Is this the right development approach in CakePHP? - php

I would like to know, if I am following the best practices of development in CakePHP framework.
If you have for a example an Invoices Table, and you want to display the status of the Invoice, let's say you want a green label for the status of the invoice like this:
<span class="green">Paid</span>
What i do is the following. I create a virtualfield on my model named statuslabel, in that virtualfield i call a Helper that displays an element.
so it would be Model->Helper->Element
That way anywhere in my application i can call statuslabel like it was a field from that model and i would get the statuslabel.
My big question is if this is the right way to do it or i am doing it all wrong?

You should avoid violating the MVC principles in your code, in this case specifically containing presentation logic in the model code. This equally applies to CakePHP and other MVC frameworks.
You might still go ahead and create a virtual field called status which can calculate the status of your invoice based on other entity fields. If you have the status stored in the database already as a normal entity field, then you can skip the virtual field.
The view layer is where you want all your presentation code. You can either do it directly in views, or move the logic to the helper. The appropriate function in the helper would take your status field as input and output the appropriate classes into the template based on the status value.
The advantage of keeping presentation code in the view layer (template and helper classes in CakePHP) is that it is easy to replace it later on by updating your templates. CakePHP 3 also gives you the option to create themes via plugins, which is how you can easily change the UI of your application on the fly, but only if you stick to the design principles of MVC.

Generally using virtual fields are not an bad idea. Sometimes the logic behind simple answer is quite complex that it can not be done via SQL or with reasonable amount of SQL.
It is important to remember, that most of the time, using queries directly is much faster without extra PHP processing. So for what comes to your question, if you don't have any PHP logic (besides generating SQL expressions), I would say go with it but...
...There is also point for discussion about database design.
I can't really say about your database schema behind the question, but for me such simple thing than invoice status should definitely be in database directly as and int type field. So what comes to my experience about invoicing systems, database schema could be something like:
If you create your model associations and query your database correctly, you end up having invoice status in query results and you can use it just like described.
Btw. most of the time, using reusable elements is good practice. Less code to maintain :D


Mvc and only selecting fields needed

I cant seem to find an acceptable answer to this.
There are two big things I keep seeing:
1) Don't execute queries in the controller. That is the responsibility of business or data.
2) Only select the columns that you need in a query.
My problem is that these two things kind of butt heads since what is displayed in the UI is really what determines what columns need to be queried. This in turn leads to the obvious solution of running the query in the controller, which you aren't supposed to do. Any documentation I have found googling, etc. seems to conveniently ignore this topic and pretend it isn't an issue.
Doing it in the business layer
Now if I take it the other way and query everything in the business layer then I implicitly am making all data access closely reflect the ui layer. This is more a problem with naming of query functions and classes than anything I think.
Take for example an application that has several views for displaying different info about a customer. The natural thing to do would be to name these data transfer classes the same as the view that needs them. But, the business or service layer has no knowledge of the ui layer and therefore any one of these data transfer classes could really be reused for ANY view without breaking any architecture rules. So then, what do I name all of these variations of, say "Customer", where one selects first name and last name, another might select last name and email, or first name and city, and so on. You can only name so many classes "CustomerSummary".
Entity Framework and IQueryable is great. But, what about everything else?
I understand that in entity framework I can have a data layer pass back an IQuerable whose execution is deferred and then just tell that IQueryable what fields I want. That is great. It seems to solve the problem. For .NET. The problem is, I also do PHP development. And pretty much all of the ORMs for php are designed in a way that totally defeat the purpose of using an ORM at all. And even those dont have the same ability as EF / IQueryable. So I am back to the same problem without a solution again in PHP.
Wrapping it up
So, my overall question is how do I get only the fields I need without totally stomping on all the rules of an ntier architecture? And without creating a data layer that inevitably has to be designed to reflect the layout of the UI layer?
And pretty much all of the ORMs for php are designed in a way that totally defeat the purpose of using an ORM at all.
The Doctrine PHP ORM offers lazy loading down to the property / field level. You can have everything done through proxies that will only query the database as needed. In my experience letting the ORM load the whole object once is preferable 90%+ of the time. Otherwise if you're not careful you will end up with multiple queries to the database for the same records. The extra DB chatter isn't worthwhile unless your data model is messy and your rows are very long.
Keep in mind a good ORM will also offer a built-in caching layer. Populating a whole object once and caching it is easier and more extensible then having your code keep track of which fields you need to query in various places.
So my answer is don't go nuts trying to only query the fields you need when using an ORM. If you are writing your queries by hand just in the places you need them, then only query the fields you need. But since you are talking good architectural patterns I assume you're not doing this.
Of course there are exceptions, like querying large data sets for reporting or migrations. These will require unique optimizations.
1) Don't execute queries in the controller. That is the responsibility of business or data.
How you design your application is up to you. That being said, it's always best to consider best patterns and practices. The way I design my controllers is that I pass in the data layer(IRepository) through constructor and inject that at run time.
public MyController(IRepository repo)
To query my code I simply call
repository.Where(x=> x.Prop == "whatever")
Using IQueryable creates the leaky abstraction problem. Although, it may not be a big deal but you have to be careful and mindful of how you are using your objects especially if they contain relational data. Once you query your data layer you would construct your view model in your controller action with the appropriate data required for your view.
public ActionResult MyAction(){
var data = _repository.Single(x => x.Id == 1);
var vm = new MyActionViewModel {
Name = data.Name,
Age = data.Age
return View();
If I had any queries that where complex I would create a business layer to include that logic. This would include enforcing business rules etc. In my business layer I would pass in the repository and use that.
2) Only select the columns that you need in a query.
With ORMs you usually pass back the whole object. After that you can construct your view model to include only the data you need.
My suggestion to your php problem is maybe to set up a web api for your data. It would return json data that you can then parse in whatever language you need.
Hope this helps.
The way I do it is as follows:
Have a domain object (entity, business object .. things with the same name) for Entities\Customer, that has all fields and associated logic for all of the data, that a complete instance would have. But for persistence create two separate data mappers:
Mappers\Customer for handling all of the data
Mappers\CustomerSummary for only important parts
If you only need to get customers name and phone number, you use the "summary mapper", but, when you need to examine user's profile, you have the "all data mapper". And the same separation can be really useful, when updating data too. Especially, if your "full customer" get populated from multiple tables.
// code from a method of some service layer class
$customer = new \Model\Entities\Customer;
$mapper = new \Model\Mappers\CustomerSummary($this->db);
if ($needEverything) {
$mapper = new \Model\Mappers\Customer($this->db);
As for, what goes where, you probably might want to read this old post.

