How to show a users last visited pages in wp / buddypress? - php

im trying to figure out how i can show the last 3-5 or so pages within my site a person has visited. I did some searching, and I couldn't find a WP plugin that does so, if anyone knows of one, please point me in that direction :) if not, I'll have to write it from scratch, and thats where i'll need the help.
I've been trying to understand the DB and how it works. I'm assuming that this is where the magic will happen, with PHP, unless there is a javascript option using cookies to do it.
Im open to all ideas :P & Thank you

If i were to code such a plugin, i'd use the session cookies to populate an array via array_unshift() and array_pop(). it'd be as simple as :
$server_url = "";
$current_url = $server_url.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$history_max_url = 5; // change to the number of urls in the history array
//Assign _SESSION array to variable, create one if empty ::: Thanks to Sold Out Activist for the explanation!
$history = (array) $_SESSION['history'];
//Add current url as the latest visit
array_unshift($history, $current_url);
//If history array is full, remove oldest entry
if (count($history) > $history_max_url) {
//update session variable
Now i've coded this on the fly. There might be syntax errors or typos. If such a mistake appears, just put a notice and i'll modify it. The purpose of this answer is mostly to make a proof of concept. You can adapt this to your liking. Please note that i assume that session_start() is already in your code.
Hope it helps.
Hey! Sorry about the late answer, i was out of town for a couple of days! :)
This addon is to answer your request for a print out solution with LI tags
Here's what i'd do :
print "<ol>";
foreach($_SESSION['history'] as $line) {
print "<li>".$line.</li>";
print "</ol>";
Simple as that. you should read the foreach loop here :
As for the session_start();, put it before you use any $_SESSION variables.
Hope it helped! :)

I'm going to update and translate the code above for WordPress 5+ because the original question has the wordpress tag. Note that you don't need session_start() anywhere.
Here it goes, add the code below to your singular.php template (or single.php + page.php templates, depending on what you need):
* Store last visited ID (WordPress ID)
function so7035465_store_last_id() {
global $post;
$postId = $post->ID; // or get the post ID from your template
$historyMaxUrl = 3; // number of URLs in the history array
$history = (array) $_SESSION['history'];
array_unshift($history, $postId);
if (count($history) > $historyMaxUrl) {
$_SESSION['history'] = $history;
// Display latest viewed posts (or pages) wherever you want
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($_SESSION['history'] as $lastViewedId) {
echo '<li>' . get_permalink($lastViewedId) . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
You can also store latest viewed custom post types (CPT) by placing the so7035465_store_last_id() function in your single-cpt.php template.
You can also add it to a hook or inject it in your template as an action, but that is beyond the scope of this question.


Define a variable before including function in PHP, and use variable

I am Working on making the menu for our content management software using php and we are having this small issue. Since we want everything to eventually be called in chunks, were breaking certain page items into chunks and loading them via functions through an included file. Since this is hard to explain, I will post some example code of what i mean below.
This is the file page.php (removed needless html code).
This is the page the user is on:
define("CURRENT_PAGE", "page.php");
Content loads here.
<? desktopMenu(); ?>
Okay and here's the function for desktopMenu() from
function desktopMenu() {
// Query to get the top level navigation links with no parents
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE p_id = '0'");
if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
if($isparent == "1") {
// Just check if they have children items
$sub_menu_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE p_id = '$id'");
if(mysql_num_rows($sub_menu_query) > 0) {
} else {
// WANT TO INSERT class='active' if the CURRENT_PAGE is this value..
echo "<li><a href='#'>link</a></li>";
} else {
echo "<li><a href='javascript:void(0);'>Error Loading Menu</a></li>";
I am wondering how I can get the CURRENT_PAGE on the included script so I can load the class="active" onto the correct page. I am already using the following:
$config = include('');
$GLOBALS = $config;
on the top of, above this menu function so I could set global variables and include my $config['database'] variables for calling the SQL database within a function (doesn't work otherwise).
How can I check the current_page variable so I can set it active in the menu? I have tried a few different things but nothing is showing the way we expect it to. Thanks guy.
First of all I would recommend looking at MVC architecture when building your apps. I believe the use of GLOBALS is frowned upon.
To answer your question:
Since you are defining a constant define("CURRENT_PAGE", "page.php"); then this will be globally available within the scope of the function desktopMenu()
so you may use something like:
$className = (isset(CURRENT_PAGE) && CURRENT_PAGE=='xxxxx')?'class="active"':'';
echo "<li>link</li>";
xxxx string is most likely a field output from you database as the page name which will match the defined constant.
$className = (isset(CURRENT_PAGE) && CURRENT_PAGE==$result['page_name'])?'class="active"':'';
This is the basic form and you will most likely need additional conditions for the 'active' menu switch mapping to different pages.
I've tried to answer your question with an example although the structure you have used run the app is not the recommended way to develop.
I would look at the way modern frameworks are structured (Laravel, Zend, Symphony...) and utilise these.
I would also try and automate the page mapping (e.g. look at the URL and pull out the page from a rewrite which matches to the menu in your database)
best of luck
There are multiple options. Including static functions, global variables and passing the variable or object into the function.
The consensus for various reasons is to pass the variable into the function
$myVar = new Object\Or\Data();
function myFunction($myVar) {
//do stuff with $myVar
//then call the function
There are lots of answers to this question on stackOverflow, so have a deeper search. Here is an example
I found the solution to my problem and thought I would share here. I first set the call on the page.php to use desktopMenu(CURRENT_PAGE); and then on my I added this line
$thispage = CURRENT_PAGE;
function desktopMenu($thispage) {
And I set a table variable on each menu item called menu-group, so I can define the current menu group for a menu item and have the appropriate menu item highlighted when you're on that page or one of it's sub pages.
Thanks so much for the answers guys!

