how to make a string lowercase without changing url - php

I'm using mb_strtolower to make a string lowercase, but sometimes text contains urls with upper case. And when I use mb_strtolower, of course the urls changing and not working.
How can I convert string to lower without changin urls?

Since you have not posted your string, this can be only generally answered.
Whenever you use a function on a string to make it lower-case, the whole string will be made lower-case. String functions are aware of strings only, they are not aware of the contents written within these strings specifically.
In your scenario you do not want to lowercase the whole string I assume. You want to lowercase only parts of that string, other parts, the URLs, should not be changed in their case.
To do so, you must first parse your string into these two different parts, let's call them text and URLs. Then you need to apply the lowercase function only on the parts of type text. After that you need to combine all parts together again in their original order.
If the content of the string is semantically simple, you can split the string at spaces. Then you can check each part, if it begins with http:// or https:// (is_url()?) and if not, perform the lowercase operation:
$text = 'your content! might differ';
$fragments = explode(' ', $text);
foreach($fragments as &$fragment) {
if (is_not_url($fragment))
$fragment = strtolower($fragment) // or mb_strtolower
unset($fragment); // remove reference
$lowercase = implode(' ', $fragments);
To have this code to work, you need to define the is_not_url() function. Additionally, the original text must contain contents that allows to work on rudimentary parsing it based on the space separator.
Hopefully this example help you getting along with coding and understanding your problem.

Here you go, iterative, but as fine as possible.
function strtolower_sensitive ( $input ) {
$regexp = "#((http|https|ftp)://(\S*?\.\S*?))(\s|\;|\)|\]|\[|\{|\}|,|\"|'|:|\<|$|\.\s)#ie";
if(preg_match_all($regexp, $input, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
for( $i=0, $hist=array(); $i<=count($matches); ++$i ) {
str_replace( $u=$matches[$i][0], $n="sxxx".$i+1, $input ); $hist[]=array($u,$n);
$input = strtolower($input);
foreach ( $hist as $h ) {
str_replace ( $h[1], $h[0], $input );
return $input;
$input is your string, $output will be your answer. =)


regex/preg_replace to extract the part number (substring)

I'm not very comfortable with RegEx.
The Use Case
I use three variables, namely $url, $pattern and $replacement and intend to use them as follows:
$url = $node->attr("href");
$resource = ExtractResourceWithoutHtmlExtension($url); // This is jus to abstract the stripping off of the prepended path and cutting the `.html` (see Edit 2 & 3 below).
$pattern = ...
$replacement = ${1}; // Not very sure of this value
$partno = preg_replace($pattern, replacement, $resource);
echo '"'.$partno.'";"'.$node->attr("title").'";"'.$url.'"'."\n";
The Part number and Resouce scheme mapping (string)
most of the time
35000-0295 => designation-of-the-products-as-slug-35000-0295
27021-0012 => designation-of-the-products-as-slug-27021-0012
or rarely
38811 => designation-of-the-products-as-slug-38811
last but not the least (edge case => nothing to extract)
In case of non availability of Part number, the Resource substring would be simply
I still prefer RegEx solution because there might be a variation in the length of number within the segments constituting the Part number.
The Question
What should I assign to $pattern and $replacement?
Edit 1 (for reference)
The substring designation-of-the-products-as-slug are mutable and path/to/ could be of any arbitrary depth.
Edit 2 (for reference)
On second thought I realise that there is no need to use RegEx for the whole URL path: http://path/to/ could be stripped of using parse_url, explode and array_pop. Edited accordingly my post.
Edit 3 (for reference)
The the complexity could also reduce by cutting the immutable trailing substring .html. Cf. #bloodyKnuckles's comment below. Post edited accordingly.
To start with I'd use a combination of parse_url and pathinfo to strip off extraneous bits from the string, then use preg_filter with a regex like /.*?(\d+[\d-]*)$/ to grab the last chunk of digits plus optional following hyphens and digits.
$urls = [
$regex = '/.*?(\d+[\d-]*)$/';
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$resource = pathinfo(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
echo preg_filter($regex, '$1', $resource), "\n";

