Getting a value of a site - php

So as the title says I want to get a value of this site : Xtremetop100 Conquer-Online
My server is called Zath-Co and right now we are on rank 11.
What I want is that a script is going to tell me which rank we are, how much in's and out's we have. Only thing is we are getting up and down in the list so I want a script that checks on the name not at the rank, but I can't come out of it.
I tried this script
<?php $lines = file('');
while ($line = array_shift($lines)) {
if (strpos($line, 'Zath-Co') !== false) break; }
print_r(explode(" ", $line)); ?>
But it is only showing the name of my server and the description.
How can I get this to work as I want or do I have to use something really different. (If yes then what to use, and a example would be great.)

It can also be fixed with the file()-function, as you tried yourself. You just have to look up the source code and find the starting-line of your "part". I found out (in the source-code), that you need 7 lines to get the rank, description and in/out data. Here is a tested example:
$lines = file('');
$CountLines = sizeof( $lines);
$arrHtml = array();
for( $i = 0; $i < $CountLines; $i++) {
if( strpos( $lines[$i], '/sitedetails-1132314895')) {
//The seven lines taken here under is your section at the site
$arrHtml[] = $lines[$i++];
$arrHtml[] = $lines[$i++];
$arrHtml[] = $lines[$i++];
$arrHtml[] = $lines[$i++];
$arrHtml[] = $lines[$i++];
$arrHtml[] = $lines[$i++];
$arrHtml[] = $lines[$i++];
//We simply strip all tags, so you just got the content.
$arrHtml = array_map("strip_tags", $arrHtml);
//Here we echo the data
echo implode('<br>',$arrHtml);
You can fix the layout yourself by taking out each element from the $arrHtml throug a loop.

I suggest using SimpleXML and XPath. Here is working example:
$html = file_get_contents('');
// suppress invalid markup warnings
// Create SimpleXML object
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
$xml = simplexml_import_dom($doc);
$xpath = '//span[#class="hd1" and ./a[contains(., "Zath-Co")]]/ancestor::tr/td[#class="number" or #class="stats1" or #class="stats"]';
$anchor = $xml->xpath($xpath);
// Clear invalid markup error buffer
$rank = (string)$anchor[0]->b;
$in = (string)$anchor[1]->span;
$out = (string)$anchor[2]->span;
// Clear invalid markup error buffer


php, ignore value on scraped/echo'd data

Wondering if anyone knows what can be modified with this scraping/output code that spits out values like: +40.07%, in order to ignore certain values. For instance, I already have on my site an automatic "+" being placed in front of every value. However when scraping from that source, it also provides a + in front of positive values, so I'm getting a ++40.07 type of output, when I only want one +. Anyone know what can be added to ignore the outputted + ?
// get sandpdailychange
function getSandpdailychange(){
$doc = new DOMDocument;
// We don't want to bother with white spaces
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
// Most HTML Developers are chimps and produce invalid markup...
$doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
$doc->recover = true;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$query = "//span[#id='quote_change']";
$entries = $xpath->query($query);
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$result = trim($entry->textContent);
$ret_ = explode(' ', $result);
//make sure every element in the array don't start or end with blank
foreach ($ret_ as $key=>$val){
//delete the empty element and the element is blank "\n" "\r" "\t"
//I modify this line
$ret_ = array_values(array_filter($ret_,deleteBlankInArray));
//echo the last element
file_put_contents(globalVars::$_cache_dir . "sandpdailychange",

