resize width and compress images on upload php mysql - php

I have a client that sends me text messages from his iPhone with images for me to upload into his gallery. I'm trying to create a admin system so I can simply take the images from the texts, go to the admin page on my iPhone and upload the images straight to the gallery.
This would save me tons of time in my day to day work schedule.
Using the provided code. How can I add the following functions:
I would like to compress the file size down to a smaller size if possible, similar to the save to web jpg function in Photoshop. (Most images I get are around 1-3 MB. I would like to get them down to around 150-500kb max)
I would like to automatically change the width to 760px, but keep the aspect ratio so the images are not squished. He sends me landscape and portrait images.
Beings they are iPhone images. They have an extension .JPG (all caps) I would like this to change to .jpg (all lower case.) This is not a deal breaker I would just like to know how to do this for future use.
Either one of these functions would be very helpful, but all 3 would be ideal for my situation.
Here is the code I'm working with?
Make sure you have imagick installed in your php.ini file. Check with your hosting provider to install it.
include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/connections/dbconnect.php");
if($_FILES["image"]["name"][$i] != ''){ // don't insert if file name empty
$dataType = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["dataType"][$i]);
$title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["title"][$i]);
$fileData = pathinfo($_FILES["image"]["name"][$i]);
$fileName = uniqid() . '.' . $fileData['extension'];
$target_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/gallery/" . $fileName;
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"][$i], $target_path)){ // The file is in the images/gallery folder.
// Insert record into database by executing the following query:
$sql="INSERT INTO images (data_type, title, file_name) "."VALUES('$dataType','$title','$fileName')";
$retval = mysql_query($sql);
$size = getimagesize($target_path);
$newwidth = 760;
$newheight = $height*($newwidth/$width);
$pic = new Imagick($target_path);//specify name
echo "The image {$_FILES['image']['name'][$i]} was successfully uploaded and added to the gallery<br />
<a href='index.php'>Add another image</a><br />";
echo "There was an error uploading the file {$_FILES['image']['name'][$i]}, please try again!<br />";
} // close your foreach
uploader.php Original code. Allows me to upload 4 images at once. WORKS!!!
include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/connections/dbconnect.php");
if($_FILES["image"]["name"][$i] != ''){ // don't insert if file name empty
$dataType = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["dataType"][$i]);
$title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["title"][$i]);
$fileData = pathinfo($_FILES["image"]["name"][$i]);
$fileName = uniqid() . '.' . $fileData['extension'];
$target_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/images/gallery/" . $fileName;
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"][$i], $target_path)){ // The file is in the images/gallery folder.
// Insert record into database by executing the following query:
$sql="INSERT INTO images (data_type, title, file_name) "."VALUES('$dataType','$title','$fileName')";
$retval = mysql_query($sql);
echo "The image {$_FILES['image']['name'][$i]} was successfully uploaded and added to the gallery<br />
<a href='index.php'>Add another image</a><br />";
echo "There was an error uploading the file {$_FILES['image']['name'][$i]}, please try again!<br />";
} // close your foreach
FYI, This will allow you to give a unique names to your images, resize the width, but keep the correct aspect ratio and upload multiple file at the same time.
Awesome Stuff!

Like this:
$size = getimagesize($filelocation);
$width=$size[0];//might need to be ['1'] im tired .. :)
// Plz note im not sure of units pixles? & i could have the width and height confused
//just had some knee surgery so im kinda loopy :)
$newwidth = 760;
$newheight = $height*($newwidth/$width)
$pic = new Imagick( $filelocation);//specify name
//again might have width and heing confused
$pic->writeImage($newfilelocation);//output name
unlink($filelocation);//deletes image

