I'm using hostfact https://www.hostfact.nl for our billing. Now I want to extend the code and get a loop on executing the internalAPI in hooks.php. I tried to find an answer in the documentation https://www.hostfact.nl/developer/api/ but without success.
// When a client is edited, the bankParameters are checked and validated.
// That is only an example
function action_debtor_is_edited($parameters){
$params = array(
'DebtorCode' => $parameters['DebtorCode']
$hostfactResult = internalAPI('debtor', 'show', $params);
$bankParams = array(
'Identifier' => '2',
'AccountNumber' => 'AT6734080000000000',
'AccountBank' => 'test bank',
'AccountCity' => 'city',
'AccountBIC' => 'RLNODASD'
$bankResult = internalAPI('debtor', 'edit', $bankParams);
I've already asked the support and got follwoing answer:
One of the option is keeping track of the situation. For example, use
a static or global variable. When you call an (internal)API call from
a webhook, first flag that variable, so in the newly called webhook
you know that is not needed to execute the webhook again (at least not
the part which causes the loop). In the original call, after receiving
the result, the flag can be unset again.
My Problem is, I'm new to PHP and don't understand what I should do to avoid the loop. The $bankParams variable is intentionally hardcoded.
Can you help?
There is currently 25k+ users we have in database. All users are subscribed to a common topic All.
I have two directories inside public_html. First is for API built in codeigniter. This API is used to provide data for all adnroid and iOS devices.
Second directory is for admin panel built in Laravel. We use it to upload data and also to send notification to firebase topics.
Both API and Admin Panel share same database.
If we send notification to topics which is not subscribed by much
users, there is no issue. But If I send notificaiton to a topic
which has much users It causes problems on our backend. The API
stops responding, or sometimes takes too long to respond.
Sometimes also admin panel stops responding too.
I am so confused because all the things are handled by firebase. I just make one API call.
Can anyone explain what's causing the problem?
Or any possible reason?
use Kreait\Firebase\Messaging;
use Illuminate/Support/Http/Request;
trait UserTrait {
public function notify(Request $request, Messaging $messaging) {
$message_hi = array(
"notification_type" => $notification_type,
"notification_title" => $notification_title_hi,
"icon_image" => $icon_image,
"notification_description" => $request->notificationText_hi,
"image_url" => $request->image_url,
$message = array(
"notification_type" => $notification_type,
"notification_title" => $notification_title,
"icon_image" => $icon_image,
"notification_description" => $request->notificationText,
"image_url" => $request->image_url,
$commodityIdArray = $request->cId
//to send all
if($request->notification_type == 1) {
['topic' => 'All', 'data' => $message],
['topic' => 'All_hi', 'data' => $message_hi],
} else {
//to send to a fourite topic subscribed by some users
//Prepare Condition for both hindi and english users
$topic_condition = "";
$topic_condition_hi = "";
foreach($commodityIdArray as $topic) {
$topic_condition .="'".$topic."' in topics && ";
$topic_condition_hi.="'".$topic."_hi' in topics &&";
//send notification to hindi and english topics
['condition' => substr($topic_condition, 0, -3), 'data' =>
['condition' => substr($topic_condition_hi, 0, -3), 'data' =>
Use Queue
You have to use a Queue which set your process in queue and when one process completes, the second one starts
you can also set number of retries of your process
I am using SugarCRM Pro 6.5.5
I need to create a Quote and add Products to it with the REST API. All bundles > Prof the set_entry's work, and the set_relationship for ProductBoducts works fine. But, set_relationship for Quotes > ProductBundles does not work.
Here is my input for ProductBundles > Products: this works fine
Here is my input for Quotes > ProductBundles: this does not work
BUT it still returns:
But, no record is created in the product_bundle_quote table.
I have dug into the Sugar code a little, and found something interesting.
