How to exit from array iteration functions (array_reduce) in PHP - php

I'm having an array_reduce function which I am willing to exit when specific criteria is met.
$result = array_reduce($input, function($carrier, $item) {
// do the $carrier stuff
if (/* god was one of us */) {
break; //some break analogue
return $carrier;
How do I achieve this? Or should I use foreach instead?

array_reduce is used to write functional-style code which always iterates over the full array. You can either rewrite to use a regular foreach loop to implement short circuiting logic, or you can simply return the current $carrier unmodified. This will still iterate over your full array, but it will not alter the result (as you said, this is more alike to continue)

Firstly, let me say that array_reduce is probably one of my favorite functions - I am famous (well, in a very small circle) for taking 40 lines of clearly written code and replacing them with four harder-to-follow 10 line array_reduce calls to do the same thing!
Sadly, PHP array functions seem bound to want to complete their task. This, combined with the inability to make a recursive unnamed function, makes this common situation difficult to deal with. Not wanting to put a lot of ugly for loops in my code, I tend to bury them in another function (see reduce below) as did an earlier poster.
It's worth pointing out that this is in no way as efficient as using array functions, and, in most circumstances, it's better just to let the array reduce function use a "done" flag to spin quickly through the unneeded values. At any rate, this is something reasonably array_reduce like (the evaluation function using a null return to indicate its finished). The goal is to add up the numbers in the array until you get to a 4.
$init = 0;
$arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0];
$func = function($c, $it) {
if ($it == 4) return null;
return $c + $it;
function reduce($arr, $f, $init) {
for ($c = $init; count($arr); ) {
$newc = $f($c, array_shift($arr));
if (!isset($newc)) break;
$c = $newc;
return $c;
echo reduce($arr, $func, $init) . "\n"; // 6

According to a similar answer.
Break array_walk from anonymous function
The best and the worst way to complete this is Exception.
Not recommend this way, but this way is the solution to your question:
try {
$result = array_reduce( $input, function ( $carrier, $item ) {
// do the $carrier stuff
$condition = true;
if ( $condition ) {
throw new Exception;
return $carrier;
} );
} catch ( Exception $exception ) {
echo 'Break';
The way I would solve the problem
I would create a global function or write PHP extension and add a function
There is a good answer about writing PHP extension:
How to make a PHP extension
But there is a problem with breaking implementation.
Need to detect which condition to out of function.
Below implementation, array_reduce_2 checks if a callback returned.
If so - breaking out of execution.
This way allows checking if execution has broken by checking return type of value.
array_reduce_2 implementation
According to #wordragon notice, implemented the ability to pass an associative array as param too.
function array_reduce_2( $array, $callback, $initial = null ) {
$len = count( $array );
$index = 0;
if ( $len == 0 && count( func_get_args() ) == 1 ) {
return null;
$values = array_values( $array );
$result = $initial ?? $values[ $index ++ ];
foreach ( $values as $value ) {
$result = $callback( $result, $value );
if ( ! is_callable( $result ) ) {
// break;
return $result;
return $result;
I've used the idea from JS implementation and rewrite for PHP accordingly
Detecting if the break occured
$input = [ 'test', 'array', 'god was one of us' ];
$result = array_reduce_2( $input, function ( $carrier, $item ) {
// do the $carrier stuff
if ( $item === 'god was one of us' ) {
return function () {
return 'god was one of us';
return $carrier;
} );
$is_break = is_callable( $result );
if ( $is_break ) {
echo $result();
Important to note!
This array_reduce_2 implementation works properly only if you don't need to return the normal value as a callback.

