Instantiating a AMF PHP class not working - php

I am trying to use AMF PHP to pass variables to a flash file, thus far I cannot see anything wrong with my code, but I have very little experience with creating classes, so here it goes, here is my code,
include "amfphp/services/flashMe.php";
$session = true;
if ($session == true) {
$uid = '12345';
$thing = new flashMe;
} else {
class flashMe {
public function __construct() {
public function push($one)
return $one;//sends the uid to the flash file?
Flash is looking for the flashMe class and the push method within that class, but I keep getting null variables in my flash file when I run it, is there something wrong with this code?
Thanx in advance!

Your index.php file is unnecessary.
Your second file is incomplete. Here is the example from the docs for their "hello world" class file:
class HelloWorld
function HelloWorld()
$this->methodTable = array
"say" => array
"access" => "remote",
"description" => "Pings back a message"
function say($sMessage)
return 'You said: ' . $sMessage;
This file should be saved as "HelloWorld" matching the "class HelloWorld" you have named in the php file (you did this part right with FlashMe).
The example file in the docs for the Flash piece (in actionscript) is here:
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug;
var gatewayUrl:String = "http://localhost/flashservices/gateway.php"
var _service:Service = new Service(gatewayUrl, null, 'HelloWorld', null , null);
var pc:PendingCall = _service.say("Hello world!");
pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "handleResult", "handleError");
function handleResult(re:ResultEvent)
trace('The result is: ' + re.result);
function handleError(fe:FaultEvent)
trace('There has been an error');
The gateway URL should go to wherever your services can be reached. I'm sure if you try a few you'll find the right one. The neat thing about amfphp is that it allows you to also test your services out before you try implementing them in the gateway (if you go to the URL in your browser).
I'm pretty new to AMFPHP as well, but I've found the docs to be extraordinarily useful. If you need more help on classes, you can find more info on the PHP docs page.

You missed the parenthesis after new flashMe
$thing = new flashMe();

Amfphp or Zend AMF only allow you to call public methods on a remote class that is exposed by your gateway. You example is not a class and therefore no remote method can be called. This looks more like something that you would do with an http post.


How to ignore specific private static function with PHPUnit?

I'm new to PHPUnit and wondering is it possible to write a test for which ignore specific method.
The code is like examine whether $data is Valid or not, and if it find irregular data, send message to slack with it.
My question is, is it possible to run a test without sending alert message, like ignore sendAlert function?
If possible, I want to know how to write it, If not, I want know why and how to make this code testable.
example code )
public static function isValid($data) {
// some code here
if (Valid) {
return true;
} else {
// some code here to find irregular
if (irregular) {
return false;
private static function sendAlert($data) {
// send alert to slack
Example_Model_Slack::post($slackMsg, $channel);
class Example_Model_Slack
public static function post($text, $channel = '') {
// make $params from $text and $channel
$stream = [
'http' => [
'method' => 'POST',
'protocol_version' => 1.1,
'content' => http_build_query($params),
return file_get_contents(self::POST_URL, false, stream_context_create($stream));
Edit after the question edit
If your code is in a namespace (which should be, it's good practice), it's extremely easy:
Create a new function in a separate file that is only included by your UnitTest file. This file should have the same namespace as your code. In this example, Example_Model_Slack is in the namespace Foobar\Models.
namespace Foobar\Models;
function file_get_contents(string $filename, bool $use_include_path = false, resource $context = ?)
return 'Whatever you want';
When you call a function, the code looks for it:
In the specifically used functions.
In the same namespace.
In the built-in functions.
Therefore, your code will use the built-in file_get_contents (namely \file_get_contents), but your test will use the one in the same namespace (namely \Foobar\Models\file_get_contents).
Original answer
The easiest would be to actually call sendAlert, but to mock the call to its content. As you didn't provide the code of that method, I can't be more precise, juste browse through the doc and figure it out by yourself or, alternatively, show us the code.
For a theorectical and general answer: your sendAlert method probably uses one that is provided by an external vendor, let's say \SlackApi\Slack::send($message). In that case, you could mock the provided \SlackApi\Slack class to replace the send method with one that doesn't actually send anything but still returns the expected data.

