The following needs to be displayed:
Display all items of a certain fabric
If no fabrics are available in the sql display "no result"
The code is fully functional for the first point but does not support the second feature.
Many thanks for helping out.
//echo $sql;
$data = "";
$ii = 0;
$m = 0;
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
if ($m == 1) $data = $data."<div class=\"page current\" id=\"gallery\">";
elseif ($ii == 1) $data = $data."<div class=\"page\" id=\"gallery\">";
$data = $data."<img src=\"".$image_directory.$myrow['thumbnail']."\" width=\"100 px\" height=\"100 px\"><div class=\"fb_name\">".$myrow['name']."</div>\n";
if ($ii == 10) {
$data = $data."</div>";
$ii = 0;
if ($ii != 10) {
$data = $data."</div>";
if (empty($data)) echo "No result";
else echo $data;
if($result && mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
$data = "";
$ii = 0;
$m = 0;
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
if ($m == 1) $data = $data."<div class=\"page current\" id=\"gallery\">";
elseif ($ii == 1) $data = $data."<div class=\"page\" id=\"gallery\">";
$data = $data."<img src=\"".$image_directory.$myrow['thumbnail']."\" width=\"100 px\" height=\"100 px\"><div class=\"fb_name\">".$myrow['name']."</div>\n";
if ($ii == 10) {
$data = $data."</div>";
$ii = 0;
if ($ii != 10) {
$data = $data."</div>";
echo('No Result');
echo "No Result";
You could use the following modified code, but it still creates a new <div [...] id="gallery"> every ten iterations. Note that HTML IDs must be unique.
if ( ( !$result ) || ( 0 == mysql_num_rows( $result ) ) ) {
echo 'No result';
else {
$data = "";
$ii = 0;
$m = 0;
while ( $myrow = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) {
if ( $m == 1 ) {
$data .= '<div class="page current" id="gallery">';
elseif ( $ii == 1 ) {
$data .= '<div class="page" id="gallery">';
$data .= '<img src="' . $image_directory . $myrow['thumbnail'] . '" width="100px" height="100px"><div class="fb_name">' . $myrow['name'] . "</div>\n";
if ( $ii == 10 ) {
$data .= "</div>";
$ii = 0;
if ( $ii != 10 ) {
$data .= "</div>";
echo $data;
I have no idea where to get size value and input it to my database
this is my database table called transaksi with these column
idtransaksi, noinvoice, idproduk, size, jumlah
and here is my script
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
include ('');
// Process actions
$chart = isset ($_SESSION['chart']) ? $_SESSION['chart'] : '';
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
switch ($action) {
case 'add' :
if ($chart) {
$chart .= ',' . $_GET['id'];
} else {
$chart = $_GET['id'];
case 'delete' :
if ($chart) {
$items = explode(',', $chart);
$newchart = '';
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($_GET['id'] != $item) {
if ($newchart != '') {
$newchart .= ',' . $item;
} else {
$newchart = $item;
$chart = $newchart;
case 'update' :
if ($chart) {
$newchart = '';
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
if (stristr($key, 'qty')) {
$id = str_replace('qty', '', $key);
$items = ($newchart != '') ? explode(',', $newchart) : explode(',', $chart);
$newchart = '';
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($id != $item) {
if ($newchart != '') {
$newchart .= ',' . $item;
} else {
$newchart = $item;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $value; $i++) {
if ($newchart != '') {
$newchart .= ',' . $id;
} else {
$newchart = $id;
$chart = $newchart;
$_SESSION['chart'] = $chart;
<section class="main-content">
<div class="row">
<div class="span9">
<?php echo writeShoppingchart();
echo showchart();
if (isset($_GET['s'])) {
if ($_GET['status'] == OK) {
echo "proses pembelian berhasil dilakukan sudah selesai";
} else {
echo "operasi gagal";
<script type="text/javascript">
if($(this).data("lastval")!= $(this).val()){
//change action
alert('Anda Mengubah Jumlah SubTotal barang, Silahkan Update Keranjang Belanja');
include ('inc/sidebar-front.php');
function kd_transaksi() {
$kode_temp = fetch_row("SELECT noinvoice FROM invoice ORDER BY noinvoice DESC LIMIT 0,1");
if ($kode_temp == '')
$kode = "E00001";
else {
$jum = substr($kode_temp, 1, 6);
if ($jum <= 9)
$kode = "E0000" . $jum;
elseif ($jum <= 99)
$kode = "E000" . $jum;
elseif ($jum <= 999)
