Modifying User-Attribute on SharePoint data item using HTTP - php

I'm using the (JSON) HTTP interface to communicate with SharePoint. The communication itself is done via cURL and a convinience-wrapper in PHP. Problems arise, when I want to push data to SP.
Since I'm no Microsoft / SharePoint guy, I'm missing the proper vocabulary to explain my needs. I'll therefore demonstrate using data I received from SharePoint.
GET returns the following (truncated by me) data:
"d" : {
"__metadata": {
"uri": "",
"etag": "W/\"5\"",
"type": "Microsoft.SharePoint.DataService.AufgabenItem"
"ID": 2,
"InhaltstypID": "0x010800821BC29B80192B4C960A688416597526",
"Inhaltstyp": "Aufgabe",
"Titel": "Neuer Titel",
"ZugewiesenAn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": ""
"ZugewiesenAnId": 29,
"F\u00e4lligkeitsdatum": "\/Date(1323993600000)\/"
"ZugewiesenAn" is a user. If I query the deferred values, I get (truncated by me, again)
"d" : {
"__metadata": {
"uri": "",
"etag": "W/\"1\"",
"type": "Microsoft.SharePoint.DataService.BenutzerinformationslisteItem"
"InhaltstypID": "0x010A000719C31710976A48867763D86F6586E0",
"Name": "Rehm Rodney",
"Konto": "EXT\\rodney.rehm",
"ID": 29,
"Inhaltstyp": "Person",
So I can see that the value of "ZugewiesenAn" should be "EXT\rodney.rehm" (as I need the username). Thus far, no problem.
The question is how I create a new or update an existing object with a different user for "ZugewiesenAn" (a User/Group field)?
I've tried:
Sending the username as the value of "ZugewiesenAn" or "ZugewiesenAnId" results in a Bad Request.
Querying (SOAP: SearchPrincipals) only yields numeric IDs for people that have actually worked with the list. If I query a username that hasn't logged into that SharePoint list before, I get ID -1.

I could not find out how to add users to the userlist via REST. You can, however, use the SOAP ResolvePrincipal request (example) - which does the job!

I am not a SharePoint guy and focus mostly on REST and OData. But think that REST OData API for SharePoint follows common rules for REST OData.
Common rules for REST and OData is to use different HTTP verbs for different operations. Read, create, update, and delete operations are mapped directly to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP verbs.
So, you are getting your user by GET HTTP verb on URI
To delete this user use verb DELETE on the same URI and user id with empty HTTP message body.
To create user HTTP verb POST, same URI and json in message body. Also while creating ID shouldn't be specified (except situations when ID isn't auto-incremented in databases). Content-Type for HTTP message should be set: application/json for JSON.
The same situation with update - PUT, same URI
and json in HTTP message body with content-type:application/json.
Format of json should be the same as you've received.
"InhaltstypID": "0x010A000719C31710976A48867763D86F6586E0",
"Name": "Rehm Rodney",
"Konto": "EXT\\rodney.rehm",
"ID": 29,
"Inhaltstyp": "Person",


Laravel checking data with API through API

I have some data that compressed with gzip in an application from here:
The data contains several parameters in JSON format like follows:
"id": 1,
"data": "abcabcabcabcabc" //this is the compressed data
I need to check the compressed data with another 3rd party service, we can just say the address like follows: by API request, but it's needed a header authentication:
"content-type": "application/json",
"api-key": 123456
} will return data JSON format like follows:
"name": "hello",
"address": "australia"
What I need to do is just checking a data by accessing URL like:
then the controller will process the data include checking through and return the value into
Solved by #rafitio:
You can use cURL or Guzzle to access both URL inside your function. Here is the documentation of Guzzle:

