Getting value from SimpleXMLElement Object - php

Hi I have this following segment of XML:
<Result number="4" position="1" points="25">
<Driver driverId="button" url="">
I can use the following easily to get the GivenName:
But when I use:
I get SimpleXMLElement Object ()
I have looked around and found that it might be something to do with passing it to a string but then I get nothing on screen. Not even SimpleXMLElement Object.
I don't understand as it's a sibling of GivenName and that works.

You get a SimpleXMLElement object in both cases, which you'll see if you use print_r():
print_r ($item->Driver->GivenName);
print_r ($item->Driver->FamilyName);
SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] => Jenson
SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] => Button
You can use an explicit cast to get the values as strings:
$givenNameString = (string) $item->Driver->GivenName;
$familyNameString = (string) $item->Driver->FamilyName;

To make PHP understand you have to give typecasting forcefully on object like below:
$givenName = (array) $item->Driver->GivenName;
$familyName = (array) $item->Driver->FamilyName;
Array ([0] => 'Jenson')
Array ([0] => 'Button')


PHP wildcard for object key

I sometimes encounter and object like this:
stdClass Object
[batchcomplete] =>
[query] => stdClass Object
[pages] => stdClass Object
[48548] => stdClass Object
[pageid] => 48548
[ns] => 0
[title] => Dopamine
That object key 48548 is gonna be different every time so I have no way of knowing what its value is. Lets say I need to get the title (Dopamine) in this object, I would need to do something like this:
$title = $object->query->page->{*WILDCARD*}->title;
But I haven't figured out a way to do this yet. Is there a way to skip an object key like this without having to find out the value of the key?
A numeric object property is not going to work. Assuming there is only one, convert to an array and get the key:
$array = (array)$object->query->pages;
$title = $array[key($array)]->title;
Or just get the one element:
$title = current((array)$object->query->pages)->title;
If this is coming from JSON you might want to decode it as an array in the first place. If not, then maybe this:
$array = json_decode(json_encode($oject), true);
For non-numeric properties this should work:
$var = key(get_object_vars($object->query->pages));
$title = $object->query->pages->$var->title;

Getting the name of a stdClass object in PHP

I'm playing with an API that's giving me data back in JSON format that I then json_decode() to the following format:
[stockData] => stdClass Object
[data] => stdClass Object
[PS3] => stdClass Object
[2015-01-26T20:45:01Z] => stdClass Object
[AMU] => 999.76
[ZIT] => 3.63
[status] => stdClass Object
[code] => 200
[text] => ok
I need some way of getting the 2015-01-26T20:45:01Z (which changes all the time).
I've tried get_Class() on the object, eg:
get_Class($bawsaq->stockData->data->PS3) (actually in a foreach loop)
But all that's returned is: "stdClass" and not the name. How can I get the object's name?
It isn't actually the object's class: it's the name of the property that contains the stdClass object. So you'd need to get the first object property name from $bawsaq->stockData->data->PS3. Which is a bit tricky, actually.
It's nicer to work with arrays. If you use the $assoc parameter of json_decode, you can get an associative array instead of an object whenever a JSON object appears. This is much easier to deal with in PHP.
$bawsaq = json_decode($jsonData, true);
You can get the key name with key:
$dateTime = key($bawsaq['stockData']['data']['PS3']);
When you decode the JSON, use
$bawsaq = json_decode($json, true);
This will return associative arrays instead of stdClass objects for all the JSON objects. Then you can use
$keys = array_keys($bawsaq['stockData']['data'];
$date = $keys[0];
You can use get_object_vars method.
$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->field1 = 'value1';
[field1] => value1
You can use the second argument to json_decode. This will return the data as an associative array instead of an object list, so you could simply use
$input = json_decode($jsonInput, true);
$key = key($input['stockData']['data']['PS3']);
$data = $input['stockData']['data']['PS3'][$key];
or a foreach-loop. See also key on

capture the value of an element in array returned by simpleXML in PHP?

Any idea how can i get a single value from an element in array returned by an XML which looks like this?
SimpleXMLElement Object
[status] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[id] => 0
[description] => Success
I want to capture the [id] and return that value to run tests against it.
the above was captured using the following
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
Try this $id = $xml->status->id;
Are you looking for something like:
$sxml = new SimpleXMLElement("<statuses><status><id>0</id><description>success</description></status></statuses>");
var_dump((string) $sxml->status[0]->id);

How can I create a PHP stdClass Object from the output of a PHP stdClass Object

I have the following as a string:
stdClass Object
[createResult] => stdClass Object
[ReturnCode] => 1
How can I take the above string and create a new stdClass Object? I'd like to get the value like this:
$rc = $obj->createResults->ReturnCode;
If you can change the way it outputs into something like var_export, you can afterwards use that string with eval to get it back.
If you can't change it (for whatever reason) and have to use the output of print_r, then you could try this recipe and see if it works for you.
However, if at all possible, you should be storing data in a more portable format. You could use php's serialize => unserialize, or json_encode => json_decode, for starters.
You can also do it like this:
$s = "stdClass Object
[createResult] => stdClass Object
[ReturnCode] => 1
$s = preg_match("/\s\[ReturnCode\] => \S+\s/", $s, $m);
echo preg_replace("/\s\[ReturnCode\] => (\S+)\s/", "$1", $m[0]);

Why aren't these values being added to my array as strings?

Further to my question here, I'm actually wondering why I'm not getting strings added to my array with the following code.
I get some HTML from an external source with this:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xml = #simplexml_import_dom($doc); // just to make xpath more simple
$images = $xml->xpath('//img');
$sources = array();
Here is the images array:
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[#attributes] => Array
[alt] => techcrunch logo
[src] =>
Then I added the sources to my array with:
foreach ($images as $i) {
array_push($sources, $i['src']);
But when I print the results:
echo "<pre>";
I get this:
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] =>
Why isn't $i['src'] treated as a string? Isn't the original [src] element noted where I print $images a string inside there?
To put it another way $images[0] is a SimpleXMLElement, I understand that. But why is the 'src' attribute of THAT object not being but into $sources as a string when I reference it as $i['src']?
Why isn't $i['src'] treated as a string?
Becaue it isn't one - it's a SimpleXMLElement object that gets cast to a string if used in a string context, but it still remains a SimpleXMLElement at heart.
To make it a real string, force cast it:
array_push($sources, (string) $i['src']);
Because SimpleXMLElement::xpath() (quoting) :
Returns an array of SimpleXMLElement
and not an array of strings.
So, the items of your $images array are SimpleXMLElement objects, and not strings -- which is why you have to cast them to strings, if you want strings.
