I try to pull out the number string from google and clean it up.
$q="35 meter in inch";
$query = explode (" ",$q);
$package = file_get_contents("$googleUrl");
$content = preg_replace('/.*<h2[^>]* style="font-size:138%"><b>|<\/b><\/h2>.*/si', "", $package) ;
$number = explode (" ",$content);
$result = str_replace(' ','',$number[3]);
echo $result;
however, the number i've got has a space.
I tried to replace it with needles " " or "  ;". Or utf8_encode, decode $content. None of them works.
As for the solution to your problem, the best answer is to replace anything that is not a number or punctuation using preg_replace(); Try this:
$q="35 meter in inch";
$query = explode (" ",$q);
$package = file_get_contents("$googleUrl");
$content = preg_replace('/.*<h2[^>]* style="font-size:138%"><b>|<\/b><\/h2>.*/si', "", $package) ;
$number = explode (" ",$content);
$result = preg_replace("/[^\d.]/", '', $number[3]);
echo $result;
But you may want to look into using google.com/ig/calculator. It should save a lot on bandwidth and save you having to pull a full Google Results page and replace on it: http://www.google.com/ig/calculator?hl=en&q=35%20meter%20in%20inch
$q="35 meter in inch";
$query = explode (" ",$q);
$content = file_get_contents("$googleUrl");
preg_match("/rhs:\s\"(.*)\",error/", $content, $number);
$num = explode(" ", $number[1]);
$num = preg_replace("/[^\d.]/", '', $num[0]);
echo $num;
Probably because it's not really a space, even though it looks like it. You could try replacing all \w with the regular expression.
hi the space before <?php tag it it there in your code too? then that might be giving the space check that!
This is not a space you are trying to remove, it is "à" that is not visible in browser. You can also check these things by using your php script by commandline. You can use html entities function and then replace according to that
I have a string with a large list with items named as follows:
str = "f05cmdi-test1-name1
So the first 4 characters are random characters. And I would like to have an output like this:
As you can see the first characters from the string needs to be replaced with a ' and every line needs to end with ',
How can I change the above string into the string below? I've tried for ours with 'strstr' and 'str_replace' but I can't get it working. It would save me a lot of time if I got it work.
Thanks for your help guys!
Here is a way to do the job:
$input = "f05cmdi-test1-name1
$result = preg_replace("/.{4}(\S+)/", "'$1',", $input);
echo $result;
Where \S stands for a NON space character.
EDIT : I deleted the above since the following method is better and more reliable and can be used for any possible combination of four characters.
So what do I do if there are a million different possibillites as starting characters ?
In your specific example I see that the only space is in between the full strings (full string = "f05cmdi-test1-name1" )
str = "f05cmdi-test1-name1 f06dmdi-test2-name2";
$result_array = [];
// Split at the spaces
$result = explode(" ", $str);
foreach($result as $item) {
// If four random chars take string after the first four random chars
$item = substr($item, 5);
$result_array = array_push($result_arrray, $item);
Resulting in:
$result_array = [
IF you would like a single string in the style of :
Then you can simply do the following:
$result_final = "'" . implode("','" , $result_array) . "'";
This is doable in a rather simple regex pattern
$str = "f05cmdi-test1-name1
$str = preg_replace("~[a-z0-9]{1,4}mdi-test([0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+)~", "'mdi-test\\1',", $str);
echo $str;
Alter to your more specific needs
Hi i am tying to get clean date but there is some thing wrong.
Here is my code.
$in = 'Kb 06/11/2001';
$result = preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", $in);
echo $result;
Output is
i need output 06/11/2001
Match the slash as well to get the clean date /[^0-9\/]+/
$result = preg_replace("/[^0-9\/]+/", "", $in);
You could also make use of simple array functions in PHP. [A regex alternative]
$in = 'Kb 06/11/2001';
echo $arr= array_pop(explode(' ',$in)); //"prints" 06/11/2001
The code explodes your text by space and then pops your last element which is your date.
I have a small problem. I am tryng to convert a string like "1 234" to a number:1234
I cant't get there. The string is scraped fro a website. It is possible not to be a space there? Because I've tried methods like str_replace and preg_split for space and nothing. Also (int)$abc takes only the first digit(1).
If anyone has an ideea, I'd be greatefull! Thank you!
This is how I would handle it...
$string = "Here! is some text, and numbers 12 345, and symbols !£$%^&";
$new_string = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $string);
echo $new_string // Returns 12345
intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $input))
Scraping websites always requires specific code, you know how you receive the input - and you write code that is required to make it usable.
That is why first answer is still str_replace.
$iInt = (int)str_replace(array(" ", ".", ","), "", $iInt);
$str = "1 234";
$int = intval(str_replace(' ', '', $str)); //1234
I've just came into the same issue, however the answer that was provided wasn't covering all the different cases I had...
So I made this function (the idea popped in my mind thanks to Dan) :
function customCastStringToNumber($stringContainingNumbers, $decimalSeparator = ".", $thousandsSeparator = " "){
$numericValues = $matches = $result = array();
$regExp = null;
$decimalSeparator = preg_quote($decimalSeparator);
$regExp = "/[^0-9$decimalSeparator]/";
preg_match_all("/[0-9]([0-9$thousandsSeparator]*)[0-9]($decimalSeparator)?([0-9]*)/", $stringContainingNumbers, $matches);
$matches = $matches[0];
foreach($matches as $match):
$numericValues[] = (float)str_replace(",", ".", preg_replace($regExp, "", $match));
$result = $numericValues;
if(count($numericValues) === 1)
$result = $numericValues[0];
return $result;
So, basically, this function extracts all the numbers contained inside of a string, no matter how many text there is, identifies the decimal separator and returns every extracted number as a float.
One can specify what decimal separator is used in one's country with the $decimalSeparator parameter.
Use this code for removing any other characters like .,:"'\/, !##$%^&*(), a-z, A-Z :
$string = "This string involves numbers like 12 3435 and 12.356 and other symbols like !## then the output will be just an integer number!";
$output = intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $string));
Confounded. I've been using the below IF PREG_MATCH to distinguish between words which entire words and words which are parts of other words. It has suddenly ceased to function in this script, and any other script I use, which depend on this command.
The result is it finds parts of words, although you can see it is explicitly told to find only entire words.
$word = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/", " ", $word);
if (preg_match('#\b'.$word.'\b#',$goodfile) && (trim($word) != "")) {
$fate = strpos($goodfile,$word);
print $word ." ";
print $fate ."</br>";
If you only want to read the first word of a line of a text file, like your title suggests, try another method:
// Get the file as an array, each element being a line
$lines = file("/path/to/file");
// Break up the first line by spaces
$words = explode(" ", $lines[0]);
// Get the first word
$firstWord = $words[0];
This would be faster and cleaner than explode and you won't be making any array
$first_word = stristr($lines, ' ', true);
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312');
$html = file_get_html('http://www.souyishop.com/shop_gkq5/1280/products.aspx?sku=1351249&shbid=20358');
$price = $html->find('span[id=Product_main1_Label5]');
$price = str_replace(" ", "", str_replace("¥", "", str_replace("元", "", $price[0])));
echo (int)$price . "<br>";
Basically, I'm trying to fetch the price ¥ 32 元 and I remove the currency and white space. After that I try to convert the string to int so that I can do calculation later. Guess what, I get 0. :(
Somethign like this isnt going to work:
echo intval('¥ 32');
So try replacing all nondigits
echo (int)preg_replace( '~\D~', '', $str );
Use a regular expression in this case:
$re = preg_match('/(\d+)/', $str, $matches);
$price = $matches[1];
That str_replace chain is cumbersome
A more elegant solution is to pull out all numbers with preg_match
$price = preg_match('/[0-9]+/i', $price, $matches);
I think you should first echo $price without and int conversion to determine if you are actually replacing the string items you think you are, this is probably why it returns 0.
Chinese encoding requires special handling.
try using the html code for the char (yen = ¥) see: http://www.starr.net/is/type/htmlcodes.html