The following query works, but for some reason the first select statement is the only URL being displayed. Items from other tables are displayed, however, their URL is wrong.
$sql = "(SELECT postsID as postsID, postsSubject AS postsSubject, postsTimestamp AS timestamp
FROM posts
WHERE postsCategory = '$id')
(SELECT eventID as eventID, eventTitle as eventTitle, eventsTimestamp as timestamp
FROM events
WHERE eventLocation = '$id')
ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
The information is being correctly displayed from both the events and posts table, but the results are appearing to ONLY come from the posts table.
For example, say I have the following info
postsID | postsSubject | postsTimestamp
1 post 123
eventID | eventTitle | eventsTimestamp
2 event 456
I have the following to display my results
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
<tr><td><? echo '' . $row['eventTitle'] . '' ; ?></td>
<tr><td><? echo '' . $row['postsSubject'] . '' ; ?></td>
list($yyyy,$dd,$mm) = explode('-',$row['timestamp']);
$newDate = $dd."-".$mm."-".$yyyy;
<td><center><? echo $newDate; ?></center></td></tr>
echo '</table>';
The output appears to be correct
post 123
event 456
However, both results link to the following (respectively)
viewpost.php?id = 1
viewpost.php?id = 2 //this should be viewevent.php
sql as below:
$sql = "(SELECT postsID as ids, postsSubject AS description, postsTimestamp AS timestamp,'p' as status
FROM posts
WHERE postsCategory = '$id')
(SELECT eventID as ids, eventTitle as description, eventsTimestamp as timestamp, 'e' as status
FROM events
WHERE eventLocation = '$id')
ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
when retrieving data,
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
if ($row['status']=="e"){
<tr><td><? echo '' . $row['description'] . '' ; ?></td>
<? }else{?>
<tr><td><? echo '' . $row['description'] . '' ; ?></td>
<? } ?>
list($yyyy,$dd,$mm) = explode('-',$row['timestamp']);
$newDate = $dd."-".$mm."-".$yyyy;
<td><center><? echo $newDate; ?></center></td></tr>
echo '</table>';
A union/union all brings the rows together in one table, using the columns from the first table. So, the result set has a PostsId, but no EventsId.
Perhaps you want a join, which will put the columns side-by-side. Perhaps you want to run this as two separate queries.
Here is the example:
$sql = "select *
from (SELECT postsID as postsID, postsSubject AS postsSubject, postsTimestamp AS timestamp
FROM posts
WHERE postsCategory = '$id') p
cross join
(SELECT eventID as eventID, eventTitle as eventTitle, eventsTimestamp as timestamp
FROM events
WHERE eventLocation = '$id') e
ORDER BY postsTimeStamp DESC"
Do note that this is producing a cartesian product. So, if there are more rows from one of the tables, then you will get a proliferation of rows.
I have a join table which takes the id from my respondents table respondant_id and the id from my teams table table_id.
The output is fine when I SELECT from that table so I get back the respondants ID married up with the teams ID.
I am wanting to show the respondents name from respondant_data and the team name from teams by using the values output from the join table.
I have attempted this here but I keep getting 0 results.
$sql = "
respondant_data.respondant_id, teams.team_id
respondant_data.respondant_id = teams.team_id
respondant_teams.team_id= 5";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$i = 1;
if($result->num_rows > 0){
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
echo $i++ . ' ';
echo 'user_id: ' . $row["respondant_id"] . ', ';
echo 'team_id: ' . $row["team_id"];
echo '<br>';
} else{
echo 'no results';
So I want my output to be like 'John Smith', 'Central Team'
Try this query.
resp_data.respondant_id, teams.team_id
respondant_data resp_data,
respondant_teams resp_teams
resp_data.respondant_id = teams.team_id
and resp_teams.team_id = teams.team_id
and resp_teams.team_id = 5
I am trying to make a members page. For the rank it shows numbers so I made another table that has the rank id (1,2,3 etc) and added a name to it also.
Here is my code.
$getCoB = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members`
WHERE `CoB` = '1' && `user_state` = '1' ORDER BY `id`");
$id = ($getCoB['rank']);
$rankInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ranks` WHERE `id` = '".$id."'");?>
<h2 class="title">Council of Balance members</h2>
<style>tr:nth-of-type(odd) { background-color:#F0F0F0;}</style>
<div style='padding:5px;'>
if(mysql_num_rows($getCoB) == 0)
echo "There are no Council of Balance members.";
} else {
echo "<table cellpadding=20 width=100%>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getCoB))
echo "<tr><td style='background-color:transparent;'><b>". $row['name']
. "</b></td><td>Rank: ".$rankInfo['name']." <br/> Role: ". $row['role']."</td>";
echo "</table>";
The problem is rankInfo['name'] is not showing up. I tried to do something on this line while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getCoB)) and tried to make it something like this while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getCoB)) || while($rank = mysql_fetch_assoc($rankInfo) and changed this part <td>Rank: ". $rankInfo['name'] . " to this <td>Rank: ". $rank['name'] . " but I end up with an error. If I leave it like it is, it just shows Rank: without the name I added into my database.
You can combine your two queries into one using an inner join.
$getCoB = mysql_query("SELECT as member_name, m.role, as rank_name
FROM `members` as m INNER JOIN `ranks` as r ON m.rank =
WHERE `CoB` = '1' && `user_state` = '1' ORDER BY");
Because of how INNER JOIN works, this will only display members who have corresponding records in the ranks table. If there are some members that you want to display that have no rank record, use LEFT JOIN instead.
Then when you echo out the data, be sure to refer to the item you have fetched ($row) each time. In your code, you are referring to $rankInfo['name'], where $rankInfo is not a variable, but a mysql query from which no rows have been fetched.
