Asana API Fetching tasks in date range - PHP - php

I have tried alot but didn't found any parameter to call the only data I need from Asana API .
I need data in date range.
I have to fetch all the data and than need to filter according my need.
This is very painful.

Add your need option fields
# Request
curl -u <api_key>: ",notes"
# Response
HTTP/1.1 200
"data": {
"name": "Make a list",
"notes": "Check it twice!",
"id": 1224


Integration of payments with PayU

I have a problem with integration of payments on PayU .
I am not an advanced programmer , but I want to do this on my website.
I created an sandbox account on the .
I was browsing forum but I still don't understand .
First I used this code : .
But it's probably a combination of the store itself and the website.
Now probably i must use this code and create order from
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer d9a4536e-62ba-4f60-8017-6053211d3f47" \
-d '{
"notifyUrl": "",
"customerIp": "",
"merchantPosId": "300746",
"description": "RTV market",
"currencyCode": "PLN",
"totalAmount": "21000",
"buyer": {
"email": "",
"phone": "654111654",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"language": "pl"
"products": [
"name": "Wireless Mouse for Laptop",
"unitPrice": "15000",
"quantity": "1"
"name": "HDMI cable",
"unitPrice": "6000",
"quantity": "1"
If it's the correct code, how can I use it?
To which format to save this file?
How to run this script.
I have never used curl and I don't know how to go about it.
The code You posted is a command, which will send an HTTP POST-REQUEST (see
The request basically consists of:
The destination address (, which identifies the server and the path for the request on the server, such that the server can execute the request appropriately.
Two headers, the first informs, which content type the message has and the second provides some kind of identification / authorization.
The message body itself, which provides the server with the actual content of the request.
This request is executed by means of a terminal command (curl), so to execute it, You have several options. Either, You paste this code exactly like it is show into a terminal to execute it directly, or You save it into a normal text file, which ends on .sh and execute that (after making it executable). These methods of course only work provided You have a unix like operating system and the curl command line utility is in your executable path. However, there are multiply ways of sending an http request, curl is not necessarily needed. There are even some online forms, which allow doing that. Even PayU provides one, which You can find, if You click on the "Try it now" button on the page You just found the command on.
So this answers your questions. However I still have a few remarks:
Is it the correct code? It works, I tested it. But since You created an own sandbox account, You are probably supposed to change the line Authorization: Bearer d9a4536e-62ba-4f60-8017-6053211d3f47, such that it contains the authorization code, which You probably received.
If You want to execute this code on Your website, You need to find out, how to do the request using the language You use for web-developing (e.g. PHP). Then You probably don't need to use curl, but the function in that language using the parts of the request, I pointed out above, appropriately. But that would probably be a new question here.
Make a comment, if You do not understand parts of my answer and I will extend it.

Laravel checking data with API through API

I have some data that compressed with gzip in an application from here:
The data contains several parameters in JSON format like follows:
"id": 1,
"data": "abcabcabcabcabc" //this is the compressed data
I need to check the compressed data with another 3rd party service, we can just say the address like follows: by API request, but it's needed a header authentication:
"content-type": "application/json",
"api-key": 123456
} will return data JSON format like follows:
"name": "hello",
"address": "australia"
What I need to do is just checking a data by accessing URL like:
then the controller will process the data include checking through and return the value into
Solved by #rafitio:
You can use cURL or Guzzle to access both URL inside your function. Here is the documentation of Guzzle:

API endpoint accepting changeable set of data

One endpoint of my API must have a changeable data set depending on the context (some option, let's say a domain). How (apart from API documentation, of course) can we inform frontend that we are expecting such a data set? It comes to my mind to write an endpoint returning the fields that I expect in response (more specifically - the entire form with particular types of inputs, their placeholders, default values, etc.).
The potential self-describing API you are looking for is OPTIONS HTTP request.
The OPTIONS method requests information about the communication
options available for the target resource, at either the origin
server or an intervening intermediary. This method allows a client
to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a
resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a
resource action.
For different possible datasets you can use custom Content-Type header like: Content-type: application/vnd+some.payload+json.
The good example of using those types is GitHub API:
Return Http 400 Bad Request with JSON response containing URL to JSON Schema to which payload should comply.
Separate endpoint returning JSON Schema is also an option.
I don't know your case, but I dislike a idea of "changeable set of data". Maybe you can consider redesigning your API or wrapping your data sets into kind of container, so all of them can be described by single JSON Schema? (like in sample below)
"oneOf": [
"type": "object",
"required": [ "domain", "content" ],
"properties": {
"domain":{"type": "string", "enum": ["domain1"]},
"content": {"type": "string"}
"type": "object",
"required": [ "domain", "content" ],
"properties": {
"domain":{"type": "string", "enum": ["domain2"]},
"content": {"type": "number"}
depending on "domain" value, content can be either string or number