Fetch data from site Page by Page & go through sub links

Example :
Hey guys , need some help with one of my personal projects , I've already wrote the code to fetch data from each single car url (example) and post on my site
Now i need to go through the main url : , and :
1) Make an array / list / nodes of all the urls for all the single cars in it , then run my internal code for each one to fetch data , then move on to the next one
I already have the code to save each url into a log file when completed (don't think it will be necessary if it goes link by link without starting from the top but will ensure no repetition.
2) When all links are done for the page , it should move to the next page and do the same thing until the end ( there are 5-6 pages max )
I've been stuck on this part since last night and would really appreciate any help . Thanks
My code to get data from the main url :
$content = file_get_contents('');
// echo $content;
$dom = new DOMDocument;
//echo $dom;
I'm guessing you already know this since you say you've gotten data from the car entries themselves, but a good point to start is by dissecting the page's DOM and seeing if there are any elements you can use to jump around quickly. Most browsers have page inspection tools to help with this.
In this case, <div id="content"> serves nicely. You'll note it contains a collection of tables with the required links and a <div> that contains the text telling us how many pages there are.
Disclaimer, but it's been years since I've done PHP and I have not tested this, so it is probably neither correct or optimal, but it should get you started. You'll need to tie the functions together (what's the fun in me doing it?) to achieve what you want, but these should grab the data required.
You'll be working with the DOM on each page, so a convenience to grab the DOMDocument:
function get_page_document($index) {
$content = file_get_contents("{$index}");
$document = new DOMDocument;
return $document;
You need to know how many pages there are in total in order to iterate over them, so grab it:
function get_page_count($document) {
$content = $document->getElementById('content');
$count_div = $content->childNodes->item($content->childNodes->length - 4);
$count_text = $count_div->firstChild->textContent;
if (preg_match('/Page \d+ of (\d+)/', $count_text, $matches) === 1) {
return $matches[1];
return -1;
It's a bit ugly, but the links are available inside each <table> in the contents container. Rip 'em out and push them in an array. If you use the link itself as the key, there is no concern for duplicates as they'll just rewrite over the same key-value.
function get_page_links($document) {
$content = $document->getElementById('content');
$tables = $content->getElementsByTagName('table');
$links = array();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
if ($table->getAttribute('class') === 'itemlist-table') {
// table > tbody > tr > td > a
$link = $table->firstChild->firstChild->firstChild->firstChild->getAttribute('href');
// No duplicates because they just overwrite the same entry.
$links[$link] = "{$link}";
return $links;
Perhaps also obvious, but these will break if this site changes their formatting. You'd be better off asking if they have a REST API or some such available for long term use, though I'm guessing you don't care as much if it's just a personal project for tinkering.
Hope it helps prod you in the right direction.

PHP Cart with Object Oriented PHP

I am developing a simple system of sample products with Object Oriented PHP, very simple thing. So far, no problem, but I have to create a button that adds a product code recorded in the database to a form in the sidebar. I do not know to develop a shopping cart with OO PHP, and codes that I find always give error because of the call of the database, or when the data list. I've been thinking of doing for JS, any help?
sorry my bad english
I got it, first I did when I click a link step by GET and the ID Code I need after seto it in a cookie, each cookie with an ID. Then I check if cookie has registered with the IDs. Not the best and most correct, but it works (more or less). Now another problem, I need to click two times to get the result as it passes by id and need to be caught refresh = /
I think it was a bit confusing but it is the maximum that dyslexia allows me to do hehehe
Here I set up the structure with the data I have in my product page:
$cod_get = $_GET['cod'];
setcookie("SITENAME_cod_".$id_get."", $cod_get, time()+3600, "/","", 0);
And here I have a loop checking if cookie with ids, I think it will give problems, but for now I think it works ...
Thank you all.
$produto = new produtos();
$i = 0;
while($res = $produto->retornaDados()):
$get_cookie = $_COOKIE['SITENAME_cod_'.$res->id.''];
if (isset($get_cookie)) {
echo $get_cookie.', ';
echo "";

Turning a form's GET into a PHP variable?

