Getting reviews from 3rd party sites - php

I see a lot of sites showing this, but on Groupon in particular for a merchant, they will show Reviews from CitySearch, Yelp (I think), TripAdviser, Open Table, Frommers, etc.
Do all these sites provide API's? I can't find them or would Groupon be scraping the sites?
Any ideas how to get this same type of data?

Basically all the sites you've listed have API's to allow for various bits of information to be extracted, for example Trip Advisors can be found here:

I suggest you give Needlebase a try. A free account gives the public access to your scrapped data, but its a great tool.
How to use it/Example:
Note: Get permission from the site before hand/ check the laws in your country regarding scraping.


Facebook API - copy website products to facebook shop

Please can someone point me in the right direction; I'm looking to show my website's products on my Facebook page's shop. Which API or resource should I be looking at to achieve this?
I'd prefer to be in control and manually code the API relationship between my website and Facebook, instead of using a third-party.
From my own research it appears I'd need to apply for the Shops API (alpha), however this has a couple caveats:
It's in alpha; I'm unlikely to be accepted as facebook appears to be looking for big brands.
Judging from the freely available docs, I'd need to pose as a merchent on my own platform.
Any advice is welcome, thank-you.

How do I get information about shared Circles on Google Plus?

I'm using the Google Plus API for a project that I'm working on. I'm hoping to be able to get information about shared circles in which a particular user has been included.
I've seen this active on Circle Count. For example, half way down Guy Kawasaki's profile page (, you can see the number of circles in which he has been shared. It also includes information about each circle like the date it was shared, the number of users that were included in it and a few more details.
I'm using PHP and am hoping to do this through the API, but I don't see any options for this type of information in the API. When I use the API to get information about activities, I don't see any field that seems to identify a shared circle post as anything different from any other post.
If you know a way to workaround the lack of support for this in the API through some form of a hack, please feel free to let me know.
Try looking over here:
Read the names of a user's circles and the membership of each circle
Google+ API v1 NO
Google+ Domains API YES
So I get on this url (Google+ Domains API):
Where the information about circles can be retreived. With this call:

Check-In/Map API

I'm trying to get some information for a application we would like to develop for our business. We run a chain of stores (approximately 20) and would like to give our customers reward points when they check-in to our store location. We would also like to display that information our company site eg. "Client X has checked in Location Y". I was wondering if anyone can point me to any API(s) or solutions that may be able to achieve something along these lines? I was looking at the foursquare API, is this a viable option? or is there any other recommendations?
Thank you
As Fahri pointed you can use 4sq API, but nowadays all socials integrate geolocation. You can share your position also using Facebook and Twitter. I will suggest to use the last two, because they has integrated authentication, and API since iOS6, probably they are also more used than 4SQ.

trying to find a web service

i am trying to find a web service that allows a user to send a company name (or better still will return a list of all company names, thus allowing the user to select one) and then get the share price, this will then feed in to another api - yahoo currency converter to work out the price of the share
the issue i am having is that i cannot find a web service to get share info, google registration for theres does not seem to be working and as such i dont no what to do
i am to be coding this in php
if anyone could point me to a good web service i would appreciate it
edit : i did find this but am unsure if it is appropriate
How about:
They get their data from Yahoo Finance, so I'm sure Yahoo would have an API somewhere. This page may help:

php class for seo

I recently use the great php class call : Google Analytics PHP API. I manage to get it working to get a lot of info and stats for my 25+ website that have analytic
Now i like to get more data like
The page rank the google placement
(where i am on google #325 or #520)
Google Page Rank
Google Indexed Pages
Traffic Rank
Inbound Links
DMOZ Directory
Yahoo! Directory
get a summary (my way) much more like
do you know a php class to do that ?
I guarantee you're not going to find one "class" that does all that for you.
Manually checking your site's rank on Alexa is probably going to be your best source of information on top of what Google Analytics is already giving you.
Google Analytics does NOT require any sort of API.
The site you linked to asks for your Google username/password. I'm flagging this question. I encourage others to do the same.
you can get all from alexa api (Alexa Web Services)
but not free
$0.00015 per request ($0.15 for 1,000 requests)
i thought in the past to build a website to arrange an Arab sites
but arrived at the checkpoint
somme website use awis