I suggest using foreach loops instead. The reasons to not use array_reduce are:
Sound reasons:
It is not statically type-checked. So code inspections do not show type errors if there are any in the input or callback arguments.
It returns mixed, so inspections do not show errors if you misuse the result, or they may show false positive if you use it properly.
You cannot break.
Opinionated reasons:
It is harder on the eye. Having a $result and adding to it in a loop (or whatever you do) is way easier to read than grasping that something is returned and then passed as a $carry accumulator in the next call.
It makes me lazy to extract functions properly. If I extract one operation to a callback, I then may find the code short enough to not extract the whole array operation to a function which should really be done in the first place.
If you use a condition to break, there is a good chance you may one day need other arguments to that callback function. With the callback signature being fixed, you would have to pass arguments with use keyword which really much harder to read than a non-callback.

function breakable_array_reduce(array $array, callable $callback, $initial = null) {
$result = $initial;
foreach ($array as $value) {
$ret = $callback($result, $value);
if (false === $ret) {
return $result;
} else {
$result = $ret;
return $result;
// array of 10 values
$arr = [
// callback function which stops once value >= 5
$sum_until_five = function($initial, $value) {
if ($initial >= 5) {
return false;
} else {
return $initial + $value;
// calculate sum of $arr using $sum_until_five()
$sum = breakable_array_reduce($arr, $sum_until_five);
// output: 5
echo $sum;
breakable_array_reduce() will work just like array_reduce() unless/until callback $callback returns bool(false)
Alternate implementation using array keys:
function breakable_array_reduce_keyed(array $array, callable $callback, $initial = null) {
$result = $initial;
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$ret = $callback($result, $value, $key);
if (false === $ret) {
return $result;
} else {
$result = $ret;
return $result;
// array of values
$arr = [
'foo' => 1,
'bar' => 1,
'baz' => 1
// callback function which stops when $key === 'baz'
$sum_until_baz = function($initial, $value, $key) {
if ('baz' === $key) {
return false;
} else {
return $initial + $value;
// calculate sum of $arr using $sum_until_baz()
$sum = breakable_array_reduce($arr, $sum_until_baz);
// output: 2
echo $sum;
P.S. I just wrote and fully tested this locally.