In service/core/SoapHelperWebService.php on line 735, is this:
$mod->$link_field_name->add($related_ids, $name_value_pair);
Which calls the add method in file data/Relationships/M2MRelationship.php on line 118. Interestingly, $lhsLinkName is NULL, which causes the method to return false. Here is a snippet:
public function add($lhs, $rhs, $additionalFields = array())
$lhsLinkName = $this->lhsLink;
$rhsLinkName = $this->rhsLink;
if (empty($lhs->$lhsLinkName) && !$lhs->load_relationship($lhsLinkName))
$lhsClass = get_class($lhs);
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("could not load LHS $lhsLinkName in $lhsClass");
return false;
if (empty($rhs->$rhsLinkName) && !$rhs->load_relationship($rhsLinkName))
$rhsClass = get_class($rhs);
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("could not load RHS $rhsLinkName in $rhsClass");
return false;
It returns FALSE in the first if() block, which means the record is never created.
Also, this shows up in my log:
[2139][1][FATAL] could not load LHS in ProductBundle
So yeah, I'm stuck here. I tried searching for everything I could, including the error, but I haven't found anything helpful.
This is a Sugar bug, which will be fixed in the 6.7 release. In the meantime, check out this forums post for the code fix.
This does turn out to be a Sugar Bug, but not the one in the other answer. It's actually related to this bug: Bug 32064. They were able to provide me with a custom module that I could upload and activate to address the issue before release 6.7 when this is slated to be addressed officially. You'll probably want to contact SugarCRM directly for this workaround, depending on your time frame.
I was having the same issue and in order to resolve that i added the below mentioned code in product bundles vardef and it's start working fine.
'quotes' =>
array (
'name' => 'quotes',
'type' => 'link',
'relationship' => 'product_bundle_quote',
You have to link the quote to products too.
make sure in your quote vardef there's the following:
'products' =>
array (
'name' => 'products',
'type' => 'link',
'relationship' => 'quote_products',
'vname' => 'LBL_PRODUCTS',
and in your webservice, set the relationship between quote and products
It works for me.
I've recently implemented a PayPal IPN into CodeIgniter2, using the PayPal Lib. I'm using the system for subscriptions.
I have a table in my database that records all IPN requests in the database.
For some reason, after every sign up the IPN requests aren't coming through properly. I tend to get one subscr_payment along with several subscr_signups, all with the same subscr_id. It's causing untolds amount of hassle within the system, for obvious reasons. What adds to this, is the fact that the IPN requests don't come in the correct order, sometimes I get the subscr_payment before the subscr_signup - making it impossible to track as there's no subscr_id from the sign up to link it to a user.
I've had a Google and can't find much on this, I seem to be a little bit of an anomaly. I'm wondering if it's something to do with the PayPal Lib I'm using, but I don't really want to have to do it outside of CodeIgniter, as I am doing a lot of processing. Below is the full IPN script.
class Paypal extends CI_Controller {
function _construct()
function ipn()
if ($this->paypal_lib->validate_ipn())
$paypal_id = $this->paypal_model->add_paypal_ipn($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data);
// Split the 'custom' field up, containing ID of temp user, ID of package and coupon
$custom = explode(';', $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['custom']);
# subscription sign up
if($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_type'] == 'subscr_signup') {
// Activate user/move from temp > live
$this->users_model->move_temp($custom[0], $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_id']);
} # end subscr_signup
# subscription payment
if($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_type'] == 'subscr_payment') {
// Grab the coupon info, if we have one
$discount = 1;
$couponinfo = $this->coupons_model->get_coupon($custom[2]);
$discount = $couponinfo->discount;
// Grab the package info
$package = $this->packages_model->get_package($custom[1]);
$price = $package->monthly * $discount; // Calculate discount, 0.8 = 20% off
// Does the price calculated match the gross price? If not something fishy is going on, block it
if($price != $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_gross']){
mail(CONTACT_EMAIL, SITE_NAME.' failed payment attempt, possible hack', 'Price paid doesnt match price computed... paid: '.$this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_gross'].' - price worked out: '.$price."\n\n".print_r($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data, true));
// Grab the user's details based on the subscr_id
