unlink() to delete images from server along with SQL delete - php

I currently have a table listing all of the "products" that are in the database on my page. There is a checkbox next to each product/listing so you can delete multiple products at once.
I have the delete function working well with the checkboxes, deleting the selected products from the database, but I can't seem to get the second half to work, which is the part that needs to go into the server directory named "gallery" and deleting the image that belongs to the products that have been deleted.
When someone clicks the delete button, it runs this code:
//if form was submitted
if ($submit && $submit == "Delete") {
//escaping all of them for a MySQL query using array_map
array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $allCheckBoxId);
//implode will concatenate array values into a string divided by commas
$ids = implode(",", $allCheckBoxId);
//building query
$deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM products WHERE `id` IN ($ids)";
//running query
echo $ids;
//building query
$deleteImgQuery = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE `id` IN ($ids)";
while ($deleteImage = mysql_fetch_array($deleteImgQuery)) {
$image_delete_id = $deleteImage['id'];
$image_delete_image = $deleteImage['image'];
$file= "../gallery/" . $image_delete_id . "/" . $image_delete_image;
echo $file;
It won't even do the "echo $file" part which makes me think that that part of the code isnt running at all. Any help?
//if form was submitted
if ($submit && $submit == "Delete") {
//escaping all of them for a MySQL query using array_map
array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $allCheckBoxId);
//implode will concatenate array values into a string divided by commas
$ids = implode(",", $allCheckBoxId);
//building query
$deleteImgQuery = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE `id` IN ($ids)";
while ($deleteImage = mysql_fetch_array($deleteImgQuery)) {
$image_delete_id = $deleteImage['id'];
$image_delete_image = $deleteImage['image'];
$file= "../gallery/" . $image_delete_id . "/" . $image_delete_image;
echo $file;
//building query
$deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM products WHERE `id` IN ($ids)";
//running query
echo $ids;

You need to swap first and second part. You're trying to select already deleted data.

You need to execute the $deleteImgQuery and mysql_fetch_array get resource as parameter while you are passing string. Change the following lines..
//building query
$deleteImgQuery = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE `id` IN ($ids)";
$res = mysql_query($deleteImgQuery);
while ($deleteImage = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
// do


Getting data from POST [id] form in PHP

On a table that displays data from a database, I have a form that has a text area on which a user can type a receipt number and submit to save in a database for a specif row. The PHP code below is what updates the database after the form is submitted.
I want to pick the rest of the details for the specific row so I used the $_POST['id'] on which the receipt has been submitted. The id is the primary key. I'm however having a challenge since I can't fetch data from the database using $id = $_POST['id'];I created before outside the function The update statement works perfectly but the SELECT STATEMENTdoesn't . How do I go about it? Any one?
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$rec = $_POST['receipt'];
$id = $_POST['id'];
//reate connection
$sql = "UPDATE customer SET `receipt` = '".$_POST['receipt']."', `date_entered` = NOW(), `receipt_lock` = 1 WHERE `id` = '".$_POST['tid']."' AND receipt_lock = 0";
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
// echo "New record created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;
function wall(){
global $recp;
global $id;
// Create con
$sql = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id ='$id'";
$result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
$resultarr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1); // fetch data
$name = $resultarr['name'];
echo "$name"; //Does not display
$amount = $resultarr['amount'];
$transaction_id = $resultarr['trans_id'];
$date = $resultarr['time_paid'];
else {
echo "this is not right!;
Ignoring all the (valid) questions about SQL security and just addressing your problem - how about passing the $id variable as a parameter to your wall function.?
function wall($id){
$sql = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id ='$id'";
// ... use prepared statements for security...
Looks like you are using $_POST['tid'] instead of $_POST['id'] or $id in your SQL-query.
What you are doing there is a big nono, in terms of security. Make sure you escape your POST parameters before adding them inside your query.
$id = $_POST['id'];
$id = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $id);
Think about sending data as parameters of a function function wall($id) instead of a global parameter.

Why this if else condition is not working properly?