PHP In_MultiArray Function

on - if you scroll down it gives a function to determine if a string is inside of a query in a multidimensional array. "If you found yourself in need of a multidimensional array in_array like function you can use the one below. Works in a fair amount of time"
Here's original code(working):
function in_multiarray($elem, $array)
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bottom = 0;
while($bottom <= $top)
if($array[$bottom] == $elem)
return true;
if(in_multiarray($elem, ($array[$bottom])))
return true;
return false;
What I'm trying to do is instead of returning 'true' or 'false' - i'd like to return the ROW #. So my initial thought was to simply replace 'return true' with 'return $bottom; however it isn't returning the record number.
Modified Function (not working);
function in_multiarray($elem, $array)
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bottom = 0;
while($bottom <= $top)
if($array[$bottom] == $elem)
return $bottom;
if(in_multiarray($elem, ($array[$bottom])))
return $bottom;
return false;
Does anyone have an idea how to modify this function to return the ROW number that contains the match?
Here's a sample of the array...
$sample = array
array ("oldpage1.php","newpage1.php"),
array ("oldpage2.php","newpage2.php"),
array ("oldpage3.php","newpage3.php"),
array ("oldpage4.php","newpage4.php"),
array ("oldpage5.php","newpage5.php")
$row = in_multiarray($input, $sample);
Therefore if we know the row # we can fetch the new page with a simple
It's worth noting that a function like in_array is intended to tell you whether or not a value exists inside of an array. What you're looking for seems to be a lot closer to something like array_search, which is designed to actually provide you with the key that points to a given value in the array.
However, because you're using a multi-dimensional array what you're actually looking for is the key that points to the array that contains the value. Hence we can divide and conquer this problem with two simple steps.
The first step is to map a function in_array to every element in the first array (which is just another array). This will tell us which elements of the primary array contain an array that contains the value we're searching for.
$result = array_map(function($arr) use($search) {
return in_array($search, $arr, true);
}, $arr, [$searchValue]);
The second step is to then return the keys to those arrays (i.e. filter the result).
$keys = array_keys(array_filter($result));
Now you have all the keys of any matching items. If you want to apply as just one custom filter that specifies exactly where in the subarray to look, you could also do it like this.
$search = "oldpage2.php";
$sample = [
$keys = array_keys(array_filter($sample, function($arr) use($search) {
return $arr[0] === $search;
And you get...
array(1) {
So now you know that "oldpage2.php" is in row 1 in $sample[1][0] which means you can do this to get the results out of the array.
foreach($keys as $key) {
echo "{$sample[$key][0]} maps to {$sample[$key][1]}\n";
Giving you
oldpage2.php maps to newpage2.php
If you want to return only the first result you could do that as well with a function like this using similar approach.
function getFirstMatch($search, Array $arr) {
foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
if ($value[0] === $search) {
return $value[1];
echo getFirstMatch("oldpage4.php", $sample); // newpage4.php
The Better Alternative
Of course, the better approach is to actually use the oldpage names as the actual keys of the array rather than do this expensive search through the array, because array lookup by key in PHP is just an O(1) operation, whereas this needle/haystack approach is O(N).
So we turn your $samples array into something like this and the search no longer requires any functions...
$samples = [
"oldpage1.php" => "newpage1.php",
"oldpage2.php" => "newpage2.php",
"oldpage3.php" => "newpage3.php",
"oldpage4.php" => "newpage4.php",
"oldpage5.php" => "newpage5.php",
Now you can just do something like $newpage = $samples[$search] and you get exactly what you're looking for. So echo $samples["oldpage2.php"] gives you "newpage2.php" directly without the intermediary step of searching through each array.
You can use the following code to get the full path to the value:
function in_multiarray($elem, $array, &$result)
$top = sizeof($array) - 1;
$bottom = 0;
while($bottom <= $top)
if($array[$bottom] == $elem) {
array_unshift($result, $bottom);
return true;
else {
if(is_array($array[$bottom])) {
if(in_multiarray($elem, $array[$bottom], $result)) {
array_unshift($result, $bottom);
return true;
return false;
$sample = array(
array ("oldpage1.php","newpage1.php"),
array ("oldpage2.php","newpage2.php"),
array ("oldpage3.php","newpage3.php"),
array ("oldpage4.php","newpage4.php"),
array ("oldpage5.php","newpage5.php")
$input = "newpage5.php";
$result = [];
in_multiarray($input, $sample, $result);
Path is stored in $result;

PHP Function that can return value from an array key a dynamic number of levels deep

