php class for seo - php

I recently use the great php class call : Google Analytics PHP API. I manage to get it working to get a lot of info and stats for my 25+ website that have analytic
Now i like to get more data like
The page rank the google placement
(where i am on google #325 or #520)
Google Page Rank
Google Indexed Pages
Traffic Rank
Inbound Links
DMOZ Directory
Yahoo! Directory
get a summary (my way) much more like
do you know a php class to do that ?

I guarantee you're not going to find one "class" that does all that for you.
Manually checking your site's rank on Alexa is probably going to be your best source of information on top of what Google Analytics is already giving you.
Google Analytics does NOT require any sort of API.
The site you linked to asks for your Google username/password. I'm flagging this question. I encourage others to do the same.

you can get all from alexa api (Alexa Web Services)
but not free
$0.00015 per request ($0.15 for 1,000 requests)
i thought in the past to build a website to arrange an Arab sites
but arrived at the checkpoint
somme website use awis


Proper Method for Google Calendar with PHP

I am working on a website for my organization which will allow users of the website to create/modify/etc room reservations for a number of spaces in our building.
Each room has a Google Calendar which links to several monitors around the building to display what rooms are [un]available. So, my goal was to utilize these calendars by having the website I am creating edit these google calendars. The problem I am having however is that from all the documentation I have been able to find, it looks like you have to prompt each user for Google Log-In. This is what I am trying to avoid. I want individuals to be able to log-in to my website, and then on the backend my website provides the authentication to Google so that they can add/edit/remove events from the aforementioned GCals based on permissions on set on their account.
Can anyone help direct me to the proper documentation? I've found a couple of things through some intensive Google-ing of my own, but I've become extremely confused about what method I should be using.
Any assistance in getting things rolling is appreciated!
If I understand it correctly, the concept that you want is to create a website that writes into your own calendar and not on the users calendar. Exactly what this 3 part tutorial of Sample Web Page for Booking gives:
Part 1: Setting up Google Calendar
Part 2: OAuth2 and Configuring Your ‘Application’ With Google
Part 3: A Sample Web Page For Bookings
This tutorial worked for many like what has been done in this SO post - How do I connect to the Google Calendar API without the oAuth authentication?.

How to retrieve real time traffic and display it onto an admin dashboard?

I'm looking for a way to retrieve and then display (with some Highcharts - like library) the current traffic we have on the website. The same way google analytics displays it on the gioogle analytics admin dashboard, but I'd like to retrieve with some API and display it directly on our custom dashboard.
After reading through the complete google analytics documentation, I've understood that
"Google Analytics API doesn’t support real-time stats yet… but this is
still useful if you want to display pageviews or number of visits on
your site and have it automatically update."
So my question is, is there another API to retrieve and display the current/instant traffic on a website on our custom admin dashboard. Or, is there a workaround (with AJAX ?) to do so with the google analytics API ? ( i've seen that you can retrieve the amount visitors on a given perido, so even if this is not real time, fo now it gets as close as I can to my goal)
I'm working with php and javscript
No - the current API doesn't currently support true real-time statistics. It is the most highly requested feature though:
Google Analytics developer issues and feature requests
Access to Real Time Data
We develop services which integrate with the API. On average I estimate the latency is about 1-3 hours. I believe the larger your dataset it the longer the latency.

Simplest way to get data from Google Analytics?

I am building a service like, users can build simple mutli-pages website with ease. Every website will be including in a global Google Analytics account with a unique profile, then the tracking code is to be placed in the website pages.
Now, on the website dashboard i want to show the online visitors and the total number of visists for the website for each website separatly, trying to do so i have :
Tried using GAPI ( but due to Google Analytics major update it doesn't work anymore.
I found Google Core reporting API for Analytics, but i believe it's made for 3rd party applications that accesses GA data for their clients, meaning that the user should have a Google account and GA profile for the website, and the App just connects to the account and retrieves data. And this of course isn't the case here; i can't ask the user to create a Google account and embed the tracking code in the website HTML; else what am i here for ?
Got the picture ? I need the simplest method to do this, no fancy stuff.
PS: Minutes ago i found this: Google Analytics Query Explorer (, it's a 3rd party app that builds custom queries for GA and gives you the link, something like that : (the ID) &dimensions=ga%3AvisitCount&metrics=ga%3Avisitors&segment=gaid%3A%3A-1&start-date=2013-02-01&end-date=2013-02-23&max-results=50
Now, trying to access the URL (thinking; this is easy :) ) the respond is a request for login first :
{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"required","message":"Login Required","locationType":"header","location":"Authorization"}],"code":401,"message":"Login Required"}}
Thanks in advance.
Unless you have fewer than 50 clients this plan is not going to work the way you're asking for. (There is a limit of 50 profiles per account.)
The client will have to make their own GA number and provide it to you as a setting for their website.
In order to display the customers reports on a dashboard on your site you're also going to have to get them to authorize a GA App you create for access.

Google adsense reference

My client has a Google Adsense account and one ad-campaign with several ads under it.
The client needs to identify the incoming users who come through clicking each ad.
The client uses Drupal PHP site.
Is there a possibility to track incoming users who come through Google ads?
Use Google Analytics. From the Features page:
Integrated with AdWords and AdSense
Optimize your AdWords performance with post-click data on your keywords, search queries, match type and more. AdSense reports show publishers which site content generates the most revenue.
You can add arguments to the urls used in the adds:
changed to
You can then in your Drupal check for the presence of the google argument in the $_REQUEST variable and act accordingly. This should be done in hook_boot.
You may use events, and you may add custom parameters to them, but they didn't work for me on the first shot and i gave up. If you figure out how to use them please post a story on how you did that:)

Google Analytics Retrieve data

In one page on my personal site, I like to be able to see some data get from Google Analytics.
I like to have a list of all my site and the average visitor per week or per month over the current year
I have check some solution:
Yahoo Pipe (look complicated)
Google Analytics PHP API class(look nice)
Google Analytics API (look official)
Dimension Analyzer for Google Analytics(look fancy)
So at this point, it have done my research, but none give me something i like to have. Getting a JSON from google would be nice. I will have to parse a XML maybe, but i like to see simpler solutions.
ANYthing would be nice too see
The current version of the Core Reporting API supports this.
You can use the PHP client to access the API. You'll need to register your project in the API console to obtain OAuth 2.0 client ID and secret.
