Access control architecture in a PHP application - php

I'm trying to figure out how to limit access to specific resources in a PHP project I'm currently working on. I've looked for existing solutions, but none of them really fit what I need (for example, Zend_Acl).
Now I've come up with something like this: (Of course, this is very, very simplified. No exceptions or whatever. Just enough to get the point across)
class Access {
protected $_context;
protected $_handlers;
public function __construct($context) {
$this->_context = $context;
public static function registerHandler(Access_Handler $handler) {
$key = $handler->getContextType().'/'.$handler->getResourceType();
self::$_handlers[$key] = $handler;
public function isAllowed($resource) {
return $this->getHandler($resource)->isAllowed($this->_context, $resource);
public function getHandler($resource) {
// Look for and return the appropriate handler for the combination of
// $context and $resource
abstract class Access_Handler {
abstract public function isAllowed();
class Access_Handler_UserInvoice extends Access_Handler {
$_contextType = 'User';
$_resourceType = 'Invoice';
public function isAllowed($user, $invoice) {
if($invoice->user_id === $user->id) {
return true;
return false;
I would then do something like this in my Application Bootstrap:
protected function $_initAccessHandlers() {
Access::registerHandler(new Access_Handler_UserInvoice());
And in my controller (because I've heard that's where you should put your access control) I'd have something like this:
class InvoiceController {
public function viewAction() {
// $this->me is of type User
$access = new Access($this->me);
if($access->isAllowed($this->invoice)) {
// ...
I haven't tested the code, so there might be typos or other errors, but I think you get the gist. Also, in reality I'd probably implement Access as a Singleton or a Multiton, but that's not what my question is about.
Is this the right way to do it? It seems so natural to me, but then I'm wondering why nobody else is doing it in this fashion.
My development stack is PHP/MySQL/Zend Framework/Doctrine.

With Zend_Acl you will perform the basic control, like:
$acl = new Zend_Acl();
$acl->add(new Zend_Acl_Resource('article'));
$acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('author'));
$acl->allow('author', 'article', array('list'));
Then you can use assertions to do what you want:
$user = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
$assertion = new My_Acl_Assertion_ArticleEditCheck($user);
$acl->allow('author', 'article', 'edit', $assertion);
You can instead of pass the user object to the assertion, implement it as a internal property and also work on the request parameters if necessary.
Dynamic custom ACL in zend framework?
For more advanced use of assertions, look at:


