I want to apply a function to each element/prop of an object but it seems array_walk_recursive() does not work on object. i.e:
if( $re = $con->query("SELECT id, created_date, contents FROM " .
POST_DATA . " WHERE type = 'news' ORDER BY ".
"created_date DESC LIMIT $amount") ) {
if( $re->num_rows != 0 ) {
while( $ob = $re->fetch_object() ) {
$ob = array_walk_recursive( $ob, "_output" );
would simply return '1'.
How might I resolve this?
It's actually returning a value of True for array_walk_recursive. If you look at the function's documentation, you'll see that what this method is doing is calling the function _output for each item and key in the object.
You should also have some code that looks similar to this, I would imagine, to get it to work correctly:
function _output($data, $key) {
echo "For the key $key, I got the data: ";
Where _output is called because that is the stringified name that you gave in the array_walk_recursive function. That should print your values to the screen.
It seems that I'm not actually answering what you were originally wanting to do, though. If you're wanting to apply a function to every element of an array, I would suggest that you look at array_map. You can use array_map like this:
function double($item) {
return 2 * $item;
array_map('double', $item);
Ultimately, if the recursion is something that you desire, you could probably do something like this:
function callback($key, $value) {
// do some stuff
function array_map_recursive($callback, $array) {
$new_array = array()
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$new_array[$key] = array_map_recursive($callback, $value);
} else {
$new_array[$key] = call_user_func($callback, $key, $value);
return $new_array;
array_map_recursive('callback', $obj);
That would return another array like $obj, but with whatever the callback was supposed to do.
I'm having an array_reduce function which I am willing to exit when specific criteria is met.
$result = array_reduce($input, function($carrier, $item) {
// do the $carrier stuff
if (/* god was one of us */) {
break; //some break analogue
return $carrier;
How do I achieve this? Or should I use foreach instead?
array_reduce is used to write functional-style code which always iterates over the full array. You can either rewrite to use a regular foreach loop to implement short circuiting logic, or you can simply return the current $carrier unmodified. This will still iterate over your full array, but it will not alter the result (as you said, this is more alike to continue)
Firstly, let me say that array_reduce is probably one of my favorite functions - I am famous (well, in a very small circle) for taking 40 lines of clearly written code and replacing them with four harder-to-follow 10 line array_reduce calls to do the same thing!
Sadly, PHP array functions seem bound to want to complete their task. This, combined with the inability to make a recursive unnamed function, makes this common situation difficult to deal with. Not wanting to put a lot of ugly for loops in my code, I tend to bury them in another function (see reduce below) as did an earlier poster.
It's worth pointing out that this is in no way as efficient as using array functions, and, in most circumstances, it's better just to let the array reduce function use a "done" flag to spin quickly through the unneeded values. At any rate, this is something reasonably array_reduce like (the evaluation function using a null return to indicate its finished). The goal is to add up the numbers in the array until you get to a 4.
$init = 0;
$arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0];
$func = function($c, $it) {
if ($it == 4) return null;
return $c + $it;
function reduce($arr, $f, $init) {
for ($c = $init; count($arr); ) {
$newc = $f($c, array_shift($arr));
if (!isset($newc)) break;
$c = $newc;
return $c;
echo reduce($arr, $func, $init) . "\n"; // 6
According to a similar answer.
Break array_walk from anonymous function
The best and the worst way to complete this is Exception.
Not recommend this way, but this way is the solution to your question:
try {
$result = array_reduce( $input, function ( $carrier, $item ) {
// do the $carrier stuff
$condition = true;
if ( $condition ) {
throw new Exception;
return $carrier;
} );
} catch ( Exception $exception ) {
echo 'Break';
The way I would solve the problem
I would create a global function or write PHP extension and add a function
There is a good answer about writing PHP extension:
How to make a PHP extension
But there is a problem with breaking implementation.
Need to detect which condition to out of function.
Below implementation, array_reduce_2 checks if a callback returned.