Using PHP, I would like to write a function that accomplishes what is shown by this pseudo code:
function return_value($input_string='array:subArray:arrayKey')
$segments = explode(':',$input_string);
$array_depth = count(segments) - 1;
//Now the bit I'm not sure about
//I need to dynamically generate X number of square brackets to get the value
//So that I'm left with the below:
return $array[$subArray][$arrayKey];
Is the above possible? I'd really appreciate some pointer on how to acheive it.
You can use a recursive function (or its iterative equivalent since it's tail recursion):
function return_value($array, $input_string) {
$segments = explode(':',$input_string);
// Can we go next step?
if (!array_key_exists($segments[0], $array)) {
return false; // cannot exist
// Yes, do so.
$nextlevel = $array[$segments[0]];
if (!is_array($nextlevel)) {
if (1 == count($segments)) {
// Found!
return $nextlevel;
// We can return $nextlevel, which is an array. Or an error.
return false;
$nextsegments = implode(':', $segments);
// We can also use tail recursion here, enclosing the whole kit and kaboodle
// into a loop until $segments is empty.
return return_value($nextlevel, $nextsegments);
Passing one object
Let's say we want this to be an API and pass only a single string (please remember that HTTP has some method limitation in this, and you may need to POST the string instead of GET).
The string would need to contain both the array data and the "key" location. It's best if we send first the key and then the array:
function decodeJSONblob($input) {
// Step 1: extract the key address. We do this is a dirty way,
// exploiting the fact that a serialized array starts with
// a:<NUMBEROFITEMS>:{ and there will be no "{" in the key address.
$n = strpos($input, ':{');
$items = explode(':', substr($input, 0, $n));
// The last two items of $items will be "a" and "NUMBEROFITEMS"
$ni = array_pop($items);
if ("a" != ($a = array_pop($items))) {
die("Something strange at offset $n, expecting 'a', found {$a}");
$array = unserialize("a:{$ni}:".substr($input, $n+1));
while (!empty($items)) {
$key = array_shift($items);
if (!array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
// there is not this item in the array.
if (!is_array($array[$key])) {
// Error.
$array = $array[$key];
return $array;
$arr = array(
0 => array(
'hello' => array(
print decodeJSONblob("0:hello:1:" . serialize($arr));
print decodeJSONblob("0:hello:2:0" . serialize($arr));
while asking for 0:hello:2: would get you an array { 0: 'jill' }.
you could use recursion and array_key_exists to walk down to the level of said key.
function get_array_element($key, $array)
if(stripos(($key,':') !== FALSE) {
$currentKey = substr($key,0,stripos($key,':'));
$remainingKeys = substr($key,stripos($key,':')+1);
if(array_key_exists($currentKey,$array)) {
return ($remainingKeys,$array[$currentKey]);
else {
// handle error
return null;
elseif(array_key_exists($key,$array)) {
return $array[$key];
else {
//handle error
return null;
Use a recursive function like the following or a loop using references to array keys
function lookup($array,$lookup){
$key = array_shift($lookup);
//throw exception if key is not found so false values can also be looked up
throw new Exception("Key does not exist");
$val = $array[$key];
return lookup($val,$lookup);
return $val;
$config = array(
echo "Host: ".lookup($config,'db:host')."\n";
echo "User: ".lookup($config,'db:user')."\n";
echo "More levels: ".lookup($config,'data:test2:nested')."\n";
Host: localhost
User: user
More levels: foo