$user = $this->users_model->get_user_by_subscr_id($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_id']);
// Add payment to the payments table
$data = array(
'user_id' => $user->user_id,
'subscr_id' => $user->subscr_id,
'txn_id' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_id'],
'amount' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_gross'],
'package_id' => $custom[1],
'coupon' => (empty($custom[2]) ? '' : $custom[2])
// Set (forced) user as active, and update their current active package
$data1 = array(
'package_id' => $custom[1],
'active' => 1
$this->users_model->update_user($data1, $user->user_id);
} # end subscr_payment
# subscription failed/cancelled
if($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_type'] == 'subscr_cancel' || $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_type'] == 'subscr_failed') {
// Grab user
$user = $this->users_model->get_user_by_subscr_id($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_id']);
// Make user inactive
$data = array('active' => 0);
$this->users_model->update_user($data, $user->user_id);
} # end subscr_cancel|subscr_failed
# subscription modified/payment changed
if($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_type'] == 'subscr_modify') {
// Grab the coupon info, if we have one
$discount = 1;
$couponinfo = $this->coupons_model->get_coupon($custom[2]);
$discount = $couponinfo->discount;
// Grab the package info
$package = $this->packages_model->get_package($custom[1]);
$price = $package->monthly * $discount; // Calculate discount, 0.8 = 20% off
// Does the price calculated match the gross price? If not something fishy is going on, block it
if($price != $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_gross']){
mail(CONTACT_EMAIL, SITE_NAME.' failed payment attempt, possible hack', 'Price paid doesnt match price computed... paid: '.$this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_gross'].' - price worked out: '.$price."\n\n".print_r($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data, true));
// Grab the user's details based on the subscr_id
$user = $this->users_model->get_user_by_subscr_id($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_id']);
// Add payment to the payments table
$data = array(
'user_id' => $user->user_id,
'subscr_id' => $user->subscr_id,
'txn_id' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_id'],
'amount' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_gross'],
'package_id' => $custom[1],
'coupon' => (empty($custom[2]) ? '' : $custom[2])
// Set (forced) user as active, and update their current active package
$data1 = array(
'package_id' => $custom[1],
'active' => 1
$this->users_model->update_user($data1, $user->user_id);
} # end subscr_modify
Below is an example of the calls made to my IPN for each transaction (CSV).
1,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 16:19:43
2,9XM95194MM564230E,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_payment,2011-02-03 16:19:45
3,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 16:19:57
4,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 16:20:19
6,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 16:21:03
7,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 16:22:25
8,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 16:25:08
10,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 16:30:33
12,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 16:41:16
14,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 17:02:42
16,NULL,I-FMUK0B5KJWKA,subscr_signup,2011-02-03 17:45:26
Consider this - PayPal is insert profanity. Now revisit the problem.
The chances are this isn't your fault, or CodeIgniter's or the Library's. PayPal is very bad at giving data in a uniform and timely manner, it is also slow and doesn't link data together very well.
My advice to you is save everything into an IPN table whenever a callback is made, even email yourself when ever an IPN call is made. Then work to try and figure out what PayPal is actually sending you, what you want and throw out the rest.
I think an IPN call is made even if the transaction has nothing to do with your web site. So if your Grandma sends you your Christmas money via PayPal it'll appear on the IPN callback.
Hope that helps a bit.
paypal isn't exactly easy to use but let me share 3 tips totackle the problems you are facing.
1) Create a table to store all IPN response from PayPal. Make sure you have a column called "raw" that stores EVERYTHING... do "json_encode($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data)". This will save you... since you can later write a script to pull out data from the raw column into it's own column down the road. This also helps with debugging.
2) For a start just pull out what is necessary out into columns of the ipn table so you can query easily... here's everything I've deem necessary for my use case which is probably similar to yours.
