Renaming jpg file in PHP - php

I have an upload functionality wherein I want to check whether there is a duplicate filename in the database. If there is, I would like to rename the jpg so that the photo to be uploaded will still be uploaded.
Here's the lines of codes that I came up with:
$shuffled = "qwertyuiopasdfghjkZxcvbnm";
$shuffled = str_shuffle($shuffled);
$shuffled = $shuffled.".jpg";
I am using the shuffle function here to somehow give a random new filename,
I have tried using some other steps like preg_replace, but the jpg file itself gets corrupted. Any ideas?

Your code is:
$shuffled = "qwertyuiopasdfghjkZxcvbnm";
$shuffled = str_shuffle($shuffled);
$shuffled = $shuffle.".jpg";
The third line looks like it should be $shuffled = $shuffled.".jpg";

use this:
the file name (without extension) will be a number greater than 10000000000 and smallet than 99999999999

Where is the extension in your new filename???
rename("/tmp/tmp_file.txt", "/home/user/login/docs/my_file.txt");

If you are going to use a random filename, use microtime() to generate a random string.
A nicer solution would be:
$filenameSplit = explode('.', $filename);
$i = 1;
while(is_file($filenameSplit[0] . "($i)." . $filenameSplit[1]))
$newFilename = $filenameSplit[0] . "($i)." . $filenameSplit[1];
rename($filename, $newFilename);


Trying to change all image file names in a folder to the date and time image was taken

I have a folder of images that I am trying to change to be the date and time the picture was taken. I managed to make it work for the most part, however if the image has the same DateTimeOriginal (to the second), the subsequent images are deleted and replaced with the last one. This is a problem when I use burst on my camera.
I am trying to have the code add "_1" after each file name, unless the file name exists, then I want the "_1" to increase by 1. So far, the code I have will catch the first duplicate name and work properly, but every other matching filename after just deletes the file before it that has the same name (which was just renamed by the code).
In case it makes a difference, I am using XAMPP to run the PHP code in a local directory on my windows 10 PC, but I do test it online as well and have the same outcome.
The following is the code I have come up with by piecing together other code that I have found, and then attempting to customize it. I have a general understanding of PHP through trial and error, but have no education. I feel like I should be using a "while" statement while(file_exists('pictures/'.$timestamp.'_'.$count.'.jpg')) instead of or in conjunction with the current if statement I have if (file_exists('pictures/'.$timestamp.'_'.$count.'.jpg'))
The entire code I am using is here:
$handle = opendir(dirname(realpath(__FILE__)).'/pictures/');
while($file = readdir($handle)){
if($file !== '.' && $file !== '..'){
$dirloc = "pictures/$file";
$newdirloc = "NewPictures/$file";
$exif_data = exif_read_data ($dirloc, $file, 0, true);
$exifString = $exif_data['DateTimeOriginal'];
$exifPieces = explode(":", $exifString);
$newExifString = $exifPieces[0] . "-" . $exifPieces[1] . "-" . $exifPieces[2] . ":" . $exifPieces[3] . ":" . $exifPieces[4];
$exifTimestamp = strtotime($newExifString);
$timestamp = date("y-m-d_H-i-s", $exifTimestamp);
if (file_exists('pictures/'.$timestamp.'_'.$count.'.jpg')) {
$ExistingFile = 'pictures/'.$timestamp.'_'.$count.'.jpg';
$delimiters = ['-', '_', '.'];
$newStr = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $ExistingFile);
$NamePieces = explode("-", $newStr);
$count = $NamePieces[6];
echo ($file.' has now been changed to '.$timestamp.'_'.$count.'.jpg (Increased count from existing file)<br>');
rename('pictures/'.$file, 'pictures/'.$timestamp.'_'.$count.'.jpg');
else {
echo ($file.' has now been changed to '.$timestamp.'_1.jpg (Unique File)<br>');
rename('pictures/'.$file, 'pictures/'.$timestamp.'_1.jpg');
Thanks for helping this newbie figure this out!
I think I've narrowed it down to a simpler question.
If it is possible to see if $ANY_NUMBER is in fact any number, what would I say $ANY_NUMBER is = to? With this change, I should be able to get rid of the count=1 at the start, and if it is true that it is any number in that [6] spot, than I should be able to say that count= that [6] spot. Does that make sense?
if (file_exists('pictures/'.$timestamp.'_'.$ANY_NUMBER.'.jpg')) {
$ExistingFile = 'pictures/'.$timestamp.'_'.$ANY_NUMBER.'.jpg';
$delimiters = ['-', '_', '.'];
$newStr = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $ExistingFile);
$NamePieces = explode("-", $newStr);
$count = $NamePieces[6];
echo ($count);

