Hey guys I'm trying to strip out the last _1.jpg if it
exists in my expression, but I am having some trouble
Scenarios are like follows.
image_name_1.jpg (should be image_name.jpg)
image_name_1_1.jpg (should be image_name_1.jpg)
I came up with this, but it seems to be returning null
$pic = ($pic[strlen]-6 == '_') ? preg_replace('/*.\_[0-9]/', '.jpg', $pic) : $pic;
What's wrong with my formula? Could someone help?
*. makes here truble. You can use *.? - the ? mean lazy quantification.
But your expression havent to pattern whole input string, only target - see ohaal's answer.
This should do it:
preg_replace('/_\d\.jpg$/', '.jpg', $pic);
Use strrpos along with ohaal's expression:
$pic_name=(strrpos($pic,'_',-6)) ? preg_replace('/_\d\.jpg$/','.jpg',$pic) : $pic;
My url like this:
I want to get "lan-kwai-fong-2" and "big-daddy", so I use this code but it doesn't work. Please help me fix it ! If you can shorten it, it is so great !
$matches= str_replace("-"," ",$matches[0]);
First there are issue with your code which im going to go over because they are general things:
preg_replace does not work by reference so you are never actually modifying the url. You need to assign the result of the replace to a variable:
// this would ovewrite the current value of url with the replaced value
$url = preg_replace('/\?file.*/','',$url);
It is possible that preg_match will not find anything so you need to test the result
// it should also be noted that sometimes you may need a more exact test here
// because it can return false (if theres an error) or 0 (if there is no match)
if (preg_match('/[a-z][\w\-]+$/',$url,$matches)) {
// do stuff
Now with that out of the way you are making this more difficult than it needs to be. There are specific function for working with urls parse_url and parse_str.
You can use these to easily work with the information:
$urlInfo = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$movie = basename($urlInfo['path']); // yields 937-the-movie-title
Just replace
$url= preg_replace('/\?file.*/','',$url);
Regex works, and parse_url is the right way to do it. But for something quick and dirty I would usually use explode. I think it's clearer.
#list($path, $query) = explode("?", $url, 2); // separate path from query
$match = array_pop(explode("/", $path)); // get last part of path
How about this:
preg_match('/\/[^-]+-([^?]+)\?/', $url, $matches);
$str = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : false;`
match last '/'
match anything besides '-' until '-'
capture anything besides '?' until (not including) '?'
I know it may sound as a common question but I have difficulty understanding this process.
So I have this string:
And I need to get only the word "tgadv". But I don't know that the word is "tgadv", it could be whatever.
Also the url itself may change and become:
So what I need is to create a function that will get whatever word is after campaign and before any other particular character. That's the logic..
The only certain thing is that the word will come after the word campaign/ and that any other character that will be after the word we are searching is a special one ( i.e. / or ? )
I tried understanding preg_match but really cannot get any good result from it..
Any help would be highly appreciated!
I would not use a regex for that. I would use parse_url and basename:
$bits = parse_url('http://domain.com/campaign/tgadv?redirect');
$filename = basename($bits['path']);
echo $filename;
However, if want a regex solution, use something like this:
$pattern = '~(.*)/(.*)(\?.*)~';
preg_match($pattern, 'http://domain.com/campaign/tgadv?redirect', $matches);
$filename = $matches[2];
echo $filename;
Actually, preg_match sounds like the perfect solution to this problem. I assume you are having problems with the regex?
Try something like this:
$url = "http://domain.com/campaign/tgadv/";
$pattern = "#campaign/([^/\?]+)#";
preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches);
// $matches[1] will contain tgadv.
$path = "http://domain.com/campaign/tgadv?redirect";
$url_parts = parse_url($path);
$tgadv = strrchr($url_parts['path'], '/');
You don't really need a regex to accomplish this. You can do it using stripos() and substr().
For example:
$str = '....Your string...';
$offset = stripos($str, 'campaign/');
if ( $offset === false ){
//error, end of h4 tag wasn't found
$offset += strlen('campaign/');
$newStr = substr($str, $offset);
At this point $newStr will have all the text after 'campaign/'.
You then just need to use a similar process to find the special character position and use substr() to strip the string you want out.
You can also just use the good old string functions in this case, no need to involve regexps.
First find the string /campaign/, then take the substring with everything after it (tgadv/asd/whatever/?redirect), then find the next / or ? after the start of the string, and everything in between will be what you need (tgadv).
Please I have I want to use regex to preg_match this kind of string :
$liste = 'bla0bla-__my_separator_-01blabla';
I've tried :
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]_my_separator_[a-zA-Z0-9]$/', $liste))
echo 'ok';
else echo 'not ok';
But this returns always not ok.
Please masters any advise ?
PS : I think that the problem is the _ and the - that what I've tried does not support !
Thanks in advance.
Change your regex pattern to this:
If you're only trying to determine if a static substring exists in a string you should use strpos():
if (strpos('_my_separator_', $liste) !== false) {
echo 'ok';
You're missing the repeater + and - and _ in your whitelists:
Your orignal regex would match things like:
but not:
I have strings like this : "ABC/ABC/123", "ABC/ABC/123/567", "ABC/123"
And I want to search the strings that have 2 ore more "/"
How can I do that with regular expression ?
I have found a solution like this:
´if($sku1!=$sku2 && preg_match("#^".$sku1."[/]#", $sku2) && substr_count($sku2, '/')==1) {´
Any improvement?
Thanks for help.
I agree with adrien: you have every reason not to use regex for this, though I'd suggest another solution:
$string = 'ABC/ABC/123';
if (count(explode('/',$string)) > 2)
echo $string.' contains at least 2 slashes';
As the OP pointed out in his comment below: substr_count($string,'/') is the easiest and fastest way to check for 2+ slashes...
Yes you can use the regex:
Without regexp (so much faster) :
$string = "ABC/ABC/123";
if (strpos($string, '/', strpos($string, '/') + 1) !== FALSE) {
echo "2 or more slashes in this string!";
I have two example filename strings:
What regex can I use to only match the LAST dot? I don't need anything else, just the final dot.
A little more on what I'm doing. I'm using PHP's preg_split() function to split the filename into an array. The function deletes any matches and gives you an array with the elements between splits. I'm trying to get it to split jquery.ui.min.js into an array that looks like this:
array[0] = jquery.ui.min
array[1] = js
If you're looking to extract the last part of the string, you'd need:
if you don't want the . or
if you do.
I think you'll have a hard time using preg_split, preg_match should be the better choice.
preg_match('/(.*)\.([^.]*)$/', $filename, $matches);
Alternatively, have a look at pathinfo.
Or, do it very simply in two lines:
$filename = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.'));
$extension = substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1);
At face value there is no reason to use regex for this. Here are 2 different methods that use functions optimized for static string parsing:
Option 1:
$ext = "jquery.ui.min.css";
$ext = array_pop(explode('.',$ext));
echo $ext;
Option 2:
$ext = "jquery.ui.min.css";
$ext = pathinfo($ext);
echo $ext['extension'];
Here's what I needed to exclude the last dot when matching for just the last "part":
Using a positive lookahead, I managed this answer:
This answer matches specifically the last dot in the string.
I used this - give it a try: