Image lib - can`t reduce the quality of a image - php

Im trying to reduce the quality of uploaded image. Here is my code
$image_config['source_image'] = 'file.jpg';
$image_config['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE;
$image_config['quality'] = '30%';
$image_config['width'] = 1680;
$image_config['height'] = 1050;
$this->load->library('image_lib', $image_config);
The problem is so image has the same quality as the file.jpg etc it is not reduced.

I face same problem and I found something in image library file.
system/libraries/image_library.php line 455
if ($this->dynamic_output === FALSE)
if ($this->orig_width == $this->width AND $this->orig_height == $this->height)
if ($this->source_image != $this->new_image)
if (#copy($this->full_src_path, $this->full_dst_path))
#chmod($this->full_dst_path, FILE_WRITE_MODE);
return TRUE;
This code ignore image rendering if width and height of destination image is the same as the source image.
Remove the above code and it should works.

Hey Nick, have you tried to display the errors?
if ( ! $this->image_lib->resize())
echo $this->image_lib->display_errors();
Possible errors I can think of : not giving the correct path to the file or not having installed one of the 3 image libraries (GD/GD2, NetPBM or ImageMagick)
Hope this helps!

You just need need to give Numeric value not with "%" sign
Like $image_config['quality'] = '30';

Also check the real mime type. PNG files renamed with JPG extension cannot be reduced by quality.
$info = getimagesize($_filepath);
echo $info['mime'];


PHP trying to understand how to generate thumbnail from directory

This is currently what I have. When I include it in my index.php and then call the function on pageload, I get a blank page. So something is wrong here, but I don't know what. I feel like I'm really close though. I just want to create thumbnails of images in a directory, and then show them in HTML as a list of images you can click that trigger lightboxes.
I'm still really shaky in PHP. I'm trying to wrap my head around editing images in a directory.
function buildThumbGallery(){
$h = opendir('/Recent_Additions/'); //Open the current directory
while (false !== ($curDir = readdir($h))) {
if (!file_exists('/Recent_Additions/thumbs/')) {
$thumbDir = mkdir('/Recent_Additions/thumbs/', 0777, true);
$thumbDir = '/Recent_Additions/thumbs/';
$width = 200;
$height = 200;
foreach ($curDir as $image) {
$filePath = $curDir."/".$image;
$genThumbImg = $image->scaleImage($width, $height, true);
$newThumb = imagejpeg($genThumbImg, $thumbDir, 100);
echo '<li> <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="'.basename($curDir).'" href="'.$filePath.'" title="'.basename($curDir)." ".strpbrk(basename($filePath, ".jpg"), '-').'"><img src="'.$newThumb.'"/>'.basename($curDir).'</a>';
}echo '</li>';
You are doing several things wrong:
You're not closing the while loop.
Readdir already loops through a directory, your foreach is not doing anything.
You are missing quotes in your echo.
You are calling the method scaleImage on a string, I think you meant to call the function imagescale.
You're missing and misunderstanding a lot of stuff, take a look at how to create a thumbnail here:
Also see if you can enable PHP errors, getting a blank page while your code is full of errors is not really helping is it?
With help from #swordbeta, I got my script working properly. Here is the code for future reference:
function buildThumbGallery(){
$curDir = "./Recent_Additions/";
$thumbsPath = $curDir."thumbs/";
if (!file_exists($thumbsPath)) {
mkdir($thumbsPath, 0777, true);
foreach(scandir($curDir) as $image){
if ($image === '.' || $image === '..' || $image === 'thumbs') continue;
if(!file_exists($thumbsPath.basename($image, ".jpg")."_thumb.jpg")){
// Max vert or horiz resolution
// create new Imagick object
$thumb = new Imagick($curDir.$image); //'input_image_filename_and_location'
// Resizes to whichever is larger, width or height
if($thumb->getImageHeight() <= $thumb->getImageWidth()){
// Resize image using the lanczos resampling algorithm based on width
// Resize image using the lanczos resampling algorithm based on height
// Set to use jpeg compression
// Strip out unneeded meta data
// Writes resultant image to output directory
$thumb->writeImage($thumbsPath.basename($image, ".jpg")."_thumb.jpg"); //'output_image_filename_and_location'
// Destroys Imagick object, freeing allocated resources in the process
echo '<a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="'.basename($curDir).'" href="'.$curDir.basename($image, "_thumb.jpg").'" title="Recent Addition - '.basename($image, ".jpg").'"><img src="'.$thumbsPath.basename($image, ".jpg")."_thumb.jpg".'"/></a>';
echo '<figcaption>'.basename($image, ".jpg").'</figcaption>' . "<br/>";
::Original Post::
Ok, after going back and doing some more research and suggestions from #swordbeta, i've got something that works. My only issue now is I can't get the images to show in my index.php. I'll style the output in CSS later, right now I just want to see the thumbnails, and then later build them into lightbox href links:
function buildThumbGallery(){
$curDir = "./Recent_Additions/";
$thumbsPath = $curDir."/thumbs/";
if (!file_exists($thumbsPath)) {
mkdir($thumbsPath, 0777, true);
$width = 200;
foreach(scandir($curDir) as $image){
if ($image === '.' || $image === '..') continue;
// Max vert or horiz resolution
// create new Imagick object
$thumb = new Imagick($curDir.$image); //'input_image_filename_and_location'
// Resizes to whichever is larger, width or height
if($thumb->getImageHeight() <= $thumb->getImageWidth()){
// Resize image using the lanczos resampling algorithm based on width
// Resize image using the lanczos resampling algorithm based on height
// Set to use jpeg compression
// Strip out unneeded meta data
// Writes resultant image to output directory
$thumb->writeImage($thumbsPath.basename($image)."_thumb.jpg"); //'output_image_filename_and_location'
// Destroys Imagick object, freeing allocated resources in the process
} echo '<img src="'.$thumbsPath.basename($image)."_thumb.jpg".'" />' . "<br/>";
At the moment, the output from the echo isn't showing anything, but the rest of the script is working properly (i.e. generating thumbnail images in a thumbs directory).
I'm guessing i'm not formatting my echo properly. This script is called in my index.php as <?php buildThumbGallery(); ?> inside a styled <div> tag.