Performance: search for values and return the sub arrays' key

Given an array like:
$nouns = array(
"man" => array("men"),
"octopus" => array("octopi", "octopuses"),
"ox" => array("oxen")
Consisting of approximately 3000 singular - plural pairs, how would one get the singular (the key) the most efficiently, by calling, for example, array_search_loosely($nouns, "men")?
I then expect to receive an array with the value "man".
I have tried four different approaches:
Original (which uses the function array_is_assoc, which is rather self-explanatory and irrelevant to the situation)
function array_search_loosely($array, $values, $compare_keys = false) {
$values = is_array($values) ? $values : array($values);
foreach($array as $item_key => $item) {
if (is_array($item)) {
$return_key = true;
foreach($values as $value_key => $value) {
if (!in_array($value, $item)) {
$return_key = false;
elseif($compare_keys === true and array_is_assoc($values)) {
if (!in_array($value_key, array_keys($item, $value))) {
$return_key = false;
if ($return_key === true) {
$item_keys[] = $item_key;
elseif(!is_array($values)) {
if ($item === $values) {
$item_keys[] = $item_key;
return (isset($item_keys))? $item_keys : false;
Second approach:
function array_search_loosely($array, $values, $compare_keys = false) {
$keys = array_keys(array_filter($array, function($item) use ($values, $compare_keys) {
return (!is_array($item) and $item === $values) or (is_array($item) and each_in_array($item, array_create($values), $compare_keys));
return !empty($keys) ? $keys : false;
function each_in_array($array, $values, $compare_keys = false) {
return $compare_keys === false ? count(array_uintersect($values, $array, function($item1, $item2) { return $item1 === $item2 ? 0 : ($item1 > $item2 ? 1 : -1); })) == count($values) : count(array_uintersect_assoc($values, $array, function($item1, $item2) { return $item1 === $item2 ? 0 : ($item1 > $item2 ? 1 : -1); })) == count($values);
I chose to use array_uintersect, to also allow arrays to be $items, because if I was to use array_intersect, notices would be generated for each array $item. This choice allows each_in_array() to check for array $values as well.
Also, the third optional parameter $compare_keys is not relevant for this situation, but is in other situations where I use the function.
The third and fourth approaches were mixtures of the preceding. At this point my original approach would still be the fastest, but when I run my function on a few hundred or thousand words, the operation will still cost several tens of seconds. Any suggestions on how to improve the performance of getting a plurals singular in this situation?
Your map in its current format is not good to do the lookup. You also need an inversion of it:
$invert = array(
'men' => 'man',
'octopi' => 'octopus',
'octopuses' => 'octopus',
'oxen' => 'ox',
$search = 'men';
$found = '';
foreach($nouns AS $noun => $values){
if(in_array($search, $values){
echo 'Found what we\'re looking for.';
$found = $nouns[$noun];
<!DOCTYPE html>
$nouns = array (
"data" => array("data"),
"datum" => array("data"),
"man" => array("men"),
"octopus" => array("octopi", "octopuses"),
"ox" => array("oxen"),
"hippopotamus" => array("hippopotami", "hippopotamuses")
function find_singular($nouns, $search)
foreach($nouns as $noun => $values)
if(in_array($search, $values))
$found[] = $noun;
$n = count($found);
if($n > 1)
echo "<strong>$search</strong> has $n singular forms: <em>";
print_r(implode('</em> and <em>', $found).'</em><br />');
echo "<b>$search</b> is the plural of <em>$found[0]</em><br />";
echo "<b>$search</b> was not found.<br />";
find_singular($nouns, "men");
find_singular($nouns, "octopi");
find_singular($nouns, "data");
find_singular($nouns, "oxen");
find_singular($nouns, "octopuses");
find_singular($nouns, "hippopotami");
find_singular($nouns, "kittens");
hope this helps!
what is the purpose of this? I am guessing you are creating a dictionary application for a web or app interface. I don't think you're going to be able to avoid loops so long as you intend on implementing a search ability. are you storing the whole dictionary in a PHP array? I assume you are since XML and mysql queries would cost even more time. my only other suggestion would be to split the dictionary into as many arrays you can manage (perhaps a few dozen per alphabetic letter) else write a script to produce these from either the existing dictionary array or a flat file, and then implement AJAX in your search box, similar to Google's predictive search but instead of displaying possible results as the search string is typed, it would be narrowing down which array to search, silently in the background. I have a script somewhere which does this and can dig it up if this sounds viable. basically, instead of searching the whole dictionary (I have seen one with in excess of twelve million words!) per keyword, by the time the keyword is typed, sent and processed, there could be much fewer loop cycles. hardware also springs to mind - the hard disk, processor and memory speeds of the server will account for most of the equation. I have also heard that C++ is much more suited to dictionary searches and would not be too foreign an option for a PHP developer.

Most efficient way to search for object in an array by a specific property's value