If so - breaking out of execution.
This way allows checking if execution has broken by checking return type of value.
array_reduce_2 implementation
According to #wordragon notice, implemented the ability to pass an associative array as param too.
function array_reduce_2( $array, $callback, $initial = null ) {
$len = count( $array );
$index = 0;
if ( $len == 0 && count( func_get_args() ) == 1 ) {
return null;
$values = array_values( $array );
$result = $initial ?? $values[ $index ++ ];
foreach ( $values as $value ) {
$result = $callback( $result, $value );
if ( ! is_callable( $result ) ) {
// break;
return $result;
return $result;
I've used the idea from JS implementation and rewrite for PHP accordingly
Detecting if the break occured
$input = [ 'test', 'array', 'god was one of us' ];
$result = array_reduce_2( $input, function ( $carrier, $item ) {
// do the $carrier stuff
if ( $item === 'god was one of us' ) {
return function () {
return 'god was one of us';
return $carrier;
} );
$is_break = is_callable( $result );
if ( $is_break ) {
echo $result();
Important to note!
This array_reduce_2 implementation works properly only if you don't need to return the normal value as a callback.
I suggest using foreach loops instead. The reasons to not use array_reduce are:
Sound reasons:
It is not statically type-checked. So code inspections do not show type errors if there are any in the input or callback arguments.
It returns mixed, so inspections do not show errors if you misuse the result, or they may show false positive if you use it properly.
You cannot break.
Opinionated reasons:
It is harder on the eye. Having a $result and adding to it in a loop (or whatever you do) is way easier to read than grasping that something is returned and then passed as a $carry accumulator in the next call.
It makes me lazy to extract functions properly. If I extract one operation to a callback, I then may find the code short enough to not extract the whole array operation to a function which should really be done in the first place.
If you use a condition to break, there is a good chance you may one day need other arguments to that callback function. With the callback signature being fixed, you would have to pass arguments with use keyword which really much harder to read than a non-callback.
function breakable_array_reduce(array $array, callable $callback, $initial = null) {
$result = $initial;
foreach ($array as $value) {
$ret = $callback($result, $value);
if (false === $ret) {
return $result;
} else {
$result = $ret;
return $result;
// array of 10 values
$arr = [
// callback function which stops once value >= 5
$sum_until_five = function($initial, $value) {
if ($initial >= 5) {
return false;
} else {
return $initial + $value;
// calculate sum of $arr using $sum_until_five()
$sum = breakable_array_reduce($arr, $sum_until_five);
// output: 5
echo $sum;
breakable_array_reduce() will work just like array_reduce() unless/until callback $callback returns bool(false)
Alternate implementation using array keys:
function breakable_array_reduce_keyed(array $array, callable $callback, $initial = null) {
$result = $initial;
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$ret = $callback($result, $value, $key);
if (false === $ret) {
return $result;
} else {
$result = $ret;
return $result;
// array of values
$arr = [
'foo' => 1,
'bar' => 1,
'baz' => 1
// callback function which stops when $key === 'baz'
$sum_until_baz = function($initial, $value, $key) {
if ('baz' === $key) {
return false;
} else {
return $initial + $value;
// calculate sum of $arr using $sum_until_baz()
$sum = breakable_array_reduce($arr, $sum_until_baz);
// output: 2
echo $sum;
P.S. I just wrote and fully tested this locally.
Hi I have a PHP array with a variable number of keys (keys are 0,1,2,3,4.. etc)
I want to process the first value differently, and then the rest of the values the same.
What's the best way to do this?
$first = array_shift($array);
// do something with $first
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
// do something with $key and $value
I would do this:
$firstDone = FALSE;
foreach ($array as $value) {
if (!$firstDone) {
// Process first value here
$firstDone = TRUE;
} else {
// Process other values here
...but whether that is the best way is debatable. I would use foreach over any other method, because then it does not matter what the keys are.