resize width and compress images on upload php mysql

I have a client that sends me text messages from his iPhone with images for me to upload into his gallery. I'm trying to create a admin system so I can simply take the images from the texts, go to the admin page on my iPhone and upload the images straight to the gallery.
This would save me tons of time in my day to day work schedule.
Using the provided code. How can I add the following functions:
I would like to compress the file size down to a smaller size if possible, similar to the save to web jpg function in Photoshop. (Most images I get are around 1-3 MB. I would like to get them down to around 150-500kb max)
I would like to automatically change the width to 760px, but keep the aspect ratio so the images are not squished. He sends me landscape and portrait images.
Beings they are iPhone images. They have an extension .JPG (all caps) I would like this to change to .jpg (all lower case.) This is not a deal breaker I would just like to know how to do this for future use.
Either one of these functions would be very helpful, but all 3 would be ideal for my situation.
Here is the code I'm working with?
Make sure you have imagick installed in your php.ini file. Check with your hosting provider to install it.
include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/connections/dbconnect.php");
if($_FILES["image"]["name"][$i] != ''){ // don't insert if file name empty
$dataType = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["dataType"][$i]);
$title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["title"][$i]);
$fileData = pathinfo($_FILES["image"]["name"][$i]);
$fileName = uniqid() . '.' . $fileData['extension'];
$target_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/gallery/" . $fileName;
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"][$i], $target_path)){ // The file is in the images/gallery folder.
// Insert record into database by executing the following query:
$sql="INSERT INTO images (data_type, title, file_name) "."VALUES('$dataType','$title','$fileName')";
$retval = mysql_query($sql);
$size = getimagesize($target_path);
$newwidth = 760;
$newheight = $height*($newwidth/$width);
$pic = new Imagick($target_path);//specify name
echo "The image {$_FILES['image']['name'][$i]} was successfully uploaded and added to the gallery<br />
<a href='index.php'>Add another image</a><br />";
echo "There was an error uploading the file {$_FILES['image']['name'][$i]}, please try again!<br />";
} // close your foreach
uploader.php Original code. Allows me to upload 4 images at once. WORKS!!!
include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/connections/dbconnect.php");
if($_FILES["image"]["name"][$i] != ''){ // don't insert if file name empty
$dataType = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["dataType"][$i]);
$title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["title"][$i]);
$fileData = pathinfo($_FILES["image"]["name"][$i]);
$fileName = uniqid() . '.' . $fileData['extension'];
$target_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/gallery/" . $fileName;
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"][$i], $target_path)){ // The file is in the images/gallery folder.
// Insert record into database by executing the following query:
$sql="INSERT INTO images (data_type, title, file_name) "."VALUES('$dataType','$title','$fileName')";
$retval = mysql_query($sql);
echo "The image {$_FILES['image']['name'][$i]} was successfully uploaded and added to the gallery<br />
<a href='index.php'>Add another image</a><br />";
echo "There was an error uploading the file {$_FILES['image']['name'][$i]}, please try again!<br />";
} // close your foreach
FYI, This will allow you to give a unique names to your images, resize the width, but keep the correct aspect ratio and upload multiple file at the same time.
Awesome Stuff!
Like this:
$size = getimagesize($filelocation);
$width=$size[0];//might need to be ['1'] im tired .. :)
// Plz note im not sure of units pixles? & i could have the width and height confused
//just had some knee surgery so im kinda loopy :)
$newwidth = 760;
$newheight = $height*($newwidth/$width)
$pic = new Imagick( $filelocation);//specify name
//again might have width and heing confused
$pic->writeImage($newfilelocation);//output name
unlink($filelocation);//deletes image
Here is something kind of similar, lets check the size and compress if the image seems that it is too big. I didn't resize it which just requires that you get the dimensions and resize based on desire.
All this is doing is if the file is greater than 250KB compress it to 85% ..
$bytes = filesize($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
//$maxSizeInBytes = 26400; //is 250KB? No? compress it.
if ($bytes > 26400) {
$img = new Imagick($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
// resize with imagejpeg ($image, $destination, $quality); if greater than byte size KB
// Assume only supported file formats on website are jpg,jpeg,png, and gif. (any others will not be compressed)
$bytes = filesize($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
//$maxSizeInBytes = 26400; //is gtr than 250KB? No? compress it.
if ($bytes > 26400) {
$info = getimagesize($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
$quality = 85; //(1-100), 85-92 produces 75% quality
if ($info['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') {
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
} elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/gif') {
$image = imagecreatefromgif($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
} elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/png') {
$image = imagecreatefrompng($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName

Resizing images with filling

I am trying to use this class:
If anyone is familiar with resizing and filling the rest of the image, please help me.
The idea is, if you upload an image that is 600x600, I want to save two images: 1-600x600 and 1-300x300. So far it's working great. However, if the user chose to upload picture with size 749x1202, I want the script to make it look good in 300x300 and 600x600 where the useless space is filled with white so the image is still 600x600. The same should happen for a smaller image, e.g. 249x400.
Here is my code so far:
// Set the upload directory
$uploadDir = '../../htdocs/public/product_images/'.$id.'/';
$thumbDir = '../../htdocs/public/product_images/'.$id.'/thumbs/';
#mkdir($uploadDir, 0755, true);
#mkdir($thumbDir, 0755, true);
// Store the file content in a variable
$file = file_get_contents('php://input');
// Save the file to the server
file_put_contents($uploadDir . $filename, $file);
$targetFile = str_replace('//','/',$uploadDir) . $filename;
$targetThumb = str_replace('//','/',$thumbDir) . $filename;
copy ($targetFile,$targetThumb);
$image = new upload($targetFile);
if ($image->uploaded) {
$image->image_resize = true;
$image->image_ratio_fill = true;
$image->image_x = 600;
$image->image_y = 600;
$image->file_overwrite = true;
$image = new upload($targetThumb);
if ($image->uploaded) {
$image->image_resize = true;
$image->image_ratio_fill = true;
$image->image_x = 300;
$image->image_y = 300;
$image->file_overwrite = true;
I can use another way doing it, but if someone can walk me through a bit, I would be very grateful.
What you can do is to scale your image with aspect ratio kept, so at least one dimension matches your requirements (i.e. you get 128x300) then create empty image (canvas) and merge these two centering the image on canvas. But I'd simply write this 128x300 px image down on disk and enforce 300x300 px container size in HTML/CSS - this is better as your files are smaller and you can easily change i.e. bg color of the canvas just by changing your CSS - with former technique, it will not be that easy if bg is not transparent (and if it is, then why not use HTML anyway)?

Prevent imagejpeg() from saving EXIF data for images (spec. FileDateTime)

Our server is saving EXIF data to every file saved with imagejpeg(). As far as I know, this is not the default behavior (or even possible, from what I've read). But, it is occurring, and due to the FileDateTime information being included (and using the time of save), it is breaking functionality in our upload/approval system (md5_file() returns a different value for the exact same image due to FileDateTime always being different).
Is there a way to prevent imagejpeg() from saving EXIF data for images by default?
Server Information
CentOS 5
Parallels Plesk Panel 10.4.4
GD Version: bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
PHP 5.3
public function upload_book_cover($book, $cover, $filename = NULL, $approved = NULL){
global $c_consummo, $user;
$approved = bool($approved, true, true);
return false; // Too large;
$max_width = 450;
$cover_info = getimagesize($cover);
return false; // Invalid image type
$width = $cover_info[0];
$height = $cover_info[1];
return false; // Too small
} elseif($width>1500){
return false; // Too wide
$original_cover = false;
$original_cover = imagecreatefromgif($cover);
$original_cover = imagecreatefromjpeg($cover);
$original_cover = imagecreatefrompng($cover);
$original_cover = imagecreatefrombmp($cover);
return false; // Unsupported type
$new_width = $max_width;
} else {
$new_width = $width;
$new_height = round($height*($new_width/$width));
$new_cover = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
return false; // Could not create true color image
if(!imagecopyresampled($new_cover, $original_cover, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height)){
return false; // Could not copy image
if(!imagejpeg($new_cover, $cover, 100)){
return false; // Image could not be saved to tmp file
// This is adding *new* EXIF data to images by itself
$file_hash = md5_file($cover);
