join decomposition inside PHP - php

I came across an article about Join decomposition.
SCENARIO #1 (Not good):
Select * from tag
Join tag_post ON
Join post ON
Where tag.tag='mysql'
SCENARIO #2 (good):
Select * from tag where tag='mysql'
Select * from tag_post Where tag_id=1234
Select * from post where in (123,456,9098,545)
It was suggested to stick to scenario #2 for many reasons specially caching.
The question is how to join inside our application. Could u give us an example with PHP
after retrieving them individually?
(I have read MyISAM Performance: Join Decomposition?
but it did not help)

You COULD use an SQL subselect (if I understand your question). Using PHP would be rather odd while SQL has all the capabilities.
FROM `post`
WHERE `id` IN (
SELECT `post_id`
FROM `tag_post`
WHERE `tag_id` = (
SELECT `tag_id`
FROM `tag`
WHERE `tag` = 'mysql'
I'm not sure how your database structure looks like, but this should get you started. It's pretty much SQL inception. A query within a query. You can select data using the result of a subselect.
Please, before copying this SQL and telling me it's not working, verify all table and column names.
Before anyone starts to cry about speed, caching and efficiency: I think this is rather efficient. Instead of selecting ALL data and loop through it using PHP you can just select smaller bits using native SQL as it was ment to be used.
Again, I highly discourage to use PHP to get specific data. SQL is all you need.
edit: here's your script
Assuming you have some multi-dimensional arrays containing all data:
// dummy results
// table tag
$tags = array(
// first record
'id' => 0,
'tag' => 'mysql'
// second record
'id' => 1,
'tag' => 'php'
// etc
// table tag_post
$tag_posts = array(
// first record
'id' => 0,
'post_id' => 0, // post #1
'tag_id' => 0 // has tag mysql
// second record
'id' => 1,
'post_id' => 1, // post #2
'tag_id' => 0 // has tag mysql
// second record
'id' => 2,
'post_id' => 2, // post #3
'tag_id' => 1 // has tag mysql
// etc
// table post
$posts = array(
// first record
'id' => 0,
'content' => 'content post #1'
// second record
'id' => 1,
'content' => 'content post #2'
// third record
'id' => 2,
'content' => 'content post #3'
// etc
// searching for tag
$tag = 'mysql';
$tagid = -1;
$postids = array();
$results = array();
// first get the id of this tag
foreach($tags as $key => $value) {
if($value['tag'] === $tag) {
// set the id of the tag
$tagid = $value['id'];
// theres only one possible id, so we break the loop
// get post ids using the tag id
if($tagid > -1) { // verify if a tag id was found
foreach($tag_posts as $key => $value) {
if($value['tag_id'] === $tagid) {
// add post id to post ids
$postids[] = $value['post_id'];
// finally get post content
if(count($postids) > 0) { //verify if some posts were found
foreach($posts as $key => $value) {
// check if the id of the post can be found in the posts ids we have found
if(in_array($value['id'], $postids)) {
// add all data of the post to result
$results[] = $value;
If you look at the length of the script above, this is exactly why I'd stick to SQL.
Now, as I recall, you wanted to join using PHP, rather doing it in SQL. This is not a join but getting results using some arrays. I know, but a join would only be a waste of time and less efficient than just leaving all results as they are.
edit: 21-12-12 as result of comments below
I've done a little benchmark and the results are quite stunning:
tags: 10
posts: 1000
tag_posts: 1000 (every post has 1 random tag)
Selecting all posts with a specific tag resulted in 82 records.
run time: 0.772885084152
bytes downloaded from database: 3417
run time: 0.086599111557
bytes downloaded from database: 48644
Please note that the benchmark had both the application as the database on the
same host. If you use different hosts for the application and the database layer,
the PHP result could end up taking longer because naturally sending data between
two hosts will take much more time then when they're on the same host.
Even though the subselect returns much less data, the duration of the requests is nearly 10 times longer...
I've NEVER expected these results, so I'm convinced and I will certainly use this information when I know that performance is important however I will still use SQL for smaller operations hehe...