Here is one way:
$first = true;
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
if ($first) {
// something different
$first = false;
else {
// regular logic
$i = 0;
foreach($ur_array as $key => $val) {
if($i == 0) {
//first index
else {
//do something else
I would do it like this if you're sure the array contains at least one entry:
for ($i=1; $i<count($myArray); $1++)
Otherwise you'll need to test this before processing the first element
I've made you a function!
function arrayCallback(&$array) {
$callbacks = func_get_args(); // get all arguments
array_shift($callbacks); // remove first element, we only want the callbacks
$callbackindex = 0;
foreach($array as $value) {
// call callback
// make sure it keeps using last callback in case the array is bigger than the amount of callbacks
if(count($callbacks) > $callbackindex + 1) {
If you call this function, it accepts an array and infinite callback arguments. When the array is bigger than the amount of supplied functions, it stays at the last function.
You can simply call it like this:
arrayCallback($array, function($value) {
print 'callback one: ' . $value;
}, function($value) {
print 'callback two: ' . $value;
If you wish to avoid using a function like this, feel free to pick any of the other correct answers. It's just what you prefer really. If you're repeatedly are planning to loop through one or multiple arrays with different callbacks I suggest to use a function to re-use code. (I'm an optimisation freak)
Need you help in an unusal situation. I need to trim all the $_POST variables.
Is there any way I can do it at a single shot i.e., using a single function?
I know trim($_POST) won't do, I have to make some function like
function sanatize_post(){
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val)
$_POST[$key] = trim($val);
But, if you have any other suggestion or comment, please help me.
$_POST = array_map("trim", $_POST);
But if $_POST members (even if 1 of them) is again an array itself, then use recursive version:
function array_map_deep( $value, $callback )
if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
foreach ( $value as $index => $item ) {
$value[ $index ] = array_map_deep( $item, $callback );
} elseif ( is_object( $value ) ) {
$object_vars = get_object_vars( $value );
foreach ( $object_vars as $property_name => $property_value ) {
$value->$property_name = array_map_deep( $property_value, $callback );
} else {
$value = call_user_func( $callback, $value );
return $value;
Here's a one-liner that will also work either on single values or recursively on arrays:
$_POST = filter_var($_POST, \FILTER_CALLBACK, ['options' => 'trim']);
use array_walk with a custom function
$clean_values = array();
array_walk($_POST, 'sanitize_post');
function sanitize_post($item, $key)
$clean_values[$key] = trim($item);
//optional further cleaning ex) htmlentities
array_walk($_POST, 'trim') (note that this and the idea might be broken as input name=foo[bar] is translated into an array)
Edit: the above is not correct. Try $_POST = array_map('trim', $_POST);.
You can also use this code I wrote in case you want to sanitize a string OR an array with one function:
function sanitize ($value) {
// sanitize array or string values
if (is_array($value)) {
array_walk_recursive($value, 'sanitize_value');
else {
return $value;
function sanitize_value (&$value) {
$value = trim(htmlspecialchars($value));
Simply use it like this:
$post_sanitized = sanitize($_POST);
$apple_sanitized = sanitize('apple');
Simply use this:
array_walk($_POST, create_function('&$val', '$val = trim($val);'));
and your $_POST is now trimmed.
The other answers did not work well with associative arrays. This recursive functions will trim all values inside a $_POST array all levels down.
// Trim all values of associative array
function trim_associative_array(&$input_array) {
if (is_array($input_array)) {
foreach ($input_array as $key => &$val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
} else {
$input_array[$key] = trim($val);
I think it's better to use anonymous functions :
array_walk($_POST, function(& $value){
$value = trim($value);
I have some logic that is being used to sort data but depending on the user input the data is grouped differently. Right now I have five different functions that contain the same logic but different groupings. Is there a way to combine these functions and dynamically set a value that will group properly. Within the function these assignments are happening
For example, sometimes I store the calculations simply by:
$calcs[$meter['UnitType']['name']] = ...
but other times need a more specific grouping:
$calcs[$meter['Resource']['name']][$meter['UnitType']['name']][date('Y-m',$start)] =...
As you can see sometimes it is stored in a multidiminesional array and other times not. I have been trying to use eval() but without success (not sure that is the correct approach). Storing the data in a temporary variable does not really save much because there are many nested loops and if statements so the array would have to be repeated in multiple places.
I hope the following example explains my problem better. It is obviously a dumbed down version:
$calcs[$meter['UnitType']['name']] = $data;
} else {
while () {
$calcs[$meter['UnitType']['name']] = $data;
Now the same logic can be used but for storing it in different keys:
$calcs[$meter['Resource']['name']][$meter['UnitType']['name']][date('Y-m',$start)] = $data;
} else {
while () {
$calcs[$meter['Resource']['name']][$meter['UnitType']['name']][date('Y-m',$start)] = $data;
Is there a way to abstract out the keys in the $calc[] array so that I can have one function instead of having multiple functions with different array keys?
You can use this if you want to get&set array values dynamically.
function getVal($data,$chain){
$level = $data;
$level = $level[$chain[$i]];
return null; // key does not exist, return null
return $level;
function setVal(&$data,$chain,$value){
$level = &$data;
$level = &$level[$chain[$i]]; // set reference (&) in order to change the value of the object
$level = $value;
How it works:
Calling getVal($data,array('foo','bar','2017-08')) will return the equivalent of $data['foo']['bar']['2017-08'].
Calling setVal($data,array('foo','bar','2017-08'),'hello') will set value as if you called
$data['foo']['bar']['2017-08'] = 'hello'. non-existent keys will be created automatically by php magic.
This can be useful if you want to build the structure of the array dynamically.
Here's a function I wrote for setting deeply nested members on arrays or objects:
function dict_set($var, $path, $val) {
$var = is_array($var) ? array() : new stdClass();
$parts = explode('.', $path);
$ptr =& $var;
foreach($parts as $part) {
if('[]' == $part) {
$ptr =& $ptr[];
} elseif(is_array($ptr)) {
$ptr[$part] = array();
$ptr =& $ptr[$part];
} elseif(is_object($ptr)) {
$ptr->$part = array();
$ptr =& $ptr->$part;
$ptr = $val;
return $var;
Using your example data:
$array = [];
$array = dict_set($array, 'resource1.unit1.2017-10', 'value1');
$array = dict_set($array, 'resource1.unit2.2017-11', 'value2');
$array = dict_set($array, 'resource2.unit1.2017-10', 'value3');
Results in output like:
[resource1] => Array
[unit1] => Array
[2017-10] => value1
[unit2] => Array
[2017-11] => value2
[resource2] => Array
[unit1] => Array
[2017-10] => value3
The second argument to dict_set() is a $path string in dot-notation. You can build this using dynamic keys with period delimiters between the parts. The function works with arrays and objects.
It can also append incremental members to deeply nested array by using [] as an element of the $path. For instance: parent.child.child.[]
Would it not be easier to do the following
$calcs = array(
$meter['Resource']['name'] => array(
$meter['UnitType']['name'] => 'Some Value',
$meter['UnitType']['name2'] => 'Some Value Again'
or you can use Objects
$calcs = new stdClass();
$calcs->{$meter['UnitType']['name']} = 'Some Value';
but I would advice you build your structure in arrays and then do!
$calcs = (object)$calcs_array;
or you can loop your first array into a new array!
$new = array();
$d = date('Y-m',$start);
foreach($meter as $key => $value)
$new[$key]['name'][$d] = array();
Give it ago and see how the array structure comes out.
Try to use a switch case.