$duplicate_book_cover = $this->find_duplicate_book_cover($book, $file_hash);
return $duplicate_book_cover;
$file_id = $c_consummo->upload_file($cover, $filename);
It looks like you have tried several things here, but lets try one more.
Do you EVER need EXIF information in your application?
If not lets take out support for EXIF and see if that completely removes it.
If it does not remove it, then perhaps the functions are reading it from the existing photos and then just blindly including it in the file that is written.
You can know for sure by printing out the EXIF information at each step of process
No idea why EXIF data is being written - so the following may help you remove it.
One suggestion is to run something as a command on the server - it will need some installation: - then run throuhg EXEC from PHP.
There's also solution posted here that uses ImageMagick if you also have that installed (or cen get it installed: Remove EXIF data from JPG using PHP (but note warning about colour)
Otherwise, the other suggestion is as above, try turning off the EXIT extension.
Sorry if they don't help, but you did ask for any suggestions.
Apparently, GD doesn't like when the path to the input / output file is the same, but the credit isn't mine. To fix, use a new (tmp) file to save the newly created image to:
if(!imagecopyresampled($new_cover, $original_cover, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height)){
return false; // Could not copy image
// Create a tmp file.
$cover_new = tempnam('/tmp', 'cover-');
// Use $cover_new instead of $cover
if(!imagejpeg($new_cover, $cover_new, 100)){
return false; // Image could not be saved to tmp file
// Use $cover_new instead of $cover
$file_hash = md5_file($cover_new);
$duplicate_book_cover = $this->find_duplicate_book_cover($book, $file_hash);
return $duplicate_book_cover;
// Use $cover_new instead of $cover
$file_id = $c_consummo->upload_file($cover_new, $filename);
Read this, maybe it will help:
and this:
You could possibly convert the jpeg to a gif first, then convert the gif back to a jpeg. In doing so, my understanding is that you would destroy the EXIF data. It's a hack, but it should work.
The only thing that spring to mind is, that you could ignore the EXIF data and just make your hash from something else? My suggestion would be to try either hashing the raw output without saving to a file (here outputting in gif format -which makes a smaller, 8-bit image for performance- to an output buffer and hashing the buffer content)
if(!imagecopyresampled(...)) {...}
$file_hash = md5(ob_get_contents());
if(!imagejpeg($new_cover, $cover, 100)) {...}
Or you could build a string containing only the pixel information and hash that (here done by accessing each pixel and appending its value to a string, in reverse for performance)
$pixels = '';
for($x=$new_width-1; $x>=0; $x--) {
for($y=$new_height-1; $y>=0; $y--) {
$pixels .= imagecolorat($new_cover, $x, $y);
$file_hash = md5($pixels);
For performance, you could also choose only to take samples from the image, as this should work just as well or maybe even better (here sampling every 5th pixel of every 5th row)
$pixels = '';
for($x=$new_width-1; $x>=0; $x-=5) {
for($y=$new_height-1; $y>=0; $y-=5) {
$pixels .= imagecolorat($new_cover, $x, $y);
$file_hash = md5($pixels);
I hope some of this will work (as I can't test it right now) or at least will help you find the way that works for you :)
This is a bit of a hack, but it will work, just do this after your switch() statement:
$original_cover = imagerotate($original_cover,360,0);
GD will strip any EXIF data out, as it doesn't support it.
You could try using imagecreatefromjpeg on the image created with imagejpeg and replacing with the newly created one.
$res = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename) to load the image, then imagejpeg($res, $filename, QUALITY)to rerender it.
You can use imagemagick too:
$img = new Imagick($image);
Your PHP must be compiled in with --enable-exif.
Try to disable globally EXIF functionality by recompiling PHP without this option.