I am using if else condition with foreach loop to check and insert new tags.
but both the conditions(if and alse) are being applied at the same time irrespective of wether the mysql found id is equal or not equal to the foreach posted ID. Plz help
$new_tags = $_POST['new_tags']; //forget the mysl security for the time being
foreach ($new_tags as $fnew_tags)
$sqlq = mysqli_query($db3->connection, "select * from o4_tags limit 1");
while($rowq = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlq)) {
$id = $rowq['id'];
if($id == $fnew_tags) { //if ID of the tag is matched then do not insert the new tags but only add the user refrence to that ID
mysqli_query($db3->connection, "insert into user_interests(uid,tag_name,exp_tags) values('$session->userid','$fnew_tags','1')");
{ //if ID of the tag is not matched then insert the new tags as well as add the user refrence to that ID
$r = mysqli_query($db3->connection, "insert into o4_tags(tag_name,ug_tags,exp_tags) values('$fnew_tags','1','1')");
$mid_ne = mysqli_insert_id($db3->connection);
mysqli_query($db3->connection, "insert into user_interests(uid,tag_name,exp_tags) values('$session->userid','$mid_ne','1')");
i think you are inserting
$r = mysqli_query($db3->connection, "insert into o4_tags(tag_name,ug_tags,exp_tags)
values('$fnew_tags','1','1')");$mid_ne = mysqli_insert_id($db3->connection);
and then you are using while($rowq = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlq))
which now has records you just inserted therefore your if is executed
I'm pretty sure the select query below will always return the same record.
$sqlq = mysqli_query($db3->connection, "select * from o4_tags limit 1");
I think most of the time it will goes to the else, which execute the 2 insert.
Shouldn't you write the query like below?
select * from o4_tags where id = $fnew_tags limit 1

A way to skip over a row if it has already been displayed

I have a search script that retrieves an integer from one table and uses it to search through the IDs of a 2nd table. My issue is if the integer in Table1 appears more then once, I get duplicate results when querying Table2.
Does anyone know a way to use SQL or PHP so that if a row is already displayed it will skip it? Thanks
My code is rather convuleted but here it is if it helps:
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `table1`';
$where = array();
if ($searchlocation !== 'Any') $where[] = '`value` LIKE "%'.$searchlocation.'%"';
if ($searchmake !== 'Any') $where[] = '`value` LIKE "%'.$searchmake.'%"';
if ($searchtype !== 'Any') $where[] = '`value` LIKE "%'.$searchtype.'%"';
if (count($where) > 0) {
$sql .= ' WHERE '.implode(' OR ', $where);
} else {
// Error out; must specify at least one!
$tvqresult = mysql_query($sql);
$num_rowstvq = mysql_num_rows($tvqresult);
while ($rowtvq = mysql_fetch_array($tvqresult)) {
$contid = $rowtvq['contentid'];
$mainsql = 'SELECT * FROM `table2` WHERE `content` LIKE "%' . $searchterm . '%" AND `id` = ' . $rowtvq['contentid'] . ' AND `template` = 12';
$resultmain = mysql_query($mainsql);
$num_rowsmain = mysql_num_rows($resultmain);
if (!$resultmain) {
else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultmain )) {
echo "[!Ditto? &parents=`134` &documents=" . $row['id'] . "&tpl=`usedtempchunk`!]";
You only seem to use the contentid column from your first query, so you could change it to:
$sql = 'SELECT distinct contentid FROM `table1`'; // rest would be the same
which would mean that no duplicates will be retreived saving you any hassle in changing your second set of code.
If you are using other columns from the first query somewhere else in your code, you can still fetch more columns with this method as long as there are no duplicate IDs:
$sql = 'SELECT distinct contentid, contentTitle, contentThing FROM `table1`';
If you have to have repeated IDs in your original query, I think you will have to store the data in a variable (like an array) and then make sure that the second dataset isn't repeating anything.
It sounds like you're only looking for 1 row, if so, then at the end of your SQL, simply add LIMIT 1. That'll ensure you only return 1 row, thereby ignoring any duplicate matches.