$kode = "E00" . $jum;
elseif ($jum <= 9999)
$kode = "E0" . $jum;
elseif ($jum <= 99999)
$kode = "E" . $jum;
die("Kode pemesanan melebihi batas");
return $kode;
function writeShoppingchart() {
$chart = $_SESSION['chart'];
if (!$chart) {
return '<h4 class="title"><span class="text pull-left"><strong>Keranjang Belanja Masih Kosong</strong></span></h4>';
} else {
// Parse the chart session variable
$items = explode(',', $chart);
$s = (count($items) > 1) ? 's' : '';
return '<h4 class="title"><span class="text pull-left"><strong>Periksa Jumlah Pesanan Anda Sebelum Check Out</strong></span></h4>';
function chartNotification() {
$chart = $_SESSION['chart'];
if (!$chart) {
return '0';
} else {
// Parse the chart session variable
$items = explode(',', $chart);
return count($items);
function getQty() {
$chart = $_SESSION['chart'];
if (!$chart) {
return 0;
} else {
// Parse the chart session variable
$items = explode(',', $chart);
$s = (count($items) > 1) ? 's' : '';
return count($items);
function showchart() {
$chart = $_SESSION['chart'];
// print_r($chart);
if ($chart) {
$items = explode(',', $chart);
$contents = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;
$output[] = "<table class=\"table table-striped \">";
$output[] = "<th><td>Nama</td><td>size</td><td> Harga</td><td>jumlah</td><td>diskon</td><td>subtotal</td><td>Aksi</td></th>";
$output[] = '<form action="index.php?mod=chart&pg=chart&action=update" method="post" id="chart">';
$no = 1;
foreach ($contents as $id => $qty) {
$sql = "SELECT produk.*, stok.harga_barang, stok.harga_jual, stok.jumlah, stok.ext_disc, stok.disc, stok.size FROM stok LEFT OUTER JOIN produk ON stok.idproduk = produk.idproduk WHERE produk.idproduk = '$id'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
$size = explode(',', $row->size);
$quantity = ($row->jumlah);
$diskonext =(($row->harga_jual)*($row->ext_disc)/100);
$output[] = '<tr><td>' . $no . '</td>';
$output[] = '<td>'.$row ->nama_produk. '<br /><img src=\'upload/produk/' . $row ->foto .' \' width=\'100px\' height=\'100px\'></td>';
$output[] = '<td><select name="size" style="width:50px;">';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($size); $i++){
$output[] = '<option value="'. $size[$i] .'">'. $size[$i] .'</option>';
$output[] = '</select></td>';
$output[] = '<td>' . format_rupiah($row -> harga_barang) . '</td>';
if ($qty >= 10){
$total += (($row -> harga_jual) - $diskonext) * $qty;
}else {
$total += $row -> harga_jual * $qty;
if ($qty > $quantity){
$output[] = '<td><input type="text" class="input-mini" name="qty' . $id . '" value="'.$quantity.'"/><br /><span class="label label-warning pull-right">Stok hanya '.$quantity.'</span></td>';
} else {
$output[] = '<td><input type="text" onkeypress="alert(\'jumlah barang terganti, silahkan Update Keranjang belanja anda sebelum chekout\');" class="input-mini" name="qty' . $id . '" value="' . $qty . '"/></td>';
if ($qty >= 10){
$output[] = '<td>' . $row->disc . ' % + '. $row -> ext_disc .'% </td>';
} else {
$output[] = '<td>' . $row->disc . ' %</td>';
if ($qty >= 10){
if ($qty > $quantity){
$output[] = '<td>'.format_rupiah(($row->harga_jual - $diskonext)*$quantity).'</td>';
} else {
$output[] = '<td>'.format_rupiah(($row->harga_jual - $diskonext)*$qty).'</td>';
if ($qty >= $quantity){
$output[] = '<td>'.format_rupiah($row->harga_jual*$quantity).'</td>';
} else {
$output[] = '<td>'.format_rupiah($row->harga_jual*$qty).'</td>';
$output[] = '<td>Hapus</td></tr>';
$output[] = '<tr><td colspan=\'6\' ><h4>Total Belanja Anda</h4></td><td colspan=\'2\'><h4>'. format_rupiah($total) .'</h4></td></tr>';
$output[] = "</table>";
$qty = getQty();
$_SESSION['totalbayar'] = $total;
$output[] = '<button type="submit" class=\'btn btn-primary\'>Update Keranjang Belanja</button>';
if ($qty >= ($row->jumlah)){
$output[] ='<button type="submit" class=\'btn btn-success pull-right\'>Update Keranjang Belanja Anda</button>';
} else {
$output[] ='<a href=\'chart/chart_action.php\' class=\'btn btn-success pull-right\'>Check out</a>';
$output[] = '</form>';
} else {
$output[] = '<p>Keranjang belanja masih kosong.</p>';
return join('', $output);
function insertToDB($kd_transaksi, $idpelanggan, $totalbayar, $sizes) {
$chart = isset($_SESSION['chart'])? $_SESSION['chart']: '';