What would be the fastest, most efficient way to implement a search method that will return an object with a qualifying id?
Sample object array:
$array = [
(object) ['id' => 'one', 'color' => 'white'],
(object) ['id' => 'two', 'color' => 'red'],
(object) ['id' => 'three', 'color' => 'blue']
What do I write inside of:
function findObjectById($id){
The desired result would return the object at $array[0] if I called:
$obj = findObjectById('one')
Otherwise, it would return false if I passed 'four' as the parameter.
You can iterate that objects:
function findObjectById($id){
$array = array( /* your array of objects */ );
foreach ( $array as $element ) {
if ( $id == $element->id ) {
return $element;
return false;
Faster way is to have an array with keys equals to objects' ids (if unique);
Then you can build your function as follow:
function findObjectById($id){
$array = array( /* your array of objects with ids as keys */ );
if ( isset( $array[$id] ) ) {
return $array[$id];
return false;
It's an old question but for the canonical reference as it was missing in the pure form:
$obj = array_column($array, null, 'id')['one'] ?? false;
The false is per the questions requirement to return false. It represents the non-matching value, e.g. you can make it null for example as an alternative suggestion.
This works transparently since PHP 7.0. In case you (still) have an older version, there are user-space implementations of it that can be used as a drop-in replacement.
However array_column also means to copy a whole array. This might not be wanted.
Instead it could be used to index the array and then map over with array_flip:
$index = array_column($array, 'id');
$map = array_flip($index);
$obj = $array[$map['one'] ?? null] ?? false;
On the index the search problem might still be the same, the map just offers the index in the original array so there is a reference system.
Keep in mind thought that this might not be necessary as PHP has copy-on-write. So there might be less duplication as intentionally thought. So this is to show some options.
Another option is to go through the whole array and unless the object is already found, check for a match. One way to do this is with array_reduce:
$obj = array_reduce($array, static function ($carry, $item) {
return $carry === false && $item->id === 'one' ? $item : $carry;
}, false);
This variant again is with the returning false requirement for no-match.
It is a bit more straight forward with null:
$obj = array_reduce($array, static function ($carry, $item) {
return $carry ?? ($item->id === 'one' ? $item : $carry);
}, null);
And a different no-match requirement can then be added with $obj = ...) ?? false; for example.
Fully exposing to foreach within a function of its own even has the benefit to directly exit on match:
$result = null;
foreach ($array as $object) {
if ($object->id === 'one') {
$result = $object;
$obj = $result ?? false;
This is effectively the original answer by hsz, which shows how universally it can be applied.
You can use the function array_search of php like this
$key=array_search("one", array_column(json_decode(json_encode($array),TRUE), 'color'));
i: is the index of item in array
1: is the property value looking for
$arr: Array looking inside
'ID': the property key
$i = array_search(1, array_column($arr, 'ID'));
$element = ($i !== false ? $arr[$i] : null);
Well, you would would have to loop through them and check compare the ID's unless your array is sorted (by ID) in which case you can implement a searching algorithm like binary search or something of that sort to make it quicker.
My suggestion would be to first sort the arrays using a sorting algorithm (binary sort, insertion sort or quick sort) if the array is not sorted already. Then you can implement a search algorithm which should improve performance and I think that's as good as it gets.
This is my absolute favorite algorithm for very quickly finding what I need in a very large array, quickly. It is a Binary Search Algorithm implementation I created and use extensively in my PHP code. It hands-down beats straight-forward iterative search routines. You can vary it a multitude of ways to fit your need, but the basic algorithm remains the same.
To use it (this variation), the array must be sorted, by the index you want to find, in lowest-to-highest order.
function quick_find(&$array, $property, $value_to_find, &$first_index) {
$l = 0;
$r = count($array) - 1;
$m = 0;
while ($l <= $r) {
$m = floor(($l + $r) / 2);
if ($array[$m]->{$property} < $value_to_find) {
$l = $m + 1;
} else if ($array[$m]->{$property} > $value_to_find) {
$r = $m - 1;
} else {
$first_index = $m;
return $array[$m];
return FALSE;
And to test it out:
/* Define a class to put into our array of objects */
class test_object {
public $index;
public $whatever_you_want;
public function __construct( $index_to_assign ) {
$this->index = $index_to_assign;
$this->whatever_you_want = rand(1, 10000000);
/* Initialize an empty array we will fill with our objects */
$my_array = array();
/* Get a random starting index to simulate data (possibly loaded from a database) */
$my_index = rand(1256, 30000);
/* Say we are needing to locate the record with this index */
$index_to_locate = $my_index + rand(200, 30234);
* Fill "$my_array()" with ONE MILLION objects of type "test_object"
* 1,000,000 objects may take a little bit to generate. If you don't
* feel patient, you may lower the number!
