Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.BadVersion - php

Okay - So I've been looking all over the place to try and correct this problem - But I keep finding different answers, and frankly, it is getting terribly frustrating trying to figure this out. Lemme post some code for you to look at:
PHP Script:
public function addNewCompany(CompanyVO $item)
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection,
"INSERT INTO `companies` ('companyName') VALUES (?);");
mysqli_bind_param($stmt, 's', $item->companyName);
$autoid = mysqli_stmt_insert_id($stmt);
return $autoid;
Portions of the MXML Main App:
protected function companysignupsheet1_addCompanyEventHandler(event:AddCompanyEvent):void
<s:RemoteObject id="companyservicero"
endpoint = "http://localhost/PHP_RO/public/gateway.php"
A Part of code from Component:
protected function button_submitNewCompany_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var companyData11:CompanyVO = new CompanyVO();
companyData11.companyName = textinput_NewCompanyName.text;
var eventObject:AddCompanyEvent = new AddCompanyEvent("addCompanyEvent", companyData11);
The Event:
package events
import valueObjects.CompanyVO;
public class AddCompanyEvent extends Event
public var companyData:CompanyVO;
public function AddCompanyEvent(type:String, companyData:CompanyVO)
this.companyData = companyData;
If I need to post more I will be happy to do so. Also - I know it is a bit overkill to try and just send the one text value in this fashion, but there will be much, much more that will go with it when I get it working - I just was trying to focus on where the problem is. Oh - and I don't know if it helps at all...But currently I can retrieve records from the mySQL database this is attached to (although I am not doing that via the RemoteObject way) - I can also add to the same table using the old drag-and-drop (Connect to Data/Services) functionality of an exact copy of the PHP above (although with the information hard coded in (I.E. the CompanyName=testtest)).
And to finish it all off - earlier when I didn't define the datatype for the argument:
public function addNewCompany($item){.....
for addNewCompany - it DID add a record in the database, although it was blank and it would still popup an error message with the whole Channel.Connect, etc..... And now in Zend Server's logs it is saying that the data is getting transferred in a stdClass wrapper and it is needed in CompanyVO datatype.
I am sooo frustrated with this all - I've been stuck with this type of problems for about 2-3 days now and I give up! PLEASE help. Thank you so much for your time and assistance!
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$webroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$configfile = "$dir/amf_config.ini";
$servicesdir = $dir.'/../services';
$librarydir = $dir.'/../library';
//default zend install directory
$zenddir = $webroot.'/ZendFramework/library';
//Load ini file and locate zend directory
if (file_exists($configfile)) {
$arr = parse_ini_file($configfile, true);
if (isset($arr['zend']['webroot'])) {
$webroot = $arr['zend']['webroot'];
$zenddir = $webroot.'/ZendFramework/library';
if (isset($arr['zend']['zend_path'])) {
$zenddir = $arr['zend']['zend_path'];
if (isset($arr['zend']['library'])) {
$librarydir = $arr['zend']['library'];
if (isset($arr['zend']['services'])) {
$servicesdir = $arr['zend']['services'];
// Setup include path
// add zend directory, library and services to include path
// Initialize Zend Framework loader
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance()->setFallbackAutoloader(true)- >suppressNotFoundWarnings(true);
// Load configuration
$default_config = new Zend_Config(array("production" => false), true);
$default_config->merge(new Zend_Config_Ini($configfile, 'zendamf'));
$amf = $default_config->amf;
// Store configuration in the registry
Zend_Registry::set("amf-config", $amf);
// Initialize AMF Server
$server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
if (isset($amf->directories)) {
$dirs = $amf->directories->toArray();
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if ($dir == "./") {
} else
if (realpath("{$webroot}/{$dir}")) {
} else
if (realpath($dir)) {
// Initialize introspector for non-production
if (! $amf->production) {
$server->setClass('Zend_Amf_Adobe_Introspector', '',
array("config" => $default_config, "server" => $server));
$server->setClass('Zend_Amf_Adobe_DbInspector', '',
array("config" => $default_config, "server" => $server));
// Handle request
echo $server->handle();
;set the absolute location path of webroot directory, example:
;Windows: C:\apache\www
;MAC/UNIX: /user/apache/www
webroot = "C:/Zend/Apache2/htdocs"
;set the absolute location path of zend installation directory, example:
;Windows: C:\apache\PHPFrameworks\ZendFramework\library
;MAC/UNIX: /user/apache/PHPFrameworks/ZendFramework/library
zend_path ="C:/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/.metadata/.plugins/org.zend.php.framework.resource/resources/ZendFramework-1/library"
library ="C:/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/PHP_RO/library"
services ="C:/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/PHP_RO/services"
amf.production = false

Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.BadVersion usually happens when PHP echoes an error or warning to the amf response. Flex gets an amf message appended with something like 'warning something went wrong on line X' and can't parse it.
Turn on the network monitor in Flash Builder and view the latest raw response. You will see the error formatted with html tags.


Elasticsearch doesn't index something in a php application

I've a problem using elasticsearch in a php application. The application is built with zend and uses a .env to hold the following configuration:
The call to index the new files is part of a import service class and looks like this: 
public function flush(FlushInterface $flushInterface = null) {
$bulk = $this->getSearchDocumentBulk();
if (!empty($bulk->getActions())) {
$response = $bulk->send();
if (0 === $response->count()) {
$data = $response->getData();
throw new BulkException(isset($data['message']) ? strip_tags($data['message']) : '');
$this->documentCache = [];
if ($flushInterface instanceof FlushInterface) {
return $this;
protected function getSearchDocumentBulk() {
if (!($this->searchDocumentBulk instanceof Bulk)) {
$this->searchDocumentBulk = new Bulk($this->getSearchClient()->getClient());
return $this->searchDocumentBulk;
I know it's only a short snippet but it's quite difficult to pull out the relevant code. So please let me know if I have to post some more methods. 
The application is started by a symfony command and I'm able to curl to elasticsearch (version 5.1) without any errors.
My problem is that no document is indexed. If I check elasticsearch-head I see that there was no data transfer anymore. 
But there's also no error, no exception or something like that. The process is completed with 100% (100,000 of 100,000 files imported). So I've no idea what happens or how to find out the bug.

