Looping correctly though array - php

Okay so I'm looping through the results that contains two question IDs and two answers and I'm trying to match the two answers with the two answers from the form submission.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
// Include the database page
require ('../inc/dbconfig.php');
require ('../inc/global_functions.php');
//Login submitted
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// Errors defined as not being any
$errors = false;
if (trim($_POST['answer1']) == '') { $errors = true; }
if (trim($_POST['answer2']) == '') { $errors = true; }
// Error checking, make sure all form fields have input
if ($errors) {
// Not all fields were entered error
$message = "You must enter values to all of the form fields!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => $errors, 'message' => $message);
} else {
$userID = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['userID']);
$answer1Post = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['answer1']);
$answer2Post = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['answer2']);
$question1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['question1']);
$question2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['question2']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM manager_users_secretAnswers WHERE userID = '".$userID."'";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,$query);
// Count number of returned results from query
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$answer = $row['answer'];
// Comparing the database password with the posted password
if (($answer == $answer1Post) && ($answer == $answer2Post)) {
} else {
$errors = true;
$message = "Your answers did not match the answers inside the database!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => $errors, 'message' => $message);
} else {
$errors = true;
$message = "We did not find any answers for your questions! Please consult the site administrator!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => $true, 'message' => $message);
//Output the result
$output = json_encode($output);
echo $output;

Since your question is not clear in the first place, so I'm assuming that the question you are asking is "why you're not getting any matching results, when you've the correct answers in the database?". Please correct me, if this is wrong.
The logic can be like this:-
// Include the database page
require ('../inc/dbconfig.php');
require ('../inc/global_functions.php');
// Login submitted
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// Errors defined as not being any
$errors = false;
if (trim($_POST['answer1']) == '') { $errors = true; }
if (trim($_POST['answer2']) == '') { $errors = true; }
// Error checking, make sure all form fields have input
if ($errors) {
// Not all fields were entered error
$message = "You must enter values to all of the form fields!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => $errors, 'message' => $message);
} else {
$userID = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['userID']);
$answer1Post = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['answer1']);
$answer2Post = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['answer2']);
$question1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['question1']);
$question2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_POST['question2']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM manager_users_secretAnswers WHERE userID = '".$userID."'";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
// Count number of returned results from query
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$answer = $row['answer'];
// Comparing the database password with the posted password
if ($answer == $answer1Post) {
// The first answer is correct
$errors = false;
$message = "Your first answer is correct!";
} else if ($answer == $answer2Post) {
// The second answer is correct
$errors = false;
$message = "Your second answer is correct!";
} else {
$errors = true;
$message = "Your answers did not match the answers inside the
$output = array('errorsExist' => $errors, 'message' => $message);
} else {
$errors = true;
$message = "We did not find any answers for your questions! Please consult the site administrator!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => $true, 'message' => $message);
// Output the result
$output = json_encode($output);
echo $output;
It's better to have more segregation of logical conditions. In this case, it's your two answers to check for.
Hope it helps.