'invoice' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['invoice'],
'txn_type' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_id'],
'parent_txn_id' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['parent_txn_id'],
'txn_type' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['txn_type'],
'item_name' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['item_name'],
'item_number' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['item_number'],
'quantity' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['quantity'],
'exchange_rate' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['exchange_rate'],
'settle_amount' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['settle_currency'],
'settle_amount' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['settle_amount'],
'mc_currency' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_currency'],
'mc_fee' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_fee'],
'mc_gross' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_gross'],
'payment_date' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payment_date'],
'payment_status' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payment_status'],
'payment_type' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payment_type'],
'pending_reason' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['pending_reason'],
'reason_code' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['reason_code'],
'subscr_id' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_id'],
'subscr_date' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_date'] ? mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', strtotime($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_date'])) : NULL,
'subscr_effective' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_effective'] ? mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', strtotime($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_effective'])) : NULL,
'period1' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['period1'],
'period2' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['period2'],
'period3' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['period3'],
'amount1' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['amount1'],
'amount2' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['amount2'],
'amount3' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['amount3'],
'mc_amount1' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_amount1'],
'mc_amount2' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_amount2'],
'mc_amount3' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['mc_amount3'],
'recurring' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['recurring'],
'reattempt' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['reattempt'],
'retry_at' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['retry_at'] ? mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', strtotime($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['retry_at'])) : NULL,
'recur_times' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['recur_times'],
'payer_id' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payer_id'],
'payer_email' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payer_email'],
'payer_status' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payer_status'],
'payer_business_name' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payer_business_name'],
'ipn_track_id' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['ipn_track_id'],
'raw' => json_encode($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data_arr),
'test_ipn' => $this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['test_ipn']
don't copy my code above since it's only meant to give you some rough ideas... if you do adapt my code do also ensure ipn_data function is like this (else you will get tons of errors)
function ipn_data($key)
return isset($this->fields[$key]) ? $this->fields[$key] : NULL;
to understand all the possible stuff they can send back this link is gold
but ^sigh^ don't trust it to be updated. i have found inconsistencies in what they doc says and what they sent back to me.
3) OK this i have to admit is another silly thing that paypal does - they don't give you an IPN date even tho' they don't guarantee the order in which it arrives at your server. For subscr_payment they give you payment_date... for subscr_signup they give you subscr_date... so what you need to do to get your IPN in the correct order is to have a column called ipn_date.
'ipn_date' => isset($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payment_date']) ?
mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', strtotime($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['payment_date'])) :
(isset($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_date']) ?
mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', strtotime($this->paypal_lib->ipn_data['subscr_date'])) : NULL),
now all is cool, you can "order by ipn_date" and I assure you everything will be in the correct order.
p.s. note the my first example code doesn't have this column, but it IS meant to be there. i'm just copying and pasting my development code to give you an idea.
What I do is ignore the signup ones and just process (create new user etc) on the actual payment transaction. And I wouldn't bother storing all those IPN trans. Have your IPN script send you an EMail on every one of them though, with an echo of all the fields posted. Then you'll have a record of them.
I've got some problem with symfony form value (i guess it's the clean value, but not so clear yet). Here's the problem :
I got a sfFormDateJQueryUI widget setup like this in my form :
'needDate' => new sfWidgetFormDateJQueryUI(),
'needDate' => new sfValidatorDate(array(
'required' => true,
'date_format' => '/^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4}$/',
'date_output' => 'd/m/Y'
Then when i submit, say 26/06/2010, it turns out right in the HTTP Header (viewed via Firebug) and $request (i just print it). But after i get the value via
$formVal = $form->getValues();
the date value in $formVal["needDate"] become today's date (03/06/2010). I really don't understand, and after checking in the API documentation it says that the getValues will return the 'cleaned' value. Is that because of it ? I don't understand what's 'clean'.
Thanks before..
Somehow I solved the problem.
It turns out that the value can't validate, so when I changed the validator to:
'needDate' => new sfValidatorRegex(array(
'pattern' => '/^[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4}$/'
everything works fine.