Codeigniter 3 update mysql not working

I am having an issue with updating a MySql table using codeigniter.
Basically, its inserting 'img' the characters, into the table rather than the value of the variable.
This is so strange!
Here is my model:
public function update_course_progress($progress_data) {
$course_id = $progress_data['course_id'];
$user_id = $progress_data['user_id'];
$progress = $progress_data['progress'];
$status = $progress_data['status'];
$update_data = array (
'progress' => $progress,
'status' => $status,
// perform update on the matching row
$this->db->update('training_stats', $update_data, array('course_id' => $course_id, 'user_id' => $user_id));
So, the issue is with 'progress' instead of inserting the value of this variable it is inserting 'img'???
So, if i var_dump $update_data i get this:
array(2) {
["progress"]=> string(2) "1a"
["status"]=> string(1) "i"
Which is correct:
And if i use the profiler in CI to get the db queries, this is what I get:
UPDATE `training_stats`
SET `progress` = '1a', `status` = 'i'
WHERE `course_id` = '8'
AND `user_id` = '2'
Which is correct.
So WHY ON EARTH is it inserting null into the db instead of 1a.
The table structure for this column is VARCHAR(4).
progress varchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
What the hell is going on? why on earth is it img input???
What can be wrong?
As i was debugging, i tried an insert instead of an update, and 2 rows were inserted. The first row was the expected data, and the second row was the data with 'img' in it. Both rows were the same except for the 'progress' column, which had img inserted in the second row.
So obviously it had been updating the row with the correct data and then overwriting it with the incorrect data.
But now why are there 2 rows being inserted? There is no loop? and why is the CI profiler not logging the second query, if that is indeed what is happening
As of per documentation of CI I will use the more standard method of updating data.
$updateArray = array (
'progress' => $progress_data['progress'],
'status' => $progress_data['status'],
$whereArray = array(
'course_id' => $progress_data['course_id'],
'user_id' => $progress_data['user_id']
This should do, I also think you shouldn't put extra variables for the data as you did. With such short function you really are not having any benefits sinds all data is only accessed once and seem like unnecessary to me, though opinions could vary.

QuickBase foreach insert

I'm having an issue using the Quickbase API to perform the following:
SELECT 1, 2, 3 FROM table AA that has column BB = 1
foreach record {
Insert 1, 2, 3 into table ZZ.
function add_children($opportunity_id) {
global $config;
$qbc = new QuickBase($_SESSION['qb_username'] ,
$xml = $qbc->do_query("{'" . $config['AA'] . "'.EX.''}", 0, 0, 'a', 0, '', '');
$records = array();
foreach($xml->record as $record) {
$r = array();
$r['record_id'] = $record->record_id_;
$r['account_number'] = $record->account_number;
$records[] = $r;
$xml = $qbc->add_record($records[]);
First, I'm assuming that you're using this PHP SDK by QuickbaseAdmirer There are a few potential problems with your code.
Double check that your constructor is correct. Unless you've modified it, the Quickbase constructor in the SDK (again that I'm assuming you're using) takes user name, password, xml, database id, and then token in that order. Whatever value is in $config['debug'] may be taken as the token and the value of $config['app_token'] may be taken as your realm. Also, $config['AA'] as used in the constructor should be a string of random seeming characters like "bbqn1y5qv". Here's the constructor in the SDK for reference:
public function __construct($un, $pw, $usexml = true, $db = '', $token
= '', $realm = '', $hours = '')
Your query $xml = $qbc->do_query("{'" . $config['AA'] . "'.EX.''}", 0, 0, 'a', 0, '', ''); is not returning any records because $config['AA'] is both being used as your DBID (in the constructor) and your field ID in the query. The DBID must be a string and the field ID must be an integer that corresponds to the field you're making the query for. For example, if you wanted to return records created today your query would be '{}' because 1 is always the field ID for date created. It's also not returning any records because the SDK requires queries be passed as an array of arrays. So, my records created today query needs to be rewritten as:
$query= array(
'fid' => '1',
'ev' => 'IR'),
'cri' => 'today'),
You'll also need to pass a string of period separated values to the clist parameter of the method or leave it blank for the table defaults. For example, if I wanted to get the date created and record ID for all records in this table sorted by date ascending, I would use this:
$query= array(
'fid' => '3',
'ev' => 'GT'),
'cri' => '0'),
$xml = $qbc->do_query($query, '', '', '1.3', '1', '', 'sortorder-A');
You can read up more on the Quickbase API, and do_query specifically, here
The add record API call takes pairs of field IDs and values. The SDK handles that by taking an array of arrays with 'fid' and 'value' pairs. Assuming you want to put the value of $record->record_id_ in field #37 and $record->account_number in field #30 your code should look like this:
foreach($xml->record as $record) {
$records= array(
'fid' => '37', //Whatever field you want to store the value to
'value' => $record->record_id_),
'fid' => '30',
'value' => $record->account_number),
$xml = $qbc->add_record($records);
Throw in a print_r($xml); at the end and you can see any response from Quickbase for debugging. You should get something like this for a success:
SimpleXMLElement Object ( [action] => API_AddRecord [errcode] => 0 [errtext] => No error [rid] => 81 [update_id] => 1436476140453 )
The way your code is presented, you may not get the results you expect. Your do query and add record method calls are performed on the same table and that isn't normally what someone would want. Usually, the goal is to perform a do query on one table and then use that data to add records in a different table. If that's the case, you'll need to change the database ID in your $qbc object before you preform the add record call. This is easy enough to do with $qbc->set_database_table('DBID'); where DBID is the target table ID (which should be a string of random seeming characters like "bbqn1y5qv").
Best of luck!

