PHP: How to display decimal numbers in an array? - php

This is a tricky question to ask. A friend of mine seeks help, and I am not really into the project so it is difficult to describe the problem.
He has a shopping cart written in PHP, and in that shopping cart he wants all the product prices to be counted into a total price.
The problem is, all the prices are in a MySQL database. Displaying the prices (with decimals) is not a problem but, when these prices are counted and put in a variable, the decimals are not shown.
How can we solve this problem?
I will show you the code that he uses for displaying the prices in the shopping cart:
// Show cart
foreach($cart as $products) {
// Split
$product[x] -->
x == 0 -> product id
x == 1 -> hoeveelheid
$product = explode(",",$products);
// Get product info
$sql = "SELECT product_nummer, productnaam, verkoopprijs
FROM product
WHERE product_nummer = ".$product[0]; // Komt uit de sessie
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()."<br>in file ".__FILE__." on line ".__LINE__);
$pro_cart = mysql_fetch_object($query);
$price = $pro_cart->verkoopprijs; // variable price aanmaken zodat er opgeteld wordt
echo "<tr>\n";
echo " <td>"." • ".$pro_cart->productnaam."</td>\n"; // naam
echo " <td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"productnummer_".$i."\" value=\"".$product[0]."\" />\n"; // wat onzichtbare vars voor het updaten
echo " <input type=\"text\" name=\"hoeveelheid_".$i."\" value=\"".$product[1]."\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" /></td>\n";
echo " <td class=\"rechtsuitlijnen\">"."€ ".$pro_cart->verkoopprijs."</td>"."\n";
$lineprice = $product[1] * $price; // regelprijs uitrekenen > hoeveelheid * prijs
echo " <td class=\"rechtsuitlijnen\">"."€ ".$lineprice."</td>\n";
echo " <td><a href=\"javascript:removeItem(".$i.")\">X</td>\n"; //Product verwijderen
echo "</tr>\n";
// Total
$total = $total + $lineprice; // Totaal updaten

For displaying formatted numbers, you can use the PHP sprintf function ( )
$money1 = 68.75;
$money2 = 54.35;
$money = $money1 + $money2;
// echo $money will output "123.1";
$formatted = sprintf("%01.2f", $money);
// echo $formatted will output "123.10"

Use: bcadd()
echo bcadd(10.50, 12.75, 2);
returns 23.25

string number_format ( float $number [, int $decimals = 0 ] )
string number_format ( float $number , int $decimals = 0 , string $dec_point = '.' , string $thousands_sep = ',' )
Check out number_format documentation.


Where do I add int $decimals = 0?

I need to make this print a number with two decimal points, I believe I use this piece of code int $decimals = 0 but I don't know where I need to add it.
Here's the code I have:
$tempPrice = str_replace(',',"", $price); //gets rid of ","
$tempPrice = substr($tempPrice,2); //removes currency from the front
$tempPrice = floatval($tempPrice); //converts to double from string
if($tempPrice > 1000)
echo '£' . round(($tempPrice*0.038), 2) . ' per month';
echo 'Lease to buy price not available on this product';
You can use money_format() php function.
for example in your case
$tempPrice = str_replace(',',"", $price); //gets rid of ","
$tempPrice = substr($tempPrice,2); //removes currency from the front
$tempPrice = floatval($tempPrice); //converts to double from string
// set international format for the en_GB locale
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_GB');
if($tempPrice > 1000)
echo money_format('%i', $tempPrice ) . " per month";// output->"GBP 1,234.56 per month"
echo 'Lease to buy price not available on this product';
in addition you can just use php number_format() on $tempPrice
echo "£ ". number_format($tempPrice ) . " per month";
by default number_format() english notation is used. You can set your own number of decimal points, decimal point setarator and thousands separator
echo "£ ". number_format($tempPrice, 2, ".", "," ) . " per month"; // for $tempPrice=1203.52 output will be "£ 1,203.56 per month"

how to set if price row is comming soon than show update soon

how to set if price row is comming soon than show update soon
how to set if price row is comming soon than show update soon
//connect to database
//////Displaying Data/////////////
$id=$_GET['id']; // Collecting data from query string
if(!is_numeric($id)){ // Checking data it is a number or not
echo "Data Error";
$result = mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); //the main trick
$q=mysql_query("select * from price where id=$id AND TRIM(model) IS NOT NULL");
//Adds one to the counter
mysql_query("UPDATE price SET counter = counter + 1 where id=$id ");
//Retreives the current count
$count = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT counter FROM price"));
echo mysql_error();
echo "<table class='hovertable'><tr><td><img src='admin/media/$row->photo' ></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
my rows
comming soon
and this code is showing like this
Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in
and i want like this
update soon
how to solve this problem please help me to solve this issue
<?php if($row->price):?><tr class=\"style1\"><td width='200'><b>Price US $:</b></td><td>Price in Dollar:
function currencyExchange($amount,$baseCurrency,$quoteCurrency) {
$open = fopen("$baseCurrency[0]$quoteCurrency[0]=X&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv", "r");
$exchangeRate = fread($open, 2000);
$exchangeRate = str_replace("\"", "", $exchangeRate);
$exchangeRate = explode(",", $exchangeRate);
$results = ($exchangeRate[1]*$amount);
$results = number_format ($results, 2);
$amount = number_format ($amount);
$timeStamp = strtotime($exchangeRate[2]);
$timeStamp = date('F d, Y', $timeStamp);
$timeStamp = "$timeStamp $exchangeRate[3]";
echo "$results\n";
// for additional currency ticker symbols visit:
$usd = array('USD','US Dollars');
$INR = array('INR','Indian Rupees');
$usd = array('usd','US DOLLARS');
$b = str_replace( ',', '', $row->price );
if( is_numeric( $b ) ) {
$row->price = $b;
?></td></tr><?php endif; ?>
Test if the amount is numeric before trying to use functions that only work for numbers.
$results = ($exchangeRate[1]*$amount);
$results = number_format ($results, 2);
$amount = number_format ($amount);
if (is_numeric($amount)) {
$results = ($exchangeRate[1]*$amount);
$results = number_format ($results, 2);
} else {
$results = 'update soon';
You don't need to call number_format() on $amount because you never print that value.
What about setting the column to something like 9999999999 ( which will get around numbers problem ) then testing the incoming for these numbers and if found then echo coming soon

