I'm looking for a function to convert dates presented in "X Hours ago" and "X minutes ago" back into a timestamp in php, anyone have a soulution to this?
strtotime already does this:
$timestamp = strtotime("8 hours ago");
See relative time format specifications for more info.
I helped someone on stackoverflow to write a function that does the reverse of this, here is the code, i'm sure if you deconstruct and reverse it, you will have your answer:
$unix_time = 6734;
echo howLongAgo($unix_time);
function howLongAgo($time_difference){
// Swtich logic based on the time difference passed to this function, sets the english string and what number the difference needs to be divided by
case ($time_difference < 60):
$string = " second";
case ($time_difference >= 60 && $time_difference < 3600):
$string = " minute";
$divider = 60;
case ($time_difference >= 3600 && $time_difference < 86400):
$string = " hour";
$divider = 3600;
case ($time_difference >= 86400 && $time_difference < 2629743):
$string = " day";
$divider = 86400;
case ($time_difference >= 2629743 && $time_difference < 31556926):
$string = " month";
$divider = 2629743;
case ($time_difference >= 31556926):
$string = " year";
$divider = 31556926;
// If a divider value is set during the switch, use it to get the actual difference
if($divider){$diff = round($time_difference / $divider);}else{$diff = round($time_difference);}
// If the difference does not equal 1, pluralize the final result EG: hours, minutes, seconds
if($diff != 1){$pluralize="s";}
// Concatenate all variables together and return them
$final = $diff . $string . $pluralize . " ago";
return $final;
$hourago= "-1 hour";
$minago = "-2 minute";
$timestamp = strtotime($hourago.' '.$minago);
echo $timestamp;
$hourago= "-1";
$minago = "-2";
$timestamp = strtotime($hourago.' hour '.$minago.' minute');
echo $timestamp;
I'm looking for a posibility to set minutes to "00" instead of "60". I have following code:
$minute = date('i');
$minutesround = round($minute / 10) * 10;
$hour = date('H');
$minutesround = str_pad($minutesround, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
$time = $hour . $minutesround;
echo $time;
My problem: If it is eg. 4:56pm the output should like this: 1700
but in my case, I get this 1660
Someone has an idea, how to realize this?
Thank you!
This works well:
$myRoundedTime = round(time()/600) * 600; // round time to nearest 6th of an hour
$time = date('Hi', $myRoundedTime);
echo $time;
A working example: http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/b2b595683d9adf8e5273cbdef775bf69b6c036d4
A simple if statement should do the trick
$hour = date('H');
if($minutesround == 60) {
$minutesround = 0;
if($hour == 24) $hour = '00';
i have lets say a $value = 5; and the valnue means 5 minutes, and i have a file saved on the server and getting modified a lot called check.txt i want a code to do a calculation of if timenow - timemodification of file <= 0 in H:i:s from the main $value of 5 minutes then continue, else echo please wait minutes left from the time now - filetimemodification of the main value of 5 minutes = $timeleft in m:s format.
i'm testing on the current code but i keep getting a value of -1376352747
my code which is know is bad :) is
$filename = 'check.txt';
$time = date("H:i:s");
$time = str_replace("00", "24", $time);
$filemodtime = filemtime($filename);
$timeleft = $time - $filemodtime;
$h = explode(':', $time);
$h = $h[0];
$h = str_replace("00", "24", $h);
$m = explode(':', $time);
$m = $m[1];
$s = explode(':', $time);
$s = $s[2];
$hms = ("$h:$m:$s");
if (count($filemodtime - $time) <= 0) {
echo "you can continue";
else {
echo " please wait $timeleft";
thanks in advance
The filemtime() function returns a UNIX-timestamp in seconds, and the time() function returns the current time as a UNIX-timestamp. So by using that difference, you get the file's age in seconds.