PHP array MySQL rows and columns?

I have a MySQL table that contains the following columns:
id : title : message : date
1 : blah : blah : 27/12/2012
And I have queried it and stored it in an array. How do I get the individual columns if a certain ID. For example, I want to get the row where ID = 1 and get the title, message etc. And then I want row 2 and row 3. How do I get the information out of an array. Like
$array[1]["date"]; ( I tried it and it never worked)
You basicly need to fetch the result as a associative array and loop through all the results. All your results will be in the form of
'id' => 1,
'title' => 'blah',
'message' => 'blah',
'date' => '27/12/2012'
example for mysqli implementation of this: Mysqli Fetch Assoc Documentation
$array = array();
while ($row = fetch_assoc($result)) { // use your favorite fetch method here
$array[$row['id']] = $row;
echo $array[1]["date"]; // now will work (if you have such id)

Display last 3 records from database CakePHP

Problem with displaying news from database!
Database(table) Articals: ID, Title, Content, User
Very simple, i only want display last 3 news from database with foreach in view
(my controller send me array of 3 records in $artical, and this is ok), but view cannot
display this..
please help me, my dead line is tomorrow.
In cakephp if you put into your tables the field created and modified (DATETIME), the mvc automatically insert the date of creation or when you modify it.
So when you retrieve your data you can do in this mode
$articals = $this->Artical->find('all', array(
'limit' => 3,
'order' => 'Artical.created DESC' )
or in your case if you an increment id you can do in this mode (but I suggest you to use created and insert it into your tables)
$articals = $this->Artical->find('all', array(
'limit' => 3,
'order' => 'Artical.ID DESC' )
If you have some problem to print data try to make a var_dump($articals);
After try to print out your content like this:
foreach ($articals as $artical) {
echo '<p>'.$artical['Artical']['Content'].'</p>';

How to create php array from mysql result, perform calculation, resort array, present results

I have a photo website on which I am trying to perform a query against a MySQL database. The query is against a concatenated field of 'title' and 'keyword' called 'title_keyword'.
I want to take the search results and sort them by a newly formed variable called 'sort_priority' which is checking to see if the search word is in the 'title' field. If it is in the 'title' field then I want to assign a value of 1 and if not in the title field then a value of 2. The resulting array will be sorted by 'sort_priority' and output to the screen.
Here is the logic I am using with PHP and MySQL:
1) Query the MySQL database and assign variables. (This works just fine)
2) Take the results, assign each field to a variable, create a new variable that performs a calculation on one of the variables returned
// get each row
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
//get data
$image_id = "{$row['image_id']}";
$title = "{$row['title']}";
$imageurl = "{$row['imageurl']}";
// Create sort_priority to identify if search word is in title field.
//If it is then set to 1 to force this higher in the result list after sorting
$sort_priority = 2;
{ $sort_priority = 1;}
Everything above this point works. Now for the part I'm stumped on. How to create and add data to the array and then sort on my new $sort_priority variable.
Here is what I've written but it just doesn't work**
// Create array and sort by title then keyword (tk_sort)
$data_array = array(
'image_id' => $image_id,
'title' => $title,
'imageurl' => $imageurl,
'sort_priority' => $sort_priority);
// Obtain a list of columns
foreach ($data_array as $key => $row) {
$image_id[$key] = $row['image_id'];
$title[$key] = $row['atitle'];
$imageurl[$key] = $row['imageurl'];
$sort_priority[$key] = $row['sort_priority'];
// Sort the data with volume descending, edition ascending
// Add $data as the last parameter, to sort by the common key
array_multisort($sort_priority, SORT_ASC);
// end of array creation and sort
3) Output the newly sorted array to a table
Not sure how to get the data out of it. Do I have to use a loop or something?
You could just let MySQL do the majority of the work. This should work (haven't tried it myself):
SELECT CONCAT_WS('-', `title`, `keyword`) AS search_term,
IF( INSTR(`search_term`, 'your_search_value_here') > 0, 1, 2 ) AS priority_key,
`image_id`, `imageurl`
FROM table_name_here
ORDER BY `priority_key`;