PHP array, table, form, multiplying... argh

I have tried for hours, and hope you can help me now :
I am trying to get values from a HTML form via $_POST into a table via PHP, and multiplying two numbers: ['amount'] * ['price'] = $totalprice
So far so good.
I get something that might look like this:
Description – Amount – Format – Price – Total ($totalprice)
Spoon – 3 – pieces – 4 – 12
Plate – 2 – pieces – 3 – 6
Glass – 6 – pieces – 3 – 18
Now how do I sum up all the “Total” ($totalprice)’s 12+6+18 so I get the result: 36 ?
The piece of code I’m struggling with:
foreach($_POST['description'] as $value)
echo "<tr><td>";
echo $i+1;
echo "</td>
//Figures out the total price = amount * price
$x1 = $_POST['amount'] [$i];
$x2 = $_POST['price'] [$i];
echo "<td><center>";
$totalprice = $x1 * $x2;
echo $totalprice;
//Figures out the total price = amount * price
You just need to sum all totals while iterating
$grand_total = 0;
foreach($_POST['description'] as $value)
echo "<tr><td>";
// code here...
$totalprice = $x1 * $x2;
echo $totalprice;
$grand_total = $grand_total + $totalprice;
echo $grand_total;
use this code
$totalprice = 0;
foreach($_POST['description'] as $value)
echo "<tr><td>";
echo $i+1;
echo "</td>
//Figures out the total price = amount * price
$x1 = $_POST['amount'] [$i];
$x2 = $_POST['price'] [$i];
echo "<td><center>";
$totalprice = $totalprice + ($x1 * $x2);
echo $totalprice;

How to decreasing a quantity with notifier

Hi Guys This is my newbie question...
I started learning php three days ago...
This is my problem...
for example
I have a quantity 50 when I subracted by 10 the value 50 became 40
and the notifier alert me that number is less than 50
but still subracted when I subract it again .....
Here is My codes
$id = $_GET['id'];
$old = $_POST['quantity'];
$new = $_POST['quantity1'];
$total = $new - $old;
if($total < 50 ){
echo "<h1 style='color: red'><center>CRITICAL LEVEL</center></h1>";
echo "<script>'inventory.php' , '_self');</script>";
$uiqry = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE table_inventory SET quantity = ? WHERE id = ?");
$uiqry->bind_param('ii', $total,$id);
echo "<script>alert('Subracted');</script>";
echo "<script>'inventory.php', '_self');</script>";
I want When I the value 50 and I subract it from 10 the value is now 40 and the alert notify me
and when i subract it again by 10 the value become 30 and the notify popup again
how to do this
thanks in advance..
Sorry for my tongue twister english.. :D
$id = $_GET['id'];
$old = $_POST['quantity'];
$new = $_POST['quantity1'];
$total = $new - $old;
if($total < 50 ){
echo "<h1 style='color: red'><center>CRITICAL LEVEL</center></h1>";
echo "<script>'inventory.php' , '_self');</script>";
$uiqry = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE table_inventory SET quantity = ? WHERE id = ?");
$uiqry->bind_param('ii', $total,$id);
echo "<script>alert('Subracted');</script>";
echo "<script>'inventory.php', '_self');</script>";

PHP: Only List Items With Quantity Value Greater Than 0 In If Statement

I'm trying to get the items from a client populated "order form" to ONLY list the items that the client has designated a quantity value of 1 or more to be sent as a Purchase Order receipt that is generated and sent via email once they hit Submit.
Here's what I have so far on that part:
$i = 1;
$imax = 4;
echo "Products<br />";
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------<br />";
while ($i <= $imax) {
$itemqty = ${'qty'.$i};
$itempn = ${'pn'.$i};
$itemdesc = ${'desc'.$i};
$itemprice = ${'value'.$i};
$itemtotalprice = ${'elinetotal'.$i};
if ($itemqty !== 0) {
echo $itemqty . " x " . $itemdesc . " (" . $itempn . ") # $" . $itemprice . " ea. = $" . $itemtotalprice . "<br />";
It lists everything correctly, except it doesn't disregard the items with a value of 0. It'll list them like this:
0 x Item #1 Description (HOSE-12) # $155.00 ea. = $0.00
5 x Item #2 Description (GAUGE-2) # $51.00 ea. = $255.00
0 x Item #3 Description (PTC) # $0.70 ea. = $0.00
10 x Item #4 Description (PT-234R) # $15.94 ea. = $159.40
It may be the easiest fix, but can anyone shed some light on this? I'd greatly appreciate it!
My initial guess is $itemqty is the string '0'. Try using the not equal operator, eg
if ($itemqty != 0)
instead of the not identical operator, ie !==
Otherwise, you could try casting the $itemqty assignment as an integer, eg
$itemqty = (int) ${'qty'.$i};