Saving SimpleXMLElement parameter to global variable

I'm currently using the Botman framework to make my bot read a XML file.
Currently, my bot is able to grab data from an XML file and output it.
I'm having issue saving the XML file back into a global variable (so I can reuse later on in the code). Here is the current error message I get when trying to do this:
"message": "Serialization of 'SimpleXMLElement' is not allowed",
"exception": "Exception",
"file": "C:\\Users\\Jack\\finalyearproject\\gfyp\\gfyp\\vendor\\opis\\closure\\src\\SerializableClosure.php
I'm having issues here:
public function nodeTest($xmlFile, $answer)
$this->XMLFile = $xmlFile;
Here is the class code before the function:
class StartConversation extends Conversation
public $XMLFile;
public function askForDatabase()
$question = Question::create('Test test test?')
->fallback('Unable to create a new database')
$this->ask($question, function (Answer $answer) {
$xmlResult = $this->testXMLGrabFunction($answer);
if ($answer->getValue() == 'suic') {
$this->nodeTest($xmlResult, $answer);
if ($answer->getValue() == 'sh') {
$this->nodeTest($xmlResult, $answer);
Here is the class where I get the XML file originally:
class testClass
function getXMLCategory($categoryName)
$xml = simplexml_load_file('ST-working-age-23-3-20.xml');
if($categoryName == 'suic')
$xml = $xml->node[0];
return $xml;
} elseif($categoryName == 'sh') {
$xml = $xml->node[1];
return $xml;
} else {
return null;
Any suggestions would be great - thanks
The error message is telling you that somewhere in the code is trying to serialize the object, that is turn it into a string representation. This is probably in the framework you're using, and what you are thinking of as a "global variable" is actually stored between requests in some form of session, e.g. in a file on disk.
Because of the way SimpleXML is implemented, it doesn't allow this operation. The simplest workaround is to instead store the XML by calling ->asXML(), and then re-parse it when you need it with simplexml_load_string().
You'll want to do that round trip as rarely as possible, so it will be worth understanding better about how the "global variables" are actually handled by the framework so you can try to do it once on each request.

Best way to handle static text / messages in PHP OOP project (JSON maybe?)

