I'm thinking to use Array to store this tiny data instead using Database. But, I have difficulties to 'call' the data since this is Multi Dimensional Array.
Here's my situation :
I have several phone prefix from different cities :
$CityA = array("021","031","041","051");
$CityB = array("011","012","013","014");
$CityC = array("111","112","113","114");
Also, I have several courier for those cities :
$CityA = array("FedEx", "TNT", "DHL");
$CityB = array("YYY Cargo", "USPS");
$CityC = array("UPS", "Regular Mail", "XXX Cargo");
what I need is :
INPUT : Phone Prefix, for example 021
OUTPUT : FedEx, TNT or DHL >> Randomly selected
here's another examples :
012 >> YYY Cargo (Randomly selected from "YYY Cargo", "USPS")
112 >> UPS
It's pretty easy with MySQL, but I want to reduce database connection by using Array. how to do this?
You should use associative arrays for easier access. Since you want to access info by phone prefix, you should use these as keys for the first array. Then, your second array can be indexed by city, as below:
$cities = array( 021 => "CityA", 031 => "CityA", 011 => "CityB")
$couriers = array( "CityA" => array("FedEx", "TNT", "DHL"),
"CityB" => array("YYY Cargo", "USPS"),
"CityC" => array("UPS", "Regular Mail", "XXX Cargo"));
So, in your example, for retrieving a courier for prefix 021 you can acces it like this:
$city = $cities[$phone_prefix];
$courier_key = array_rand($couriers[$city]);
$courier_name = $couriers[$city][$courier_key];
So you want to specify an area code from "area-code array A", and then generate a random courier from "courier array A"?
Quick and dirty, but you could generate a random number between 0 and count($couriersA) - 1 (the number of entries in that array) and then select that entry in the array.
If not, you could look at combinations - so getting all the possible pairs of area code and courier, then choosing one randomly from that.
Try this code. You will get random courier for City code ( $value='111'; )
$CityA = array("021","031","041","051");
$CityB = array("011","012","013","014");
$CityC = array("111","112","113","114");
$courierA = array("FedEx", "TNT", "DHL");
$courierB = array("YYY Cargo", "USPS");
$courierC = array("UPS", "Regular Mail", "XXX Cargo");
$value = '111'; // Your City Code
if(in_array($value, $CityA)){
echo $courierA[0];
else if(in_array($value, $CityB)){
echo $courierB[0];
else if(in_array($value, $CityC)){
echo $courierC[0];
Output: YYY Cargo or USPS
In PHP, I have an array that shows how many times user clicked on each individual domain like this:
$counts = [
How can i use this input as a parameter to a function and returns a data structure containing the number of clicks that were recorded on each domain AND each subdomain under it. For example, a click on "mail.yahoo.com" counts toward the totals for "mail.yahoo.com", "yahoo.com", and "com". (Subdomains are added to the left of their parent domain. So "mail" and "mail.yahoo" are not valid domains. Note that "mobile.sports" appears as a separate domain near the bottom of the input.)
Sample output (in any order/format):
calculateClicksByDomain($counts) =>
com: 1345
google.com: 900
stackoverflow.com: 10
overflow.com: 20
yahoo.com: 410
mail.yahoo.com: 60
mobile.sports.yahoo.com: 10
sports.yahoo.com: 50
com.com: 5
org: 3
wikipedia.org: 3
en.wikipedia.org: 2
m.wikipedia.org: 1
mobile.sports: 1
sports: 1
uk: 1
co.uk: 1
google.co.uk: 1
The first step I am stuck at is how can to get subdomains from for example
such that result is
[com, yahoo.com, sports.yahoo.com, mobile.sports.yahoo.com]
This code would work:
$counts = [
function calculateClicksByDomain($dataLines)
$output = [];
foreach ($dataLines as $dataLine) {
[$count, $domain] = explode(',', $dataLine);
$nameParts = [];
foreach (array_reverse(explode('.', $domain)) as $namePart) {
array_unshift($nameParts, $namePart);
$domain = implode('.', $nameParts);
$output[$domain] = ($output[$domain] ?? 0) + $count;
return $output;
See: https://3v4l.org/o5VgJ#v8.0.26
This function walks over each line of the data and explodes it into a count and a domain. After that it explodes the domain by the dots, reverses it, and walks over those name parts. In that loop it reconstructs the various subdomains and counts them into the output.