php echo "%" displaying more than once

Testing with data scraping. The output I'm scraping, is a percent. So I basically slapped on a
echo "%<br>";
At the end of the actual number output which is
echo $ret_[66];
However there's an issue where the percent is actually appearing before the number as well, which is not desirable. This is the output:
Whereas what I'm trying to get is just -0.02%
Clearly I'm doing something wrong with the PHP. I'd really appreciate any feedback/solutions. Thank you!
Full code:
include_once "global.php";
$doc = new DOMDocument;
// We don't want to bother with white spaces
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
$doc->recover = true;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$query = "//div[#class='MT10']";
$entries = $xpath->query($query);
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$result = trim($entry->textContent);
$ret_ = explode(' ', $result);
//make sure every element in the array don't start or end with blank
foreach ($ret_ as $key => $val){
$ret_[$key] = trim($val);
//delete the empty element and the element is blank "\n" "\r" "\t"
//I modify this line
$ret_ = array_values(array_filter($ret_,deleteBlankInArray));
//echo the last element
echo $ret_[66];
echo "%<br>";
echo "%<br>";
On a seperate following PHP code. Does the same thing.

Find Tables by ID using Simple HTML DOM Parser

I wrote a database seeder last year that scrapes a stats website. Upon revisiting my code, it no longer seems to be working and I am a bit stumped as to the reason. $html->find() is supposed to return an array of elements found, however it seems to only be finding the first table when used.
As per the documentation, I instead tried using find() and specifying each table's ID, however this also seems to fail.
$table_passing = $html->find('table[id=passing]');
Can anyone help me figure out what is wrong here? I am at a loss as to why neither of these methods are working, where the page source clearly shows multiple tables and the IDs, where both approaches should work.
private function getTeamStats()
$url = '';
$html = file_get_html($url);
$tables = $html->find('table');
$table_defense = $tables[0];
$table_passing = $tables[1];
$table_rushing = $tables[2];
//$table_passing = $html->find('table[id=passing]');
$teams = array();
foreach ($table_defense->find('tr') as $row)
$stats = $row->find('td');
// Ignore the lines that don't have ranks, these aren't teams
if (isset($stats[0]) && !empty($stats[0]->plaintext))
$name = $stats[1]->plaintext;
$rank = $stats[0]->plaintext;
$games = $stats[2]->plaintext;
$yards = $stats[4]->plaintext;
// Calculate the Yards Allowed per Game by dividing Total / Games
$tydag = $yards / $games;
$teams[$name]['rank'] = $rank;
$teams[$name]['games'] = $games;
$teams[$name]['tydag'] = $tydag;
foreach ($table_passing->find('tr') as $row)
$stats = $row->find('td');
// Ignore the lines that don't have ranks, these aren't teams
if (isset($stats[0]) && !empty($stats[0]->plaintext))
$name = $stats[1]->plaintext;
$pass_rank = $stats[0]->plaintext;
$pass_yards = $stats[14]->plaintext;
$teams[$name]['pass_rank'] = $pass_rank;
$teams[$name]['paydag'] = $pass_yards;
foreach ($table_rushing->find('tr') as $row)
$stats = $row->find('td');
// Ignore the lines that don't have ranks, these aren't teams
if (isset($stats[0]) && !empty($stats[0]->plaintext))
$name = $stats[1]->plaintext;
$rush_rank = $stats[0]->plaintext;
$rush_yards = $stats[7]->plaintext;
$teams[$name]['rush_rank'] = $rush_rank;
$teams[$name]['ruydag'] = $rush_yards;
I never use simplexml or other derivatives but when using an XPath query to find an attribute such as ID usually one would prefix with # and the value should be quoted - so for your case it might be
$table_passing = $html->find('table[#id="passing"]');
Using a standard DOMDocument & DOMXPath approach the issue was that the actual table was "commented out" in source code - so a simple string replacement of the html comments enabled the following to work - this could easily be adapted to the original code.
$html=file_get_contents( $url );
/* remove the html comments */
$html=str_replace( array('<!--','-->'), '', $html );
libxml_use_internal_errors( true );
$dom=new DOMDocument;
$dom->loadHTML( $html );
$xp=new DOMXPath( $dom );
$tbl=$xp->query( '//table[#id="passing"]' );
foreach( $tbl as $n )echo $n->tagName.' > '.$n->getAttribute('id');
/* outputs */
table > passing