Validation for registration page in PHP

I have a registration page and I want to validate it. I have this code:
$msg = "";
$msg_3 = "";
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$First_Name = ((isset($_POST['First_Name']))?sanitize($_POST['First_Name']):'');
$Last_Name = ((isset($_POST['Last_Name']))?sanitize($_POST['Last_Name']):'');
$email = ((isset($_POST['email']))?sanitize($_POST['email']):'');
$confirm_email = ((isset($_POST['confirm_email']))?sanitize($_POST['confirm_email']):'');
$mobile_number = ((isset($_POST['mobile_number']))?sanitize($_POST['mobile_number']):'');
$password = ((isset($_POST['password']))?sanitize($_POST['password']):'');
$confirm_password = ((isset($_POST['confirm_password']))?sanitize($_POST['confirm_password']):'');
$gender = ((isset($_POST['gender']))?sanitize($_POST['gender']):'');
$day = ((isset($_POST['day']))?sanitize($_POST['day']):'');
$month = ((isset($_POST['month']))?sanitize($_POST['month']):'');
$year = ((isset($_POST['year']))?sanitize($_POST['year']):'');
$insurance = ((isset($_POST['insurance']))?sanitize($_POST['insurance']):'');
$agree = ((isset($_POST['agree']))?sanitize($_POST['agree']):'');
$sql = "SELECT email, mobile_number FROM customers WHERE email ='$email' OR mobile_number ='$mobile_number'";
$result = $db->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if ($email == $row['email']) {
$msg = "<span class='text-danger'>The email address you've entered is already associated with another account.
<br>Please sign in or enter a different email address. Please try again.</span>";
} if ($mobile_number == $row['mobile_number']) {
$msg_3 = "<span class='text-danger'>The mobile phone number you've entered is already associated with another account.
<br>Please sign in or enter a different number. Please try <br>again.</span>";
} else {
// Insert into database and send email
Now how could I validate each field if it is empty and print different messages under each field in this nested if and while. I'm getting confused.
If you will use same names in db as in form you could use something like this:
$keys = ['gender', 'email', 'mobile_number']; //etc
$errors = [];
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
array_walk($keys, function ($key) {
if (empty($row[$key])) {
$errors[] = "$key is required"
if (isset($_POST[$key]) && $_POST[$key] == $row[$key]) {
$errors[] = "please enter $key"
if you need to have more customized messages you might map keys to error text like:
$keys = ['gender' => ['equal' => 'your error message', 'empty' => 'empty msg'], 'email' => ['equal' => 'email validation error', 'empty' => 'error msg 2']]; //etc
$errors = [];
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
array_walk($keys, function ($errorMsg, $key) {
if (isset($_POST[$key]) && $_POST[$key] == $row[$key]) {
$errors[$key] = $errorMsg['equal'];
if (empty($row[$key])) {
$errors[$key] = $errorMsq['empty'];
Do not repeat
Prevent SQL Injection
You can do something like this.
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$errors = [];
function getPost($postIndex, $errorMessage = '') {
global $errors;
if (!empty( $_POST[$postIndex] )) {
$value = $_POST[$postIndex];
return $value;;
} else {
$errors[$postIndex] = $errorMessage;
return null;
function validateString($s) {
return htmlspecialchars(trim($s));
getPost('First_Name', 'Firstname Cannot Be Empty');
getPost('Last_Name', 'Lastname cannot be empty');
$email = getPost('email', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('confirm_email', 'Your Error Message');
$mobile_number = getPost('mobile_number', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('password', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('confirm_password', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('gender', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('day', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('month', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('year', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('insurance', 'Your Error Message');
getPost('agree', 'Your Error Message');
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare('SELECT email, mobile_number FROM customers WHERE email =? OR mobile_number =?');
if (
$stmt &&
$stmt -> bind_param('ss', $email, $mobile_number) &&
$stmt -> execute() &&
$stmt -> store_result() &&
$stmt -> bind_result($dbEmail, $dbMobileNumber) &&
$stmt -> fetch()
) {
if ($email == $dbEmail) {
// email equal error message
} if ($mobile_number == $row['mobile_number']) {
// mobile number equal error message
if (count($errors)) {
echo "You have an error";
// or get the post index in your HTML form and show the error message there
// <?php isset($errors['firstName']) ? echo $errors['firstname'] : null;

depending on condition show error message in php

i have code like this
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/editlib.php');
$errorMessage = '';
$successMessage = '';
$successMessage = $_SESSION['successMessage'];
if (isset($_POST['register'])) {
if(!preg_match("/^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(\S+)$/i", $_POST['password']))
$errorMessage="don't allow spaces";
$errors = array();
$data = array();
$chk_sql = "SELECT * FROM {user} u where username = ?";
if (!empty($chk_sql) ) {
$errorMessage='Username already taken';
if(!$chk_username = $DB->get_record_sql($chk_sql, array($_POST['username'])) )
$secret = $_POST['secret'];
$access_code_sql = "SELECT * FROM {accesscode} WHERE random_no= ? and status=1";
if($chk_secret = $DB->get_record_sql($access_code_sql, array($secret)) )
if ( $chk_secret->used >= $chk_secret->number ) {
$errorMessage = "your access code limit completed..";
$cadminid = $chk_secret->cadmin_id;
$clientid = $chk_secret->clientid;
$DB->execute("UPDATE {accesscode} SET used = used+1 WHERE random_no = '$secret'");
$insert_record = new stdClass();
$insert_record->firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$insert_record->lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$insert_record->username = $_POST['username'];
$insert_record->secret = $secret;
$insert_record->password = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
$insert_record->timecreated = time();
$insert_record->maildigest = $cadminid;
$insert_record->maildisplay = $clientid;
$insert_record->idnumber = 1;
$insert_record->mnethostid = 1;
$insert_record->confirmed = 1;
$insert_record->email = $_POST['email'];
if($result = $DB->insert_record('user', $insert_record))
$_SESSION['successMessage'] = "record created successfully";
header('Location: register.php');
$errorMessage = "error! can you please try again";
$errorMessage = "your access code is wrong..";
so i want to write condition like another if condition
if ( $chk_secret->status='0' ) {
$errorMessage = "your access code deactivated..";
if not they can register
i tried..but i didn't get idea where i have to add that if..
before i have condition like if number>used it will show some error message like your accesscode limit completed
can anyone help me..
thanks in advance..
= is for value assignment
== is compare two operands
so you need to change
if ( $chk_secret->status='0' ) {
if ( $chk_secret->status=='0' ) {
your query SELECT * FROM {accesscode} WHERE random_no= ? and status=1
which means it going to return only status == 1
you can check with number of rows returned is ZERO then through status zero error message.
Or else
Get rows only based on random_no exists and then check status key

