php strip tags? - php

I was just curious about this to see how this might work.
$number = "3/4";
echo $number;
and I get 3/4 as a string
$number = 3/4;
echo $number;
and I get 0.75 because it's doing the math
I am curious to see if there is a way to strip the "/" from the first one and have it divide number before the "/" by the number after the "/" so that it would come out as 0.75 instead of 3/4.
The reason I am building a form for a person who wants them to input the number in decimal form. However if a person inputs 3/4 I am going to kick an error that asks them to input it in decimal form and give them the decimal number.

A simple function would look like something below, you can throw more error handling in there if you want also.
function makeDecimal($string)
$parts = explode('/',$string);
if(count($parts) != 2)
//throw error here
return intval($parts[0]) / intval($parts[1]);

You can explode() the expression using the "/" as the delimited then just do the math on the numbers.
$number = "3/4";
$num = explode("/", $number);
$a = $num[0];
$b = $num[1];
$result = ((float)$a) / ((float)$b);
echo $result;
Hope this helps


How could i show only one digit after floating point

$f = sprintf ("%.1f",$per);
echo "You hit".$f."
By this code i can show only one digit after floating point.But when my result is 100%,then it shows 100.0%. I want to show 100%. how could i do this????
The easiest way to do this is to cast resulting string into float again after formatting, i.e.:
var_dump((float)sprintf('%.1f', $f));//100.4
var_dump((float)sprintf('%.1f', $g));//100
$per = 100;
$f = sprintf ("%.1f",$per);
$rounded = round($f, 1);
echo $rounded;

PHP: Max and Min returning incorrect results

I am sure this is because of the "g" on the end but this is the scenario and results when I try and work out a ratio percent. I always want to divide the highest of 2 numbers by the lowest.
$item1 = "200.00g";
$item2 = "50.00g";
$calc = round((max($item1,$item2) / min($item1,$item2))*100) . "%";
// result: $calc = "400%"
$item1 = "100.00g";
$item2 = "5.00g";
$calc = round((max($item1,$item2) / min($item1,$item2))*100) . "%";
// result: $calc = "2000%"
$item1 = "8.00g";
$item2 = "14.00g";
$calc = round((max($item1,$item2) / min($item1,$item2))*100) . "%";
// result: $calc = "57%"
// I am expecting (14.00g / 8.00g)*100 = "175%"
It's type casting;
$item1 = "8.00";
$item2 = "14.00";
$calc = round((max($item1,$item2) / min($item1,$item2))*100) . "%";
result will be 175%
When you want to use your strings in mathematical operations, and you know that the unit is placed at the end as it is in your example, you can cast your variables to floats:
$item1_numeric = (float) $item1;
But obviously it is better to have the values and the units separated in your variables / database.
Use: substr($item1, 0, -1) instade of $item1, substr($item2, 0, -1) instade of $item2 when you do round.
You can't compare 2 strings with round().
Edit : If $item1 = "200g", ma solution is ok, but if if $item1 = "200.00g" you need to remove "." before round() with for example pregreplace.
Oh, YAPHPB - and one of my favorite ones. Even though it's written in the Doc:
When [max()] given a string it will be cast as an integer when comparing.
... it's only a partial truth: if at least one of compared values is a number, or a numeric string.
Otherwise all the strings will be compared as strings: first {0} characters of each strings will be compared, then {1}, then {2}... etc.
So basically that's what happens here:
echo max("200.00g", "50.00g"); // 50.00g, as '5' > '2'
echo max("200.00g", 50); // "200.00g", as it gets converted to int (become 200)
And that's even more crazy:
echo max("200.00g", "1000.00"); // "200.00g", as '2' > '1'
echo max("200.00", "1000.00"); // "1000.00", as we tried to help you, no, really!
The latter result can actually be predicted by someone knowing of numeric concept: when both strings are pure numbers, they got converted to numbers when compared. Still, I found this behavior unreliable, to say the least.
The bottom line: if you need to compare numbers, compare numbers, period. Type conversion in PHP can get real messy - and bite you in the bottom real hard when you least expect it. )

Php set value as a number

How do I output a value as a number in php? I suspect I have a php value but it is outputting as text and not as a number.
Here is the code - Updated for David from question below
if (preg_match('/\-(\d+)\.asp$/', $pagename1, $a))
$pageNumber = $a[1];}
{ // failed to match number from URL}
If I call it in: This code it does not seem to work.
$maxRows_rs_datareviews = 10;
$pageNum_rs_datareviews = $pagename1; <<<<<------ This is where I want to use it.
if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rs_datareviews'])) {
$pageNum_rs_datareviews = $_GET['pageNum_rs_datareviews'];
If I make page name a static number like 3 the code works, if I use $pagename1 it does not, this gives me the idea $pagename1 is not seen as a number?
My stupidity!!!! - I used $pagename1 instead of pageNumber
What kind of number? An integer, decimal, float, something else?
Probably the easiest method is to use printf(), eg
printf('The number %d is an integer', $number);
printf('The number %0.2f has two decimal places', $number);
This might be blindingly obvious but it looks like you want to use
$pageNum_rs_datareviews = $pageNumber;
and not
$pageNum_rs_datareviews = $pagename1;
echo (int)$number; // integer 123
echo (float)$number; // float 123.45
would be the easiest
I prefer to use number_format:
echo number_format(56.30124355436,2).'%'; // 56.30%
echo number_format(56.30124355436,0).'%'; // 56%
$num = 5;
echo $num;
Any output is text, since it's output. It doesn't matter what the type of what you're outputting is, since the human eye will see it as text. It's how you actually treat is in the code is what matters.
Converting (casting) a string to a number is different. You can do stuff like:
$num = (int) $string;
$num = intval($string);
Googling php string to number should give you a beautiful array of choices.
Edit: To scrape a number from something, you can use preg_match('/\d+/', $string, $number). $number will now contain all numbers in $string.