How to improve my algorithm?/seaching and replacing words in a formated text/

I have a source of html, and an array of keywords. I'm trying to find all words which begin with any keyword in the keywords array and wrap it in a link tag.
For example, the keyword array has two values: [ABC, DEF]. It should match ABCDEF, DEFAD, etc. and wrap each word with hyperlink markup.
Here is the code I've got so far:
$_keys = array('ABC', 'DEF');
$text = 'Some ABCDD <strong>HTML</strong> text. DEF';
function search_and_replace(($key,$text)
$words = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($text)); //to seprate words in $_text
for($words as $word)
if(strpos($word,$key) !== false)
return text;
for($_keys as $_key)
$text = search_and_replace($key,$text);
My questions:
Would this algorithm work?
How would I modify this to work with UTF-8?
How can I recognize hyperlinks in the html and ignore them (don't want to put a hyperlink in a hyperlink).
Is this algorithm safe?
is the algorithm "true"? ( I'm reading "accurate")
No, it is not. Since str_replace functions as follows
a string or an array with all occurrences of search in subject
replaced with the given replace value.
The string you're matching is not the only one being replaced. Using your example, if you ran this function against your data set, you'd end up wrapping each occurrence of ABC in multiple tags ( just run your code to see it, but you'll have to fix syntax errors).
work with UTF-8 Alphabets?
Not sure, but as written, I don't think so. See Preg_Replace and UTF8. PREG functions should be multibyte safe.
I want to igonre all words in each a tag for search operetion
That's awefully hard. You'll have to avoid <a ...>word</a>, which starts to make a big mess fast. Regex matching HTML reliably is a fool's errand.
Probably the best would be to interpret the webpage as XML or HTML. Have you considered doing this in javascript? Why do it on the server side? The advantage of JS is twofold - one, it runs on the client side, so you're offloading / distributing the work, and two, since the DOM is already interpreted, you can find all text nodes and replace them fairly easily. In fact, I was helping a frend working on a chrome extension to to almost exactly what you're describing; you could modify it to do what you're looking for easily.
a better alternative method?
Definitely. What you're showing here is one of the worse methods of doing this. I'd push for you to use preg_replace ( another answer has a good start for the regex you'd want, matching word breaks tather than whitespace) but since you want to avoid changing some elements, I'm thinking now that doing this in JS client-side is far better.
In order to maximize your performance you should look into Trie (same as Retrieval Tree) data structure. ( If I were you I would first build a Trie containing the words in the HTML page. At this step you could also check if the word is inside an <a> tag and if it this then do not add it to the Trie. You can easily do that with a Regex match
How about regex?
foreach($matches as $each) {
(Sorry, my PHP is a bit rusty)
For a simple task like this PHP regular expressions will serve well. The idea is to find all hyperlinks ( and optionally some other HTML elements ) and replace them with unique tokens. After that we are free to seek and replace desired keywords, and in the end we will restore the removed HTML elements back.
$_keys = array( 'ABC', 'DEF', 'ABČ' );
$text =
'Some <a href="#" >ABC</a> ABCDđD <strong>ABCDEF</strong> text. DEF
<p class="test">
PHP is <em>the</em> most ABCwidely used
langČuage ABC for ABČogr ammDEFing on the webABC DEFABC.
// array for holding html items replaced with tokens
$tokens = array();
$id = 0;
// we will replace all links and strong elements (a|strong)
$text = preg_replace_callback( '/<(a|strong)[^>]*>.*?<\/\1\s*>/s',
function( $matches ) use ( &$tokens, &$id )
// store matches into the tokens array
$tokens[ '#'.++$id.'#' ] = $matches[0];
// replace matches with the unique id
return '#'.$id.'#';
echo htmlentities( $text );
/* - outputs: Some #1# ABCDđD #2# text. DEF <p class="test"> #3# is <em>the</em> most ABCwidely used langČuage ABC for pćrogrABCamming on the webABC DEFABC. </p>
- note the #1# #2# #3# tokens
// wrap the words that starts with items in $_keys array ( with u(PCRE_UTF8) modifier )
$text = preg_replace( '/\b('. implode( '|', $_keys ) . ')\w*\b/u', '$0', $text );
// replace the tokens with values
$text = str_replace( array_keys($tokens), array_values($tokens), $text );
echo $text;
Info about UTF-8 strings in PHP regex:

PHP:preg_replace function

$text = "
I want to replace all the text present inside the tags with htmlspecialchars(). I tried this:
$regex = '/<tag>(.*?)<\/tag>/s';
$code = preg_replace($regex,htmlspecialchars($regex),$text);
But it doesn't work.
I am getting the output as htmlspecialchars of the regex pattern. I want to replace it with htmlspecialchars of the data matching with the regex pattern.
what should i do?
You're replacing the match with the pattern itself, you're not using the back-references and the e-flag, but in this case, preg_replace_callback would be the way to go:
$code = preg_replace_callback($regex,'htmlspecialchars',$text);
This will pass the mathces groups to htmlspecialchars, and use its return value as replacement. The groups might be an array, in which case, you can try either:
function replaceCallback($matches)
if (is_array($matches))
$matches = implode ('', array_slice($matches, 1));//first element is full string
return htmlspecialchars($matches);
Or, if your PHP version permits it:
preg_replace_callback($expr, function($matches)
$return = '';
for ($i=1, $j = count($matches); $i<$j;$i++)
{//loop like this, skips first index, and allows for any number of groups
$return .= htmlspecialchars($matches[$i]);
return $return;
}, $text);
Try any of the above, until you find simething that works... incidentally, if all you want to remove is <tag> and </tag>, why not go for the much faster:
echo htmlspecialchars(str_replace(array('<tag>','</tag>'), '', $text));
That's just keeping it simple, and it'll almost certainly be faster, too.
See the quickest, easiest way in action here
If you want to isolate the actual contents as defined by your pattern, you could use preg_match($regex,$text,$hits);. This will give you an array of hits those bits that were between the paratheses in the pattern, starting at $hits[1], $hits[0] contains the whole matched string). You can then start manipulating these found matches, possibly using htmlspecialchars ... and combine them again into $code.