Up until yesterday I had a perfectly working budget organizer site/app working with iGoogle.
Through PHP, using the following little line
and similar I was able to get all I needed.
As of today, this is no longer working. When I looked into the issue, what has happened is that Google has retired iGoogle. Bummer!
Anyway, I was looking around elsewhere but I can't find anything that fits my needs. I would REALLY love to just fix it and get it running again by just switching this one line of code (i.e. changing the Google address with the address of some other currency API available) but it seems like none does.
The API from rate-exchange.appspot.com seems like it could be a iGoogle analog but, alas, it never works. I keep getting an "Over Quota" message.
(Here comes an initial question: anybody out there know of a simple, reliable, iGoogle-sort API?)
So I guess the natural thing would be to the Yahoo YQL feature (at least I suppose it is as reliable).
Yahoo's queries look like this:
http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select * from yahoo.finance.xchange where pair in ("USDEUR", "USDJPY", "USDBGN")&env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys
What I really can't figure out is how to parse this data. It outputs an XML.
What I used to have is this:
function exchange($inputAmount,$inputCurrency,$outputCurrency) {
$exchange = file_get_contents('http://www.google.com/ig/calculator?hl=en&q='.$inputAmount.$inputCurrency.'=?'.$outputCurrency);
$exchange = explode('"', $exchange);
$exchange = explode('.', $exchange['3']);
$exchange[0] = str_replace(" ", "",preg_replace('/\D/', '', $exchange[0]));
$exchange[1] = str_replace(" ", "",preg_replace('/\D/', '', $exchange[1]));
$exchange = $exchange[0].".".$exchange[1];
} else{
$exchange = $exchange[0];
return $exchange;
So the user was able to get the exchange rate from an input currency such as "USD" and an output currency such as "EUR" on a specific amount of money. As I said, this was working swimmingly up until yesterday night.
Any ideas?
Never mind! Solved it!
For anyone interested, here's what I did to get my code to work (with the least chnges possible) with the Yahoo YQL:
$url = 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select * from yahoo.finance.xchange where pair in ("USDEUR", "EURUSD")&env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys'; //<-- Get the YQL info from Yahoo (here I'm only interested in converting from USD to EUR and vice-versa; you should add all conversion pairs you need).
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url) or die("Exchange feed not loading!"); //<-- Load the XML file into PHP variable.
$exchange = array(); //<-- Build an array to hold the data we need.
for($i=0; $i<2; $i++): //<-- For loop to get data specific to each exchange pair (you should change 2 to the actual amount of pairs you're querying for).
$name = (string)$xml->results->rate[$i]->Name; //<-- Get the name of the pair and turn it into a string (this looks like this: "USD to EUR").
$rate = (string)$xml->results->rate[$i]->Rate; //<-- Do the same for the actual rate resulting from the conversion.
$exchange[$name] = $rate; //<-- Put the data pairs into the array.
endfor; //<-- End for loop. :)
$toeur = array( //<-- Create new array specific for conversion to one of the units needed.
'usd' => $exchange['USD to EUR'], //<-- Create an array key for each unit used. In this case, in order to get the conversion of USD to EUR I ask for it from my $exchange array with the pair Name.
'eur' => 1); //<-- The way I coded the app, I found it more practical to also create a conversion for the unit into itself and simply use a 1, which translates into "do not convert"
$tousd = array(
'eur' => $exchange['EUR to USD'],
'usd' => 1);
This is basically all you need to get all the exchange info you want. After that, you use it all something like this:
So, say I wanted to know how many Euro is 100 USD right now:
Piece of cake!
