I have the following error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Database in /home/content/63/8026363/html/include/user_database.php on line 5
That links to the line
class Database
But I have not redeclared this anywhere I can see.
I've checked all the include files and still can't see it.
I have now changed the name to user_database1.php which is DEFINITELY only included once in my WHOLE system and I am still getting the same message!
This only occurs in my root/admin directory.
When I moved the file it occurs into the root directory and updated the include files from ../file.php to just file.php, it worked perfectly.
I can't understand why having the file.php in the /admin directory and using ../ to include files isn't working!
Can anyone offer any experience of this? Or a potential fix.
I'll provide some code from the top of the file in question..
Clearly this is the problem but I can't understand why!
Hope someone can help !
(question has been updated significantly since a lot of the answers below were submitted)
If you included the file two times, theen it gets re-declared. Use include_once() instead to prevent that easily.
If you are unsure where that class was originally declared, you can make use of the Reflection API to get the name of the file and the line of code:
$class = 'Database';
$oRefl = new ReflectionClass($class);
$message = sprintf('Class %s already defined in %s on line %s.', $class, $oRefl->getFileName, $oRefl->getStartLine);
throw new DomainException($message);
Place that before the line where you define the class Database to find out which file was originally defining the class.
Check if php already defines a file called Database.php.
Maybe you are using some framework or library which does.
You probably have included your database class more than once, a quick fix for this is to add something like this to the top of your class:
class Database{
// so on
This ensures that your class is only defined once.
I'm trying to include two php class file in my index file. But console returns the following error:
Cannot declare class Experience, because the name is already in use
in C:\Users\p-pri\wa\php_oop\es_freetime\experience.php on line 3
This is how I've included files in index.php:
Line 3 of experience.php
class Experience {
What's wrong?
The problem is that you are importing that class file in multiple places. This causes it to be loaded twice.
To avoid this kind of problem, you can use require_once instead of your include calls. The syntax is the same:
require_once "./experience.php";
This will make php load this file just on first call. The. Other calls will be ignored, but the class will be available.
As suggested in comments, you can also use a autoloader to make things easier and simpler. See this article: https://medium.com/tech-tajawal/php-composer-the-autoloader-d676a2f103aa
i have fetal error message say :
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Database in C:\wamp\www\pets_new\lib\database.php on line 3
and all connect to database class
Class message
class Message{
Class user :
class User{
You include 2 files in a single "run". Think of it like this: All the included files are put together by PHP to create one big script. Every include or require fetches a file, and pastes its content in that one big script.
The two files you are including, both require the same file, which declares the Database class. This means that the big script that PHP generates looks like this:
class Message
class Database
{}//required by message.php
class User
class Database
{}//required by user.php
As you can see class Database is declared twice, hence the error.
For now, a quick fix can be replacing the require('database.php'); statements with:
require_once 'database.php';
Which checks if that particular file hasn't been included/required before. If it has been included/required before, PHP won't require it again.
A more definitive and, IMHO, better solution would be to register an autoloader function/class method, and let that code take care of business.
More on how to register an autoloader can be found in the docs. If you go down this route, you'd probably want to take a look at the coding standards concerning class names and namespaces here. If you conform to those standards, you don't have to write your own autoloader, and can simply use the universal class loader from Symfony2, or any other framework that subscribes to the PHP-FIG standards (like CodeIgnitor, Zend, Cake... you name it)
Try like this , while declaring class
if( !class_exists('database') ) {
This means that you've already declared the class Database, the second time it's loaded (where ever the copy is), it's causing the error. We cannot see your content of the two files you've quoted. However, I'm sure if you look in both of them you'll find at least two creations of the class Database. One needs to be removed.
This is a WordPress local installation that I am trying to work with. I have not written a single line of this code myself. I don't understand what this error means:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Config in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php/Config.php on line 44
Line 44 reads as follows:
class Config {
My guess is that a Config class has either already been declared elsewhere, or that this file is being executed for the second time.
That usually happens when you declare a class more than once in a page -- maybe via multiple includes.