$age = time() - filemtime($filename);
// if older then 5 minutes (5 * 60 secounds)
if($age > $value*60)
// good
$time_left = $value * 60 - $age;
$time_left_secounds = $time_left % 60;
$time_left_minutes = ($time_left - $time_left_secounds) / 60;
$formated_time_left = sprintf("%02d:%02d", $time_left_minutes, $time_left_secounds);
echo "Please wait {$formated_time_left}";
I would recommend to work with time() rather than date().
that way, you can substract the file time from the current time() function, and see if it is bigger than 5 minutes * 60 seconds.
Good luck!
This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Converting Seconds to HH:MM:SS
I have an integer as a number of seconds. I want to convert that integer into into hours/minutes/seconds like this:
If the number of seconds equates to less than one hour then it should return the string:
If the number of minutes is less than 10 it should return the string formatted like this:
And finally if the number of seconds equate to less than 1 minute, it should return the following:
What is the best way to do this in PHP?
The simpelst approch would be
if($seconds < 3600){
$format = 'i:s';
$format = 'G:i:s';
echo date($format, $seconds);
EDIT: this wouldnt fix your minutes < 10 problem.
you could handle the minutes by itself. like
$time = ($seconds >= 3600) ? date('G', $seconds).':' : '';
$time .= intval(date('i',$seconds)).':'.date('s', $seconds);
$seconds = (1*60 + 45)*60 + 32; // 1:45:32
define("SECONDS_IN_HOUR", 3600);
define("SECONDS_IN_MINUTE", 60);
// hours
if ($seconds >= SECONDS_IN_HOUR)
print floor($seconds/SECONDS_IN_HOUR) . ":";
$seconds = $seconds % SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
// minutes
if ($seconds >= SECONDS_IN_MINUTE)
print floor($seconds/SECONDS_IN_MINUTE) . ":";
$seconds = $seconds % SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
// seconds
print $seconds;
I think Rufinus is pretty close:
foreach(array(60 => ' 0:s', 3600 => 'i:s', 'G:i:s') as $val => $format)
if ($seconds < $val) break;
echo ltrim(ltrim(gmdate($format, $seconds), '0'), ' ');
This variant uses a configuration stored inside an array which associates a format string based on a time value in seconds (as key). The last element is the default format that will fall through.
Edit: Unfortunately there is no formatting code in date that allows to specify minutes w/o a leading there. Therefore the date string needs to be re-formatted to remove leading 0's occasionally. It's done with ltrim here.
function formatHMS($time) {
$s = $time % 60;
$time= floor($time/60);
$m = $time % 60;
$time= floor($time/60);
$h = floor($time);
$str = $s;
if ($m>0)
$str = "$m:$str";
if ($h>0)
$str = "$h:$str";
return $str;
Consider using explode() & implode() and then apply your logic of less-than & greater-than!
The function below outputs hours:0 whether the time is <1 hour or mins:0 when mins<1.
How can I show only the variables that are not zero?
Thank you.
function time_difference($endtime){
$hours =date("G",$endtime);
$mins =date("i",$endtime);
$secs =date("s",$endtime);
$diff="'hours': ".$hours.",'mins': ".$mins.",'sec': ".$secs;
return $diff;
$end_time =strtotime("+7 hours") - strtotime($entry->pubDate);
$difference = time_difference($end_time);
echo $difference;
Another possible approach:
function time_difference($endtime){
'hours' => date("G",$endtime),
'mins' => date("i",$endtime),
'secs' => date("s",$endtime),
//added a "just a moment ago" feature for you
if (intval($times['hours'], 10) == 0
&& intval($times['mins'], 10) == 0) {
return "just a moment ago";
foreach ($times as $k=>$v) {
$diff.=empty($diff) ? '' : ',';
$diff.=intval($v, 10) == 0 ? '' : "'$k':$v";
return $diff;
Use the ? operator.
$diff=($hours > 0) ? "'hours': ".$hours : "";
$diff=$diff.($minutes > 0) ? etc...