Use instance of child class instead of parent class given a condition

I'm working on breaking up a large, monolithic class into several subclasses, but it's too much to do all at once so I'm looking to split them out one by one over several releases as time permits. It's an authentication class that authorizes some channel, so currently it looks like this:
$auth = new Auth($user, $data);
$output = $auth->authChannel($channelName);
Inside Auth, it basically looks like this:
public function __construct($user, $data)
$this->user = $user;
$this->data = $data;
public function authChannel($channel)
if (isset(self::CHANNEL_AUTH_FUNCTIONS[$channel])) {
$authFunction = self::CHANNEL_AUTH_FUNCTIONS[$channel];
return $this->$authFunction();
} else {
// invalid channel
So self::CHANNEL_AUTH_FUNCTIONS is basically ['channelA' => 'authChannelA', 'channelB' => 'authChannelB'], etc., and all those functions are in this one class.
Now what I want to do, one at a time, is if $legacyChannel => callLegacyFunction() / else $newChannel => instantiate its own class and call auth().
So I put Auth.php into its own namespace and have the new Channel.php class in that same namespace. And Channel extends Auth.
Currently I have this:
public function authChannel($channel)
if (isset(self::CHANNEL_AUTH_LEGACY_FUNCTIONS[$channel])) {
$authFunction = self::CHANNEL_AUTH_LEGACY_FUNCTIONS[$channel];
if ($authFunction) {
return $this->$authFunction();
} else {
$authClassName = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . ucwords($channel);
$authClass = new $authClassName($user, $data);
return $authClass->auth();
} else {
// invalid channel
Is there a better way to do this? Currently it seems a bit wasteful since two different objects are created and the setUserData() function for example would need to be called again I believe. I'm also wondering if there's a better way to get the dynamic class name other than through __NAMESPACE__ . / . $className.
You'll have to work quite a bit until that code starts looking better. I'll try to suggest as few changes as possible, to make "migration" as painless as possible, although you are a few steps removed from a clean design.
To start with, you can create an AuthStrategyInterface for your new authentication classes.
interface AuthStrategyInterface
public function supports(string $channel): bool;
public function auth($user, $data);
Each of your new authentication classes should implement this interface. The method supports($channel) is easy enough to understand: if a authentication class can deal with certain channel, it should return true.
Your Auth class would need a way to get these strategies injected. Usually you would do that in the constructor... but to leave your API unchanged we'll just create a setter method for that.
When executing authChannel(), it will first check on the injected strategies to see if any supports the used $channel, and use that if possible. If not, goes back to check your old implementations.
This way you do not need to touch any of the old code as you add new authentication strategies. As you add new implementations, you are gradually strangling the legacy system. At one point no of the old implementations are used, and you can move on to a new code refactoring phase.
class Auth {
private iterable $strategies = [];
public function __construct($user, $data)
$this->user = $user;
$this->data = $data;
public function setAuthStrategies(iterable $strategies)
$this->strategies = $strategies;
public function authChannel($channel)
// check if any of the new strategies supports
foreach ($this->strategies as $strategy) {
if ($strategy->supports($channel) {
return $strategy->auth($this->user, $this->data);
// check "legacy" authentication methods.
if (isset(self::CHANNEL_AUTH_FUNCTIONS[$channel])) {
$authFunction = self::CHANNEL_AUTH_FUNCTIONS[$channel];
return $this->$authFunction($this->user, $this->data);
// no valid authentication method
return false;
To use it, you would do something like this:
$fooAuthStrategy = new FooAuthStrategy();
$barAuthStrategy = new BarAuthStrategy();
$bazAuthStrategy = new BazAuthStrategy();
$auth = new Auth($user, $data);
The specifics would change according to how exactly your application is set-up, but something like this would take you further in a good direction than your current approach.
I don't know if I understood the question correctly, but you couldn't do it like that?
public function authChannel($channel)
if (!isset(self::CHANNEL_AUTH_LEGACY_FUNCTIONS[$channel])) {
// Invalid channel
return self::CHANNEL_AUTH_LEGACY_FUNCTIONS[$channel]
? $this->$authFunction()
: parent::auth();

Injecting parameters into constructor with PHP-DI

I am struggling to get dependency injection to work the way I expect -
I am trying to inject a class, Api, which needs to know which server to connect to for a particular user. This means that overriding constructor properties in a config file is useless, as each user may need to connect to a different server.
class MyController {
private $api;
public function __construct(Api $api) {
$this->api = $api;
class Api {
private $userServerIp;
public function __construct($serverip) {
$this->userServerIp = $serverip;
How can I inject this class with the correct parameters? Is it possible to override the definition somehow? Is there some way of getting the class by calling the container with parameters?
To (hopefully) clarify - I'm trying to call the container to instantiate an object, while passing to it the parameters that would otherwise be in a definition.
Since IP depends on the user you probably have some piece of logic that does the user=>serverIP mapping. It might be reading from the db or simple id-based sharding, or whatever. With that logic you can build ApiFactory service that creates Api for a particular user:
class ApiFactory {
private function getIp(User $user) {
// simple sharding between 2 servers based on user id
// in a real app this logic is probably more complex - so you will extract it into a separate class
$ips = ['', ''];
$i = $user->id % 2;
return $ips[$i];
public function createForUser(User $user) {
return new Api($this->getIp($user);
Now instead of injecting Api into your controller you can inject ApiFactory (assuming your controller knows the user for which it needs the Api instance)
class MyController {
private $apiFactory;
public function __construct(ApiFactory $apiFactory) {
$this->apiFactory = $apiFactory;
public function someAction() {
$currentUser = ... // somehow get the user - might be provided by your framework, or might be injected as well
$api = $this->apiFactory->createForUser($currentUser);
I am not sure I understand your question fully, but you can configure your Api class like this:
return [
'Foo' => function () {
return new Api('');
Have a look at the documentation for more examples or details:
return [
'foo1' => function () {
return new Api('');
'foo2' => function () {
return new Api('');

Should a model object instantiate inside a controller class?