Error while importing Quickbook library in Laravel 5.3

I am integrating quickbooks with my laravel app. After integration I got this error,
PHP Warning: require_once(../QuickBooks.php): failed to open stream:
No such file or directory in
/home/vipin/projects/development/Quickbook/config/app.php on line 2
PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '../QuickBooks.php'
in /home/ubuntu/projects/development/Quickbook/config/app.php on line
Here is my controller Quickbook.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
// require_once '../QuickBooks.php';
use App\Http\Requests;
class QuickBooksController extends Controller
private $IntuitAnywhere;
private $context;
private $realm;
public function __construct(){
if (!\QuickBooks_Utilities::initialized(env('QBO_DSN'))) {
// Initialize creates the neccessary database schema for queueing up requests and logging
$this->IntuitAnywhere = new \QuickBooks_IPP_IntuitAnywhere(env('QBO_DSN'), env('QBO_ENCRYPTION_KEY'), env('QBO_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY'), env('QBO_CONSUMER_SECRET'), env('QBO_OAUTH_URL'), env('QBO_SUCCESS_URL'));
public function qboConnect(){
if ($this->IntuitAnywhere->check(env('QBO_USERNAME'), env('QBO_TENANT')) && $this->IntuitAnywhere->test(env('QBO_USERNAME'), env('QBO_TENANT'))) {
// Set up the IPP instance
$IPP = new \QuickBooks_IPP(env('QBO_DSN'));
// Get our OAuth credentials from the database
$creds = $this->IntuitAnywhere->load(env('QBO_USERNAME'), env('QBO_TENANT'));
// Tell the framework to load some data from the OAuth store
if (env('QBO_SANDBOX')) {
// Turn on sandbox mode/URLs
// This is our current realm
$this->realm = $creds['qb_realm'];
// Load the OAuth information from the database
$this->context = $IPP->context();
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function qboOauth(){
if ($this->IntuitAnywhere->handle(env('QBO_USERNAME'), env('QBO_TENANT')))
; // The user has been connected, and will be redirected to QBO_SUCCESS_URL automatically.
// If this happens, something went wrong with the OAuth handshake
die('Oh no, something bad happened: ' . $this->IntuitAnywhere->errorNumber() . ': ' . $this->IntuitAnywhere->errorMessage());
public function qboSuccess(){
return view('qbo_success');
public function qboDisconnect(){
$this->IntuitAnywhere->disconnect(env('QBO_USERNAME'), env('QBO_TENANT'),true);
return redirect()->intended("/yourpath");// afer disconnect redirect where you want
public function createCustomer(){
$CustomerService = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Customer();
$Customer = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Customer();
$Customer->setDisplayName('Shannon B Palmer ' . mt_rand(0, 1000));
// Terms (e.g. Net 30, etc.)
// Phone #
$PrimaryPhone = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryPhone();
// Mobile #
$Mobile = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Mobile();
// Fax #
$Fax = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Fax();
// Bill address
$BillAddr = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Object_BillAddr();
$BillAddr->setLine1('72 E Blue Grass Road');
$BillAddr->setLine2('Suite D');
$BillAddr->setCity('Mt Pleasant');
// Email
$PrimaryEmailAddr = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Object_PrimaryEmailAddr();
if ($resp = $CustomerService->add($this->context, $this->realm, $Customer))
//print('Our new customer ID is: [' . $resp . '] (name "' . $Customer->getDisplayName() . '")');
//return $resp;
//echo $resp;exit;
//$resp = str_replace('{','',$resp);
//$resp = str_replace('}','',$resp);
//$resp = abs($resp);
return $this->getId($resp);
//echo 'Not Added qbo';
public function addItem(){
$ItemService = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Item();
$Item = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Item();
$Item->setName('My Item');
if ($resp = $ItemService->add($this->context, $this->realm, $Item))
return $this->getId($resp);
public function addInvoice($invoiceArray,$itemArray,$customerRef){
$InvoiceService = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Service_Invoice();
$Invoice = new \QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Invoice();
$Invoice = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Invoice();
$Invoice->setDocNumber('WEB' . mt_rand(0, 10000));
$Line = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_Line();
$Line->setAmount(12.95 * 2);
$Line->setDescription('Test description goes here.');
$SalesItemLineDetail = new QuickBooks_IPP_Object_SalesItemLineDetail();
if ($resp = $InvoiceService->add($this->context, $this->realm, $Invoice))
return $this->getId($resp);
public function getId($resp){
$resp = str_replace('{','',$resp);
$resp = str_replace('}','',$resp);
$resp = abs($resp);
return $resp;
require_once '../QuickBooks.php';
return [
'qbo_token' => env('QUICKBOOK_TOKEN'),
'qbo_consumer_key' => env('QBO_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY'),
'qbo_consumer_secret' => env('QBO_CONSUMER_SECRET'),
'qbo_sandbox' => env('QBO_SANDBOX'),
'qbo_encryption_key' => env('QBO_ENCRYPTION_KEY'),
'qbo_username' => env('QBO_USERNAME'),
'qbo_tenant' => env('QBO_TENANT'),
'qbo_auth_url' => 'http://app.localhost:8000/qbo/oauth',
'qbo_success_url' => 'http://app.localhost:8000/qbo/success',
'qbo_mysql_connection' => 'mysqli://'. env('DB_USERNAME') .':'. env('DB_PASSWORD') .'#'. env('DB_HOST') .'/'. env('DB_DATABASE'),
There are several areas to improve on here with the given code & approach.
As Anton correctly points out, you should not be directly requiring any of the quickbooks library files. If you've loaded this in via Composer then they will be automatically loaded because the Composer autoloader will load the QuickBooks file from the vendor. This is correct for Laravel as well as general Composer-based applications - the only difference with Laravel is that there isn't a specific Laravel Package ServiceProvider that's been written for this SDK, but that doesn't matter.
The QuickBooks library tries to jump on top of autoloading any class that starts with 'QuickBooks', so you're better off making a QuickBooks folder for your controller class. This is more of a 'gotcha' and has been pointed out in the repo issues.
The reason you're getting the Driver/.php error is because you have not specified your QBO_DSN, or have done so incorrectly - this DSN environment variable that you're passing to the initialisation is being run through parse_url() in the SDK code, coming up false or null and breaking the auto-loader for initalisation. If this was set to a proper connection string (e.g. mysqli://username:password#host:port/database and note that port must be a number or it's considered malformed), it would correctly process the DSN and continue to load the page. Be aware that initialisation will attempt to parse and fetch the network address of the host, so you can't just put a dummy value in there and expect it to work - this needs to exist first.
You're mixing your environment variables and application configuration, without using either of them properly. If you wanted your DB connection string (a.k.a. QBO_DSN) to be constructed a particular way into the application configuration setting qbo_mysql_connection, then you should be using the configuration setting when trying to initialise/load/etc. Instead of using env('QBO_DSN'), you should be using config('app.qbo_mysql_connection') to load the constructed version from your app settings. Typically you would not be loading so many environment variables into a controller at all - that should be handled by the application, and then the controller calling the application configuration so it's agnostic of how they were defined.
You shouldn't need to require anything from inside the app configuration file either - that file is just for configuration variables being set up.
Since the QuickBooks SDK isn't properly namespaced (yet), there isn't a nice PSR-4 way of loading (and use-ing) the classes, but it's still good practice to use use clauses at the top of the file (e.g. use QuickBooks_Utilities;) so that you can use the classes without fear of forgetting the preceding backslash (i.e. no more \QuickBooks_Utilities, just QuickBooks_Utilities in usage) - there are several instances in the given code where this has been forgotten, and will not work because the Laravel application is namespaced and will look for those classes in the App\Http\Controllers namespace (e.g. errors like "Cannot find class App\Http\Controllers\QuickBooks_Utilities").
Indentation - pick a style (e.g. tabs, 2-space, PSR-2, etc) and then stick to it. Run phpcs or some other clean-up tool over all of your code before committing to your repository or posting on SO - readability is important!
Using require instead of autoloader is a bad practice in modern frameworks (and generally in modern PHP). I highly recommend using the package manager (eg composer) to properly add modules to the project.
For example, to add a quickbooks library into the project using composer, you need to run only one command:
composer require consolibyte/quickbooks
Add this line in footer of Config/app.php
require_once '../QuickBooks.php';