if ($chart) {
$items = explode(',', $chart);
$contents = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;
$sql_transaksi = "insert into invoice (noinvoice,tanggal,totalbayar,idpelanggan)
values( '$kd_transaksi', now(),'$totalbayar','$idpelanggan')";
//echo "SQL transaksi:".$sql_transaksi;
mysql_query($sql_transaksi) or die(mysql_error());
foreach ($contents as $id => $qty) {
$sql = "insert into transaksi(noinvoice,idproduk,size,jumlah)
// echo "SQL transaksi:".$sql;
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
} else {
$output[] = '<p>Keranjang belanja masih kosong.</p>';
and chart.action.php
require_once ('../inc/config.php');
require_once ('../inc/function.php');
require_once ('../chart/');
/* menambahkan kode pesan dan detail pesan kedalam database*/
$kd_transaksi = kd_transaksi();
$total_bayar = $_SESSION['totalbayar'];
//check if query successful
Still get confused how to input size value to database. and if you need more information to help me just tell me what I have to do
The function insertToDB is defined with 4 parameters in the code above:
function insertToDB($kd_transaksi, $idpelanggan, $totalbayar, $sizes) {
But it is called with only 3 values:
So I suggest passing the value posted for variable size when calling the function:
Btw: commenter #giraff is absolutely right when meaning the SQL injection. Your scripts are vulnerable to it. You should definitely check and sanitize user-submitted data!
I am querying the database for data, but in order to do what I need, I end up looping through that results array at least three times. How do I get all of the info I need out of the array without having to loop so many times? I need to get data from the array based on the results from the previous loops. The code below is the only way I could figure out in order to only query the database once.
$recordSQL = mysqli_query($link, $sqlString);
$resultMonths = array();
while($recordResult = mysqli_fetch_assoc($recordSQL)) $resultMonths[] = $recordResult['date'];
mysqli_data_seek($recordSQL, 0);
$uniqueMonths = array_unique($resultMonths);
foreach($uniqueMonths as $key => $date){
echo '</div><div class="current-month">'.translateDate($date, '').'</div>';
$resultCompanies = array();
while($companyResult = mysqli_fetch_assoc($recordSQL)){
if($companyResult['date'] == $date) $resultCompanies[] = $companyResult['company'];
mysqli_data_seek($recordSQL, 0);
$uniqueCompanies = array_unique($resultCompanies);
$oldco = '';
foreach($uniqueCompanies as $key => $company){
$x = 0;
while($typeResult = mysqli_fetch_assoc($recordSQL)){
if($typeResult['date'] == $date && $typeResult['company'] == $company){
if($oldco != $typeResult['company']){
if($x != 0) echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="company-record">'.$typeResult['name'].' - ';
if($x > 0) echo ', ';
echo translateID('Type', $typeResult['type']).'('.translateID('Section', $typeResult['section']).')';
$oldco = $typeResult['company'];
echo '</div>';
mysqli_data_seek($recordSQL, 0);
FYI, you are actually looping N**3 times. Do it this way:
$month_company_rows = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($recordSQL)) {
$month_company_rows[$row['date']][$row['company']][] = $row;
foreach ($month_company_rows as $date => $company_rows) {
echo '</div><div class="current-month">'.translateDate($date, '').'</div>';
foreach ($company_rows as $company => $rows) {
echo '<div class="company-record">'.$company.' - ';
foreach ($rows as $x => $row) {
if($x > 0) echo ', ';
echo translateID('Type', $row['type']).'('.translateID('Section', $row['section']).')';
echo '</div>';
I have the following script to display files inside a directory
# The current directory
$directory = dir("./");
# If you want to turn on Extension Filter, then uncomment this:
$allowed_ext = array(".deb", ".ext", ".ext", ".ext", ".ext", ".ext");
$do_link = TRUE;
$sort_what = 0; //0- by name; 1 - by size; 2 - by date
$sort_how = 0; //0 - ASCENDING; 1 - DESCENDING
# # #
function dir_list($dir){
$dl = array();
if ($hd = opendir($dir)) {
while ($sz = readdir($hd)) {
if (preg_match("/^\./",$sz)==0) $dl[] = $sz;$i.=1;
return $dl;
if ($sort_how == 0) {
function compare0($x, $y) {
if ( $x[0] == $y[0] ) return 0;
