its feature.
This is the code that's giving me errors:
$rally->update("story", $story['ObjectID'], array('Parent' => $feature['ObjectID']));
This is the error I'm getting:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RallyApiError' with message 'Could not read: Could not read referenced object 13317970914'
It seems like it's not letting me reference the feature ID..why is this happening?
You may update PortfolioItem field on a story.
In WS API doc Parent field on a Hierarchical Requirement(a.k.a. story) is expected to be another Hierarchical Requirement. It cannot be a Feature.
Also, Feature field on a story is read-only, and UserStories collection on Feature is read-only. That leaves us with the option to update PortfolioItem field on a story.
Here is a Ruby code that illustrates it:
#rally =
obj = {}
obj["Name"] = "new story efd"
new_s = #rally.create("hierarchicalrequirement", obj)
query =
query.type = "portfolioitem"
query.fetch = "Name,FormattedID"
query.workspace = {"_ref" => "" }
query.project = {"_ref" => "" }
query.query_string = "(FormattedID = \"F22\")"
result = #rally.find(query)
feature = result.first
field_updates={"PortfolioItem" => feature}
I am having a tough time and have spent like 4 hrs trying to debug this. I am new to PHP, but did not expect this to be so hard.
This is the code, i am trying to update a contact table. i tried upsert and update nothign seems to work
this is the update" version of the code.
$id = '003A000000XRVFxIAP';
$updateFields = array (
'Id' => $id,
'MailingCity' => 'New York',
'MailingState' => 'NY'
$sObject1 = new SObject();
//$sObject1->fields = $updateFields;
//$sObject1->MailingCity= 'New York';
$sObject1->type = 'Contact';
$updateResponse = $client->update(array($sObject1),'Contact');
$myID = $updateResponse->id;
Strict Standards: Creating default object from empty value in C:\xampp\htdocs\Proj1\ForceToolkit\soapclient\SforceEnterpriseClient.php on line 89 INVALID_FIELD: No such column 'fields' on entity 'Contact'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. Error Info SoapFault exception: [sf:INVALID_FIELD] INVALID_FIELD: No such column 'fields' on entity 'Contact'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. in C:\xampp\htdocs\Proj1\ForceToolkit\soapclient\SforceBaseClient.php:508 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\Proj1\ForceToolkit\soapclient\SforceBaseClient.php(508): SoapClient->__call('update', Array) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\Proj1\ForceToolkit\soapclient\SforceBaseClient.php(508): SoapClient->update(Object(stdClass))
#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\Proj1\ForceToolkit\soapclient\SforceEnterpriseClient.php(90): SforceBaseClient->_update(Object(stdClass))
#3 C:\xampp\htdocs\Proj1\createAccount.php(95): SforceEnterpriseClient->update(Array, 'Contact') #4 {main}
Looking at your trace you appear to be using the enterprise client and I can assume enterprise WSDL. This is strongly typed and you should be using the WSDL specific to your Salesforce org. If you are not using the WSDL downloaded from your org it will not have the correct objects and fields defined within it.
I would recommend using the partner client and partner WSDL. This is loosely typed and far more flexible. It would be easier to work with particularly if you aren't familiar with the PHP or the webservices.
The following should do your update...
$sObject1 = new stdClass();
$sObject1->type = 'Contact';
$sObject1->Id = $id;
$sObject1->fields['MailingCity'] = 'New York';
$sObject1->fields['MailingState'] = 'NY';
$updateResponse = $client->update( array( $sObject1 ) );
catch( Exception $exception )
// Do something
Note that the Id is a property of $sObject and not a value in the fields array. Also there is no need to specify the 'Contact' in your update call as you have it set in the type property of $sObject.
When using the Enterprise WSDL, don't create a new SObject, just create a new stdClass. See the examples in the PHP Getting Started Guide; SObjects are only for use with the partner WSDL.
I have encountered the same issue updating while using the Enterprise client. I experienced the same issue while updating a custom field on an Account object.
The issue that I had with the SObject was that it tried to update a parameter called 'fields' during the update. With the Enterprise WSDL not including that field, I used unset() to remove the 'fields' attribute from the SObject.
I appreciate this is a bit of a hacky solution, but it could come in useful for others that encounter this issue.
$sUpdateObject = new SObject();
$sUpdateObject->id = $record->Id;
$sUpdateObject->MyCustomField__c = 0;
$updateResponse = $mySforceConnection->update(array($sUpdateObject), 'Account');