For larger time ranges, you'd better use maths instead of using date():
function time_difference($endtime){
// hours can get over 23 now, $endtime is in seconds
$hours = floor($endtime / 3600);
// modulo (%) already rounds down, not need to use floor()
$mins = $endtime / 60 % 60;
// the remainder of $endtime / 60 are seconds in a minute
$secs = $endtime % 60;
// this array holds the hour, minute and seconds if greater than 0
$diff = array();
if ($hours) $diff[] = "'hours': $hours";
if ($mins) $diff[] = "'mins': $mins";
if ($secs) $diff[] = "'sec': $secs";
// join the values with a comma
$diff = implode(',', $diff);
if (!$diff) { // hours, mins and secs are zero
$diff = "just a moment ago";
return $diff;
The below function would only return hours in the range 0 - 23. If the time exceeds a day, hours become zero:
function time_difference($endtime){
$hours = (int)date("G",$endtime);
$mins = (int)date("i",$endtime);
$secs = (int)date("s",$endtime);
// this array holds the hour, minute and seconds if greater than 0
$diff = array();
if ($hours) $diff[] = "'hours': $hours";
if ($mins) $diff[] = "'mins': $mins";
if ($secs) $diff[] = "'sec': $secs";
// join the values with a comma
$diff = implode(',', $diff);
if (!$diff) { // hours, mins and secs are zero
$diff = "just a moment ago";
return $diff;
(int) is needed to turn the string returned by date() into a string. "01" becomes 1 and "00" becomes "0" using this.
Convert 2010-04-16 16:30:00 to "Tomorrow Afternoon" or convert another date to "this afternoon", "next year", "next week wednesday". You get the picture.
Anyone know of a PHP or Javascript library that can do this?
I think you can come a long way with what is said here: Calculate relative time in C#
The logic is there, and it's not too hard to do the javascript equivalent if a solution in a different language suits you.
There might be more elegant solutions out there (look for Natural language formatting), but personally I couldn't find any.
I would suggest calculating the distance from now to the date you're formatting, and using thresholds.
Pseudo solution:
diff = now - date
if (diff < one_day)
format for today
if (diff < two_days)
format for tomorrow
if (diff < one_week)
format using days from now
The comparison will work for both past and future dates, as long as you use compare with the abs value of diff. Display timeunit ago or timeunit from now by checking if diff is positive or negative.
For the morning, afternoon, evening etc. you only need to check for the time of day in the date, and regarding the formatting type you hit, either display the time as numbers (far away), or natural language (recent or near date).
function gett($sam){
$times = time() - $sam;
if ($times == 60){
$times = "a minute ago";
if (($times != 1) && ($times < 60) && ($times != 0)){
$times = "$times seconds ago";
if ($times == 0){
$times = "less than a second ago";
if ($times == 1){
$times = "a second ago";
if ($times > 60 && $times < 3600){
$times = ceil($times/60)." minutes ago";
if($times == 3600){
$times = "an hour ago";
if($times > 3600 && $times < 86400){
$times = ceil($times/3600)." hours ago";
if($times == 86400){
$times = "a day ago";
if($times > 86400){
$times = ceil($times/86400)." days ago";
return $times; }
$updated = gett($timestamp);
where $timestamp is pretty self-explanatory..
From this link -> How do I calculate relative time in C#?
function posted(t) {
var now = new Date();
var diff = parseInt((now.getTime() - Date.parse(t)) / 1000);
if (diff < 60) { return 'less than a minute ago'; }
else if (diff < 120) { return 'about a minute ago'; }
else if (diff < (2700)) { return (parseInt(diff / 60)).toString() + ' minutes ago'; }
else if (diff < (5400)) { return 'about an hour ago'; }
else if (diff < (86400)) { return 'about ' + (parseInt(diff / 3600)).toString() + ' hours ago'; }
else if (diff < (172800)) { return '1 day ago'; }
else {return (parseInt(diff / 86400)).toString() + ' days ago'; }