How to include 2 class file in a php file - php

I'm trying to include two php class file in my index file. But console returns the following error:
Cannot declare class Experience, because the name is already in use
in C:\Users\p-pri\wa\php_oop\es_freetime\experience.php on line 3
This is how I've included files in index.php:
Line 3 of experience.php
class Experience {
What's wrong?

The problem is that you are importing that class file in multiple places. This causes it to be loaded twice.
To avoid this kind of problem, you can use require_once instead of your include calls. The syntax is the same:
require_once "./experience.php";
This will make php load this file just on first call. The. Other calls will be ignored, but the class will be available.
As suggested in comments, you can also use a autoloader to make things easier and simpler. See this article:


How do I resolve missing class function in codeigniter?

I have this in my controller:
if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
exit('No direct script access allowed');
use xampp\htdocs\client\vendor\phpoffice\phpspreadsheet\src\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use xampp\htdocs\client\vendor\phpoffice\phpspreadsheet\src\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;
But here is the error I am seeing after running the code
Message: Class 'xampp\htdocs\client\vendor\phpoffice\phpspreadsheet\src\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet' not found
Filename: C:\xampp\htdocs\client\application\controllers\admin\Home.php
You appear to have confused use and include/require.
A use statement is for namespace importing and aliasing. It says "when I use the class name Foo, what I actually mean is Something\Something\Foo. That full name may look like a Windows file path, but the \ here is actually PHP's namespace separator, and doesn't directly relate to the location on disk.
In this case, you would write:
// Alias these class name so I don't have to write them in full in this file
use PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;
If you want to reference the code in a particular file, you need the include and require family of keywords. Those say "load this PHP file, and execute the code in it, including class and function definitions.
So the following would make sense:
// Load the file
require_once 'xampp\htdocs\client\vendor\phpoffice\phpspreadsheet\src\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet.php';
require_once 'xampp\htdocs\client\vendor\phpoffice\phpspreadsheet\src\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx.php';
However, most PHP libraries are built to be autoloaded, so you don't have to name each file manually. Generally, you don't even need to configure the autoloading itself, instead you'd use Composer to install them, and it would set up the autoloader for you.
You would then write, in the main entry point of your code:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
And the classes would be loaded automatically when referenced. Note that you probably still want the use lines, though, and those do have to be in each file (because each file can use the same alias to reference different classes).

PHP - Class 'My\Engine\Control' not found

The following code is included by another file. My\Engine\Control is defined much earlier and extended all throughout my site with no issues. However in this one file I get the the error:
Fatal error: Class 'My\Engine\Control' not found in
/mnt/web/~/classes.php on line 6
namespace My\Engine;
// class Control {}
class RequiresAccount extends Control {
public function permissions() {
Yet when I try to put a dummy Control class in (uncomment the commented part) I get a different error.
Fatal error: Cannot declare class My\Engine\Control, because the name
is already in use in /mnt/web/~/Control.class.php on line 47
It seems impossible and I just can't figure it out. I write code like this all the time and just this one time...
All other files that require extending \My\Engine\Control function perfectly.
It seems that your using some custom autoload logic and some kind of optimizer which puts all the classes together into one file.
I would suggest sticking with PSR-4 standard & Composer library to support and maintain it.
This way your files will be organized and composer will take care of properly handling loading the files and optimizing the loading process for production. All you need to do is to include ./vendor/autoload.php file into your project and define the auto-loading strategy in composer.json file.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class convertThis [duplicate]

i have fetal error message say :
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Database in C:\wamp\www\pets_new\lib\database.php on line 3
and all connect to database class
Class message
class Message{
Class user :
class User{
You include 2 files in a single "run". Think of it like this: All the included files are put together by PHP to create one big script. Every include or require fetches a file, and pastes its content in that one big script.
The two files you are including, both require the same file, which declares the Database class. This means that the big script that PHP generates looks like this:
class Message
class Database
{}//required by message.php
class User
class Database
{}//required by user.php
As you can see class Database is declared twice, hence the error.
For now, a quick fix can be replacing the require('database.php'); statements with:
require_once 'database.php';
Which checks if that particular file hasn't been included/required before. If it has been included/required before, PHP won't require it again.
A more definitive and, IMHO, better solution would be to register an autoloader function/class method, and let that code take care of business.
More on how to register an autoloader can be found in the docs. If you go down this route, you'd probably want to take a look at the coding standards concerning class names and namespaces here. If you conform to those standards, you don't have to write your own autoloader, and can simply use the universal class loader from Symfony2, or any other framework that subscribes to the PHP-FIG standards (like CodeIgnitor, Zend, Cake... you name it)
Try like this , while declaring class
if( !class_exists('database') ) {
This means that you've already declared the class Database, the second time it's loaded (where ever the copy is), it's causing the error. We cannot see your content of the two files you've quoted. However, I'm sure if you look in both of them you'll find at least two creations of the class Database. One needs to be removed.

