Hi I have this following segment of XML:
<Result number="4" position="1" points="25">
<Driver driverId="button" url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenson_Button">
I can use the following easily to get the GivenName:
But when I use:
I get SimpleXMLElement Object ()
I have looked around and found that it might be something to do with passing it to a string but then I get nothing on screen. Not even SimpleXMLElement Object.
I don't understand as it's a sibling of GivenName and that works.
You get a SimpleXMLElement object in both cases, which you'll see if you use print_r():
print_r ($item->Driver->GivenName);
print_r ($item->Driver->FamilyName);
SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] => Jenson
SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] => Button
You can use an explicit cast to get the values as strings:
$givenNameString = (string) $item->Driver->GivenName;
$familyNameString = (string) $item->Driver->FamilyName;
To make PHP understand you have to give typecasting forcefully on object like below:
$givenName = (array) $item->Driver->GivenName;
$familyName = (array) $item->Driver->FamilyName;
Array ([0] => 'Jenson')
Array ([0] => 'Button')
I sometimes encounter and object like this:
stdClass Object
[batchcomplete] =>
[query] => stdClass Object
[pages] => stdClass Object
[48548] => stdClass Object
[pageid] => 48548
[ns] => 0
[title] => Dopamine
That object key 48548 is gonna be different every time so I have no way of knowing what its value is. Lets say I need to get the title (Dopamine) in this object, I would need to do something like this:
$title = $object->query->page->{*WILDCARD*}->title;
But I haven't figured out a way to do this yet. Is there a way to skip an object key like this without having to find out the value of the key?
A numeric object property is not going to work. Assuming there is only one, convert to an array and get the key:
$array = (array)$object->query->pages;
$title = $array[key($array)]->title;
Or just get the one element:
$title = current((array)$object->query->pages)->title;
If this is coming from JSON you might want to decode it as an array in the first place. If not, then maybe this:
$array = json_decode(json_encode($oject), true);
For non-numeric properties this should work:
$var = key(get_object_vars($object->query->pages));
$title = $object->query->pages->$var->title;
I'm playing with an API that's giving me data back in JSON format that I then json_decode() to the following format:
[stockData] => stdClass Object
[data] => stdClass Object
[PS3] => stdClass Object
[2015-01-26T20:45:01Z] => stdClass Object
[AMU] => 999.76
[ZIT] => 3.63
[status] => stdClass Object
[code] => 200
[text] => ok
I need some way of getting the 2015-01-26T20:45:01Z (which changes all the time).
I've tried get_Class() on the object, eg:
get_Class($bawsaq->stockData->data->PS3) (actually in a foreach loop)
But all that's returned is: "stdClass" and not the name. How can I get the object's name?
It isn't actually the object's class: it's the name of the property that contains the stdClass object. So you'd need to get the first object property name from $bawsaq->stockData->data->PS3. Which is a bit tricky, actually.
It's nicer to work with arrays. If you use the $assoc parameter of json_decode, you can get an associative array instead of an object whenever a JSON object appears. This is much easier to deal with in PHP.
$bawsaq = json_decode($jsonData, true);
You can get the key name with key:
$dateTime = key($bawsaq['stockData']['data']['PS3']);
When you decode the JSON, use
$bawsaq = json_decode($json, true);
This will return associative arrays instead of stdClass objects for all the JSON objects. Then you can use
$keys = array_keys($bawsaq['stockData']['data'];
$date = $keys[0];
You can use get_object_vars method.
$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->field1 = 'value1';
[field1] => value1
You can use the second argument to json_decode. This will return the data as an associative array instead of an object list, so you could simply use
$input = json_decode($jsonInput, true);
$key = key($input['stockData']['data']['PS3']);
$data = $input['stockData']['data']['PS3'][$key];
or a foreach-loop. See also key on php.net.
Any idea how can i get a single value from an element in array returned by an XML which looks like this?
SimpleXMLElement Object
[status] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[id] => 0
[description] => Success
I want to capture the [id] and return that value to run tests against it.
the above was captured using the following
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
Try this $id = $xml->status->id;
Are you looking for something like:
$sxml = new SimpleXMLElement("<statuses><status><id>0</id><description>success</description></status></statuses>");
var_dump((string) $sxml->status[0]->id);
I have the following as a string:
stdClass Object
[createResult] => stdClass Object
[ReturnCode] => 1
How can I take the above string and create a new stdClass Object? I'd like to get the value like this:
$rc = $obj->createResults->ReturnCode;
If you can change the way it outputs into something like var_export, you can afterwards use that string with eval to get it back.
If you can't change it (for whatever reason) and have to use the output of print_r, then you could try this recipe and see if it works for you. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.print-r.php#93529
However, if at all possible, you should be storing data in a more portable format. You could use php's serialize => unserialize, or json_encode => json_decode, for starters.
You can also do it like this:
$s = "stdClass Object
[createResult] => stdClass Object
[ReturnCode] => 1
$s = preg_match("/\s\[ReturnCode\] => \S+\s/", $s, $m);
echo preg_replace("/\s\[ReturnCode\] => (\S+)\s/", "$1", $m[0]);
Further to my question here, I'm actually wondering why I'm not getting strings added to my array with the following code.
I get some HTML from an external source with this:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xml = #simplexml_import_dom($doc); // just to make xpath more simple
$images = $xml->xpath('//img');
$sources = array();
Here is the images array:
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[#attributes] => Array
[alt] => techcrunch logo
[src] => http://s2.wp.com/wp-content/themes/vip/tctechcrunch/images/logos_small/techcrunch2.png?m=1265111136g
Then I added the sources to my array with:
foreach ($images as $i) {
array_push($sources, $i['src']);
But when I print the results:
echo "<pre>";
I get this:
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] => http://www.domain.com/someimages.jpg
Why isn't $i['src'] treated as a string? Isn't the original [src] element noted where I print $images a string inside there?
To put it another way $images[0] is a SimpleXMLElement, I understand that. But why is the 'src' attribute of THAT object not being but into $sources as a string when I reference it as $i['src']?
Why isn't $i['src'] treated as a string?
Becaue it isn't one - it's a SimpleXMLElement object that gets cast to a string if used in a string context, but it still remains a SimpleXMLElement at heart.
To make it a real string, force cast it:
array_push($sources, (string) $i['src']);
Because SimpleXMLElement::xpath() (quoting) :
Returns an array of SimpleXMLElement
and not an array of strings.
So, the items of your $images array are SimpleXMLElement objects, and not strings -- which is why you have to cast them to strings, if you want strings.