$userinput = $calcs[$meter['UnitType']['name']] = $data;;
switch ($userinput) {
case "useriput1":
while () {
$calcs[$meter['Resource']['name']][$meter['UnitType']['name']][date('Y-m',$start)] = $data;
case "userinput2":
while () {
$calcs[$meter['Resource']['name']][$meter['UnitType']['name']][date('Y-m',$start)] = $data;
while () {
$calcs[$meter['Resource']['name']][$meter['UnitType']['name']][date('Y-m',$start)] = $data;
I agree with the comment on the OP by #Jake N that perhaps using objects is a better approach. Nonetheless, if you want to use arrays, you can check for the existence of keys in a conditional, like so:
array_key_exists('Resource', $meter)
) {
$calcs[$meter['Resource']['name']][$meter['UnitType']['name']][date('Y-m',$start)] = $data;
} else {
$calcs[$meter['UnitType']['name']] = $data;
On the other hand, if you want to use objects, you can create a MeterReading object type, and then add MeterReading instances as array elements to your $calcs array, like so:
// Object defintion
class MeterReading {
private $data;
private $resource;
private $startDate;
private $unitType;
public function __construct(Array $meter, $start, $data) {
$this->unitType = $meter['UnitType']['name'];
$this->resource = $meter['Resource']['name'];
$this->startDate = date('Y-m',$start);
public function data() {
return $this->data;
public function resource() {
return $this->resource;
public function startDate() {
return $this->startDate;
public function unitType() {
return $this->unitType;
// Example population
$calcs[] = new MeterReading($meter, $start, $data);
// Example usage
foreach($calcs as $calc) {
if($calc->resource()) {
echo 'Resource: ' . $calc->resource() . '<br>';
echo 'Unit Type: ' . $calc->unitType() . '<br>';
echo 'Start Date: ' . $calc->startDate() . '<br>';
echo 'Data: ' . $calc->data() . '<br>';
Obviously you can take this further, such as checking the existence of array keys in the object constructor, giving the object property resource a default value if not provided, and so on, but this is a start to an OO approach.
You can use this library to get or set value in multidimensional array using array of keys:
Arr::getNestedElement($calcs, [
date('Y-m', $start)
to get value or:
Arr::handleNestedElement($calcs, [
date('Y-m', $start)
], $data);
to set $data as value.
I'm working on a program that uses PHP's internal array pointers to iterate along a multidimensional array. I need to get an element from the current row, and I've been doing it like so:
However, I'd much prefer to use something like:
current($arr)['item'] // invalid syntax
I'm hoping there's a function out there that I've missed in my scan of the documentation that would enable me to access the element like so:
getvalue(current($arr), 'item')
Any suggestions?
I very much doubt there is such a function, but it's trivial to write
function getvalue($array, $key)
return $array[$key];
Edit: As of PHP 5.4, you can index array elements directly from function expressions, current($arr)['item'].
Have you tried using one of the iterator classes yet? There might be something in there that does exactly what you want. If not, you can likely get what you want by extending the ArrayObject class.
This function might be a bit lenghty but I use it all the time, specially in scenarious like:
if (array_key_exists('user', $_SESSION) === true)
if (array_key_exists('level', $_SESSION['user']) === true)
$value = $_SESSION['user']['level'];
Turns to this:
Value($_SESSION, array('user', 'level'), 'DEFAULT VALUE IF NOT EXISTS');
Here is the function:
function Value($array, $key = 0, $default = false)
if (is_array($array) === true)
if (is_array($key) === true)
foreach ($key as $value)
if (array_key_exists($value, $array) === true)
$array = $array[$value];
return $default;
return $array;
else if (array_key_exists($key, $array) === true)
return $array[$key];
return $default;
PS: You can also use unidimensional arrays, like this:
If this does not work, how is your multidimensional array composed? A var_dump() might help.
$subkey = 'B';
$arr = array(
$subkey => array(
'AB' => 'A1',
'AC' => 'A2'
echo current($arr[$subkey]);
echo current($arr[$subkey]);
I often use
foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) {
$val['item'] /*$val is the value of the array*/
$key /*$key is the key used */
instead of