Symfony2: Transformation of database records for displaying

I have rather theoretical question about proper approach of using Symfony though I believe the approach is to be same for any other PHP framework.
I have tariff objects stored in database. I want to provide a cost model for each tariff basing on user input.
My initial approach was to create an array, one's each element would contain data from corresponding tariff object and calculated data. All of that was done in controller's action method.
Later I have created another class CostModel and then created an array CostModel[], which than was passed to $this->render() method. Again it's done in controller.
This approach works well enough. However, since I have not much experience with Symfony, I have doubts that this approach - performing calculations in controller - is good one.
Is there any better way for this?
Well, your question could have more than one answer as it is very opinion-based.
What I can say without any doubt about controller's code is that the less it is the more is good. Why I said that? Because controller code isn't reusable, because controllers are made to "connected" views and business logic (keep attention: connect, not encapsulate) and a general rule that I follow when I develop with Symfony2, is to write, into controller, lines of code for "objects" that are directly accessible from controller (form, request, views, and so on); all code that isn't related to these concepts should be migrated elsewhere.
Your solution is a good starting point but we cannot judge as we haven't more details and we don't know the architecture of your software. What can I say - and I hope you already know - is that you can pass to render (so to view templating system; I suppose you are using twig) directly the ArrayCollection you've obtained querying the database (so basically you don't neeed CostModel[] array). So, maybe, your approach is good but not the best: maybe you can take advantage of Repository facility, write a good query that can extract and calculate data for you (in a more optimized way) and use repository directly into controller. That way you could at the same time, migrate code where it should stay, write less number of code lines, do some optimitazion (or better, let Doctrine do for you) and you don't need to create a brand new class (model).

