I am able to access my user image from FB with graph api by accessing the user id like so: https://graph.facebook.com/<USER_ID>/picture
However for my code to work, i need the real path to the image like http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc6/******_**************_********_q.jpg
FBs doc shows that by adding ?callback=foo i can get an output, but in practice it doesnt seem to work.
any suggestions for getting the full path to my image with that .jpg extension from graph api or with the user id, thank you.
Callback is for javascript requests,
For php,try appending a redirect=false in url.
Do a curl request to,
If you want to use callback in js,
$.getJSON('https://graph.facebook.com/zuck/picture?callback=?',function (resp) {
$headers = get_headers($URL, 1); // make link request and wait for redirection
if(isset($headers['Location'])) {
$URL = $headers['Location']; // this gets the new url
$url_arr = explode ('/',$URL);
$ct = count($url_arr);
$name = $url_arr[$ct-1];
$name_div = explode('.', $name);
$ct_dot = count($name_div);
$img_type = $name_div[$ct_dot -1];
$pos = strrpos($img_type, "&");//many time you got in url
$pieces = explode("&", $img_type);
$img_type = $pieces[0];
$imagename = imgnameyouwant'.'.$img_type;
$content = file_get_contents($URL);
file_put_contents("fbscrapedimages/$imagename", $content);
How can I get the final destination URL for an Airbnb short-link URL in PHP? (e.g. https://abnb.me/Vt3MA7vVyM)
Using Redirect Detective, I can see that the link gets redirected three times:
file_get_contents() follows the redirections defined in the HTTP response. But, there is a redirection in JavaScript using window.top.location. So, you can parse it using strpos() and a simple preg_match():
$url = 'https://abnb.me/Vt3MA7vVyM';
$ret = file_get_contents($url);
$pos = strpos($ret, 'window.top.location');
if ($pos !== false) {
$str = substr($ret, $pos);
$str = preg_match('~validate\("([^"]*)~', $str, $matches);
echo html_entity_decode($matches[1]);
I am having trouble getting Cloudfront videos to play when using a signed url. If I do NOT require a signed URL, everything works fine. Here is the code that signs the url:
function rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename)
$signature = "";
// load the private key
$fp = fopen($private_key_filename, "r");
$priv_key = fread($fp, 8192);
//echo $priv_key;
$pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);
// compute signature
openssl_sign($policy, $signature, $pkeyid);
// free the key from memory
//echo $signature;
return $signature;
function url_safe_base64_encode($value)
$encoded = base64_encode($value);
// replace unsafe characters +, = and / with
// the safe characters -, _ and ~
return str_replace(
array('+', '=', '/'),
array('-', '_', '~'),
// No restriction
$download_url = "http://URL-DIST-NOT-REQUIRING-SIGNEDURL.cloudfront.net/myvideo.mp4";
//This is just a flag to aid in switching between the 2 testing distributions
if($restrict) {
$download_url = "http://URL-DIST-REQUIRING-SIGNEDURL.cloudfront.net/myvideo.mp4";
$DateLessThan = time() + (24*7*60*60);
$policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"'.$download_url.'","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":'.$DateLessThan.'}}}]}';
$private_key_file = "/path/to/privatekey.pem";
$signature = rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_file);
$signature = url_safe_base64_encode($signature);
$final_url = $download_url.'?Policy='.url_safe_base64_encode($policy).'&Signature='.$signature.'&Key-Pair-Id='.$key_pair_id;
echo $final_url;
In the above, if I use the Cloudfront distribution that requires a signed URL (by passing in $restrict=1) then I get an error, "Video not found". In console I see that the GET request for the video was canceled (Status Text: cancelled... weirdly I see this twice). If I use the Distribution that doe NOT require a signed URL everything works fine and the video loads correctly.
What am I missing? The distributions are identical except for the requiring of the signed URL and they both use the same Amazon S3 bucket source for the video.
The player is flowplayer(HTML5) but since it works fine without the signed url I would assume the player isn't the problem.
Please see my answer here: Amazon S3 signed url not working with flowplayer
Hopefully that will help.
In my case, I needed to remove the "mp4:" prefix before signing the url, and then add it back on again.
I have a series of Rackspace Cloud Files CDN URLs stored which reference an HTTP address and I would like to convert them to the HTTPS equivalent.
Rackspace Cloud Files CDN URLs are in the following format:
http://c186397.r97.cf1.rackcdn.com/CloudFiles Akamai.pdf
And the SSL equivalent for this URL would be:
https://c186397.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/CloudFiles Akamai.pdf
The changes to the URL are (source):
HTTP becomes HTTPS
The second URI segment ('r97' in this example) becomes 'ssl'
The 'r00' part seems to vary in length (as some are 'r6' etc.) so I'm having trouble converting these URLs to HTTPS. Here's the code I have so far:
function rackspace_cloud_http_to_https($url)
//Replace the HTTP part with HTTPS
$url = str_replace("http", "https", $url, $count = 1);
//Get the position of the .r00 segment
$pos = strpos($url, '.r');
if ($pos === FALSE)
//Not present in the URL
return FALSE;
//Get the .r00 part to replace
$replace = substr($url, $pos, 4);
//Replace it with .ssl
$url = str_replace($replace, ".ssl", $url, $count = 1);
return $url;
This however does not work for URLs where the second segment is of a different length.