Until now, unless I made a multilingual website (where I would use .mo & .po files), all the text would be scrambled all around the template and / or class files. Instead, I would like to store all static text in a file that is easily editable by my coworkers and clients (that rules out database storage and POedit).
I made a JSON file that stores the messages / static text like this:
"titles": {
"main_title": "This is the main title of the website",
"login_page_title": "Please, sing in",
"about_page_title": "About us"
"errors": {
"empty_required_field": "This field is required.",
"database_connection_error": "Couldn't connect to the database.",
Then I import it in the index.php file:
$messages = json_decode(file_get_contents("messages.json"));
And use it like:
Which has been working so far so good (although I'm uncertain that there aren't better ways to archieve this). At least in the template pages where everything is html with minimal logic.
But I'm having trouble using the strings from the JSON file inside the classes' functions. I would like to use the error messages when throwing exceptions, for example. But I'm quite reluctant about stating "global $message" in every function where it's used (feels repetitive). Also everybody says that globals are naughty.
So my questions are two:
1) Is the JSON file a good way to handle my problem? (and if not, why, and which method would be better?).
2) How could I retrieve the stored strings from inside the classes? I'm thinking something like extending the Exception class to include the error messages, but I'm unsure of how to do it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
One approach, which Laravel takes, is creating some sort of directory tree like the following:
titles.php could contain the following:
return [
'main_title' => 'This is the main title of the website',
'login_page_title' => 'Please, sing in',
'about_page_title' => 'About us'
As for errors.php:
return [
'empty_required_field' => 'This field is required.',
'database_connection_error' => "Couldn't connect to the database.",
I don't really like the JSON approach because it's not very flexible. For one, in PHP files, you have access to any variables you may want to give it, there's comments, possibility of using functions to create some messages, etc. This is why I recommend the above method.
In order to get the messages, you would require the file in a variable, like $titles = require 'lang/en/titles.php', using it like: $titles['main_title']. This method also makes it easy to change the language if needed.
While I'm not 100% sure I understand your exception problem, you would throw an exception with the appropriate message like: throw new Exception($errors['empty_required_field']);
In the end I opted for a Singleton class that loads/includes a separate text file. Nice global scope and should be easy to adapt to other needs (multilingüal, separate language files, or whatever). As I said I'm no expert so all critique is welcome.
class CustomText {
private static $instance = null;
private static $text;
private function __clone() {}
// On construct, checks if the strings are stored in a session.
// If not, retrieves them from file and stores them in a session.
private function __construct() {
if(self::isStoredInSession() == true) {
self::$text = $_SESSION["custom_text"];
} else {
//self::$text = json_decode(file_get_contents("messages.json"),true);
self::$text = include_once("messages.php");
// Private initialization called on every public method so I don't have to worry about it on other files.
private static function initialize() {
if(self::$instance == null) {
self::$instance = new self;
// Session management
private static function saveToSession() {
if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
if(!isset($_SESSION["custom_text"])) {
$_SESSION["custom_text"] = self::$text;
private static function isStoredInSession() {
if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
if(isset($_SESSION["custom_text"])) {
return true;
return false;
// Sample public functions
public static function getText($section,$string){
if(isset(self::$text[$section][$string])) {
return self::$text[$section][$string];
} else {
return "";
public static function getError($string) {
if(isset(self::$text["error"][$string])) {
return self::$text["error"][$string];
} else {
return "";
public static function getWebsiteTitle($section,$divider = " - ") {
$title = "";
if(isset(self::$text["title"]["main"])) {
$title .= self::$text["title"]["main"];
if(isset(self::$text["title"][$section])) {
if(!empty($title)) {
$title .= $divider;
$title .= self::$text["title"][$section];
return $title;
What worries me the most is that I'm not sure that storing the data in a session is better that including a file on each page, and I have everything twice in the session variable and the class parameter.

How To Use MVC PHP With Case Sensitive?

I am creating website in PHP. I am using MVC in PHP. My website works like this, if user go to then it it will load About class and index() function. If user will go to localhost/about/founder then it will load founder() function from About class. but the thing is that if I go to localhost/About or localhost/AbOut or anything like that it is loading default index() function from About class file. So what to do with case sensitivity? I mean I want my script to load index() function from class file if it is localhost/about or localhost/terms. If anything is in uppercase, then it should load 404 error function. 404 error function is already set in my site.
Please help me friends.
here is my Bootstrap.php class file
Bootstrap class to run functions by URL
class Bootstrap {
public $_req;
public $_body;
public $_file;
public $_error;
function __construct(){
require 'classes/home.php';
$this->_body = new Home();
$this->_req = rtrim($_GET['req'], '/');
$this->_req = explode('/', $this->_req );
$_file = 'classes/'.$this->_req[0].'.php';
require $_file;
else {
$this->_body = new $this->_req[0];
if(method_exists($this->_req[0], $this->_req[1])){
}else {
}else {
if(method_exists($this->_req[0], $this->_req[1])){
}else {
}else {
//this function is to set header in html code
public function hdr($var = false){
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head>'.$var.'</head><body>';
//this function is tp set footer in html code
public function ftr($var = false){
echo $var.'</body></html>';
//error handler
public function error($var){
require 'classes/er_pg.php';
$this->_error = new Error();
You shouldn't use anything to load non-lowercase URLs because of the duplicate content, and that's a good thing you're doing. The wrong URLs should fail automatically in such cases.
However, since you didn't show how are you making those calls, then only thing I can suggest at this point is to check if the called method exists (case-sensitive), and if not, throw/redirect to a 404 page (header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 404 Not Found");).
After all the chat in the comments, seems like file_exists is not case-sensitive in your case, which is really weird. Hopefully someone will be able to figure it out so I can delete this (keeping it because of the info in the comments).
I solved the problem. I used this
$_file = 'classes/'.$this->_req[0].'.php';
and now its working. Thanx anyways friends.