Request for IRC URI Scheme for HTML Purifier 4.2.0

Can someone help me to establish using IRC URI Scheme for HTML Purifier 4.2.0? I can't seem to figure out how to configure or which files to modify so that purified html allows for irc:// links.
Is it possible I can simply modify configuration within the following code block?
require_once "htmlpurifier-4.2.0/library/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php";
$purifier_config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$purifier_config->set("HTML.Doctype", "XHTML 1.0 Strict");
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($purifier_config);
I edited library/standalone/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema.ser changing both instances of "4:nntp" to "3:irc" and found error:
Warning: Directory htmlpurifier-4.2.0/library/standalone/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer/URI not writable, please chmod to 777
I believe this will help to establish support for IRC URI Scheme after making this change. I'll report back in a bit.
Hmm, after making it writable, no error appeared, but no results =\
HTML Purifier doesn't seem to have a native support for the IRC scheme. But: Have you tried something like this? Put this in /library/HTMLPurifier/URIScheme, or otherwise make sure that autoloading finds it:
class HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_irc extends HTMLPurifier_URIScheme {
public $default_port = 6667;
public $browsable = false;
public function validate(&$uri, $config, $context) {
if (parent::validate($uri, $config, $context) === false) {
return false;
if (!is_null($uri->path)) {
// get channel name
$uri->path = array_shift(explode('/', $uri->path));
$uri->userinfo = null;
$uri->query = null;
$uri->fragment = null;
return true;
...and change your configuration with...
array('irc' => true, /* ... other schemes here ... */)
That may not work out of the box, but I'm thinking that should be the right direction...