Removing A Specific Line From A File

I have a text file like this:
And I want to remove specific lines which numbers are in an array like this:
//wanna remove these lines
So I tried this code but It didn't work and It just doubles the text and ruins everything:
for ($i=0; $i < $countline+1; $i++) {
if (in_array($i, $remove)) {
$editeddata=str_replace($lines[$i], "", $data);
$removeline = file_put_contents($myfile, $editeddata.PHP_EOL , FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
I couldn't use ((for)) properly and I think it will just ruin the text because it deletes lines one after another have been deleted and it changes the order so I should have a code to remove them all at once.
And please don't give a code to just replace numbers because the main text file is not only numbers and contains word,etc...
Thanks A lot!
You're reading the file twice (with file and file_get_contents), which I think is confusing the later code. You have everything you need with the first call - an array of all the lines in the file. You're also using str_replace to remove the content, which seems a bit dangerous if any of the content is repeated.
I'd refactor this to simply filter the array of lines based on their line-number, then write it back to the file in a single operation:
$myfile = 'txt.txt';
$remove = [1, 3, 5, 7, 10];
// Read file into memory
$lines = file($myfile);
// Filter lines based on line number (+1 because the array is zero-indexed)
$lines = array_filter($lines, function($lineNumber) use ($remove) {
return !in_array($lineNumber + 1, $remove);
// Re-assemble the output (the lines already have a line-break at the end)
$output = implode('', $lines);
// Write back to file
file_put_contents($myfile, $output);
If the file fits in memory then you can do the simple:
file_put_contents($myfile, implode(PHP_EOL,array_diff($file($myfile,FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES), $remove)));
Note: Because it's a bit ambiguous whether $remove has the content or the lines you want to remove, the above code removes the content . If you want to remove lines change array_diff($file($myfile,FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES), $remove) to array_diff_keys($file($myfile,FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES), array_flip($remove))
If your file is large then you need to resort to some sort of streaming. I suggest against reading and writing to the same file and doing something like:
$h = fopen($myfile,"r");
$tmp = fopen($myfile.".tmp", "w");
while (($line = fgets($h)) !== false) {
if (!in_array(rtrim($line, PHP_EOL), $remove)) {
fwrite($tmp, $line);
rename($myfile.".tmp", $myfile);

How do I choose a specific line from a file?

I'm trying to make (as immature as this sounds) an application online that prints random insults. I have a list that is 140 lines long, and I would like to print one entire line. There is mt_rand(min,max) but when I use that alongside fgets(file, "line") It doesn't give me the line of the random number, it gives me the character. Any help? I have all the code so far below.
$file = fopen("Insults.txt","r");
echo fgets($file, (mt_rand(1, 140)));
Try this, it's easier version of what you want to do:
$file = file('Insults.txt');
echo $file[array_rand($file)];
$lines = file("Insults.txt");
echo $lines[array_rand($lines)];
Or within a function:
function random_line($filename) {
$lines = file($filename) ;
return $lines[array_rand($lines)] ;
$insult = random_line("Insults.txt");
echo $insult;
use file() for this. it returns an array with the lines of the file:
$lines = file($filename);
$line = mt_rand(0, count($lines));
echo $lines[$line];
First: You totally screwed on using fgets() correctly, please refer to the manual about the meaning of the second parameter (it just plainly not what you think it is).
Second: the file() solution will work... until the filesize exceeds a certain size and exhaust the complete PHP memory. Keep in mind: file() reads the complete file into an array.
You might be better off with reading line-by-line, even if that means you'll have to discard most of the read data.
$fp = fopen(...);
$line = 129;
// read (and ignore) the first 128 lines in the file
$i = 1;
while ($i < $line) {
// at last: this is the line we wanted
$theLine = fgets($fp);
(not tested!)