Here is something kind of similar, lets check the size and compress if the image seems that it is too big. I didn't resize it which just requires that you get the dimensions and resize based on desire.
All this is doing is if the file is greater than 250KB compress it to 85% ..
$bytes = filesize($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
//$maxSizeInBytes = 26400; //is 250KB? No? compress it.
if ($bytes > 26400) {
$img = new Imagick($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
// resize with imagejpeg ($image, $destination, $quality); if greater than byte size KB
// Assume only supported file formats on website are jpg,jpeg,png, and gif. (any others will not be compressed)
$bytes = filesize($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
//$maxSizeInBytes = 26400; //is gtr than 250KB? No? compress it.
if ($bytes > 26400) {
$info = getimagesize($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
$quality = 85; //(1-100), 85-92 produces 75% quality
if ($info['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') {
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
} elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/gif') {
$image = imagecreatefromgif($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName);
} elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/png') {
$image = imagecreatefrompng($inventory_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->uploadName


Trying to resize uploaded files as they are saved to server

I am using Glide to deliver image content from one of my sites. This is working well and I have now built a file upload so that admins can upload images to the site for subsequent download.
Some of the images that admins will upload will be much larger than I need (or want the overhead of storing on the server), so I want to downsize them, preferably during the upload routine or failing that, just after they have been saved to their new location (storage/app/images)
So, I've been hacking around with intervention for instance without much success because of my poor understanding of the file names and paths available from getClientOriginalName/Extension etc.
Could anyone show me a pattern for this which would work well. Ideally I'd love to include something like I've seen on others' examples like...
$img = Image::make('foo.jpg')->resize(300, 200);
... in the correct place in my code
foreach($files as $file) {
$fileExtension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$fileMimeType = $file->getMimeType();
if(in_array($fileExtension, $allowableExtensions)) {
if(in_array($fileMimeType, $allowableMimes)) {
array_push($dbFileList, $file->getClientOriginalName());
$newImage = '/images/' . $propertyCode . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
Storage::put('/images/' . $propertyCode . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), file_get_contents($file));
$errorMessage = 'At least one file was not an image, check your results...';
$errorMessage = 'At least one file was not an image, check your results...';
Update 1:
Storage::put('/images/' . $propertyCode . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), file_get_contents($file));
$img = Image::make($file);
Storage::put('/images/new/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), $img);
This updated code outputs the files to the /new directory and all looks fine, but the output files have 'zero bytes'. What am I missing?
Update 2: Final code
The final answer (after using the proper code provided by contributors) was that:
I had to move my app from virtual box on to the dev machine (iMac) to prevent extra confusion with paths
The path for the images must exist prior to making the ->save()
The path variable must be set in advance of the ->save()
I don't need the Storage::put at all, so the larger file never ends up on the server.
Then this final code started to work.
$path = storage_path('app/smallpics/')."/".$file->getClientOriginalName();
$img = Image::make($file)->resize(300,200)->save($path);
Much thanks to all of you. You make my Laravel learning curve a bit less terrifiying!!
You can use Intervention to manipulate your image (resize etc.) as
$new_image = Image::make($file)->resize(300,200)->save('/path/to/save');
The image upload and resize work flow is like:
Upload the image from tmp to your directory.
Make a copy of that image by setting the height, width, quality and save it in the same or some other directory.
Delete the original image.
So as per your code flow:
Storage::put('/images/' . $propertyCode . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), file_get_contents($file));
after this code, put the image compress code and after that delete the original image.
you can use Intervention or just use imagemagick convert command line command for resize or convert.
Pay attention to comments :
public function saveUploadPic(Request $request)
$pic = $request->file('<NAME_OF_FILE_INPUT_IN_HTML_FORM>');
#check for upload correctly
throw new Exception("IMAGE NOT UPLOADED CORRECTLY");
#check for mime type and extention
$ext = $pic->getClientOriginalExtension();
$mime = $pic->getMimeType();
if(!in_array($mime, $allowedMimeTypeArray) || !in_array($ext, $allowedExtArray))
throw new Exception("This Image Not Support");
#check for size
$size = $pic->getClientSize() / 1024 / 1024;
if($size > $allowedSize)
throw new Exception("Size Of Image Is More Than Support Size");
########################YOU HAVE TWO OPTION HERE###################
#1- save image in a temporary location with random hash for name if u need orginal image for other process
#below code save image in <LARAVEL_APP_PATH>/storage/app/tmp/pics/
$hash = md5(date("YmdHis").rand(1,10000));
$pic->storeAs('tmp/pics', $hash.'.'.$ext);
#Then resize or convert it
$img = Image::make(storage_path('app/tmp/pics/'.$hash.'.'.$ext))->resize(300, 200);
#save new image whatever u want
#after u finish with orginal image delete it
#2- Or just use below for resize and save image witout need to save in temporary location
$img = Image::make($pic->getRealPath())->resize(300,200);
if you want to use convert see this link.