else if ( $x[0] < $y[0] ) return -1;
else return 1;
function compare1($x, $y) {
if ( $x[1] == $y[1] ) return 0;
else if ( $x[1] < $y[1] ) return -1;
else return 1;
function compare2($x, $y) {
if ( $x[2] == $y[2] ) return 0;
else if ( $x[2] < $y[2] ) return -1;
else return 1;
function compare0($x, $y) {
if ( $x[0] == $y[0] ) return 0;
else if ( $x[0] < $y[0] ) return 1;
else return -1;
function compare1($x, $y) {
if ( $x[1] == $y[1] ) return 0;
else if ( $x[1] < $y[1] ) return 1;
else return -1;
function compare2($x, $y) {
if ( $x[2] == $y[2] ) return 0;
else if ( $x[2] < $y[2] ) return 1;
else return -1;
# Getting The information
$i = 0;
while($file=$directory->read()) {
$file = strtolower($file);
$ext = strrchr($file, '.');
if (isset($allowed_ext) && (!in_array($ext,$allowed_ext)))
// dump
else {
$temp_info = stat($file);
$new_array[$i][0] = $file;
$new_array[$i][1] = $temp_info[7];
$new_array[$i][2] = $temp_info[9];
$new_array[$i][3] = date("F d, Y", $new_array[$i][2]);
$i = $i + 1;
# Sorting the information
switch ($sort_what) {
case 0:
usort($new_array, "compare0");
case 1:
usort($new_array, "compare1");
case 2:
usort($new_array, "compare2");
# Displaying the information
$i2 = count($new_array);
$i = 0;
echo "<table class='CSSTableGenerator'>
<td width=290>File name (Download)</td>
<td align=center width=70>Downloads</td>
<td align=center width=70>Depiction</td>
<td align=center width=50>Size</td>
<td align=center width=85>Modified</td>
for ($i=0;$i<$i2;$i++) {
if (!$do_link) {
$line = "<tr><td>" . $new_array[$i][0];
$line .= '</td><td>Depiction</td>';
$line .= "<td>" . number_format(($new_array[$i][1]/1024)) . " KB</td>";
$line .= "<td>" . $new_array[$i][3] . "</td></tr>";
$line = '<tr><td align=left ><A class="ex1" HREF="' .
$new_array[$i][0] . '">' .
$new_array[$i][0] .
$line .= '<td> </td>';
$line .= '<td>Depiction</td>';
$line .= "<td>" . number_format(($new_array[$i][1]/1024)) . " KB</td>";
$line .= "<td>" . $new_array[$i][3] . "</td></tr>";
echo $line;
echo "</table>";
The output looks like that:
I am trying to fill the downloads column by getting the download counts of each file from mysql table
So i am facing 2 issues here:
How to get the stats using the array of the files $new_array[$i][0]
How can i then add this mysql query output inside $line .= '<td> </td>';
I have tried getting the stats from the table using this:
$query = "SELECT stats FROM download WHERE filename='$new_array[$i][0]'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$line .= '<td>' . $row['stats'] . '</td>';
but it didn't work, i think the issue is with the array $new_array[$i][0] because i tried writing a filename filename='' and i got the stats of this file
In your "getting the information part", you must initialise your arrays thusly:
# Getting The information
$i = 0;
$new_array = array();
while($file=$directory->read()) {
$file = strtolower($file);
$ext = strrchr($file, '.');
if (isset($allowed_ext) && (!in_array($ext,$allowed_ext)))
// dump
else {
$new_array[$i] = array();
$temp_info = stat($file);
$new_array[$i][0] = $file;
$new_array[$i][1] = $temp_info[7];
$new_array[$i][2] = $temp_info[9];
$new_array[$i][3] = date("F d, Y", $new_array[$i][2]);
$i = $i + 1;
In addition, I have noted that your line:
$query = "SELECT stats FROM download WHERE filename='$new_array[$i][0]'";
Would cause $query to be equal to:
SELECT stats FROM download WHERE filename='Array[0]'
When $i is 0.
What you should do is use the mysqli library thusly:
$mysqli = new mysqli("", "user", "password", "database");
$query = "SELECT stats FROM download WHERE filename=?";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);
$stmt->bind_param('s', $new_array[$i][0]);
$stmt->bind_result($stats);//stats turns into a reference by default.
while($stmt->fetch()) { //$stats now contains the stats
$line .= '<td>'. htmlentities($stats).'</td>';
To deal with the problem of missing cells you just described, you might try:
$mysqli = new mysqli("", "user", "password", "database");
$query = "SELECT stats FROM download WHERE filename=?";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);
$stmt->bind_param('s', $new_array[$i][0]);
$stmt->bind_result($stats);//stats turns into a reference by default.