Trying to get a grasp on MVC, I wrote the following:
class Model
private $dbh;
public function __construct()
$this->dbh = dbConnect();
private function dbConnect()
//return database connection
public function crudMethod()
//interact with databse using $this->dbh
class Controller
public $modelConnection;
public function __construct()
$this->modelConnection = new Model();
$obj = new Controller;
Looking at my code, I feel like I'm completely missing the point here.
The controller doesn't serve real value, I might as well instantiate the Model class directly.
Should a Model class ever be instantiated? Inside or outside the controller? Or is it bad practice altogether?
How would I improve this structure to support the MVC paradigm?
Your problem is that you are putting information in your layers that should not be there. Your Data Access layer does not need to know HOW it will be connected, they just need to know that there is a properly configured driver to get data from.
In the same way, you are giving your controllers responsibilities they doesn't need: creating models.
Why this is bad?
Imagine that for some reason, you change the dependencies of your model classes. Like if you now have to store data from the model in two different databases at the same time for redundancy.
How would you do this? Change all of your controllers and alter the way you instantiate models inside them?
That's a lot of work! And bug prone.
So, how can I solve this?
I like to do this using Dependency Injection Principle and the Factory Pattern.
Why a factory?
To decouple the creation of my Model from who uses it. My default model factory creates Models that requires only one database connection to work:
namespace MyApplication\Model\Factory;
use MyApplication\Storage\StorageInterface;
interface FactoryInterface {
public function create($modelClassName);
class WithStorage implements FactoryInterface {
const MODEL_NAMESPACE = '\\MyApplication\\Model\\';
private $storage;
public function __construct(StorageInterface $storage) {
$this->storage = $storage;
public function create($modelClassName) {
$refl = new \ReflectionClass(self::MODEL_NAMESPACE . $modelClassName);
try {
return $refl->newInstance($this->storage);
} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Model {$modelClassName} not found");
Now, for your model classes that requires a storage, you can create a structure like this:
namespace MyApplication\Storage;
interface StorageInterface {
public function insert($container, array $data);
public function update($container, array $data, $condition);
// etc..
class PdoStorage implements StorageInterface {
private $dbh;
public function __construct(\PDO $dbh) {
$this->dbh = $dbh;
public function insert($container, array $data) {
// impl. omitted
public function update($container, array $data, $condition) {
// impl. omitted
So, if you have the following class:
namespace MyApplication\Model;
use MyApplication\Storage\StorageInterface;
// Entity impl. will be omitted for brevity.
use MyApplication\Entity\EntityInterface;
abstract class AbstractApplicationModel {
private $containerName;
private $storage;
protected function __construct($name, StorageInterface $storage) {
$this->containerName = (string) $name;
$this->storage = $storage;
public function save(EntityInterface $entity) {
// impl. omitted
public function delete(EntityInterface $entity) {
// impl. omitted
class UserModel extends AbstractApplicationModel {
public function __construct(StorageInterface $storage) {
parent::__construct('users', $storage);
With this, we solve our problem with the coupling within the model. Ok.
So, with all this, how can I get a Model component that is ready to store my data from my controller?
namespace MyApplication\Controller;
use MyApplication\Model\UserModel;
use MyApplication\Storage\PDOStorage;
use MyApplication\Entity\User;
class UserController {
public function onCreate() {
$model = new UserModel(new Storage(new \PDO(...))); // Here's our problem
$entity = User::createFromArray([
'name' => 'John',
'surname' => 'Doe',
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Oops, something is wrong: ' . $e;
If you have just one model to deal in your whole application, you are ready to go. But you have several of them, then you will have problems.
What if I no longer want to use PDO as my storage driver and work with MySQLi? What if I don't want to use a RDBMS anymore, instead I want to store my data in plain text files?
This way, you'd have to change the implementation of all controllers (which violates the OCP). Lots of repetitive work to do. I hate this!
Oh wait! We have the freaking factory to create models for us! So, let's use it!
namespace MyApplication\Controller;
use MyApplication\Model\Factory\FactoryInterface;
use MyApplication\Entity\User;
abstract class AbstractController {
private $modelFactory;
public function __construct(ModelFactory $factory) {
$this->modelFactory = $factory;
public function getModelFactory() {
return $this->modelFactory;
class UserController {
public function onCreate() {
$model = $this->getModelFactory()->create('UserModel'); // now it's better
$entity = User::createFromArray([
'name' => 'John',
'surname' => 'Doe',
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Oops, something is wrong: ' . $e;
Now, to have all this working together, you have to do some setup on your bootstrap/front controller:
use MyApplication\Storage\PDOStorage;
use MyApplication\Model\Factory\WithStorage as ModelFactory;
$defaultPDODriver = new \PDO(...);
$defaultStorage = new PdoStorage($defaultPDODriver);
$defaultModelFactory = new ModelFactory($defaultStorage);
$controller = new UserController($defaultModelFactory);
Now, what do I do if I want to change my storage engine to plain text files?
$defaultStorage = new PlainFileStorage('/path/to/file'); // just this
Now, what do I do if I want to change my storage engine to one custom implementation that have 2 distinct database to save the same data?
$master = new PdoStorage(new \PDO(...));
$slave = new PdoStorage(new \PDO(.......));
$defaultStorage = new RedundancyStorage($master, $slave);
See? Now the way you store information is irrelevant to your models.
The same way, if you have some crazy business logic that changes the way your models do things based on the setup, you can also change your model factory:
$defaultModelFactory = new SomeCrazyModelFactory(...);
Your controllers are not even aware that your models changed (of course, you'd have to respect the same interface to be allowed to do this interchangeably).
That's a possible way, it's more or less how I do, but there are a few other possibilities.
You are mixing concerns in your interpretation of a Model. In Model-View-Controller, a Model is some type of knowledge, which could be a single class representing a domain concept or a more complex structure e.g. a Page or Document in the context of a CMS.
However in your example, your Model class is really just a Singleton holder for your database connection, that is not its purpose.
A database connection is a service that is provided across the MVC tiers, which should preferably be wired using dependency injection. You should not instantiate services in Controller code.
Whether instantiating Model objects within a controller makes sense depends largely on the context, but there is no rule that forbids it.