I'm trying to make the following form's GET function to be part of a predefined variable.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Let me explain a little more of what I'm really trying to do. I currently run a website concentrating on the U.S. stock market. I've created an HTML form with a method=GET. This form is used like a search box to look up stock ticker symbols. With the GET method, it places the ticker symbol at the end of the URL, and I created a quotes.php page that captures this information and displays a stock chart based on what ticker symbol is keyed into the box. For the company names, I've created a page called company.php that declares all of the variables for the company names (which happens to be a $ followed by the ticker symbol). The file, company.php, is the only file included in quotes.php.
This is where this came in: ' . $$_GET["symbol"] . '
The above code changes the GET into the variable based on what was typed into the form. I've used "die" to display an error message if someone types something into the box that doesn't match a variable in the company.php page.
I've also added into the company.php page variables for each company that will display which stock exchange each stock is listed on. These variables begin with "$ex_". So, what I was trying to do was have the symbol keyed into the box appended to "$ex_" so that it would display the corresponding stock exchange.
My questions are:
Is there a way to have what is typed into the form added to "$ex_"?
Is this an insecure way to code something like this (can it be hacked)?
Thank you all!
Rather than prefixing your variables and using variable variables (that are potentially insecure especially with user input), try this:
$ex = array(
"foo" => "bar",
if( !isset($ex[$_GET['symbol']])) die("Error: That symbol doesn't exist!");
$chosen = $ex[$_GET['symbol']];
Here's another approach:
extract($_GET, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "ex");
Although it's better to use it like this just to make sure there is no security issues.
extract($_GET, EXTR_SKIP);
PHP's extract() does what exactly what you want, and you should specify "ex_" as the prefix you want.
However, there are security issues and unintended consequences to using such a function blindly, so read up on the additional paragraphs following the function parameters.
Will the below achieve what you need?
$myGetVariable = $_GET['symbol'];
$ex_{$myGetVariable} = "Something";
$_GET['symbol'] = 'APPL';
if (!empty($_GET)) {
foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
$var = 'ex_'.$k ;

Fetch database information on a new page without using new documents

I'm working on a page where I've listed some entries from a database. Although, because the width of the page is too small to fit more on it (I'm one of those people that wants it to look good on all resolutions), I'm basically only going to be able to fit one row of text on the main page.
So, I've thought of one simple idea - which is to link these database entries to a new page which would contain the information about an entry. The problem is that I actually don't know how to go about doing this. What I can't figure out is how I use the PHP code to link to a new page without using any new documents, but rather just gets information from the database onto a new page. This is probably really basic stuff, but I really can't figure this out. And my explanation was probably a bit complicated.
Here is an example of what I basically want to accomplish:
They are not using new documents for every user, they are taking it from the database. Which is exactly what I want to do. Again, this is probably a really simple process, but I'm so new to SQL and PHP coding, so go easy on me, heh.
// if it is a user page requested
if ($_GET['page'] == 'user') {
if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) {
// db call to display user WHERE id = $_GET['id']
$t = mysql_fetch_assoc( SELECT_QUERY );
echo '<h1>' . $t['title'] . '</h1>';
echo '<p>' . $t['text'] . '</p>';
} else {
echo "There isn't such a user".
// normal page logic goes here
else {
// list entries with links to them
while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc( SELECT_QUERY )) {
echo '<a href="/index.php?page=user&id='. $t['id'] .'">';
echo $t['title'] . '</a><br />';
And your links should look like: /index.php?page=user&id=56
Note: You can place your whole user page logic into a new file, like user.php, and include it from the index.php, if it turns out that it it a user page request.
Nisto, it sounds like you have some PHP output issues to contend with first. But the link you included had some code in addition to just a query that allows it to be sorted alphabetically, etc.
This could help you accomplish that task:
In a nutshell, you use PHP to dynamically build a table in proper table format. Then you apply datatables via Jquery which will automatically style, sort, filter, and order the table according to the instructions you give it. That's how they get so much data into the screen and page it without reloading the page.
Good luck.
Are you referring to creating pagination links? E.g.:
If so, then try Pagination - what it is and how to do it for a good walkthrough of how to paginate database table rows using PHP.