PHP trying to understand how to generate thumbnail from directory

This is currently what I have. When I include it in my index.php and then call the function on pageload, I get a blank page. So something is wrong here, but I don't know what. I feel like I'm really close though. I just want to create thumbnails of images in a directory, and then show them in HTML as a list of images you can click that trigger lightboxes.
I'm still really shaky in PHP. I'm trying to wrap my head around editing images in a directory.
function buildThumbGallery(){
$h = opendir('/Recent_Additions/'); //Open the current directory
while (false !== ($curDir = readdir($h))) {
if (!file_exists('/Recent_Additions/thumbs/')) {
$thumbDir = mkdir('/Recent_Additions/thumbs/', 0777, true);
$thumbDir = '/Recent_Additions/thumbs/';
$width = 200;
$height = 200;
foreach ($curDir as $image) {
$filePath = $curDir."/".$image;
$genThumbImg = $image->scaleImage($width, $height, true);
$newThumb = imagejpeg($genThumbImg, $thumbDir, 100);
echo '<li> <a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="'.basename($curDir).'" href="'.$filePath.'" title="'.basename($curDir)." ".strpbrk(basename($filePath, ".jpg"), '-').'"><img src="'.$newThumb.'"/>'.basename($curDir).'</a>';
}echo '</li>';
You are doing several things wrong:
You're not closing the while loop.
Readdir already loops through a directory, your foreach is not doing anything.
You are missing quotes in your echo.
You are calling the method scaleImage on a string, I think you meant to call the function imagescale.
You're missing and misunderstanding a lot of stuff, take a look at how to create a thumbnail here:
Also see if you can enable PHP errors, getting a blank page while your code is full of errors is not really helping is it?
With help from #swordbeta, I got my script working properly. Here is the code for future reference:
function buildThumbGallery(){
$curDir = "./Recent_Additions/";
$thumbsPath = $curDir."thumbs/";
if (!file_exists($thumbsPath)) {
mkdir($thumbsPath, 0777, true);
foreach(scandir($curDir) as $image){
if ($image === '.' || $image === '..' || $image === 'thumbs') continue;
if(!file_exists($thumbsPath.basename($image, ".jpg")."_thumb.jpg")){
// Max vert or horiz resolution
// create new Imagick object
$thumb = new Imagick($curDir.$image); //'input_image_filename_and_location'
// Resizes to whichever is larger, width or height
if($thumb->getImageHeight() <= $thumb->getImageWidth()){
// Resize image using the lanczos resampling algorithm based on width
// Resize image using the lanczos resampling algorithm based on height
// Set to use jpeg compression
// Strip out unneeded meta data
// Writes resultant image to output directory
$thumb->writeImage($thumbsPath.basename($image, ".jpg")."_thumb.jpg"); //'output_image_filename_and_location'
// Destroys Imagick object, freeing allocated resources in the process
echo '<a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-group="'.basename($curDir).'" href="'.$curDir.basename($image, "_thumb.jpg").'" title="Recent Addition - '.basename($image, ".jpg").'"><img src="'.$thumbsPath.basename($image, ".jpg")."_thumb.jpg".'"/></a>';
echo '<figcaption>'.basename($image, ".jpg").'</figcaption>' . "<br/>";
::Original Post::
Ok, after going back and doing some more research and suggestions from #swordbeta, i've got something that works. My only issue now is I can't get the images to show in my index.php. I'll style the output in CSS later, right now I just want to see the thumbnails, and then later build them into lightbox href links:
function buildThumbGallery(){
$curDir = "./Recent_Additions/";
$thumbsPath = $curDir."/thumbs/";
if (!file_exists($thumbsPath)) {
mkdir($thumbsPath, 0777, true);
$width = 200;
foreach(scandir($curDir) as $image){
if ($image === '.' || $image === '..') continue;
// Max vert or horiz resolution
// create new Imagick object
$thumb = new Imagick($curDir.$image); //'input_image_filename_and_location'
// Resizes to whichever is larger, width or height
if($thumb->getImageHeight() <= $thumb->getImageWidth()){
// Resize image using the lanczos resampling algorithm based on width
// Resize image using the lanczos resampling algorithm based on height
// Set to use jpeg compression
// Strip out unneeded meta data
// Writes resultant image to output directory
$thumb->writeImage($thumbsPath.basename($image)."_thumb.jpg"); //'output_image_filename_and_location'
// Destroys Imagick object, freeing allocated resources in the process
} echo '<img src="'.$thumbsPath.basename($image)."_thumb.jpg".'" />' . "<br/>";
At the moment, the output from the echo isn't showing anything, but the rest of the script is working properly (i.e. generating thumbnail images in a thumbs directory).
I'm guessing i'm not formatting my echo properly. This script is called in my index.php as <?php buildThumbGallery(); ?> inside a styled <div> tag.