return method response after it executes to the parent method

I am using xmlprc server in codeignter for web services . the flow of my application is that i need to pass parameters to the xmlrpc server method which then should invoke another controller class method which would set the parameters in a js function and that js method is invoked concurrently .
The problem i am facing is in calling the controller class method from the xmlrpc server method and getting the response to the server parent method which could then be fetched using xmlhttprequest.
my xmlrpc server method is:
function update_p($request) {
$parameters = $request->output_parameters();
$this->session->set_userdata(array("portfolio" =>$parameters['0']["portfolio"]));
$this->session->set_userdata(array("filter" =>$parameters['0']["filter"]));
$url = base_url("ControllerClass/update_p?".$parameters['0']["portfolio"].'&'.$parameters['0']["filter"]);
header("Location: $url");
$response = array(
Controller Class method:
public function update_p() {
$loginid = $this->session->userdata('loginid');
if (time()>$this->session->userdata('expire')) { redirect("/dashboard/logout?expired=Y","location",401); die; }
$request="USER ".$loginid.($this->session->userdata('isMobile')?"#mobile":"")."\n";
if(isset($_GET["portfolio"])) {
$request.='ECHO "LISTP":'."\nLISTP0 #".$portfolio;
if(isset($_GET["filter"])) {
$request.=" -".$filter;
if(isset($_GET["sort"])) {
if ($sort>=1024) $request.=" -s".($sort&1023);
else $request.=" -S".$sort;
$ph = isset($_GET["first"]);
if ($ph) {
$resultArray = $this->Model->getData($this->session->userdata('loginid'),$this->session->userdata('isMobile')?'mobile':'default','listp');
$request.=" ".$resultArray[0]['listp'];
$request.="\nECHO ,\n";
if(isset($_GET["watch"])) {
if ($ph)
$resultArray = $this->Model->getData($this->session->userdata('loginid'),$this->session->userdata('isMobile')?'mobile':'default','watch');
$request.='ECHO "watchl":'."\nLISTP1 #".$portfolio." -WL ".($ph?$resultArray[0]['watch']:"")."\n";
$request.='ECHO ,"watchs":'."\nLISTP1 #".$portfolio." -WS\nECHO ,\n";
$request.="RISk\nECHO ,\nPnL\n";
if ($result=$this->getData($request."BYE\n")) {
if (result!='') $out=$result."\n";
echo "{".$out."}";
I can not figure out how to get the controller method result in the server method anyone who can shed some light on this would be much appreciated .
Your controller method is expecting to output the result as an echo statement, which goes to the browser, rather than to return it in a variable. This means your server function is having to try to capture the output of that controller method. That setup is much more awkward and prone to error.
Unless you also need to access your update_p method directly from a browser you should change your Controller to simply return the output which really means this controller is more of a library and should probably go in the libraries folder. You will need to change your controller code a bit so that instead of grabbing the parameters from $_GET you are getting them as arguments, which in CodeIgniter is what you should be doing anyway.
So from the end of update_p just do this instead of your echo:
return "{".$out."}";
Then in your xmlrpc server do this:
$controller = new ControllerClass();
$result = $controller->update_p($parameters['0']["portfolio"], $parameters['0']["filter"]);
Then do whatever you want with your $result.