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
$searchable_object = new test_object($my_index); // Create the object
array_push($my_array, $searchable_object); // Add it to the "$my_array" array
$my_index++; /* Increment our unique index */
echo "Searching array of ".count($my_array)." objects for index: " . $index_to_locate ."\n\n";
$index_found = -1; // Variable into which the array-index at which our object was found will be placed upon return of the function.
$object = quick_find($my_array, "index", $index_to_locate, $index_found);
if ($object == NULL) {
echo "Index $index_to_locate was not contained in the array.\n";
} else {
echo "Object found at index $index_found!\n";
echo "\n\n";
Now, a few notes:
You MAY use this to find non-unique indexes; the array MUST still be sorted in ascending order. Then, when it finds an element matching your criteria, you must walk the array backwards to find the first element, or forward to find the last. It will add a few "hops" to your search, but it will still most likely be faster than iterating a large array.
For STRING indexes, you can change the arithmetic comparisons (i.e. " > " and " < " ) in quick_find() to PHP's function "strcasecmp()". Just make sure the STRING indexes are sorted the same way (for the example implementation): Alphabetically and Ascending.
And if you want to have a version that can search arrays of objects sorted in EITHER ascending OR decending order:
function quick_find_a(&$array, $property, $value_to_find, &$first_index) {
$l = 0;
$r = count($array) - 1;
$m = 0;
while ($l <= $r) {
$m = floor(($l + $r) / 2);
if ($array[$m]->{$property} < $value_to_find) {
$l = $m + 1;
} else if ($array[$m]->{$property} > $value_to_find) {
$r = $m - 1;
} else {
$first_index = $m;
return $array[$m];
return FALSE;
function quick_find_d(&$array, $property, $value_to_find, &$first_index) {
$l = 0;
$r = count($array) - 1;
$m = 0;
while ($l <= $r) {
$m = floor(($l + $r) / 2);
if ($value_to_find > $array[$m]->{$property}) {
$r = $m - 1;
} else if ($value_to_find < $array[$m]->{$property}) {
$l = $m + 1;
} else {
$first_index = $m;
return $array[$m];
return FALSE;
function quick_find(&$array, $property, $value_to_find, &$first_index) {
if ($array[0]->{$property} < $array[count($array)-1]->{$property}) {
return quick_find_a($array, $property, $value_to_find, $first_index);
} else {
return quick_find_d($array, $property, $value_to_find, $first_index);
The thing with performance of data structures is not only how to get but mostly how to store my data.
If you are free to design your array, use an associative array:
$array['one']->id = 'one';
$array['one']->color = 'white';
$array['two']->id = 'two';
$array['two']->color = 'red';
$array['three']->id = 'three';
$array['three']->color = 'blue';
Finding is then the most cheap: $one = $array['one];
If you cannot modify your array constitution, you could create a separate array which maps ids to indexes. Finding an object this way does not cost any time:
$map['one'] = 0;
$map['two'] = 1;
$map['three'] = 2;
getObjectById() then first lookups the index of the id within the original array and secondly returns the right object:
$index = $map[$id];
return $array[$index];
Something I like to do in these situations is to create a referential array, thus avoiding having to re-copy the object but having the power to use the reference to it like the object itself.
$array['one']->id = 'one';
$array['one']->color = 'white';
$array['two']->id = 'two';
$array['two']->color = 'red';
$array['three']->id = 'three';
$array['three']->color = 'blue';
Then we can create a simple referential array:
$ref = array();
foreach ( $array as $row )
$ref[$row->id] = &$array[$row->id];
Now we can simply test if an instance exists in the array and even use it like the original object if we wanted:
if ( isset( $ref['one'] ) )
echo $ref['one']->color;
would output:
If the id in question did not exist, the isset() would return false, so there's no need to iterate the original object over and over looking for a value...we just use PHP's isset() function and avoid using a separate function altogether.
Please note when using references that you want use the "&" with the original array and not the iterator, so using &$row would not give you what you want.
This is definitely not efficient, O(N). But it looks sexy:
$result = array_reduce($array, function ($found, $obj) use ($id) {
return $obj['id'] == $id ? $obj : $found;
}, null);
I see hakre already posted something akin to this.
Here is what I use. Reusable functions that loop through an array of objects. The second one allows you to retrieve a single object directly out of all matches (the first one to match criteria).
function get_objects_where($match, $objects) {
if ($match == '' || !is_array($match)) return array ();
$wanted_objects = array ();
foreach ($objects as $object) {
$wanted = false;
foreach ($match as $k => $v) {
if (is_object($object) && isset($object->$k) && $object->$k == $v) {
$wanted = true;
} else {
$wanted = false;
if ($wanted) $wanted_objects[] = $object;
return $wanted_objects;
function get_object_where($match, $objects) {
if ($match == '' || !is_array($match)) return (object) array ();
$wanted_objects = get_objects_where($match, $objects);
return count($wanted_objects) > 0 ? $wanted_objects[0] : (object) array ();
The easiest way:
function objectToArray($obj) {
return json_decode(json_encode($obj), true);