File upload for 35 files in one form

thanks for taking the time to read this. I have a form with 35 file input boxes as part of a CMS for my customer to upload 35 pictures of each his products. The breakdown of that is 7 pictures of the black version, 7 pictures of the blue, 7 pictures of the grey, 7 pictures of the red, and 7 pictures of the white version of each product. So that's 35 total pictures he needs to upload. Additionally, for each of those files that he uploads, a smaller "thumbnail" sized picture needs to be made. I have a file upload script that I always use that works beautifully - when there's one file to upload. I'm not sure how to apply it in this case for 35 files. Each input box has a unique name (black1, black2...black7, blue1, blue2...blue7, etc) so, technically I could repeat the upload code 35 times with the unique name of each file input box to do this, but that is obvoiusly extremely inefficient. I'm hoping someone here can help me out with a better solution.
An additional requirement is that the names of the files be stored in a database. All of the filenames of the black pictures should be put into a string, separated by commas, and stored in the blackpics column of the database. All of the filenames of the blue pictures should be put into a string, separated by commas, and stored in the bluepics columns of the database. And so on for the grey, red, and white pictures.
Here is the code that I have now to upload one file. It gets the file from input box "file", checks that it's of the right extension (an image file), checks the filesize, creates a random file name with a random number and timestamp, creates a thumbnail (448px x 298px - big thumbnail, I know), checks that the original image uploaded was of the right dimensions (873px x 581px), and if everything is okay, I end up with the big file saved in ../images/store/big/ and the thumb saved in ../images/store/small/. They both have the same filename, they're just stored in different directories. Temporary files are deleted and all that, and if there are any errors, the files are deleted. As I said, this works great for one file.
So what I need to do is modify the code so that it does all of this for input box "black1", "black2"..."black7", then saves all the filenames into a string (black1.jpg,black2.jpg,black3.jpg,black4.jpg,black5.jpg,black6.jpg,black7.jpg) which I can then store in the 'blackpics' column of the database. Same for the blue, grey, red, and white. I don't need any help with the database part. I'm thinking that I need to create a function containing the file upload script that returns the filename. Then call that function 35 times, one for each of the input boxes. But I could be wrong.
If anyone could offer me any assistance, I would greatly appreciate it. Here is the code for the upload script:
$filename = $_FILES["file"]["name"];
$file_basename = substr($filename, 0, strripos($filename, '.')); // get file extention
$file_ext = substr($filename, strripos($filename, '.')); // get file name
$filesize = $_FILES["file"]["size"];
$allowed_file_types = array('.jpg','.gif','.png', '.JPG');