Still a very useful solution by QuestionerNo27. Since early 2015, however, Yahoo YQL apparently slightly changed the XML output of their api. 'Name' now no longer translates into a string like 'USD to EUR', but to 'USD/EUR' and should in the code above be referenced this way:
$toeur = array(
'usd' => $exchange['USD/EUR']
instead of
$toeur = array(
'usd' => $exchange['USD to EUR']
and in a similar fashion for other currency conversions.
I created a routine to convert the currency based on #QuestionerNo27 http://jamhubsoftware.com/geoip/currencyconvertor.php?fromcur=USD&tocur=EUR&amount=1 you can consume this
$fromcur = $_GET['fromcur'];
$tocur = $_GET['tocur'];
$amt = $_GET['amount'];
$url = 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select * from yahoo.finance.xchange where pair in ("'.$fromcur.$tocur.'")&env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys'; //<-- Get the YQL info from Yahoo (here I'm only interested in converting from USD to EUR and vice-versa; you should add all conversion pairs you need).
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url) or die("Exchange feed not loading!"); //<-- Load the XML file into PHP variable.
$exchange = array(); //<-- Build an array to hold the data we need.
for($i=0; $i<2; $i++): //<-- For loop to get data specific to each exchange pair (you should change 2 to the actual amount of pairs you're querying for).
$name = (string)$xml->results->rate[$i]->Name; //<-- Get the name of the pair and turn it into a string (this looks like this: "USD to EUR").
$rate = (string)$xml->results->rate[$i]->Rate; //<-- Do the same for the actual rate resulting from the conversion.
$exchange[$name] = $rate; //<-- Put the data pairs into the array.
endfor; //<-- End for loop. :)
$conv = $fromcur . '/' . $tocur;
$toeur = array( //<-- Create new array specific for conversion to one of the units needed.
$tocur => $amt*$exchange[$conv], //<-- Create an array key for each unit used. In this case, in order to get the conversion of USD to EUR I ask for it from my $exchange array with the pair Name.
$fromcur => $amt,
"ex_amt" =>$amt*$exchange[$conv]); //<-- The way I coded the app, I found it more practical to also create a conversion for the unit into itself and simply use a 1, which translates into "do not convert"
echo json_encode($toeur);
I have a database connected to my site that is recording actions taken by a user on an application we have built. The application holds a number of images, which the user can view and download, and the application tracks, per user, which image they have viewed delimited by a comma
What I want to do is write a PHP script that will allow me to turn this delimited text string into a calculated table format
If the database has example records of:
1 | 1-A, 1-B, 2-A, 2-C
2 | 1-A
3 | 1-B, 2-C
4 |
5 | 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 2-A
To which I wanted to write a script that would be able to output this as:
1-A = 3
1-B = 3
1-C = 1
2-A = 2
2-C = 2
(I want to point out, I'm not suggesting that I want to have variables named after each entry, with its calculated total as the value, I'm open to however is best to return this value)
My first step was to explode each record into an array, but then I wasn't sure as to my next step to turn this into something I can write into a table.
I realise the database is very poorly structured, but unfortunately I haven't written it, and so I have no ability to re-structure the data is stored.
Kind regards
this should work:
$values = array (
'1' => '1-A, 1-B, 2-A, 2-C',
'2' => '1-A',
'3' => '1-B, 2-C',
'4' => '',
'5' => '1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 2-A'
$valueCounts = array();
foreach($values as $value)
foreach(explode(', ', $value) as $val)
if(!key_exists($val, $valueCounts))
if($val) $valueCounts[$val] = 1;
foreach($valueCounts as $value => $count)
echo "$value = $count<br />";
1-A = 3
1-B = 3
1-C = 1
2-A = 2
2-C = 2
if you're not sure how to populate the $values array, please paste the database code and I will try and incorporate it into the above.
