I'm currently developing a website in Zend Framework wich uses Zend_Auth. The current design of the database is the following:
users - id / email
users_props - id - user_id - prop_name - prop_value
However, the current Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable uses only one table, as where I have to tables and need to join them.
How on earth can I do this? As far as i'm concerned, there are three options:
I somehow create a (mysql) view
I change the design so the users table contains both username/password
I rewrite the Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable to a Custom_Auth_Adapter_DbTabe
Can anyone point me out what the best practise is?
Thanks in advance :)
The proper thing to do is to create a custom Zend_Auth_Adapter that authentication to your particular DB schema.
Its actually pretty easy, there is only a single method in the interface to implemnt. Its also possible you could jsut extend Zend_Auth_Db_Adapter and override methods as necessary. Probably only what builds executes and returns the query result. But honestly i would just implment the interfae from scratch were it me. A lot easier that way IMO :-)
I have a question in regards to design/refactoring an existing app. My existing app is in Laravel. We have models like User, which you would imagine be linked to the Users table in the database.
Now I am planning to move this User table to an external database, which can be reached from my application with an API call.
In all the Different parts of the application there are calls to the Current User Model like User::find(Id). This wont work anymore since now Users table is not there anymore in the database.
1st Question: how to accomplish the above by changing the model reference to call an API instead of a DB table. Is there any design pattern that can be leveraged so that I dont have to change all the User::find in all of the applications.
2nd Question: How would you handle places where the table is directly referenced by joins. Like table.x = User.x
Any help/guidance would be appreciated. Thanks
What it sounds like you need is a layer that sits over your models (perhaps something similar to the Repository Pattern). This way you can abstract out your data access layer (currently Models) and make it easily swappable for another implementation (such as API requests). This is a bit more work in Laravel 4 than 5, and may possibly require significant refactoring.
As for your second question, your API will have to govern more advanced queries and have an endpoint/method for them.
I would like to know, if I am following the best practices of development in CakePHP framework.
If you have for a example an Invoices Table, and you want to display the status of the Invoice, let's say you want a green label for the status of the invoice like this:
<span class="green">Paid</span>
What i do is the following. I create a virtualfield on my model named statuslabel, in that virtualfield i call a Helper that displays an element.
so it would be Model->Helper->Element
That way anywhere in my application i can call statuslabel like it was a field from that model and i would get the statuslabel.
My big question is if this is the right way to do it or i am doing it all wrong?
You should avoid violating the MVC principles in your code, in this case specifically containing presentation logic in the model code. This equally applies to CakePHP and other MVC frameworks.
You might still go ahead and create a virtual field called status which can calculate the status of your invoice based on other entity fields. If you have the status stored in the database already as a normal entity field, then you can skip the virtual field.
The view layer is where you want all your presentation code. You can either do it directly in views, or move the logic to the helper. The appropriate function in the helper would take your status field as input and output the appropriate classes into the template based on the status value.
The advantage of keeping presentation code in the view layer (template and helper classes in CakePHP) is that it is easy to replace it later on by updating your templates. CakePHP 3 also gives you the option to create themes via plugins, which is how you can easily change the UI of your application on the fly, but only if you stick to the design principles of MVC.
Generally using virtual fields are not an bad idea. Sometimes the logic behind simple answer is quite complex that it can not be done via SQL or with reasonable amount of SQL.
It is important to remember, that most of the time, using queries directly is much faster without extra PHP processing. So for what comes to your question, if you don't have any PHP logic (besides generating SQL expressions), I would say go with it but...
...There is also point for discussion about database design.
I can't really say about your database schema behind the question, but for me such simple thing than invoice status should definitely be in database directly as and int type field. So what comes to my experience about invoicing systems, database schema could be something like:
If you create your model associations and query your database correctly, you end up having invoice status in query results and you can use it just like described.
Btw. most of the time, using reusable elements is good practice. Less code to maintain :D
I'm using Codeigniter to flesh out a pretty large project (especially for a n00b). One issue I'm having is how to organise my files and methods. I've broken my project down into features - the app is a task management software so already we have basic features such as "Task", "Project", "User" etc.
The way I intend to do this is by creating controllers for each and then following CRUD methodology in each. So for example in Task we would have the following methods:
This makes sense in my head. Now in terms of Views, should I have multiple views, or should I combine create and update into the same form? Also, where does non-View functionality go, such as setting cookies etc?
This is quite a specific question but if anybody has any more holistic guides on general structure convention for CodeIgniter projects I'd be very grateful.
I'd say you got it right. This is what I do.
I tend to use the same view for create and update, keep it DRY (don't repeat yourself) if you can.
Non-view related stuff that does not handle anything business-related goes in what I call helper-classes. If it's business related, I put all the logic into services, so I can unit-test them without being dependant of any framework (not sure how new you are at this, but oh well :) ).
You can also use Grocery Crud, a library that provides out of the box CRUD functionality for codeigniter.