faulty error output in my registration form

I am trying to make a registration form and doing some checks before running SQL queries, but as i test and try to generate multiple errors, i am getting only the error that comes first, or sometimes no error at all. I am unable to locate where i have made error.
The following is the code in PHP.
//function to filter only phone numbers
function get_phone($number) {
return preg_replace('#[^0-9]#', '', $number);
//function to take only alphabets.
function get_alpha($alphabets){
return preg_replace('#[^a-z]#', '', $alphabets);
//function to check email.
function isValidEmail($email){
if (strlen ($email) > 50){
$errors[] = 'email address too long, please use a shorter email address..!';
} else {
return (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));
function output_errors($errors){
$output = array();
foreach($errors as $error) {
$output[] = '<li>' . $error . '</li>';
return '<ul>' . implode('', $output) . '</ul>';
if (empty($_POST) === false) {
//store the text box field names of the form to local variables.
$cust_name = $_POST['name1'];
$cust_email = $_POST['email'];
$cust_phone = $_POST['phone'];
$cust_addr1 = $_POST['addr1'];
$cust_addr2 = $_POST['addr2'];
$cust_city = $_POST['city'];
$cust_state = $_POST['state'];
$cust_country = $_POST['country'];
$username = $_POST['uname'];
$password = $_POST['passwd'];
$cnf_passwd = $_POST['cnf_passwd'];
$sec_que = $_POST['sec_que'];
$sec_ans = $_POST['sec_ans'];
//sanitize the inputs from the users end.
$cust_name = sanitize($username);
$cust_phone = get_phone($cust_phone);
$cust_addr1 = sanitize($cust_addr1);
$cust_addr2 = sanitize($cust_addr2);
$cust_city = get_alpha($cust_city);
$cust_state = get_alpha($cust_state);
$cust_country = get_alpha($cust_country);
$username = sanitize($username);
$password = md5($password);
$cnf_passwd = md5($cnf_passwd);
$sec_que = sanitize($sec_que); //put up dropdown menu
$sec_ans = sanitize($sec_ans);
$cust_email = isValidEmail($cust_email);
//check for error handling in form data
//1. check for empty fields,
if ($cust_name == "" || $cust_phone == "" ||
$cust_addr1 == "" || $username == "" ||
$password == "" || $cnf_passwd == "" ||
$sec_que == "" || $sec_ans == ""
) {
$errors[] = 'No blank fields allowed, please fill out all the required fields..!';
//2.check for field lengths
} else if (strlen($cust_name) < 3 || strlen($cust_name > 20)) {
$errors[] = 'The name length should be between 3 to 20, please check & correct..!';
//3. check for phone number length
} else if (strlen($cust_phone) < 10 || strlen($cust_phone) > 11) {
$errors[] = 'The phone number must be 10 or 11 digits..!';
//4. check for address input lengths.
} else if (strlen($cust_addr1) < 5 || strlen($cust_addr1) > 50) {
$errors[] = 'Please provide a valid address..to serve you better..!';
//5. check if the password fields content match.
//length is not checked because the entered values will be converted to MD5 hash
// of 32 characters.
} else if ($password != $cnf_passwd) {
$errors[] = 'The passwords do not match. Please enter your passwords again..!';
// 6. check for length of the security answers.
} else if (strlen($sec_ans) < 5 || strlen($sec_ans) > 50) {
$errors[] = 'Please enter a proper security answer..!';
} //7. check for valid email address
else if($cust_email == false){
$errors[] = 'The email address you entered is not valid, please check and correct..!';
} else {
execute the SQL queries and enter the values in the database.
echo 'GOOD...TILL NOW..!!!';
} else {
$errors [] = 'No data received, Please try again..!!';
if(empty($errors) === false) {
<h2>The Following errors were encountered:</h2>
echo output_errors($errors); //output the errors in an ordered way.
When you use this structure:
if () {
} else if () {
} else if () {
// etc.
then only one condition can be satisfied. As soon as one of those if conditions is true, the rest of the else if blocks and the final else block are ignored.
If your conditions aren't mutually exclusive, put them in their own separate blocks:
if () {
if () {
if () {
// etc.