if (in_array($file_ext,$allowed_file_types) && ($filesize < 1024000)) {
// rename file
$rand = rand(1,100000000);
$time = time();
$newfilename = $rand . $time . $file_ext;
if (file_exists("../images/store/big/" . $newfilename)) {
// file already exists error
$err[] = "You have already uploaded this file.";
} else {
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "../images/store/big/" . $newfilename);
$pathToImage = '../images/store/big/' . $newfilename;
$pathToThumb = '../images/store/small/' . $newfilename;
$last4 = substr($pathToImage, -4);
switch(strtolower($last4)) {
case '.jpeg':
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($pathToImage);
case '.jpg':
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($pathToImage);
case '.png':
$img = imagecreatefrompng($pathToImage);
case '.gif':
$img = imagecreatefromgif($pathToImage);
exit('Unsupported type: '. $pathToImage);
$max_width = 448;
$max_height = 298;
// Get current dimensions
$old_width = imagesx($img);
$old_height = imagesy($img);
// Calculate the scaling we need to do to fit the image inside our frame
$scale = min($max_width/$old_width, $max_height/$old_height);
// Get the new dimensions
$new_width = ceil($scale*$old_width);
$new_height = ceil($scale*$old_height);
$tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $old_width, $old_height);
switch(strtolower($last4)) {
case '.jpeg':
imagejpeg($tmp_img, $pathToThumb);
case '.jpg':
imagejpeg($tmp_img, $pathToThumb);
case '.png':
imagepng($tmp_img, $pathToThumb);
case '.gif':
imagegif($tmp_img, $pathToThumb);
exit('Unsupported type: '. $pathToImage);
} elseif (empty($file_basename)) {
$err[] = "Select a file to upload";
} elseif ($filesize > 1024000) {
$err[] = "File size limit exceeded";
} else {
$err[] = "File type not allowed";
list($width, $height) = getimagesize("../images/store/big/$newfilename");
if ($width != "873" || $height != "581") {
$err[] = "File dimensions error";
And in the body I have the file upload fields as so...
<input type="file" name="black1" disabled="1">
<input type="file" name="black2" disabled="1">
<input type="file" name="black7" disabled="1">
<input type="file" name="blue1" disabled="1">
<input type="file" name="blue2" disabled="1">
<input type="file" name="blue7" disabled="1">
and so on for grey, red, and white.
Like I said, if anyone can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. And if you made it all the way down here, thanks again for taking the time to read all of this.
First don't use dimensions for images. Dimensions do not say much about the size of the image. And the size matters for displaying the image on a website, not the dimensions.
Second why not use a multipart uploading form? See here. And then your client could select the images colourwise and upload them with one selection, which would reduce the clicks from 35 to seven. Or if you trust your client to be more tech-savvy: Use only one input field and instruct him to name his files in a specific way. Like "b_[name of file].[extension]" for a black image. Then use your favourite string searching method - for example RegEx - to identify the images classes.

