Why aren't these values being added to my array as strings? - php

Further to my question here, I'm actually wondering why I'm not getting strings added to my array with the following code.
I get some HTML from an external source with this:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xml = #simplexml_import_dom($doc); // just to make xpath more simple
$images = $xml->xpath('//img');
$sources = array();
Here is the images array:
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[#attributes] => Array
[alt] => techcrunch logo
[src] => http://s2.wp.com/wp-content/themes/vip/tctechcrunch/images/logos_small/techcrunch2.png?m=1265111136g
Then I added the sources to my array with:
foreach ($images as $i) {
array_push($sources, $i['src']);
But when I print the results:
echo "<pre>";
I get this:
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[0] => http://www.domain.com/someimages.jpg
Why isn't $i['src'] treated as a string? Isn't the original [src] element noted where I print $images a string inside there?
To put it another way $images[0] is a SimpleXMLElement, I understand that. But why is the 'src' attribute of THAT object not being but into $sources as a string when I reference it as $i['src']?

Why isn't $i['src'] treated as a string?
Becaue it isn't one - it's a SimpleXMLElement object that gets cast to a string if used in a string context, but it still remains a SimpleXMLElement at heart.
To make it a real string, force cast it:
array_push($sources, (string) $i['src']);

Because SimpleXMLElement::xpath() (quoting) :
Returns an array of SimpleXMLElement
and not an array of strings.
So, the items of your $images array are SimpleXMLElement objects, and not strings -- which is why you have to cast them to strings, if you want strings.


XML array to comma separated list

I have an array list of tags from xml file and im using xml file to add some posts to wordpress. So i need to convert xml array to comma separated list for tags to import in my posts.
This is an xml file example
So when i call this file in my .php file and use print_r to get the output i get this
SimpleXMLElement Object (
[tag] => Array (
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( )
[1] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( )
[2] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( )
[3] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( )
So 0 1 2 3 are tags and values are stored in SimpleXMLElement Object ( ) i read it's normal to not get values when using print_r but i know the values are there.
Now i need to convert this as a list at the end to get this result
$post_tags = tag1, tag2, tag3;
so that i can use $post_tags in my function.
Assuming your object (the one on which you called print_r() is $xml), you would loop over $xml->tag and append each child object's contents to an array. Finally, implode the array to a string.
// An array to hold it temporarily
$post_tags_arr = array();
foreach ($xml->tag as $t) {
// Cast it to a string to get the text value back
$post_tags_arr[] = (string)$t;
// Implode the array to a string
$post_tags = implode(', ', $post_tags_arr);
echo $post_tags;
You indicate that you need a list for $post_tags, but your syntax above is ambiguous as to whether you wanted a string or an array. If you wanted an array, you have it in $post_tags_arr prior to the implode().
If you feel like being clever, and the <tag> nodes reside at the same level and have no children, you can simply cast them as a regular array, which will result in their string values.
// Cast it to an array in one go:
$post_tags_arr = (array)$xml->tag;
[0] => tag1
[1] => tag2
[2] => tag3

query xpath with php

I wrote following php code to extract nodes information from this xml:
<sioctBoardPost rdfabout="http//boards.ie/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=67075">
<rdftype rdfresource="http//rdfs.org/sioc/ns#Post" />
<dctitle>hib team</dctitle>
<siocUser rdfabout="http//boards.ie/vbulletin/member.php?u=497#user">
<rdfsseeAlso rdfresource="http//boards.ie/vbulletin/sioc.php?sioc_type=user&sioc_id=497" />
<sioccontent>zero, those players that are trialing 300 -400 pingers? umm..mager lagg and even worse/</sioccontent>
$xml = simplexml_load_file("boards.xml");
$products[0] = $xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/sioccontent");
$products[1] = $xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/dctermscreated");
$products[2] = $xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/#rdfabout");
This gives following output:
Array (
[0] => Array ( [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [0] => zero, those players that are trialing for hib team, (hpb's) most of them are like 300 -400 pingers? umm..mager lagg and even worse when they play on uk server's i bet/ ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [0] => 1998-04-25T213200Z ) ) [2] => Array ( [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [#attributes] => Array ( [rdfabout] => http//boards.ie/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=67075 ) ) )
But I need only nodes content as an output i.e without Array([0] => Array etc.
Output should be like this:
zero, those players that are trialing for hib team, (hpb's) most of them are like 300 -400 pingers? umm..mager lagg and even worse when they play on uk server's i bet
Thanks in advance
You can use current() to only get the first element of each XPath result (which is an array) and then use a (string) cast to get the node contents:
$products[0] = (string)current($xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/sioccontent"));
$products[1] = (string)current($xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/dctermscreated"));
$products[2] = (string)current($xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/#rdfabout"));
As you have observed, the xpath() method returns an array of matched nodes, so you need to deal with the elements of the returned arrays. I believe this should work in this case:
$xml = simplexml_load_file("boards.xml");
$products[0] = $xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/sioccontent")[0];
$products[1] = $xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/dctermscreated")[0];
$products[2] = $xml->xpath("/sioctBoardPost/#rdfabout")[0];
This should get you what you need...
foreach ($products as $product) { // iterate through the $products array
print $product[0]->nodeValue // output the node value of the SimpleXMLElement Object