Extracting certain portions of HTML from within PHP

Ok, so I'm writing an application in PHP to check my sites if all the links are valid, so I can update them if I have to.
And I ran into a problem. I've tried to use SimpleXml and DOMDocument objects to extract the tags but when I run the app with a sample site I usually get a ton of errors if I use the SimpleXml object type.
So is there a way to scan the html document for href attributes that's pretty much as simple as using SimpleXml?
// what I want to do is get a similar effect to the code described below:
foreach($html->html->body->a as $link)
// store the $link into a file
foreach($link->attributes() as $attribute=>$value);
//procedure to place the href value into a file
so basically i'm looking for a way to preform the above operation. The thing is I'm currently getting confused as to how should I treat the string that i'm getting with the html code in it...
just to be clear, I'm using the following primitive way of getting the html file:
$target = "";
$file_handle = fopen($target, "r");
$a = "";
while (!feof($file_handle)) $a .= fgets($file_handle, 4096);
Any info would be useful as well as any other language alternatives where the above problem is more elegantly fixed (python, c or c++)
You can use DOMDocument::loadHTML
Here's a bunch of code we use for a HTML parsing tool we wrote.
$target = "";
$result = file_get_contents($target);
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$links = extractLink(getTags( $dom, 'a', ));
function extractLink( $html, $argument = 1 ) {
$href_regex_pattern = '/<a[^>]*?href=[\'"](.*?)[\'"][^>]*?>(.*?)<\/a>/si';
if (count($matches)) {
if (is_array($matches[$argument]) && count($matches[$argument])) {
return $matches[$argument][0];
return $matches[1];
} else
function getTags( $dom, $tagName, $element = false, $children = false ) {
$html = '';
$domxpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$children = ($children) ? "/".$children : '';
$filtered = $domxpath->query("//$tagName" . $children);
$i = 0;
while( $myItem = $filtered->item($i++) ){
$newDom = new DOMDocument;
$newDom->formatOutput = true;
$node = $newDom->importNode( $myItem, true );
$html[] = $newDom->saveHTML();
if ($element !== false && isset($html[$element])) {
return $html[$element];
} else
return $html;
You could just use strpos($html, 'href=') and then parse the URL. You could also search for <a or .php

extracting anchor values hidden in div tags

From a html page I need to extract the values of v from all anchor links…each anchor link is hidden in some 5 div tags
<a href="/watch?v=value to be retrived&list=blabla&feature=plpp_play_all">
Each v value has 11 characters, for this as of now am trying to read it by character by character like
$file=fopen("xx.html","r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
while (!feof($file))
if ($ff==$dd)
$sData = fgetc($file);
array_push($vd, $id);
That is am getting each character of v and storing it in sData variable and pushing it into id so as to get those 11 characters as a string(id)…
the problem is…searching for the ‘v=’ through the entire html file and if found reading the 11characters and pushing it into a sData array is sucking, it is taking considerable amount of time…so pls help me to sophisticate the things
function substring(&$string,$start,$end)
$pos = strpos(">".$string,$start);
if(! $pos) return "";
$string = substr($string,$pos+strlen($start));
$posend = strpos($string,$end);
$toret = substr($string,0,$posend);
$string = substr($string,$posend);
return $toret;
$contents = #file_get_contents("xx.html");
while ($old <> $contents)
$old = $contents;
$v = substring($contents,"?v=","&");
if($v) $videosArray[] = $v;
//$videosArray is array of v's
I would better parse HTML with SimpleXML and XPath:
// Get your page HTML string
$html = file_get_contents('xx.html');
// As per comment by Gordon to suppress invalid markup warnings
// Create SimpleXML object
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
$xml = simplexml_import_dom($doc);
// Find a nodes
$anchors = $xml->xpath('//a[contains(#href, "v=")]');
foreach ($anchors as $a)
$href = (string)$a['href'];
$url = parse_url($href);
parse_str($url['query'], $params);
// $params['v'] contains what we need
$vd[] = $params['v']; // push into array
// Clear invalid markup error buffer