Instantiating a AMF PHP class not working

I am trying to use AMF PHP to pass variables to a flash file, thus far I cannot see anything wrong with my code, but I have very little experience with creating classes, so here it goes, here is my code,
include "amfphp/services/flashMe.php";
$session = true;
if ($session == true) {
$uid = '12345';
$thing = new flashMe;
} else {
class flashMe {
public function __construct() {
public function push($one)
return $one;//sends the uid to the flash file?
Flash is looking for the flashMe class and the push method within that class, but I keep getting null variables in my flash file when I run it, is there something wrong with this code?
Thanx in advance!
Your index.php file is unnecessary.
Your second file is incomplete. Here is the example from the docs for their "hello world" class file:
class HelloWorld
function HelloWorld()
$this->methodTable = array
"say" => array
"access" => "remote",
"description" => "Pings back a message"
function say($sMessage)
return 'You said: ' . $sMessage;
This file should be saved as "HelloWorld" matching the "class HelloWorld" you have named in the php file (you did this part right with FlashMe).
The example file in the docs for the Flash piece (in actionscript) is here:
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug;
var gatewayUrl:String = "http://localhost/flashservices/gateway.php"
var _service:Service = new Service(gatewayUrl, null, 'HelloWorld', null , null);
var pc:PendingCall = _service.say("Hello world!");
pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "handleResult", "handleError");
function handleResult(re:ResultEvent)
trace('The result is: ' + re.result);
function handleError(fe:FaultEvent)
trace('There has been an error');
The gateway URL should go to wherever your services can be reached. I'm sure if you try a few you'll find the right one. The neat thing about amfphp is that it allows you to also test your services out before you try implementing them in the gateway (if you go to the URL in your browser).
I'm pretty new to AMFPHP as well, but I've found the docs to be extraordinarily useful. If you need more help on classes, you can find more info on the PHP docs page.
You missed the parenthesis after new flashMe
$thing = new flashMe();
Amfphp or Zend AMF only allow you to call public methods on a remote class that is exposed by your gateway. You example is not a class and therefore no remote method can be called. This looks more like something that you would do with an http post.

cakephp database not found

I have project developed using cakephp which is getting data from different DBs, but if one of theses database some pages not open and give me the following error :
Database table tablenae for model moedlname was not found.
..and I have in this page other data displayed from the other database which work probably.
how i can determine if database is offline using cake and i can make this model read from another place like a cache file until the database startup again.
Perhaps a better approach is to cache results and read from the cache, only hitting the DB when needed...
$cacheKey = 'myCacheNumber1';
if (($data = Cache::read($cacheKey)) === false) {
$data = $this->Model->find('all');
if ($data) {
Cache::write($cacheKey, $data);
The problem with this is it assumes the model and database connection are available for the time when the cache doesn't exist (or has expired), and if it wasn't, you'd still get the same errors, but the frequency would certainly be reduced.
I think to test if the DB is available at all would require some custom code trickery since the cake core method of connecting assumes success and fails heavily when not available. I'd probably make a component with standard PHP connect methods to control if you should attempt to load a model.
$cacheKey = 'myCacheNumber1';
if (($data = Cache::read($cacheKey)) === false) {
if ($this->DbTest->check('hostname','username','password')) {
$data = $this->Model->find('all');
if ($data) {
Cache::write($cacheKey, $data);
// app/controllers/components/db_test.php
class DbTestComponent extends Object {
function check($hostname,$username,$password) {
$result = true;
$link = #mysql_connect($hostname,$username,$password);
if (!$link) {
$result = false;
return $result;