I think example will be much better than loooong description :)
Let's assume we have an array of arrays:
("Server1", "Server_1", "Main Server", "")
("Server_1", "VIP Server", "Main Server")
("Server_2", "")
("", "")
("Server_2", "Backup")
Each line contains strings which are synonyms. And as a result of processing of this array I want to get this:
("Server1", "Server_1", "Main Server", "", "VIP Server", "")
("Server_2", "", "Backup")
So I think I need a kind of recursive algorithm. Programming language actually doesn't matter — I need only a little help with idea in general. I'm going to use php or python.
Thank you!
This problem can be reduced to a problem in graph theory where you find all groups of connected nodes in a graph.
An efficient way to solve this problem is doing a "flood fill" algorithm, which is essentially a recursive breath first search. This wikipedia entry describes the flood fill algorithm and how it applies to solving the problem of finding connected regions of a graph.
To see how the original question can be made into a question on graphs: make each entry (e.g. "Server1", "Server_1", etc.) a node on a graph. Connect nodes with edges if and only if they are synonyms. A matrix data structure is particularly appropriate for keeping track of the edges, provided you have enough memory. Otherwise a sparse data structure like a map will work, especially since the number of synonyms will likely be limited.
Server1 is Node #0
Server_1 is Node #1
Server_2 is Node #2
Then edge[0][1] = edge[1][0] = 1, indicated that there is an edge between nodes #0 and #1 ( which means that they are synonyms ). While edge[0][2] = edge[2][0] = 0, indicating that Server1 and Server_2 are not synonyms.
Complexity Analysis
Creating this data structure is pretty efficient because a single linear pass with a lookup of the mapping of strings to node numbers is enough to crate it. If you store the mapping of strings to node numbers in a dictionary then this would be a O(n log n) step.
Doing the flood fill is O(n), you only visit each node in the graph once. So, the algorithm in all is O(n log n).
Introduce integer marking, which indicates synonym groups. On start one marks all words with different marks from 1 to N.
Then search trough your collection and if you find two words with indexes i and j are synonym, then remark all of words with marking i and j with lesser number of both. After N iteration you get all groups of synonyms.
It is some dirty and not throughly efficient solution, I believe one can get more performance with union-find structures.
Edit: This probably is NOT the most efficient way of solving your problem. If you are interested in max performance (e.g., if you have millions of values), you might be interested in writing more complex algorithm.
PHP, seems to be working (at least with data from given example):
$data = array(
array("Server1", "Server_1", "Main Server", ""),
array("Server_1", "VIP Server", "Main Server"),
array("Server_2", ""),
array("", ""),
array("Server_2", "Backup"),
do {
$foundSynonyms = false;
foreach ( $data as $firstKey => $firstValue ) {
foreach ( $data as $secondKey => $secondValue ) {
if ( $firstKey === $secondKey ) {
if ( array_intersect($firstValue, $secondValue) ) {
$data[$firstKey] = array_unique(array_merge($firstValue, $secondValue));
$foundSynonyms = true;
break 2; // outer foreach
} while ( $foundSynonyms );
[0] => Array
[0] => Server1
[1] => Server_1
[2] => Main Server
[3] =>
[4] => VIP Server
[6] =>
[2] => Array
[0] => Server_2
[1] =>
[3] => Backup
This would yield lower complexity then the PHP example (Python 3):
a = [set(("Server1", "Server_1", "Main Server", "")),
set(("Server_1", "VIP Server", "Main Server")),
set(("Server_2", "")),
set(("", "")),
set(("Server_2", "Backup"))]
b = {}
c = set()
for s in a:
full_s = s.copy()
for d in s:
if b.get(d):
for d in full_s:
b[d] = full_s
for k,v in b.items():
fsv = frozenset(v)
if fsv in c:
I was looking for a solution in python, so I came up with this solution. If you are willing to use python data structures like sets
you can use this solution too. "It's so simple a cave man can use it."