Any thoughts appreciated.
I know this is old, but if you are using this library: https://github.com/rackspace/php-opencloud you can use the getPublicUrl() method on the object, you just need to use the following namespace
use OpenCloud\ObjectStore\Constants as Constant;
// Code logic to upload file
$https_file_url = $response->getPublicUrl(Constant\UrlType::SSL);
Try this:
function rackspace_cloud_http_to_https($url)
$urlparts = explode('.', $url);
// check for presence of 'r' segment
if (preg_match('/r\d+/', $urlparts[1]))
// replace appropriate segments of url
$urlparts[0] = str_replace("http", "https", $urlparts[0]);
$urlparts[1] = 'ssl';
// put url back together
$url = implode('.', $urlparts);
return $url;
return false;
Hi i m trying to get url of user's profile pic so I use following code
$userinfo = $facebook->api("/me/picture?type=large");
but instead of returning url it returns NULL. Please help me why this is happening.
Thank you.
This is how we can get actual picture url
$headers = get_headers($URL, 1); // make link request and wait for redirection
if(isset($headers['Location'])) {
$URL = $headers['Location']; // this gets the new url
$url_arr = explode ('/',$URL);
$ct = count($url_arr);
$name = $url_arr[$ct-1];
$name_div = explode('.', $name);
$ct_dot = count($name_div);
$img_type = $name_div[$ct_dot -1];
$pos = strrpos($img_type, "&");
$pieces = explode("&", $img_type);
$img_type = $pieces[0];
$imagename = imgnameyouwant'.'.$img_type;
$content = file_get_contents($URL);
file_put_contents("fbscrapedimages/$imagename", $content);
If you know the [uid], you can simply use the following code
<img src="http://graph.facebook.com/[UID]/picture" />
You can also crop/resize the profile picture by providing height/width parameters.
Eg: https://graph.facebook.com/[UID]/picture?width=140&height=140
If you want to use standard sizes, try
<img src="http://graph.facebook.com/[UID]/picture?type=large" />
where type is one of {square,small,large}
I am trying to automate the process of authenticating LinkedIn login in order to perform a public search for people on LinkedIn.
First i will try to explain what i was doing.
I am using four files:
oAuth.php (required)
linkedin.php (php LinkedIn library)
auth.php (which gets oAuth token from the LinkedIn lib file)
callback url demo.php?params (which, after successful authenticaton, prints the current user's profile and the search results using params)
The authentication url is https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=$oauthtoken.
I did two things, neither seems to work; they are:
I am using curl to automate the process of going to the authentication url, posting fields (username, password, oauth token, csrfToken, duration, sourceAlias, etc., which I came to know from Firebug).
The only two things which change here are oauth token and csrfToken (by parsing the content in the authentication url). I was able to get both, each time the page loads, and finally trying to print the GET response from curl_exec.
Trying to post just the email and password, and trying to print a GET response.
For reference here is my auth.php:
function extract_unit($string, $start, $end)
$pos = stripos($string, $start);
$str = substr($string, $pos);
$str_two = substr($str, strlen($start));
$second_pos = stripos($str_two, $end);
$str_three = substr($str_two, 0, $second_pos);
$unit = trim($str_three); // remove whitespaces
return $unit;
$config['base_url'] = 'http://linkedin.tweetrank.tk/auth.php';
$config['callback_url'] = 'http://linkedin.tweetrank.tk/demo.php';
$config['linkedin_access'] = 'my key';
$config['linkedin_secret'] = 'my secret';
include_once "linkedin.php";
# First step is to initialize with the consumer key and secret. We'll use
# an out-of-band oauth_callback
$linkedin = new LinkedIn($config['linkedin_access'], $config['linkedin_secret'], $config['callback_url']);
//$linkedin->debug = true;
# Now we retrieve a request token. It will be set as $linkedin->request_token
$_SESSION['requestToken'] = serialize($linkedin->request_token);
# With a request token in hand, we can generate an authorization URL, which
# we'll direct the user to
//echo "Authorization URL: " . $linkedin->generateAuthorizeUrl() . "\n\n";
echo $url = $linkedin->generateAuthorizeUrl();
$token = $linkedin->generateAuthorizeToken();
//echo '<br><br>';
$data = file_get_contents($url);
$csrfToken = extract_unit($data,'name="csrfToken" value="','"');
//echo $csrfToken;
//echo $token;
//echo 'https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token='.$token.'&trk=uas-continue';
$postParams = 'email=myemail&password=mypassword&duration=720&authorize=Ok%2C+I%27ll+Allow+It&extra=&access=-3&agree=true&oauth_token='.$token.'&appId=&csrfToken='.$csrfToken.'&sourceAlias=0_8L1usXMS_e_-SfuxXa1idxJ207ESR8hAXKfus4aDeAk';
Now I used the authentication URL and the postParams with curl.
In order to get login process through, one has to use linkedIn web page authorization step; No way we can have third party app accepting credentials and making linkedIn authorization with the link https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=$oauthtoken
I think I understand what you are asking and the answer is no you cannot do that with LinkedIn. I have been facing similar problem recently and wasn't able to solve it. I guess the LinkedIn guys have a good point about data protecting and stuff.
Check this out: