How do I use external JSON...? - php

spent a few hours trying to figure this out, but cannot for the life of me figure out what's going wrong.
All I'm trying to do is load this:*g.Fb3J7ysduDs.AC9sU-&atslocale=en_GB&rawdata=json
which I believe is json, into either javascript/jquery or php and use the data.
I've looked into jsonp, followed some tutorials, used some demos as templates and just can't get the above data to work.
If anyone can shed some light it would be much appreciated. It really shouldn't be this complicated, but I don't know what's going wrong.

Yep, that's JSON. The site may not support JSONP, so you're gonna have to use PHP to do this.
This is untested, but should work.
$url = '*g.Fb3J7ysduDs.AC9sU-&atslocale=en_GB&rawdata=json';
$JSON = file_get_contents($url);
// echo the JSON (you can echo this to JavaScript to use it there)
echo $JSON;
// You can decode it to process it in PHP
$data = json_decode($JSON);

JSONP relies on the server to return a JSONP formatted response. Basically, to use JSONP the server needs to return a JSON string wrapped in a function invocation ({"foo":1} becomes func({"foo":1})).
As the server your using doesn't return a JSONP response, you cannot use JSONP, you can only use JSON.
This is a shame, as JSON cannot be used x-domain due to the same origin policy (SOP). Therefore, the only option you have is to use a proxy server, which retrieves the JSON from the server, and either gives it to you in JSONP (see Yahoo Pipes), or which is on the same domain as the requested page (write a simple PHP script to get the file using file_get_contents() and then echo the output), in which case it can return the JSON.

I breifly looked at the requirements and it looks like you need an API key as well as an account. I saw that the site provides services for XML and JSON only. It looks to be fairly well documented.


PHP won't receieve POST XML data

I'm building a service backend that is being sent a "delivery report" after successfully sending a SMS to a user.
The report itself is XML POSTed to our "endpoint" with the content-type application/xml.
I'm using Postman to make sure that everything is working correctly. I've made a test using regular JSON and can return the data without issues, however, no matter what I try with XML I basically get no indication that anything is being sent to the server.
(Test with JSON)
(Test with XML)
Here's my simple PHP script:
header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true));
I feel like I've tried everything. Been looking at past issues posted to SO and other places, it simply won't work for me. I'm hoping for some answers that at least points me in the right direction here.
Your trying to json_decode XML data. You should use something like SimpleXML.
Instead of...
print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true));
You should use ...
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents("php://input"));
echo $xml->asXML();
You should be able to get the information by (for example)...
echo (string)$xml->id;
json_decode can't read XML, seems like you're trying to parse XML with json_decode. if you want to output the received XML, use echo (or if it's for debugging purposes, use var_dump, eg var_dump(file_get_contents("php://input"));), or if you want to parse the XML, use DOMDocument.

splitting apart response from an API

I am trying to start using APIs, doing calls and so forth. Just barely starting to learn. Found a way to get Facebook shares on a post using the graph api.
I did this with PHP; here is the code:
$response = file_get_contents('');
echo $response;
this is the response that I get:
What I want is to somehow get the share count (22) into a variable so I can do stuff with it…(i changed the domain that gets that share count to my;
anyway; I am not sure what is the standard way to do this, if you control what is received with how you do your call; or if you just get the full response and pull out what you want…
Been looking around and have not been able to find anything that will really help with this.
I am hoping someone can help me with this…
All the best, G
Use json_decode() which will make all of the properties easily accessible.
$parsedResponse = json_decode($response);
$count = $parsedResponse->shares;
echo $count;
This is a json response.
Parsing JSON file with PHP

angular js with php integration

I used the code from (Wire up a Backend)
Here in project.js
angular.module('project', ['firebase']).
value('fbURL', '').
factory('Projects', function(angularFireCollection, fbURL) {
return angularFireCollection(fbURL);
config(function($routeProvider) {
I used this code in my web page. Instead of url i want to use my url i.e But it didn't work.
Also i want to know in my php file in which format the out put should be?
Do you need to echo the content in php file or use the return command? Please give suggestion. I have searched a lot. I couldn't find the solution.
I think in firebase url they are returning the response from their back-end service. That is why it didn't worked for you even if you changed the URL.
And answer to your second question;
If you make a call to your back-end service its better to have a json response style from your PHP and you don't have to use any return command for that. Instead you should echo your contents.
For example in your PHP file if you are getting the results as an array you can give back the response to the angular application as;
echo json_encode($result_array);
Hope it helps.
I think you should separate backend and frontend and treat them as two separated application. Both apps should communicate with each other by sending ajax request (front) and respone data in json format (backend). In my opinion it's the best way to handle this.

Send Complex Object FROM Flex to PHP

I want to be able to send complex data from Flex to PHP and be able to parse that data via PHP script. I'm able to send a basic key value pair object but anything more complex than that doesn't translate accordingly.
This works...
ht.send({label:"FOO", label2:"FAA", label3:"FII", label4:"FEE"});
It translates as expected
This doesn't work...
ht.send({obj11:{label:"FOO", label2:"FAA"}, obj2:{label3:"FII", label4:"FEE"}});
It is posted as a string [object][object].
Is it possible to send complex data to PHP? I've tried JSON.encode(object). Do I need to send XML instead?
I believe Json didn't work because you didn't set it up correctly
var myComplexObject:Object ={obj11:{label:"FOO", label2:"FAA"}, obj2:{label3:"FII", label4:"FEE"}}
var dataToSend:Object = { data: JSON.encode(myComplexObject) }
// on the php side you will have something like so
$data = json_decode( $_POST['data'] );
echo '<pre>';
print_r( $data );
I would highly recommend using AMF instead of JSON, given it's native support in Flex.
If you are working with large datasets, I have found AMF more effective, but at the end of the day it boils down to what you're most comfortable with. AMF will be easier to work with in Flex, though.
Interesting reads:

Ajax from within PHP

I know AJAX will not be what it is called, but I am looking for something similar that can be done from within PHP itself (not using javascript).
Basically, as the PHP is creating the page, I want to query an API to gather some information that will be used on the current page. Is this possible, and if so what would be the best method?
You can use fopen or curl:
Here is an example to open a connection to twitters API, read the public timeline and output parts of it.
$fp = fopen("","r");
while($data = fgets($fp))
$json .= $data;
$arr = json_decode($json);
You are probably wanting curl.
If you're talking about a remote HTTP API, you would utilize cURL at runtime. It's basically PHP's way of accessing information across domains.
The above can be a little overwhelming - check out the simple example page to get you started. If available, I suggest working with cURL from the command line, as there's quite a few options on there. It's a good way to get familiar with the command and different options available.