php oop MVC design - proper architecture for an application to edit data

Now that I have read an awfull lot of posts, articles, questions and answers on OOP, MVC and design patterns, I still have questions on what is the best way to build what i want to build.
My little framework is build in an MVC fashion. It uses smarty as the viewer and I have a class set up as the controller that is called from the url.
Now where I think I get lost is in the model part. I might be mixing models and classes/objects to much (or to little).
Anyway an example. When the aim is to get a list of users that reside in my database:
the application is called by e.g. "users/list" The controller then runs the function list, that opens an instance of a class "user" and requests that class to retrieve a list from the table. once returned to the controller, the controller pushes it to the viewer by assigning the result set (an array) to the template and setting the template.
The user would then click on a line in the table that would tell the controler to start "user/edit" for example - which would in return create a form and fill that with the user data for me to edit.
so far so good.
right now i have all of that combined in one user class - so that class would have a function create, getMeAListOfUsers, update etc and properties like hairType and noseSize.
But proper oop design would want me to seperate "user" (with properties like, login name, big nose, curly hair) from "getme a list of users" what would feel more like a "user manager class".
If I would implement a user manager class, how should that look like then? should it be an object (can't really compare it to a real world thing) or should it be an class with just public functions so that it more or less looks like a set of functions.
Should it return an array of found records (like: array([0]=>array("firstname"=>"dirk", "lastname"=>"diggler")) or should it return an array of objects.
All of that is still a bit confusing to me, and I wonder if anyone can give me a little insight on how to do approach this the best way.
The level of abstraction you need for your processing and data (Business Logic) depends on your needs. For example for an application with Transaction Scripts (which probably is the case with your design), the class you describe that fetches and updates the data from the database sounds valid to me.
You can generalize things a bit more by using a Table Data Gateway, Row Data Gateway or Active Record even.
If you get the feeling that you then duplicate a lot of code in your transaction scripts, you might want to create your own Domain Model with a Data Mapper. However, I would not just blindly do this from the beginning because this needs much more code to get started. Also it's not wise to write a Data Mapper on your own but to use an existing component for that. Doctrine is such a component in PHP.
Another existing ORM (Object Relational Mapper) component is Propel which provides Active Records.
If you're just looking for a quick way to query your database, you might find NotORM inspiring.
You can find the Patterns listed in italics in
which lists all patterns in the book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.
I'm not an expert at this but have recently done pretty much exactly the same thing. The way I set it up is that I have one class for several rows (Users) and one class for one row (User). The "several rows class" is basically just a collection of (static) functions and they are used to retrieve row(s) from a table, like so:
$fiveLatestUsers = Users::getByDate(5);
And that returns an array of User objects. Each User object then has methods for retrieving the fields in the table (like $user->getUsername() or $user->getEmail() etc). I used to just return an associative array but then you run into occasions where you want to modify the data before it is returned and that's where having a class with methods for each field makes a lot of sense.
Edit: The User object also have methods for updating and deleting the current row;
Another alternative to Doctrine and Propel is PHP Activerecords.
Doctrine and Propel are really mighty beasts. If you are doing a smaller project, I think you are better off with something lighter.
Also, when talking about third-party solutions there are a lot of MVC frameworks for PHP like: Kohana, Codeigniter, CakePHP, Zend (of course)...
All of them have their own ORM implementations, usually lighter alternatives.
For Kohana framework there is also Auto modeler which is supposedly very lightweight.
Personally I'm using Doctrine, but its a huge project. If I was doing something smaller I'd sooner go with a lighter alternative.

MySQL Status Model -- Best Implementation?

So I'm working on a framework-esque system with one of my co-workers. Our current challenge is how to best implement statuses. Oftentimes, a status will carry with it unique data (a color for a table row, or text to be displayed to a user. etc). Currently, we have a statuses table which contains all this data. Contained in that table is a column: "css_class", which, whenever a record has that status, the specified CSS class is attached to the element (in this case a tr). Also, in order to assign another record a specific status, a foreign key is specified in that database table (in this case, a user has a specific status. So in the users table, there is a statuses_id foreign key). This implementation works alright, but there are a few problems. First, what if I need to perform a specific action in PHP if a record is in a specific status? The way we do it now is something like this:
//execute some code
This really doesn't work well if statuses can change. Change one status, and the associated code either breaks or behaves differently than intended.
The other issue, and the main reason for posting a question is that the table contains the column "css_class". This is very versatile and allows us change the style of a specific status very quickly. But we really dislike the idea of putting code inside a database. Perhaps having CSS classes in a database isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I really don't know what the common practice is. Any ideas?
What I've gathered from the first few answers is that I should keep all my view stuff out of my model stuff in order to maintain an MVC framework. My argument is that if I keep the css_class name out of the database, then I'm checking the status id in the view in order to decide which class to assign it. So if I put the class in the database, I'm putting View information in the Model. If I don't put CSS classes in the database then I'm putting Model information in the View (checking which ID it belongs to). So by not muddying up the Model, I muddy up the view instead.......
The most elegant way I've seen this solved so far (and I've worked with a few MVC implementations now) is to store only the relevant data in the database. E.g. you'd store status="red" in the database, and leave it up to the view to know what to do with a red status, in terms of CSS. The problem is then solved by designing a sufficiently advanced View layer that creates reusable structures -- that way you don't need to always be updating things on a page-by-page basis when the css changes.
Passing this information up to the Model somewhat defeats the point of the content/presentation separation, because now your code needs to know to pull presentation information off the database and forward it along to the View level or, shudder, you'll be pulling that stuff from the database right in your View layer code, which makes maintenance a nightmare, as you've now lost control over the information flow.
If you want to continue your paradigm of storing this in the DB, you could make another table that maps VARCHAR names of the statuses to their corresponding INTEGER IDs.
However, if this was my framework. I would not be storing view information like this in the database. This would be handled by the V of my MVC setup.
From a data modelling point of view:
Have a different table for each "kind" of status; keep user statuses separate from page statuses (for example) - group the like entities together.
Don't put the CSS classes into the database, but use some form of status indicator - this could be an ENUM column, if you know the set of possible statuses up front. Transform this into the appropriate CSS class in the view layer. You don't want to end up in a situation where your CSS can't be changed because some data in the database prevents it.