Deleting Database Entries Not in Array

I have an array that grabs checkbox data and posts certain information into the database if the checkbox data isn't a copy of something already in the database. What I would like to know is how can I create a code that scans through the database and finds data that wasn't part of my checkbox data and delete it from the database.
Okay, for example let's say I have values 1,2,3,4 in my database, but in my checkboxes I only get back 1,2,4. I would like a code that scans my database and deletes that value(s) (in this case 3) from the database.
Here is my current code:
foreach($_POST['publish'] as $index => $val){
$matches = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$blog_table` WHERE `postID` = '$val");
if (mysql_num_rows($matches) > 0)
// do nothing
} else {
$query3 = "insert into `$blog_table`
Here would be the code I would use with escaped input
if (!empty($_POST['publish']))
$inserts = array();
$deletes = array();
foreach ($_POST['publish'] as $val)
$deletes[] = intval($val);
$inserts[] = '('.intval($val).')';
$delete = "DELETE FROM `".$blog_table."` WHERE postID NOT IN (".implode(',',$deletes).");";
$insert = "INSERT INTO `".$blog_table."` (`postID`) VALUES ".implode(',',$inserts)."";
you should use query like this:
delete from table where id NOT in (3)
in php like:
$query = "DELETE FROM `$blog_table` WHERE `postID` NOT IN (" . implode(',', $array) . ")";
For the MySQL query, you can use NOT IN:
DELETE FROM tablename
WHERE col1 NOT IN (1, 2, 4)

Keeping a counter

*Here is what I am trying to acheive: *
Basically I have a form where people can submit events to our database. In the CMS I have a page which displays a record of the number of events.
*Here is what I have: *
After the button is clicked, this script is called:
if($subject_type == 'Event') {
$query = "SELECT town, update_id, event_validex ";
$query .= "FROM dev_town ";
$query .= "LEFT JOIN updates ON dev_town.town_id = updates.town ";
$query .= " WHERE sitename = '".SITENAME."'";
$query .= " AND month = " .date('m')." AND year =" .date('Y');
$querys = $this->tep_db_query($query);
$rows = $this->tep_db_fetch_array($querys);
extract($rows); //extract rows, so you don't need to use array
$eventid = $event_validex + 1;
$sql_data_array = array('event_validex' => $eventid);
$submit_to_database = $this->tep_db_perform('updates', $sql_data_array, 'update', "town='".$town."'");
This works fine, however I cant seem to solve the next bit
This is the Problem
As you can see, it checks the database for the current month and adds it, this is providing that the sitename and that month are there, not a site and another month.
How would I get it to add the row in IF the sitename and month are not there?
I have been manually adding the months in now so that it works, and I am sure you can agree that's a ball ache.
Cheers peeps
if you want to check if site A + Month 11 exists do a select query against it and store the number of rows returned in a variable. ( $exists = mysql_num_rows("your query here"); )
then do an if statement against the $exists variable and proceed as you wish
if($exists) {
// update
} else {
// add
$insert = "INSERT INTO updates ('town','month','year','event_validex') VALUES ('".$town."','". date('m')."','". date('Y')."','1')";
$eventid = 1;
$sql_data_array = array('event_validex' => $eventid);
$submit_to_database = $this->tep_db_perform('updates', $sql_data_array, 'update', "town='".$town."'");
this is what I have for the else statement there, however it will add one to the value if its there but will not add a new entry if its isnt.. ?
I don't see exactly how your method "checks the database for the current month and adds it "; I'll just assume that the tep_db_perform() method of your class handles this somehow.
(uhk! n00bed it; rest of the post was somehow chopped off?) Since you're already hitting the database with the select with the intent of using the data if a record is found, then you could use the resultset assigned to $rows as a means of checking if a record exists with SITENAME and Month.
See below:
if($subject_type == 'Event') {
// build query to check the database for sitename, month and year.
$query = "SELECT town, update_id, event_validex ";
$query .= "FROM dev_town ";
$query .= "LEFT JOIN updates ON dev_town.town_id = updates.town ";
$query .= " WHERE sitename = '".SITENAME."'";
$query .= " AND month = " .date('m')." AND year =" .date('Y');
// Execute Query(wrapper for $result = mysql_query I guess?)
$querys = $this->tep_db_query($query);
// Get a resultset from database. --> you could merge this into one method with $this->tep_db_query
$rows = $this->tep_db_fetch_array($querys);
if(count($rows) > 0) {
extract($rows); //extract rows, so you don't need to use array --> I try to stay away from extract() as it makes for random variables being created.
$eventid = $event_validex + 1;
$sql_data_array = array('event_validex' => $eventid);
$submit_to_database = $this->tep_db_perform('updates', $sql_data_array, 'update', "town='".$town."'");
} else {
// insert new record into database
// updated with code to execute insert SQL query.
$insert = "INSERT INTO updates ('town','month','year','event_validex') VALUES ('".$town."','". date('m')."','". date('Y')."','1')";
$result = $this->tep_db_query($query);
If I've misunderstood something, please let me know, happy to work through it with you.
Hope this helps. :)