using array_map to test values?

Is it possible to use array_map() to test values of an array? I want to make sure that all elements of an array are numeric.
I've tried both
$arrays = array(
array(0,1,2,3 )
, array ( 0,1, "a", 5 )
foreach ( $arrays as $arr ) {
if ( array_map("is_numeric", $arr) === FALSE ) {
echo "FALSE\n";
} else {
echo "TRUE\n";
$arrays = array(
array(0,1,2,3 )
, array ( 0,1, "a", 5 )
foreach ( $arrays as $arr ) {
if ( ( array_map("is_numeric", $arr) ) === FALSE ) {
echo "FALSE\n";
} else {
echo "TRUE\n";
And for both I get
Can this be done? If so, what am I doing wrong?
Note: I am aware that I can get my desired functionality from a foreach loop.
array_map returns an array. So it will always be considered 'true'. Now, if you array_search for FALSE, you might be able to get the desire effects.
From the Page
array_map() returns an array containing all the elements of
arr1 after applying the callback function to each one.
This means that currently you have an array that contains true or false for each element. You would need to use array_search(false,$array) to find out if there are any false values.
I'm usually a big advocate of array_map(), array_filter(), etc., but in this case foreach() is going to be the best choice. The reason is that with array_map() and others it will go through the entire array no matter what. But for your purposes you only need to go through the array until you run into a value for which is_numeric() returns false, and as far as I know there's no way in PHP to break out of those methods.
In other words, if you have 1,000 items in your array and the 5th one isn't numeric, using array_map() will still check the remaining 995 values even though you already know the array doesn't pass your test. But if you use a foreach() instead and have it break on is_numeric() == false, then you'll only need to check those first five elements.
You could use filter, but it ends up with a horrible bit of code
$isAllNumeric = count(array_filter($arr, "is_numeric")) === count($arr)
Using a custom function makes it a bit better, but still not perfect
$isAllNumeric = count(array_filter($arr, function($x){return !is_numeric($x);})) === 0
But if you were using custom functions array_reduce would work, but it still has some failings.
$isAllNumeric = array_reduce($arr,
function($x, $y){ return $x && is_numeric($y); },
The failings are that it won't break when it has found what it wants, so the functional suggestions above are not very efficient. You would need to write a function like this:
function array_find(array $array, $callback){
foreach ($array as $x){ //using iteration as PHP fails at recursion
if ( call_user_func($callback, array($x)) ){
return $x;
return false;
And use it like so
$isAllNumeric = array_find($arr, function($x){return !is_numeric($x);})) !== false;
i have two tiny but extremely useful functions in my "standard library"
function any($ary, $func) {
foreach($ary as $val)
if(call_user_func($func, $val)) return true;
return false;
function all($ary, $func) {
foreach($ary as $val)
if(!call_user_func($func, $val)) return false;
return true;
in your example
foreach ( $arrays as $arr )
echo all($arr, 'is_numeric') ? "ok" : "not ok";
A more elegant approach IMHO:
foreach ($arrays as $array)
if (array_product(array_map('is_numeric', $array)) == true)
echo "TRUE\n";
echo "FALSE\n";
This will return true if all the values are numeric and false if any of the values is not numeric.