Modular design pattern

I'm trying to decide the design of a system which is meant to allow for a high amount of extensiblity. From what I can tell, a pattern such as the abstract factory would not allow for overriding of the base methods, apart from duplicating code (as demonstrated below).
I've done some preliminary research into aspect oriented programming and it seems to be along the lines of what I'm looking for but I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around the specifics.
abstract class Object {
protected $object_id;
protected $name;
function LoadObjectData()
$file_contents = readfile('object'.$object_id.'.data');
$data = array();
// parse file contents into $data array...
return $data;
function Create()
$data = $this->LoadObjectData();
$name = $data['name'];
return $data;
class User extends Object {
protected $email_address;
function Create()
$data = parent::Create();
$this->email_address = $data['email_address'];
return $data;
//----------Module 1-MySQL Lookup-------------
* Redefine Object::LoadObjectData() as follows:
function LoadObjectData()
$data = array();
$result = mysql_query("SELECT...");
// construct array from result set
return $data;
//----------Module 2-Cache Machine-------------
* Redefine Object::LoadObjectData() as follows:
function LoadObjectData()
if (exists_in_cache($object_id)) {
return get_cached_object($object_id);
$data = parent::LoadObjectData();
cache_object($object_id, $data);
return $data;
(This is sort of a poor example, but hopefully it helps to get my point across)
The intended system would have a very large proportion of methods available to be extended and I would like to minimize the extra effort and learning necessary for developers.
Is AOP exactly what I'm looking for, or is there a better way to deal with this?
So, you want to use a decorator pattern without defining the decorator itself.
If yes, then it's a monkeypatching and can be done with aspect-oriented tools. This can be solved easily with following extensions and frameworks:
PHP Runkit Extension
Go! Aspect-Oriented framework for PHP
PHP-AOP Extension.
You don't have to declare the base class as an abstract class. You can make it a regular class and have it load and instantiate other classes based on passed construct parameters. The constructor can return an instance of a class, not just the class the constructor is in. To avoid duplicating code, you can mix static with instantiated functions and variables. Just remember that a static function or variable is the same for ALL instances. Change a static variable in one and it is changed for all instances. A rather basic example of a plugin architecture.
class BaseObject {
protected static $cache = array();
public function __construct($load_plugin) {
$object = new $load_plugin();
return $object;
public static function cacheData($cache_key, $data) {
self::$cache[$cache_key] = $data;
class Plugin extends BaseObject {
public function __construct() {
public function loadData() {
// Check the cache first
if ( !isset(self::$cache[$cache_key]) ) {
// Load the data into cache
$data = 'data to cache';
self::cacheData($cache_key, $data);
return self::$cache[$cache_key];

How to Design Domain Layer Objects to Represent Multiple Objects & Single Object in Zend Framework?