Using php namespaces properly

I am trying to figure out how to use the namespace in php. I have been reading about how to use it and for some reason I can not get it to work. I have two files one which I have stored in Applications/Database/Classes file name is DatabaseConnection.php and the other in the root directory called DB.phpinside the DatabaseConnection.php file I have the following code:
function hello()
echo "hello";
This is the DB.php file contents:
namespace Applications\Database\Classes;
ini_set('display_errors', true);
Maybe I am completely missing how to use it properly but if I set a namespace is that the same as using include or require? I might be completely misunderstanding how to use it. I am new to OOP and have never heard of namespaces until I started trying to learn OOP? Can someone point out what I did wrong.
Namespaces are for organizing your code in so that you can divide components up and help with the readability. For example if I have a class Pittbull and another Dashund I can place them into a namespace like so for organization:
This also helps with potential collisions like the below:
The Misc class exists twice in this instance, but instead of there being a conflict of which Misc to use, you can use the same class name for both classes (and have different properties and methods inside of them) and not have a conflict of which one you want to use.
The require keyword is a completely different concept and is used to load actual files into the executing script.
Instruction how to use autoloading in PHP (PSR-0):

What is the best practice for including PHP files? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
PHP include best practices question
(10 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
What is the best practice for including PHP files?
Is it best to include a include.php file that includes all of the project PHP files?
Or to include it in those files that need them
Right now, my project has several include files in my index.php file. Does including all of my php files in the index.php make it less efficient?
Lastly, Where should one include the session check PHP file? in all of the PHP files?
EDIT 2016
Well, 5 years since I replied this. I am still alive. A lot has changed.
Now I use autoloaders to include my files. Here is official info for autoloaders with examples.
Basically, the idea is to have a proper folder structure (PSR-4 standards for instance) and having a class within each file. This way you can use autoloaders and PHP will load your files automatically.
Usually, I have a config file like this:
define(root, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
.... // other variables that are used a lot
include (root . '/class/database.php');
.... // other includes that are mostly called from each file, like a db class, or user class, functions etc etc...
if (defined('development'))
// turn error reporting on
// turn it off
etc etc... You got the point of config.
And I include the config.php on each file. I forgot how to do it right now, but apache can do the automatic include for you. Therefore, you can say to apache to include your config file by default.
Then, I have controller classes, which call the views. There in each function I call the view.
function index() { include root . '/views/view_index.php'; }
finally, from the view, if I need to include the header and footer view I do it like this:
<?include root . '/view/shared/header.php';?>
<div class="bla bla bla">bla bla bla</div>
<?include root . '/view/shared/footer.php';?>
I always use include in this structure rather than include_once since the latter requires extra check. I mean, since I am pretty sure that I include files only once, I don't need to use include_once. This way, you also know which include is where. For instance, you know that crucial files like db.php, or functions.php are located in config.php. Or you know that include views are located in controllers. That's pretty useful for me, I hope that helps you, too.
Using the include.php file is a very good practice according to me, as it is very helpful in changing the included files in big projects. If the project is small then including individual files is not a problem. But it becomes a problem to manage them as the project grows big.
For the session check file it is better to attach them individually as the requirement to check session on different pages might differ.
Including files individually or including them all in a single file and then including that makes much of the difference to the performance. As ultimately all the files are going to be included. It only becomes easy to manage them if single file is used to handle them.
I don't assume you are using object oriented programming but in case you do here might be a good answer.
In php you can define a function called the autoloader, if you try to create an object of a class that has not been defined the autoloader is called. You can then use the class name to figure out where the file containing that class is stored to include it at the last moment. Here is an example..
function on_load($class)
throw new Exception('Class not found: '.$class.' in classes/');
spl_autoload_register('on_load'); // tell php to call your on_load function if the class was not defined
If you're working on a big project you might want to group your files like this
/classes/database/PDO.php // I'm just listing random stuff
/classes/Core.php // Whatever
You can then use a special naming convention to find the right directory
class Database_MySQL{} // look in <root_dir>/database/ for MySQL.php
class Core // look in <root_dir>/ for Core.php
class Database_Driver_Adapter_Useless_MysqlAdapterThingy {} // look in <root_dir>/Database/Driver/... blabla
Or you can use the php 5.3 way and define your classes like this
namespace database\driver\adapter\useless;
use database\driver\adapter\MysqlAdapter; // Now you have to tell PHP which version of MysqlAdapter class you want to use, even if there is just one
class MysqlAdapterThingy extends MysqlAdapter {}
Now you have to use the 'use' keyword in every file you need that class. The cool thing is that the namespace is automatically added to the class-name for your autoload function so you can do something like this
function on_load($class)
{ require_once('root/' . str_replace('\\', '/' $class)); }
If you want to learn more try googeling PHP auto-loading there is tons of information on this subject. But then again. From the format of you question I do not assume you're using OOP so this answer is just for the people who found this question on google.
I would also like to add the following:
// Only include the file once even if you place this statement multiple times
require('bla.php'); // Error if file doesn't exist, php will not continue
inlcude('bla.php'); // Warning if file doesn't exist, but php will continue
Using include or require without _once means that file will get included every time the statement is executed
Use include for template or user generated files, use require_once for classes
Just think easy, and think about load as less as possible and don't include something unnecessary.
So for your PHP files. if you include same php files on different pages just create 1 PHP file with this files in it.
If you use a PHP file in 1 page or 2 only, just include them seperate.
I hope i helped you with it ;)
Include files independently, use require_once() function instead of include, as require_once allow only one inclusion of file...