Simply this is the logic behind it.
foreach set_of_values in value_collection:
alreadyInSynonymSet = false
foreach synonym_set in synonym_collection:
if set_of_values in synonym_set:
alreadyInSynonymSet = true
synonym_set = synonym_set.union(set_of_values)
if not alreadyInSynonymSet:
vals = (
("Server1", "Server_1", "Main Server", ""),
("Server_1", "VIP Server", "Main Server"),
("Server_2", ""),
("", ""),
("Server_2", "Backup"),
value_sets = (set(value_tup) for value_tup in vals)
synonym_collection = []
for value_set in value_sets:
isConnected = False # If connected to a term in the graph
print(f'\nCurrent Value Set: {value_set}')
for synonyms in synonym_collection:
# IF two sets are disjoint, they don't have common elements
if not set(synonyms).isdisjoint(value_set):
isConnected = True
synonyms |= value_set # Appending elements of new value_set to synonymous set
# If it's not related to any other term, create a new set
if not isConnected:
print ('Value set not in graph, adding to graph...')
print('\nDone, Completed Graphing Synonyms')
This will have a result of
Current Value Set: {'Server1', 'Main Server', '', 'Server_1'}
Value set not in graph, adding to graph...
Current Value Set: {'VIP Server', 'Main Server', 'Server_1'}
Current Value Set: {'', 'Server_2'}
Value set not in graph, adding to graph...
Current Value Set: {'', ''}
Current Value Set: {'Server_2', 'Backup'}
Done, Completed Graphing Synonyms
[{'VIP Server', 'Main Server', '', '', 'Server1', 'Server_1'}, {'', 'Server_2', 'Backup'}]
I have the following MySQL table structure:
num field company phone website
1 Gas abcd 123456789 abcd.com
2 Water efgh 987654321 efgh.com
3 Water ijkl 321654987 ijkl.com
4 Heat mnop 987654321 mnop.com
5 Gas qrst 123789654 qrst.com
Is it possible with PHP (maybe using some mixture of GROUP_BY and ORDER_BY) to echo the data to the screen in the following format:
abcd qrst
123456789 123789654
abcd.com qrst.com
efgh ijkl
987654321 321654987
efgh.com ijkl.com
The exact format of it isn't important. I just need for the different rows of data to be listed under the appropriate field with none of the fields repeated. I've been trying to figure this out for a while now, but I'm new to PHP and I can't seem to figure out how to do this, if it's even possible, or if there's a better way to organize my data to make it easier.
To avoid performing a "Gas" query, a "Water" query and a "Heat" query, you could order the results by "field" and then handle the display in PHP...
In your PHP loop, you would need to keep tabs on your current "Field" and start a new list when it changes. For example:
$CurrentField = '';
... loop
if ($MyData->Field != $CurrentField) {
$CurrentField = $MyData->Field;
... end loop
I will assume that you know how to retrieve MySQL data into an array... so, we have:
[0] {
num => 1,
field => "Gas",
company => "abcd",
phone => "123456789",
website => "abcd.com"
[1] ... (so on)
Then create a loop like:
foreach($data as $row) {
$service = $row["field"]; //Water, Gas, etc...
unset($row["field"]); //do not add this
foreach($row as $key => $value) {
$field[$service][$key][] = $value;
The resulting array will be something like:
$field["Gas"]["company"][0] = "abcd";
$field["Gas"]["company"][1] = "qrst";
$field["Water"]["company"][0] = "efgh";
$field["Gas"]["phone"][0] = "123456789";
$field["Gas"]["phone"][1] = "123789654";
$field["Water"]["phone"][0] = "987654321";
In that way you can then generate the output:
foreach($field as $service => $infoarr) {
echo $service."\n";
foreach($infoarr as $info => $datarr) {
foreach($datarr as $datum) {
echo $datum."\t";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
Theorically (untested) will output:
abcd qrst
123456789 123789654
efgh ...
I hope you find it useful... There should be a better way, but I didn't thought
too much about it...