I'm working on creating a domain layer in Zend Framework that is separate from the data access layer. The Data Access Layer is composed to two main objects, a Table Data Gateway and a Row Data Gateway. As per Bill Karwin's reply to this earlier question I now have the following code for my domain Person object:
class Model_Row_Person
protected $_gateway;
public function __construct(Zend_Db_Table_Row $gateway)
$this->_gateway = $gateway;
public function login($userName, $password)
public function setPassword($password)
However, this only works with an individual row. I also need to create a domain object that can represent the entire table and (presumably) can be used to iterate through all of the Person's in the table and return the appropriate type of person (admin, buyer, etc) object for use. Basically, I envision something like the following:
class Model_Table_Person implements SeekableIterator, Countable, ArrayAccess
protected $_gateway;
public function __construct(Model_DbTable_Person $gateway)
$this->_gateway = $gateway;
public function current()
$current = $this->_gateway->fetchRow($this->_pointer);
return $this->_getUser($current);
private function _getUser(Zend_Db_Table_Row $current)
case 'admin':
return new Model_Row_Administrator($current);
case 'associate':
return new Model_Row_Associate($current);
Is this is good/bad way to handle this particular problem? What improvements or adjustments should I make to the overall design?
Thanks in advance for your comments and criticisms.
I had in mind that you would use the Domain Model class to completely hide the fact that you're using a database table for persistence. So passing a Table object or a Row object should be completely under the covers:
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
$db = Zend_Db::factory('mysqli', array('dbname'=>'test',
'username'=>'root', 'password'=>'xxxx'));
class Table_Person extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'person';
class Model_Person
/** #var Zend_Db_Table */
protected static $table = null;
/** #var Zend_Db_Table_Row */
protected $person;
public static function init() {
if (self::$table == null) {
self::$table = new Table_Person();
protected static function factory(Zend_Db_Table_Row $personRow) {
$personClass = 'Model_Person_' . ucfirst($personRow->person_type);
return new $personClass($personRow);
public static function get($id) {
$personRow = self::$table->find($id)->current();
return self::factory($personRow);
public static function getCollection() {
$personRowset = self::$table->fetchAll();
$personArray = array();
foreach ($personRowset as $person) {
$personArray[] = self::factory($person);
return $personArray;
// protected constructor can only be called from this class, e.g. factory()
protected function __construct(Zend_Db_Table_Row $personRow) {
$this->person = $personRow;
public function login($password) {
if ($this->person->password_hash ==
hash('sha256', $this->person->password_salt . $password)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function setPassword($newPassword) {
$this->person->password_hash = hash('sha256',
$this->person->password_salt . $newPassword);
class Model_Person_Admin extends Model_Person { }
class Model_Person_Associate extends Model_Person { }
$person = Model_Person::get(1);
print "Got object of type ".get_class($person)."\n";
$people = Model_Person::getCollection();
print "Got ".count($people)." people objects:\n";
foreach ($people as $i => $person) {
print "\t$i: ".get_class($person)."\n";
"I thought static methods were bad
which is why I was trying to create
the table level methods as instance
I don't buy into any blanket statement that static is always bad, or singletons are always bad, or goto is always bad, or what have you. People who make such unequivocal statements are looking to oversimplify the issues. Use the language tools appropriately and they'll be good to you.
That said, there's often a tradeoff when you choose one language construct, it makes it easier to do some things while it's harder to do other things. People often point to static making it difficult to write unit test code, and also PHP has some annoying deficiencies related to static and subclassing. But there are also advantages, as we see in this code. You have to judge for yourself whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, on a case by case basis.
"Would Zend Framework support a Finder
I don't think that's necessary.
"Is there a particular reason that you
renamed the find method to be get in
the model class?"
I named the method get() just to be distinct from find(). The "getter" paradigm is associated with OO interfaces, while "finders" are traditionally associated with database stuff. We're trying to design the Domain Model to pretend there's no database involved.
"And would you use continue to use the
same logic to implement specific getBy
and getCollectionBy methods?"
I'd resist creating a generic getBy() method, because it's tempting to make it accept a generic SQL expression, and then pass it on to the data access objects verbatim. This couples the usage of our Domain Model to the underlying database representation.