Submitting a POST request to Piwik.php

I'm trying to send bulk requests to the Piwik tracking api (/piwik.php) and I'm running into a problem. When I send the request (from a PHP script over ajax, curl and from fiddler2), I'm receiving the following:
Debug enabled - Input parameters:<br/>array ( )
token_auth is authenticated!
Loading plugins: { Provider,Goals,UserCountry }
Current datetime: 2013-05-02 16:02:27
The request is invalid: empty request, or maybe tracking is disabled in the config.ini.php via record_statistics=0
My post looks like this:
Which is the example straight from their website. I've made sure to set the content-type to "Content-Type: application/json" and that my configuration has record_statistics = 1 explicitly defined.
According to the documentation, this should all work, but I'm still getting the empty request. The script also works, so I know that the general bulk importing is not broken, but I'm not sure how to get the program to accept my data. Has anyone had any luck with it?
Perhaps the problem with your request is that your query strings are URL encoded, but they don't need to be since they're part of the POST body.
Your POST should be like this instead:
See the example at the docs for the Bulk Tracking API:
Figured out what was wrong. Their documentation was incorrect in how the request needed to be formatted. First, URL Encoded data was unnecessary. Second, the JSON string needs to look like this:
"requests": [
"apiv": "1",
"bots": "1",
"idsite": "1",
"download": "",
"cdt": "",
"dp": "",
"url": "",
"urlref": "",
"cip": "",
"ua": "",
"_cvar": {
"1": [
"rec": "1"
Not all of those pieces of data need to be sent, but that's the format necessary. After that it's just data cleansing.

Modifying User-Attribute on SharePoint data item using HTTP

I'm using the (JSON) HTTP interface to communicate with SharePoint. The communication itself is done via cURL and a convinience-wrapper in PHP. Problems arise, when I want to push data to SP.
Since I'm no Microsoft / SharePoint guy, I'm missing the proper vocabulary to explain my needs. I'll therefore demonstrate using data I received from SharePoint.
GET returns the following (truncated by me) data:
"d" : {
"__metadata": {
"uri": "",
"etag": "W/\"5\"",
"type": "Microsoft.SharePoint.DataService.AufgabenItem"
"ID": 2,
"InhaltstypID": "0x010800821BC29B80192B4C960A688416597526",
"Inhaltstyp": "Aufgabe",
"Titel": "Neuer Titel",
"ZugewiesenAn": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": ""
"ZugewiesenAnId": 29,
"F\u00e4lligkeitsdatum": "\/Date(1323993600000)\/"
"ZugewiesenAn" is a user. If I query the deferred values, I get (truncated by me, again)
"d" : {
"__metadata": {
"uri": "",
"etag": "W/\"1\"",
"type": "Microsoft.SharePoint.DataService.BenutzerinformationslisteItem"
"InhaltstypID": "0x010A000719C31710976A48867763D86F6586E0",
"Name": "Rehm Rodney",
"Konto": "EXT\\rodney.rehm",
"ID": 29,
"Inhaltstyp": "Person",
So I can see that the value of "ZugewiesenAn" should be "EXT\rodney.rehm" (as I need the username). Thus far, no problem.
The question is how I create a new or update an existing object with a different user for "ZugewiesenAn" (a User/Group field)?
I've tried:
Sending the username as the value of "ZugewiesenAn" or "ZugewiesenAnId" results in a Bad Request.
Querying (SOAP: SearchPrincipals) only yields numeric IDs for people that have actually worked with the list. If I query a username that hasn't logged into that SharePoint list before, I get ID -1.
I could not find out how to add users to the userlist via REST. You can, however, use the SOAP ResolvePrincipal request (example) - which does the job!
I am not a SharePoint guy and focus mostly on REST and OData. But think that REST OData API for SharePoint follows common rules for REST OData.
Common rules for REST and OData is to use different HTTP verbs for different operations. Read, create, update, and delete operations are mapped directly to GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP verbs.
So, you are getting your user by GET HTTP verb on URI
To delete this user use verb DELETE on the same URI and user id with empty HTTP message body.
To create user HTTP verb POST, same URI and json in message body. Also while creating ID shouldn't be specified (except situations when ID isn't auto-incremented in databases). Content-Type for HTTP message should be set: application/json for JSON.
The same situation with update - PUT, same URI
and json in HTTP message body with content-type:application/json.
Format of json should be the same as you've received.
"InhaltstypID": "0x010A000719C31710976A48867763D86F6586E0",
"Name": "Rehm Rodney",
"Konto": "EXT\\rodney.rehm",
"ID": 29,
"Inhaltstyp": "Person",