jQuery resize image before saving

I am new to jQuery but im loving it! ive have a problem i cant get round as of yet.
I am using
which i have got working using the following upload.php
$time= time();
$uploaddir = 'users/'; //<-- Changed this to my directory for storing images
$uploadfile = $uploaddir.$time.basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']); //<-- IMPORTANT
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
echo $uploaddir.$time.$_FILES['userfile']['name']; // IMPORTANT
} else {
// Otherwise onSubmit event will not be fired
echo "error";
i have added the time variable to ensure each image is unique. The problem i have is i want to resize and optimise the image on the fly and i am not sure how to do this.
The resize is the most important featuer i require - for example i would like a max width of 300px for the image that is saved even if it was originally 1000px wide. I need to resize proportionaly ( is that a word? :) )
Any help will be great.
To resize images you need libs like GD
The standard function to do this is GD's imagecopyresampled.
In the example is shown one way to resize and keeping the proportion:
//> MAx
$width = 200;
$height = 200;
// Get new dimensions
list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize($filename);
$ratio_orig = $width_orig/$height_orig;
if ($width/$height > $ratio_orig) {
$width = $height*$ratio_orig;
} else {
$height = $width/$ratio_orig;
There is two main image manipulation things in PHP, GD or Imagemagick. Both will be able to do what you need. You will need to configure them on your PHP webserver.
