Hi i m trying to get url of user's profile pic so I use following code
$userinfo = $facebook->api("/me/picture?type=large");
but instead of returning url it returns NULL. Please help me why this is happening.
Thank you.
This is how we can get actual picture url
$headers = get_headers($URL, 1); // make link request and wait for redirection
if(isset($headers['Location'])) {
$URL = $headers['Location']; // this gets the new url
$url_arr = explode ('/',$URL);
$ct = count($url_arr);
$name = $url_arr[$ct-1];
$name_div = explode('.', $name);
$ct_dot = count($name_div);
$img_type = $name_div[$ct_dot -1];
$pos = strrpos($img_type, "&");
$pieces = explode("&", $img_type);
$img_type = $pieces[0];
$imagename = imgnameyouwant'.'.$img_type;
$content = file_get_contents($URL);
file_put_contents("fbscrapedimages/$imagename", $content);
If you know the [uid], you can simply use the following code
<img src="http://graph.facebook.com/[UID]/picture" />
You can also crop/resize the profile picture by providing height/width parameters.
Eg: https://graph.facebook.com/[UID]/picture?width=140&height=140
If you want to use standard sizes, try
<img src="http://graph.facebook.com/[UID]/picture?type=large" />
where type is one of {square,small,large}
i have decoded json to php array like this :
$text = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i62Zjga8JOM";
$last_url = "http://youtubeinmp3.com/fetch/?format=JSON&video=".$text;
$mp3_url = file_get_contents($last_url);
$var = json_decode($mp3_url, true);
$echo $var['link'];
no it shows link in this format :
if you open this url a file will download. but on this code it just show s link not the content of that!
how can i do this ?
$text = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i62Zjga8JOM";
$last_url = "http://youtubeinmp3.com/fetch/?format=JSON&video=".$text;
$mp3_url = file_get_contents($last_url);
$var = json_decode($mp3_url, true);
echo "<audio src=".$var['link']." controls></audio>";
I'm new to php and i'm facing this problem. Need some help in matching the youtube views preg_match.
The below codes posted are the codes i made for the preg match but these are not working. Can anyone help me out.
$data = $row['data'];
$type = "YouTube Views";
$file = #file_get_contents($data);
$ccnt = $mfc[1];
$data = $row['data'];
$type = "YouTube Views";
$file = #file_get_contents($data) or die("YouTube Offline ? :/");
$ccnt = $mfc[1];
$data = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPmhFrwDJTo
I need the preg_match to get the current count of views in the youtube video. I'm really sorry for the bad grammar.
Don't use regex for parsing HTML. Use a DOM Parser instead. It'll be more efficient.
In this case, you can simple use the Youtube API:
$video_ID = 'BPmhFrwDJTo';
$JSON = file_get_contents("https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/{$video_ID}?v=2&alt=json");
$JSON_Data = json_decode($JSON);
$views = $JSON_Data->{'entry'}->{'yt$statistics'}->{'viewCount'};
echo $views.' views';
I have a small problem with my tweets script. But for some reason, I don't know what the error could be. This is the error it gives me:
$url = "http://www.twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/{$username}.xml?count={$number}";
$tweets = file_get_contents($url);
$feed = new SimpleXMLElement($tweets);
function time_stamp($date){
if (empty($date)){
return "No date provided";
and on the index.php page, it'll show this code:
$username = "user";//your twitter username
$number = 3;//number of tweets
include ("{$dir}/php/tweets.php");
Do you guys know what it is that I'm doing wrong?
You don't need file_get_contents()
$url = "http://www.twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/{$username}.xml?count={$number}";
$feed = simplexml_load_file($url);
Also, twitter made some changes not too long ago so your URL needs to look like this:
$url = "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/{$username}.xml?count={$number}";
Check this discussion.
You can use JSON easy and faster than XML
And to get content you can use
Curl => Faster
like this
$url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?include_entities=true&include_rts=true&screen_name=abdullaheid&count=3'
$x = file_get_contents( $url ) ; // Using file get contents
$object = json_decode( $x ) ;
$array = (array) $object ;
print_r( $array ) ;
I am able to access my user image from FB with graph api by accessing the user id like so: https://graph.facebook.com/<USER_ID>/picture
However for my code to work, i need the real path to the image like http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc6/******_**************_********_q.jpg
FBs doc shows that by adding ?callback=foo i can get an output, but in practice it doesnt seem to work.
any suggestions for getting the full path to my image with that .jpg extension from graph api or with the user id, thank you.
Callback is for javascript requests,
For php,try appending a redirect=false in url.
Do a curl request to,
If you want to use callback in js,
$.getJSON('https://graph.facebook.com/zuck/picture?callback=?',function (resp) {
$headers = get_headers($URL, 1); // make link request and wait for redirection
if(isset($headers['Location'])) {
$URL = $headers['Location']; // this gets the new url
$url_arr = explode ('/',$URL);
$ct = count($url_arr);
$name = $url_arr[$ct-1];
$name_div = explode('.', $name);
$ct_dot = count($name_div);
$img_type = $name_div[$ct_dot -1];
$pos = strrpos($img_type, "&");//many time you got in url
$pieces = explode("&", $img_type);
$img_type = $pieces[0];
$imagename = imgnameyouwant'.'.$img_type;
$content = file_get_contents($URL);
file_put_contents("fbscrapedimages/$imagename", $content);
I am using a bit.ly shortener for my custom domain. It outputs http://shrt.dmn/abc123; however, I'd like it to just output shrt.dmn/abc123.
Here is my code.
//automatically create bit.ly url for wordpress widgets
function bitly()
//login information
$url = get_permalink(); //for wordpress permalink
$login = 'UserName'; //your bit.ly login
$apikey = 'API_KEY'; //add your bit.ly APIkey
$format = 'json'; //choose between json or xml
$version = '2.0.1';
//generate the URL
$bitly = 'http://api.bit.ly/shorten?version='.$version.'&longUrl='.urlencode($url).'&login='.$login.'&apiKey='.$apikey.'&format='.$format;
//fetch url
$response = file_get_contents($bitly);
//for json formating
if(strtolower($format) == 'json')
$json = #json_decode($response,true);
echo $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'];
else //for xml formatting
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
echo 'http://bit.ly/'.$xml->results->nodeKeyVal->hash;
As long as it is supposed to be url and if there is http:// - then this solution is the simplest possible:
$url = str_replace('http://', '', $url);
Change your following line:
echo $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'];
for this one:
echo substr( $json['results'][$url]['shortUrl'], 7);
You want to do a preg_replace.
$variable = preg_replace( '/http:\/\//', '', $variable ); (this is untested, so you might also need to escape the : character ).
you can also achieve the same effect with $variable = str_replace('http://', '', $variable )