PHP get specific string from url before and after unknown characters

I know it may sound as a common question but I have difficulty understanding this process.
So I have this string:
And I need to get only the word "tgadv". But I don't know that the word is "tgadv", it could be whatever.
Also the url itself may change and become:
So what I need is to create a function that will get whatever word is after campaign and before any other particular character. That's the logic..
The only certain thing is that the word will come after the word campaign/ and that any other character that will be after the word we are searching is a special one ( i.e. / or ? )
I tried understanding preg_match but really cannot get any good result from it..
Any help would be highly appreciated!
I would not use a regex for that. I would use parse_url and basename:
$bits = parse_url('');
$filename = basename($bits['path']);
echo $filename;
However, if want a regex solution, use something like this:
$pattern = '~(.*)/(.*)(\?.*)~';
preg_match($pattern, '', $matches);
$filename = $matches[2];
echo $filename;
Actually, preg_match sounds like the perfect solution to this problem. I assume you are having problems with the regex?
Try something like this:
$url = "";
$pattern = "#campaign/([^/\?]+)#";
preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches);
// $matches[1] will contain tgadv.
$path = "";
$url_parts = parse_url($path);
$tgadv = strrchr($url_parts['path'], '/');
You don't really need a regex to accomplish this. You can do it using stripos() and substr().
For example:
$str = '....Your string...';
$offset = stripos($str, 'campaign/');
if ( $offset === false ){
//error, end of h4 tag wasn't found
$offset += strlen('campaign/');
$newStr = substr($str, $offset);
At this point $newStr will have all the text after 'campaign/'.
You then just need to use a similar process to find the special character position and use substr() to strip the string you want out.
You can also just use the good old string functions in this case, no need to involve regexps.
First find the string /campaign/, then take the substring with everything after it (tgadv/asd/whatever/?redirect), then find the next / or ? after the start of the string, and everything in between will be what you need (tgadv).

PHP Split a string with start and stop value

I have fooled around with regex but can't seem to get it to work. I have a file called includes/header.php I am converting the file into one big string so that I can pull out a certain portion of the code to paste in the html of my document.
$str = file_get_contents('includes/header.php');
From here I am trying to get return only the string that starts with <ul class="home"> and ends with </ul>
try as I may to figure out an expression I am still confused.
Once I trim down the string I can just print that on my page but I can't figure out the trimming part
If you need something really hardcore,
If you just want to rip out the text that fits that pattern try something like this.
$string = "stuff<ul class=\"home\">alsdkjflaskdvlsakmdf<another></another></ul>stuff";
if( preg_match( '/<ul class="home">(.*)<\/ul>/', $string, $match ) ) {
//do stuff with $match[0]
I'm assuming that the difficulty you're having has to do with escaping the regex special characters in the string(s) you're using as a delimiter. If so, try using the preg_quote() function:
$start = preg_quote('<ul class="home">');
$end = preg_quote('</ul>', '/');
preg_match("/" . $start. '.*' . $end . "/", $str, $matching_html_snippets);
The html you want should be in $matching_html_snippets[0]
You probably want an XML parser such as the built in one. Here is an example you might want to take a look at.
If you want to use regex then something along the lines of
$str = file_get_contents('includes/header.php');
$matchedstr = preg_match("<place your pattern here>", $str, $matches);
You probably want the pattern
'/<ul class="home">.*?<\/ul>/s'
Where $matches will contain an array of the matches it found so you can grab whatever element you want from the array with
which will return the first element. And then output that.
But I'd be a bit wary, regular expressions do tend to match to surprising edge cases and you need to feed them actual data to get reliable results as to when they are failing. However if you are just passing templates it should be ok, just do some tests and see if it all works. If not I'd still recommend using the PHP XML Parser.
Hope that helps.
If you feel like not using regexes you could use string finding, which I think the PHP manual implies is quicker:
function substrstr($orig, $startText, $endText) {
//get first occurrence of the start string
$start = strpos($orig, $startText);
//get last occurrence of the end string
$end = strrpos($orig, $endText);
if($start === FALSE || $end === FALSE)
return $orig;
$length = $end - $start;
return substr($orig, $start, $length);
$substr = substrstr($string, '<ul class="home">', '</ul>');
You'll need to make some adjustments if you want to include the terminating strings in the output, but that should get you started!
Here's a novel way to do it; I make no guarantees about this technique's robustness or performance, other than it does work for the example given:
$prefix = '<ul class="home">';
$suffix = '</ul>';
$result = $prefix . array_shift(explode($suffix, array_pop(explode($prefix, $str)))) . $suffix;