API endpoint accepting changeable set of data

One endpoint of my API must have a changeable data set depending on the context (some option, let's say a domain). How (apart from API documentation, of course) can we inform frontend that we are expecting such a data set? It comes to my mind to write an endpoint returning the fields that I expect in response (more specifically - the entire form with particular types of inputs, their placeholders, default values, etc.).
The potential self-describing API you are looking for is OPTIONS HTTP request.
The OPTIONS method requests information about the communication
options available for the target resource, at either the origin
server or an intervening intermediary. This method allows a client
to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a
resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a
resource action.
For different possible datasets you can use custom Content-Type header like: Content-type: application/vnd+some.payload+json.
The good example of using those types is GitHub API:
Return Http 400 Bad Request with JSON response containing URL to JSON Schema to which payload should comply.
Separate endpoint returning JSON Schema is also an option.
I don't know your case, but I dislike a idea of "changeable set of data". Maybe you can consider redesigning your API or wrapping your data sets into kind of container, so all of them can be described by single JSON Schema? (like in sample below)
"oneOf": [
"type": "object",
"required": [ "domain", "content" ],
"properties": {
"domain":{"type": "string", "enum": ["domain1"]},
"content": {"type": "string"}
"type": "object",
"required": [ "domain", "content" ],
"properties": {
"domain":{"type": "string", "enum": ["domain2"]},
"content": {"type": "number"}
depending on "domain" value, content can be either string or number

How to receive uplink data on my webpage from Sigfox server?

I am a new bee to sigfox. I want to receive sensors' data from sigfox server to my webpage. I defined a callback function as in the pic below in sigfox. I want to know how to receive the JSON data in my webpage. My web page is running on a personal apache web server with a public ip.
I am using php. Like normally use a curl call to receive json from any server using its URL. Here in sigfox case, what source i.e. url I specify in curl to retrieve json data from it. OR what mechanism to use. I searched web & forum but didn't find any answer. Sigfox has a nice description about how to receiver data to an email but not for a custom url.
The body of the callback should be something like this
"deviceId": "{device}",
"time": {time},
"seqNumber": {seqNumber},
"data": "{data}",
"reception": [{ "id": "{station}", "RSSI": {rssi}, "SNR": {snr} }],
"duplicate": {duplicate},
"ack": {ack},
Other parts in your config seem ok, just write your endpoint in sigfoxdata.php to handle the data (eg. parse it).

Asana API Fetching tasks in date range - PHP

I have tried alot but didn't found any parameter to call the only data I need from Asana API .
I need data in date range.
I have to fetch all the data and than need to filter according my need.
This is very painful.
Add your need option fields
# Request
curl -u <api_key>: ",notes"
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200
"data": {
"name": "Make a list",
"notes": "Check it twice!",
"id": 1224

stupeflix create simple tasks with php and ajax

I'm working on a wordpress plugin using Stupeflix api, the old one with php.
I have to migrate it to the new one. But there's a real lack of explanation on stupeflix website, and no code example on how to do.
I created an account to test it. But it seems like I need to register a domain name. Ok. But what if I need to work localy ?
Then I use the task api. The JSON's a bit skinny : How would I pass my other params like my secret key ? How to keep it secret for example, if it's clearely readable in the source code ?
Thans for your spotlights :)
PS : I cannot create a stupeflix tag on stackoverflow. Such a shame, the stupeflix author told me to use that to get supports here...
The new stupeflix API is a standard HTTP API with JSON bodies, and you can send requests to it with any librairy in any language. Every language has a decent HTTP requesting library, for example in Python I recommend python-requests or Jquery.ajax()
There's not code examples as such, but you have many JSON examples here though.
Most of the time, you only need to send POST requests to with a JSON body containing one or many tasks definitions :
"task_name": "video.create",
"definition": "<movie service=\"craftsman-1.0\">\n <body>\n <effect type=\"none\">\n <video filename=\"\" speed=\"2.0\" audio=\"false\">\n <filter type=\"colormap\" preset=\"bw\"/>\n </video>\n </effect>\n </body>\n</movie>"
Here is the documentation. You will get a JSON response as such :
"status": "executing",
"result": {
"duration": 10,
"preview": ""
"progress": 10,
"events": {
"started": "2013-11-16T06:02:55.669278+00:00",
"queued": "2013-11-16T06:02:55.667394+00:00"
I hope this will help.