How to split content into equal parts then write to file in PHP

I have been reading/testing examples since last night, but the cows never came home.
I have a file with (for example) approx. 1000 characters in one line and want to split it into 10 equal parts then write back to the file.
1. Open the file in question and read its content
2. Count up to 100 characters for example, then put a line break
3. Count 100 again and another line break, and so on till it's done.
4. Write/overwrite the file with the new split content
For example:
I want to turn this => KNMT2zSOMs4j4vXsBlb7uCjrGxgXpr
Into this:
This is what I have so far:
$MyString = fopen('file.txt', "r");
$n = 100; // How many you want before seperation
$MyNewString = substr($MyString,0,$n);
$i = $n;
while ($i < strlen($MyString)) {
$MyNewString .= "\n"; // Seperator Character
$MyNewString .= substr($MyString,$i,$n);
$i = $i + $n;
file_put_contents($MyString, $MyNewString);
But that is not working quite the way I anticipated.
I realize that there are other similiar questions like mine, but they were not showing how to read a file, then write back to it.
$str = "aonoeincoieacaonoeincoieacaonoeincoieacaonoeincoieacaonoeincoieacaon";
$pieces = 10;
$ch = chunk_split($str, $pieces);
$piece = explode("\n", $ch);
foreach($piece as $line) {
// write to file
Hold on here. You're not giving a file name/path to file_put_contents();, you're giving a file handle.
Try this:
file_put_contents("newFileWithText.txt", $MyNewString);
You see, when doing $var=fopen();, you're giving $var a value of a handle, which is not meant to be used with file_put_contents(); as it doesnt ask for a handle, but a filename instead. So, it should be: file_put_contents("myfilenamehere.txt", "the data i want in my file here...");
Take a look at the documentation for str_split. It will take a string and split it into chunks based on length, storing each chunk at a separate index in an array that it returns. You can then iterate over the array adding a line break after each index.

Determine if a file has more than X lines?

as I was not able to find a function which retrieves the amount of lines a file has,
do I need to use
$handle = fopen("file.txt");
For($Line=1; $Line<=10; $Line=$Line+1){
If feof($handle){
echo "File has 10 lines or more.";
echo "File has less than 10 lines.";
or something similar? All I want to know is if the file has more than 10 lines or not :-).
Thanks in advance!
You can get the number of lines using:
$file = 'smth.txt';
$num_lines = count(file($file));
Faster, more memory resourceful:
$file = new SplFileObject('file.txt');
if ($file->eof()) {
echo 'File has less than 10 lines.';
} else {
echo 'File has 10 lines or more.';
This bigger problems will occur if you have a LARGE file, PHP tends to slow down some. Why not run an exec command and let the system return the number? Then you do not have to worry about the PHP overhead to read the file.
$count = exec("wc -l /path/to/file");
Or if you want to get a bit more fancy:
$count = exec("awk '// {++x} END {print x}' /path/to/file");
If you have big file then better schould be read files in segments and counts "\n" chars, or what ever is the lineend char, for example on some systems you will also need "\r" counter or whatever...
$myFile =fopen('/pathto/file.whatever','r');
while ($stringSegment = fread($myFile, 4096000)) {
$lineCounter += substr_count($stringSegment, "\n");