It handles pretty good 1->n and n->n relationships so its convenient for small projects.
I don't know if you are familiar with it. If not give it a try. It will save you tons of time and effort.
My controller consists of these methods, which follows REST API guidelines:
read -> get all records.
find -> find record by primary key/id.
create -> show the form view.
store -> insert data from the form into the database.
edit -> show the form view, populated with current records' data.
update -> update data from the form into the database.
delete -> delete data from the database.
This is called Resourceful Controllers.
Yes, you can combine create and edit in same form. However, there are cases those require you to use different create and edit form. In that case, just make 2 separate forms.
And... like #Theodore suggested, GroceryCRUD is worth a try if you don't need too many customizations.
Now that I have read an awfull lot of posts, articles, questions and answers on OOP, MVC and design patterns, I still have questions on what is the best way to build what i want to build.
My little framework is build in an MVC fashion. It uses smarty as the viewer and I have a class set up as the controller that is called from the url.
Now where I think I get lost is in the model part. I might be mixing models and classes/objects to much (or to little).
Anyway an example. When the aim is to get a list of users that reside in my database:
the application is called by e.g. "users/list" The controller then runs the function list, that opens an instance of a class "user" and requests that class to retrieve a list from the table. once returned to the controller, the controller pushes it to the viewer by assigning the result set (an array) to the template and setting the template.
The user would then click on a line in the table that would tell the controler to start "user/edit" for example - which would in return create a form and fill that with the user data for me to edit.
so far so good.
right now i have all of that combined in one user class - so that class would have a function create, getMeAListOfUsers, update etc and properties like hairType and noseSize.
But proper oop design would want me to seperate "user" (with properties like, login name, big nose, curly hair) from "getme a list of users" what would feel more like a "user manager class".
If I would implement a user manager class, how should that look like then? should it be an object (can't really compare it to a real world thing) or should it be an class with just public functions so that it more or less looks like a set of functions.
Should it return an array of found records (like: array([0]=>array("firstname"=>"dirk", "lastname"=>"diggler")) or should it return an array of objects.
All of that is still a bit confusing to me, and I wonder if anyone can give me a little insight on how to do approach this the best way.
The level of abstraction you need for your processing and data (Business Logic) depends on your needs. For example for an application with Transaction Scripts (which probably is the case with your design), the class you describe that fetches and updates the data from the database sounds valid to me.
You can generalize things a bit more by using a Table Data Gateway, Row Data Gateway or Active Record even.
If you get the feeling that you then duplicate a lot of code in your transaction scripts, you might want to create your own Domain Model with a Data Mapper. However, I would not just blindly do this from the beginning because this needs much more code to get started. Also it's not wise to write a Data Mapper on your own but to use an existing component for that. Doctrine is such a component in PHP.
Another existing ORM (Object Relational Mapper) component is Propel which provides Active Records.
If you're just looking for a quick way to query your database, you might find NotORM inspiring.
You can find the Patterns listed in italics in
which lists all patterns in the book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.
I'm not an expert at this but have recently done pretty much exactly the same thing. The way I set it up is that I have one class for several rows (Users) and one class for one row (User). The "several rows class" is basically just a collection of (static) functions and they are used to retrieve row(s) from a table, like so:
$fiveLatestUsers = Users::getByDate(5);
And that returns an array of User objects. Each User object then has methods for retrieving the fields in the table (like $user->getUsername() or $user->getEmail() etc). I used to just return an associative array but then you run into occasions where you want to modify the data before it is returned and that's where having a class with methods for each field makes a lot of sense.
Edit: The User object also have methods for updating and deleting the current row;
Another alternative to Doctrine and Propel is PHP Activerecords.
Doctrine and Propel are really mighty beasts. If you are doing a smaller project, I think you are better off with something lighter.
Also, when talking about third-party solutions there are a lot of MVC frameworks for PHP like: Kohana, Codeigniter, CakePHP, Zend (of course)...
All of them have their own ORM implementations, usually lighter alternatives.
For Kohana framework there is also Auto modeler which is supposedly very lightweight.
Personally I'm using Doctrine, but its a huge project. If I was doing something smaller I'd sooner go with a lighter alternative.
I have one doubt in zend framework. I need all model details from project which i have done in zend framework. Is there any possibility to get all model details in zend framework.
Please help me..
Thanks and regards,
Prasanth P
If by Model you mean you want to get the details about a DB Table, then yes. You can get this data by calling the following method from Zend_Db_Table
info() - Returns table information.
There is no method to say getAllDbTables. If you need this, you could write a custom Db Repository that knows all Db Tables and that can give you table instances and any info information you need about. This would have the additional benefit of decoupling concrete table instances from your using classes.
Keep in mind though that the M in MVC is not just the database. The M is the heart of your application. It contains application logic, domain objects, service layers, etc. The persistence layer is just one part of it.