PHP Form data validation issue

I am making a basic content management system and I have got stuck with the validation of data being entered into a form.
For example, one form is to edit the name of a subject (in the navigation menu). The form contains a few different pieces of data but the main focus is the "menu_name" field (name of subject).
On form submission data in "menu_name" should be checked to ensure it is not empty and if it is then give an error. What is happening is that the form validation doesn't seem to be working as when I enter nothing the script continues to edit the subject name, in this case making it blank.
This is the script that is executed on form submission:
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
// Process the form
// Validations
$required_fields = array("menu_name", "position", "visible");
$fields_with_max_lengths = array("menu_name" => 30);
// If errors occured, redirect
// Perform update
// Assign POST data to variables
$id = $current_subject["id"];
$menu_name = mysql_prep($_POST["menu_name"]);
$position = (int) $_POST["position"];
$visible = (int) $_POST["visible"];
// 2. Perform database query
$query = "UPDATE subjects SET ";
$query .= "menu_name = '{$menu_name}', ";
$query .= "position = '{$position}', ";
$query .= "visible = '{$visible}' ";
$query .= "WHERE id = {$id} ";
$query .= "LIMIT 1";
$result = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
if ($result && mysqli_affected_rows($connection) >= 0)
// Success
$_SESSION["message"] = "Subject updated.";
// Failure
$message = "Subject update failed.";
The data is then checked by two custom validation functions as you can see, the second one is not my concern but the first function validate_presences(), here is the function:
function validate_presences($requried_fields)
GLOBAL $errors;
foreach($required_fields as $field)
$value = trim($_POST[$field]);
if (!has_presence($value))
$errors[$field] = fieldname_as_text($field) . " can't be blank";
You can see there that it references the has_presence() function, which is:
function has_presence($value)
return isset($value) && $value !== "";
If anyone has any ideas on what is wrong, any help is appreciated!
Just ask if you need some more information.
Thanks in advance!
Why don't you just return the error array instead of making it global? I think it will resolve your problem instantly ;)
function validate_presences($requried_fields)
$errors = array();
foreach($required_fields as $field)
$value = trim($_POST[$field]);
if (!has_presence($value))
$errors[$field] = fieldname_as_text($field) . " can't be blank";
return $errors;
Now set $errors = validate_presences($required_fields); and your ready to go!
It's not recommended to use variables in a global way like this. Rather pass the errors variable by reference to the validation functions.
$errors = array();
function validate_presences($requried_fields, &$errors)
foreach($required_fields as $field)
$value = trim($_POST[$field]);
if (!has_presence($value))
$errors[$field] = fieldname_as_text($field) . " can't be blank";
$required_fields = array("menu_name", "position", "visible");
validate_presences($required_fields, $errors);
$fields_with_max_lengths = array("menu_name" => 30);
validate_max_lengths($fields_with_max_lengths, $errors);
// If errors occured, redirect

not returning sufficient rows

What I'm trying to figure out here is how to access the different array values that I need. I have the following query and it returns this for an array when the print_r() is applied. For some reason it only does the first row from the db table. It should return a whole another row.
// Include the database page
require ('../inc/dbconfig.php');
require ('../inc/global_functions.php');
//Login submitted
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// Errors defined as not being any
$errors = "no";
if((empty($_POST['answer1'])) || (trim($_POST['answer1'])=="") || ($_POST['answer1'] == NULL) || (!isset($_POST['answer1']))){$errors = "yes";}
if((empty($_POST['answer2'])) || (trim($_POST['answer2'])=="") || ($_POST['answer2'] == NULL) || (!isset($_POST['answer2']))){$errors = "yes";}
// Error checking, make sure all form fields have input
if ($errors == "yes") {
// Not all fields were entered error
$message = "You must enter values to all of the form fields!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => true, 'message' => $message);
} else {
$userID = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['userID']);
$answer1Post = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['answer1']);
$answer2Post = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['answer2']);
$question1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['question1']);
$question2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$_POST['question2']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM manager_users_secretAnswers WHERE userID = '".$userID."'";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,$query);
// Count number of returned results from query
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$answer = $row['answer'];
// Comparing the database password with the posted password
if ($answer == $answerPost) {
} else {
$errors = "yes";
$message = "Your answers did not match the answers inside the database!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => true, 'message' => $message);
} else {
$errors = "yes";
$message = "We did not find any answers for your questions! Please consult the site administrator!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => true, 'message' => $message);
//Output the result
$output = json_encode($output);
echo $output;
Because you just fetch the first one, where you should loop on the result set instead:
$query = "SELECT * FROM manager_users_secretAnswers WHERE userID = '$userID'";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,$query);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
By the way, you should be using prepared statements to avoid SQL injection.
You need to wrap your fetch in a loop. e.g.
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)
while (($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) !== false)
if ($row['answer'] == $answerPost)
// $row matches what we're looking for
$errors = "yes";
$message = "Your answers did not match the answers inside the database!";
$output = array('errorsExist' => true, 'message' => $message);