$fetched = false;
while($stmt->fetch()) { //$stats now contains the stats
$line .= '<td>'. htmlentities($stats).'</td>';
$fetched = true;
if(!$fetched) {
$line .= '<td></td>'
I want to take the print of students reports with following PHP code. (the 4th column is Marks). I am unable to modify the code. Can any body help me . And i need the reports where the marks is more than 75. in this regard?
$row = 1;
if(($handle = fopen("xyz.csv", "r")) !== false) {
$table1 = '<table div id="kk">';
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) {
$table1Add = false;
if($row >=1 && $row <= 53)
$table1Add = true;
$num = count($data);
if($row == 1) {
$table1 .= '<thead><tr>';
for($c = 0; $c <= 8; $c++) {
$value = empty($data[$c]) ? " " : $data[$c];
$table1 .= '<th>'.$value.'</th>';
$table1 .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
} else {
if($table1Add) $table1 .= '<tr>';
for($c = 0; $c <= 8; $c++) {
$value = empty($data[$c]) ? " " : $data[$c];
if($table1Add) $table1 .= '<td>'.$value.'</td>';
if($table1Add) $table1 .= '</tr>';
$table1 .= '</tbody></table>';
echo $table1;
$row = 1;
if(($handle = fopen("xyz.csv", "r")) !== false) {
$table1 = '<table div id="kk">';
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) {
$table1Add = false;
if($row >=1 && $row <= 53)
$table1Add = true;
$num = count($data);
if($row == 1) {
$table1 .= '<thead><tr>';
for($c = 0; $c <= 8; $c++) {
$value = empty($data[$c]) ? " " : $data[$c];
$table1 .= '<th>'.$value.'</th>';
$table1 .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
} else {
if($table1Add) $table1 .= '<tr>';
/* this bit edited */
$temp_holder = '';
$flag = false;
for($c = 0; $c <= 8; $c++) {
if($c==3 && $data[$c]>75) { $flag = true; }
$temp_holder .= '<td>'.(empty($data[$c]) ? " " : $data[$c]).'</td>';
if($c==8 && flag==true) { $table1 .= $temp_holder; }
/* till here */
if($table1Add) $table1 .= '</tr>';
$table1 .= '</tbody></table>';
echo $table1;
What's done above is, we will use a temp variable to keep all the <td> data, when you reach the 4th column (which is 3 starting from 0), check if the marks is greater than 75, if yes, set the flag to true. If the flag is true, that means that row has marks greater than 75, so append all the <td> values from the temp variable to the table1 variable.
I want to mysql_fetch_array 100 items from mysql database. then every 25 items wrap a div.
also, I make a total items result check.
My code as below, but it will add <div> to every item, no as my require. So how to make it easier? Thanks.
if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {
$total = mysql_num_rows($result);
$num = 1;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($num === 1) {
echo '<div>';
echo $row['title'] . '<br />';
if ($total < 26) {
echo '</div>';
else {
if ($num === 26) {
echo '<div>';
if ($total < 51) {
echo '</div>';
else {
if ($num === 51) {
echo '<div>';
if ($total < 76) {
echo '</div>';
else {
if ($num === 75) {
echo '<div>';
if ($total < 101) {
echo '</div>';
You can use the mod operator.
echo '<div>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
if (($num % 25) === 1) { echo '</div><div>' }
echo '</div>';
Try This...
$total = mysql_num_rows($result);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo '<div>';
echo $row['title'].'<br />';
echo '</div>';
use the mod operator.
$num =1;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
if (($num % 25) === 1) { echo '<div>' }
-------here data ----
if (($num % 25) === 0) { echo '</div>' }
My advice is to separate your concerns... Give it a shot more like this:
// first get all your data.
$results = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$results[] = $row;
// now you have an array of all of your records.
if (!empty($results)) {
// total count of the array up front.
$total = count($results);
$interval = 0;
// save the data in a buffer for echoing later.
$buffer = array('<div>');
foreach($results as $row) {
$buffer[] = $row['title'] . '<br />';
if (++$interval === 24) { // notice the prefix ++
$interval = 0;
// close and re-open divs
$buffer[] = '</div><div>';
// one final close tag
$buffer[] = '</div>';
// now we zip it up and echo the content.
echo implode('', $buffer);
Here is how I do it...
$count = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
if ($count%$25 == 0)
echo "<div>";
//whatever your data goes here
if ($count%$25 == 0)
echo "</div>";