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getCoB)) {
echo "<tr><td style='background-color:transparent;'><b>". $row['member_name']
. "</b></td><td>Rank: ". $row['rank_name'] . " <br/> Role: " . $row['role'] . "</td>";
I have a mysql query in which I group each post by the date is was posted. I want to be able to echo the amount of posts that happened each day, know a way?
Here is what I've written so far which does post a new <div> for each day it was posted.
$trendQuery = "
SELECT DATE(timestamp) AS ForDate,
COUNT(*) AS NumPosts
FROM trends
WHERE `trend` = '" . $_GET['graph'] . "'
GROUP BY DATE(timestamp)
$result = mysql_query($trendQuery);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
<p>Here is where I want to say how many posts that happened!</p>
You have your query pretty much set up. To echo the results, you simply need to refer the columns with the alias name, in your case ForDate and NumPosts
$trendQuery = "
SELECT timestamp AS ForDate,
COUNT(*) AS NumPosts
FROM trends
WHERE `trend` = '" . $_GET['graph'] . "'
GROUP BY timestamp
$result = mysql_query($trendQuery);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
Date: '.$row['ForDate'].' ---- Number of Posts: '.$row['NumPosts'].'<br />
Create a view of your trend query and inner join it with "Select (Id or day that you want to merge) From trend"
i hope that helps
I have a left join, code shown below that takes,
search term
From table 1 and then takes the following columns from table 2 using the left join query underneath.
$query = "SELECT, table1.search_term, table1.referrer, table1.client_id, table2.client_id, table2.url1, table2.visit_id, table2.timedate ".
"FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 "
"ON = table2.visit_id WHERE table1.ip_address = '$ip_address' AND table1.client_id='$client_id' Group BY visit_id, timedate";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?>
<div id=''>
<?php "<br />";
echo $row['referrer']. " - ". $row['search_term'];
echo $row['timedate']. " - ". $row['url1']. " - ". $row['visit_id'];
echo "<br />"; ?>
What I am trying to do is format the rows so the referrer and search term only shows once and not on every line so that the results would look like this.
Referrer Search term
timedate url1 1
timedate Url1 1
timedate url1 1
referrer Search Term
timedate Url1 2
timedate Url1 2
timedate Url1 2
the numbers 1 and 2 are to represent different visit id's by which the results are grouped. At the moment i get the referrer and search term after every row because it is in the loop and understand that. Just don't know if i can show the referrer and searc term just once per group of results.
You have to save the current pending referrer-searchterm combination and check if it changes, if yes, print out the referrer-searchterm line:
$query = "SELECT, table1.search_term, table1.referrer, table1.client_id, table2.client_id, table2.url1, table2.visit_id, table2.timedate ".
"FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 "
"ON = table2.visit_id WHERE table1.ip_address = '$ip_address' AND table1.client_id='$client_id' Group BY visit_id, timedate" .
"ORDER BY referrer, search_term";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$currentReferrerSeatchTerm = null;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$newReferrerSearchTerm = $row['referrer']. " - ". $row['search_term'];
echo '<div id=""><br>';
if($currentReferrerSeatchTerm != $newReferrerSearchTerm){
echo $newReferrerSearchTerm . '<br>';
$currentReferrerSeatchTerm = $newReferrerSearchTerm
echo $row['timedate']. " - ". $row['url1']. " - ". $row['visit_id'];
echo '<br></div>';
I usually set a var to store the referrer then check that on each loop through. If it's the same as the previous, do nothing. If it's different, display the new header info (referrer & search_term in your case) and then update the var.
$query = "SELECT, table1.search_term, table1.referrer, table1.client_id, table2.client_id, table2.url1, table2.visit_id, table2.timedate ".
"FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 "
"ON = table2.visit_id WHERE table1.ip_address = '$ip_address' AND table1.client_id='$client_id' Group BY visit_id, timedate";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$prevRef = '';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?>
<div id=''>
<?php "<br />";
if($prevRef != $row['referrer']) {
echo $row['referrer']. " - ". $row['search_term'];
$prevRef = $row['referrer'];
echo $row['timedate']. " - ". $row['url1']. " - ". $row['visit_id'];
echo "<br />"; ?>
i have a php code which selects and shows data from my 'elections' table. i have another table called 'votes' which contains all the votes by users. how do i select the two tables and show the party that has had the most votes? so if labour had 5 votes for example and lib dems had 3 votes, how would i show on screen that 'labour has won this election with __ votes? my php is as follows:
$id = $_GET['election'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT election_id, name_of_election, date, month, year FROM elections WHERE election_id = '$id'")
or die(mysql_error()); ;
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
echo '<hr><h3>There Aren\'t Any Elections Setup Yet</h3><hr> ';
} else {
echo '<hr><h3>Vote Count</h3><hr>';
while($info = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $info['name_of_election']. "</td>";
echo "<br/><br/><td>" . $info['date']. ' '. $info['month']. ' ' . $info['year']. "</td>";
echo "<br/><br/><td>" . '<hr>' . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
my database table consists of the following fields:
(dont ask about the date fields)
elections: election_id, name_of_election, date, month, year, party1, party2, party3, status
votes: vote_id, election_id, ni, party
any ideas?
This will give you the party and count for selected election in descending order of count:
$result = mysql_query(
SELECT, COUNT(votes.vote_id)
FROM votes
WHERE election_id = %d
GROUP BY election_id,
ORDER BY COUNT(votes.vote_id) DESC",
Edit: To display the first row (which will be the party with the most votes):
list($party, $votes) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo '<p>'.$party.' won with '.$votes.'</p>';