PHP Array get each Key/Value from XML File

I'm getting stumped by simply trying to get the key/value of a certain tier inside an array I have created from an XML file. The part of the array from Print_R() is:
SimpleXMLElement Object
[category] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[#attributes] => Array
[settings] => maximum
[cat_1] => 5.21
[cat_2] => 5.05
[cat_3] => 19.36
[cat_4] => 21.97
[cat_5] => 12.17
I am trying to get the "cat_1, cat_2, cat_3 .." keys so that I can put them in their own array and use them for other things. I can do print_r($array) and it works, but when I try and do this:
foreach ($array->category as $key => $val) {
$new_array[$key]= "$val";
$array->category doesn't seem to target that list. The "SimpleXMLElement Object" from the XML file seems to be in the way of how I normally use arrays. Does anyone know how I can get to those cat_1 ets. lists?
Notice that $array->category is an object, not an array and cat_* are properties. Since they are all public just use:
$new_array = get_object_vars($array->category);
You should convert simpleXML object to array using
$array = json_decode(json_encode((array) $simplexmlob)), 1);
Then use $array['category'] for other things. There is no need to use foreach loop.

SimpleXML keeps returning content on CDATA element

So another CDATA returning content question. I've seen many answers, but even though I tried them all, I still get only content.
In more details:
I have an xml file (containing many NewsItem inside):
<![CDATA[<p>This is what I am trying to retrieve</p>]]>
I am trying to get the content of body.content.
Here is my code:
$xml = simplexml_load_file('path/to/my/xml.xml',null,LIBXML_NOCDATA);
if(count($xml->children()) > 0){
foreach($xml->children() as $element){
$description = (string)$element->NewsComponent->ContentItem->DataContent->body->body.content;
echo $description;
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
My echo returns:
even though I do see the content in the print_r of my xml, as we can see here:
SimpleXMLElement Object
[NewsItem] => Array
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[NewsComponent] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[ContentItem] => Array
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[DataContent] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[body] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[body.content] => This is what I am trying to retieve
I tried using (string) or not on the element.
I also tried using
$xml = simplexml_load_file('path/to/my/xml.xml',null,LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$xml = simplexml_load_file('path/to/my/xml.xml',"SimpleXMLElement",LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$xml = simplexml_load_file('path/to/my/xml.xml');
For element names which cannot be PHP identifiers (like body.content), you must use an alternative PHP notation:
I think your example returns 'content' because you are concatenating an element that does not exist
with the string 'content' - probably PHP complains that there's no constant with the name content and therefore assumes you meant 'content'.
Thus my guess is you need to find another way to select an element with a dot in the name.
(This problem does not appear to be related to CDATA.)

Extract data from an XML object

How do I extract the data from that XML object, which is a value of a certain array:
Array (
[Title] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
[0] => The Key of Life; A Metaphysical Investigation
[ASIN] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [0] => 0982385099 ) ...
I did a foreach of the array like:
foreach ($ArrayName as $FieldLabel => $FieldValue) {
$Variable = $FieldValue[0]....
...but still, it gets the whole XML object as the field value. I wanted it to extract the value only not the whole object.
All simple xml objects are iteratable. Basically think of any object as a set, and some set's just happen to contain one object.
To extract your value do this
foreach($title as $item)
$list_of_titles = (string) $item;
So basically I typecast every item into a string from an object.