To avoid this, use require_once instead. If you use require_once PHP will check if the file has already been included, and if so, not include (require) it again.
Say, for example, you have the following code:
class foo {
# code
... more code ...
class foo { // trying to re-declare
In this case, PHP will throw a fatal error similar to the one below:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class foo in /path/to/script.php on line 7
In this case it's very simple -- simply find the 7th line of your code and remove the class declaration from there.
Alternativey, to make sure you don't try to re-declare classes, you can use the handy class_exists() function:
if(!class_exists('foo')) {
class foo {
# code
The best approach, of course, would be to organize all the configurations in one single file called config.php and then require_once it everywhere. That way, you can be sure that it will be included only once.
As for debugging the error, you could use debug_print_backtrace().
It's possible that the theme you are using refers to a file called config.php. If so use the following steps.
Try to find the config.php file and change it's name to configuration.php.
Find the files where they use config.php in the code and change it to configuration.php.
I know this has been answered before and why this is caused. However, in my case, the problem is happening only on MacOS Lion (10.7) which is on php 5.3.6. The same code base is running on my windows 7 machine which is on php 5.3.8.
I have used require_once all over the place. The code fragment that seems to be causing the problem is:
class DbBase
in a file that is included from multiple files. However the error disappears if I wrap the class declaration inside of:
if (class_exists('DbBase') != true)
class DbBase
I have this scenario:
File DBBase.php:
defines Class DBBase
File A_DB.php:
File B_DB.php:
File foo.php:
So the file DBBase.php does get included twice. Does it?
Any insight is appreciated.
I was having the same error. However, it wasn't related to 'declare a single class multiple times'. It was because I've made a backup of the class like this:
Then, I uploaded the backup file to the server. That caused the application to fail due to the two classes. So, I renamed the backup to something else without .php file extension 'class.shipping_092512.bk'. Problem solved.
This error occurs when you declare a single class multiple times instead of once ; The code below would throw that error.
class phpp{}
class phpp{}
It is unlikely that the behaviour is not the same on 5.3.6 and 5.3.8 as there haven't been any significant changes in classes and objects.
You should check for duplicated codes in the files you are requiring once. . .
The require_once() statement is identical to require() except PHP will check if the file has already been included, and if so, not include (require) it again.
So in your case it is not being included multiple times, whereas it would if you use require or include.
However you should restructure your entire code to prevent class redeclaration's.
class lol{}
class lol{
function ll (){
return "ss";
echo lol::ll();
You wouldnt be able to access that ^^ , since its still a redeclaration.
I started to use the PHP __autoload function and now I'm getting those weird Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class xxx errors.
It's weird since these errors occur on classes I don't even load with the autoload function. And I also use require_once to include the files.
I'm really puzzled about this. Anyone knows anything about this kind of errors when using autoload?
require_once/include_once only looks at the file name when they're trying to include a file, not a class name. So you can have class Foo in both Foo.php and B.php, and then you'll get that error.
I'm not sure how __autoload would cause you any problems, unless __autoload requires Foo.php because it needs class Foo, and you require B.php manually which redefines class Foo.
By the way, use spl_autoload_register instead of __autoload.
i had same situation .. all i changed was and its working for me
I am not pretend on the best answer. Just my thoughts.
__autoload() is deprecated in PHP 7.2 and will be possiblly deleted.
I found this way to upload/include files
//initialize a function which will upload files
function upload(){//you can call the function as you like
//your path to files goes here
spl_autoload_register('upload')//specify the function, where you include your files(in this case it's upload function
I've had this before, not sure what caused it though. Make sure you're using require_once/include_once rather than the normal versions for starters. I think the problem was related to using class_exists without telling it to skip autoloading (class_exists($name, false)) - are you doing this?
I found the problem. Apparently when it wanted to include Bank class, it took the "bank.php" file from the current directory ^^. Which is just the bank page, it should have include "src/model/Bank.php". I removed the current directory from the search list and it has been fixed.
So always make sure the autoload function is including the correct files. Good practice is too name your files more straightforward like class.Bank.php or class.User.php instead of Bank.php or User.php.
Thanks for your help and quick response anyway!