PHP uploading seems to default to 72 dpi, I need 300 dpi

I have a page while is used only for print, and some of the images on there are uploaded through a script I have. It seems to always reduce the image to 72 dpi, reguardless of what I set imagejpeg() and imagepng() to for quality.
I've used my own personal script and this one on git hub
I was hoping for a little guidance on preserving the dpi at the original 300dpi.
Here is my own personal script
if (!empty($_FILES['image']['name'])) //checking if file upload box contains a value
$saveDirectory = 'pics/'; //name of folder to upload to
$tempName = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; //getting the temp name on server
$fileName1 = $_FILES['image']['name']; //getting file name on users computer
$count = 1;
$location = $saveDirectory . $_GET['section'] . $count . $fileName1;
if (move_uploaded_file($tempName, $location)) //Moves the temp file on server
{ //to directory with real name
$image = $location;
// Get new sizes
list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($image); //gets information about new server image
$framewidth = 932;
$frameheight = 354;
$realwidth = $width; //setting original width and height
$realheight = $height;
// Load
$file1new = imagecreatetruecolor($framewidth, $frameheight); //creates all black image with target w/h
if($type == 2){
$source = imagecreatefromjpeg($image);
imagecopyresampled($file1new, $source , 0, 0, 0, 0, $framewidth, $frameheight, $realwidth, $realheight);
elseif($type == 3){
$source = imagecreatefrompng($image);
imagecopyresampled($file1new, $source , 0, 0, 0, 0, $framewidth, $frameheight, $realwidth, $realheight);
echo "Wrong file type";
if($type == 2){
//creates jpeg image from file1new for file1 (also retains quality)
imagejpeg($file1new, $image,100);
//frees space
elseif($type == 3){
//creates png image from file1new for file1 (also retains quality)
imagepng($file1new, $image,10);
//frees space
echo "Wrong file type";
echo '<h1> There was an error while uploading the file.</h1>';
Edit: Even if dpi isn't the answer, as I see jpgs in specific don't retain that information. I need some way of keeping these images very clear and crisp.
If you generate image and open with a browser, the browser will reduce it to 72dpi before rendering.
If you open with gimp/phptoshop/whatever image editor , it should preserve the same dpi quality.
Though on a screen, there is no difference since your screen is 72 dpi.
Not tested on new browsers, but it was like this in netscape and first firefox versions, I assume it has not changed since.
The function posted by lorezyra (at) lorezyra (dot) com here: might do the trick.


How do I resize/downscale the images that gets uploaded with my upload script down to 350x100 if they are over 350x100?
My script:
$allowed_filetypes = array('.png','.PNG');
$filename = $_FILES['strUpload']['name'];
$ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1);
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['strUpload']['tmp_name']);
if ($width > 350 || $height > 100)
echo "That file dimensions are not allowed. Only 350x100 is allowed";
if ($_FILES['strUpload']['size'] > 2097152 )
echo "ERROR: Large File Size. Only less than 2mb accepted";
$imagename = uniqid('ff') . ".png";
move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES['strUpload']['tmp_name'], $imagename );
print ( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" );
if(file_exists($imagename) && $_FILES['strUpload']['name'] != '')
print ( "self.opener.SetImageFile(\"" . $imagename . "\");" );
echo "\n";
print ( "self.opener.setInputFile(\"" . $imagename . "\");" );
echo "\n";
print ( "window.close();" );
echo "\n";
print ( "</script>" );
$open = new dbconnect();
$dattum = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO piclist (ip,pic,datum) VALUES('$ip','$imagename','$dattum')") or die(mysql_error());
PHP has several image handling libraries. The GD library has shipped since PHP 4.3 so I suggest using that. Just read the docs to find what you need.
Use imagecopyresized - there's a good example of how to use it on the PHP manual page.
Have a look at this question someone else asked a few days ago.
That not only explains how it's done, but also how it's done in an efficient way. (ImageMagick should be used over the GD library)
Hope that helps.
The general gist is to create a new "canvas" of the desired dimensions for the image to go in.
Take your uploaded image and copy it onto the new canvas giving setting a source width x height (take all of the source image) and destination width x height (use all of the destination canvas), offsets are available to shift the image around a bit if you need to.
Then finally save it where you need it to go, or insert it into a database field, (this will replace your move_uploaded_file call).