PHP MVC & SQL minus Model

I've been reading several articles on MVC and had a few questions I was hoping someone could possibly assist me in answering.
Firstly if MODEL is a representation of the data and a means in which to manipulate that data, then a Data Access Object (DAO) with a certain level of abstraction using a common interface should be sufficient for most task should it not?
To further elaborate on this point, say most of my development is done with MySQL as the underlying storage mechanism for my data, if I avoided vendor specific functions -- (i.e. UNIX_TIMESTAMP) -- in the construction of my SQL statements and used a abstract DB object that has a common interface moving between MySQL and maybe PostgreSQL, or MySQL and SQLite should be a simple process.
Here's what I'm getting at some task, are handled by a single CONTROLLER -- (i.e. UserRegistration) and rather that creating a MODEL for that task, I can get an instance of the db object -- (i.e. DB::getInstance()) -- then make the necessary db calls to INSERT a new user. Why with such a simple task would I create a new MODEL?
In some of the examples I've seen a MODEL is created, and within that MODEL there's a SELECT statement that fetches x number of orders from the order table and returns an array. Why do this, if in your CONTROLLER your creating another loop to iterate over that array and assign it to the VIEW; ex. 1?
ex. 1: foreach ($list as $order) { $this->view->set('order', $order); }
I guess one could modify the return so something like this is possibly; ex. 2.
ex. 2: while ($order = $this->model->getOrders(10)) { $this->view->set('order', $order); }
I guess my argument is that why create a model when you can simply make the necessary db calls from within your CONTROLLER, assuming your using a DB object with common interface to access your data, as I suspect most of websites are using. Yes I don't expect this is practical for all task, but again when most of what's being done is simple enough to not necessarily warrant a separate MODEL.
As it stands right now a user makes a request '', the front controller (I call it router) passes off to Controller (class) and within that controller a certain action (method) is called and from there the appropriate VIEW is created and then output.
So I guess you're wondering whether the added complexity of a model layer -on top- of a Database Access Object is the way you want to go. In my experience, simplicity trumps any other concern, so I would suggest that if you see a clear situation where it's simpler to completely go without a Model and have the data access occur in the equivalent of a controller, then you should go with that.
However, there are still other potential benefits to having an MVC separation:
No SQL at all in the controller: Maybe you decide to gather your data from a source other than a database (an array in the session? A mock object for testing? a file? just something else), or your database schema changes and you have to look for all the places that your code has to change, you could look through just the models.
Seperation of skillsets: Maybe someone on your team is great at complex SQL queries, but not great at dealing with the php side. Then the more separated the code is, the more people can play to their strengths (even more so when it comes to the html/css/javascript side of things).
Conceptual object that represents a block of data: As Steven said, there's a difference in the benefits you get from being database agnostic (so you can switch between mysql and postgresql if need be) and being schema agnostic (so you have an object full of data that fits together well, even if it came from different relational tables). When you have a model that represents a good block of data, you should be able to reuse that model in more than one place (e.g. a person model could be used in logins and when displaying a personnel list).
I certainly think that the ideals of separation of the tasks of MVC are very useful. But over time I've come to think that alternate styles, like keeping that MVC-like separation with a functional programming style, may be easier to deal with in php than a full blown OOP MVC system.
I found this great article that addressed most of my questions. In case anyone else had similar questions or is interested in reading this article. You can find it here
The idea behind MVC is to have a clean separation between your logic. So your view is just your output, and your controller is a way of interacting with your models and using your models to get the necessary data to give to the necessary views. But all the work of actually getting data will go on your model.
If you think of your User model as an actual person and not a piece of data. If you want to know that persons name is it easier to call up a central office on the phone (the database) and request the name or to just ask the person, "what is your name?" That's one of the ideas behind the model. In a most simplistic way you can view your models as real living things and the methods you attach to them allow your controllers to ask those living things a series of questions (IE - can you view this page? are you logged in? what type of image are you? are you published? when were you last modified?). Your controller should be dumb and your model should be smart.
The other idea is to keep your SQL work in one central location, in this case your models. So that you don't have errant SQL floating around your controllers and (worst case scenario) your views.