Convert a string containing a number in scientific notation to a double in PHP

I need help converting a string that contains a number in scientific notation to a double.
Example strings:
I was thinking about just breaking the number into the number on the left and the exponent and than just do the math to generate the number; but is there a better/standard way to do this?
PHP is typeless dynamically typed, meaning it has to parse values to determine their types (recent versions of PHP have type declarations).
In your case, you may simply perform a numerical operation to force PHP to consider the values as numbers (and it understands the scientific notation x.yE-z).
Try for instance
foreach (array("1.8281e-009","2.3562e-007","0.911348") as $a)
echo "String $a: Number: " . ($a + 1) . "\n";
just adding 1 (you could also subtract zero) will make the strings become numbers, with the right amount of decimals.
String 1.8281e-009: Number: 1.0000000018281
String 2.3562e-007: Number: 1.00000023562
String 0.911348: Number: 1.911348
You might also cast the result using (float)
$real = (float) "3.141592e-007";
$f = (float) "1.8281e-009";
var_dump($f); // float(1.8281E-9)
Following line of code can help you to display bigint value,
$token= sprintf("%.0f",$scienticNotationNum );
refer with this link.
$float = sprintf('%f', $scientific_notation);
$integer = sprintf('%d', $scientific_notation);
if ($float == $integer)
// this is a whole number, so remove all decimals
$output = $integer;
// remove trailing zeroes from the decimal portion
$output = rtrim($float,'0');
$output = rtrim($output,'.');
I found a post that used number_format to convert the value from a float scientific notation number to a non-scientific notation number:
Example from the post:
$big_integer = 1202400000;
$formatted_int = number_format($big_integer, 0, '.', '');
echo $formatted_int; //outputs 1202400000 as expected
Use number_format() and rtrim() functions together. Eg
//eg $sciNotation = 2.3649E-8
$number = number_format($sciNotation, 10); //Use $dec_point large enough
echo rtrim($number, '0'); //Remove trailing zeros
I created a function, with more functions (pun not intended)
function decimalNotation($num){
$parts = explode('E', $num);
if(count($parts) != 2){
return $num;
$exp = abs(end($parts)) + 3;
$decimal = number_format($num, $exp);
$decimal = rtrim($decimal, '0');
return rtrim($decimal, '.');
function decimal_notation($float) {
$parts = explode('E', $float);
if(count($parts) === 2){
$exp = abs(end($parts)) + strlen($parts[0]);
$decimal = number_format($float, $exp);
return rtrim($decimal, '.0');
return $float;
work with 0.000077240388
I tried the +1,-1,/1 solution but that was not sufficient without rounding the number afterwards using round($a,4) or similar

PHP Leftmost digit

let's say I have a variable containing an integer or a float (since integers might overflow into a float in PHP).
I want to run some operation to get the leftmost digit and the rest of the remaining digits.
To explain better:
$x = NULL; //this will hold first digit
$num = 12345; //int
/// run operation
//$x = 1;
//$num = 2345;
var_dump($x, $num);
Now, I know there's multitudes of ways to do this if you represent the number as a string, but I'm trying to avoid type casting it into a string.
I'm probably looking for a solution which includes bitwise operations, but I'm pretty weak in that topic so I'm hoping someone who usually works low-level might be able to answer this!
Thanks a bunch.
I'm sure there is a way to do this without casting it to a string, but why? The string detour is so easy:
$x = (int)substr($num, 0, 1);
It'll give you a nice, proper integer.
Obviously, this does no extended checking for faulty input, and requires $num to be a valid number.
Avoids using any string manipulation, but no guarantees for float or even negative values
$x = NULL; //this will hold first digit
$num = 12345; //int
$m = 1;
while(true) {
$m *= 10;
if ($m > $num)
$m /= 10;
$x = (int) floor($num / $m);
$num = $num % $m;
//$x = 1;
//$num = 2345;
var_dump($x, $num);
Math-only method:
function leftMost($num) {
return floor($num/pow(10,(floor((log10($num))))));
explained I guess...
1+ log10 of num calculates the number of digits a number is, we floor it to remove any decimal values, put it as the exponent so for a 1 digit number we get 10^0=1, or a 8 digit number we get 10^8. We then are just divding 12345678/10000000 = 1.2345678, which gets floor'd and is just 1.
note: this works for numbers between zero and one also, where it will return the 2 in 0.02, and a string transform will fail.
If you want to work with negative numbers, make $num = abs($num) first.
To get the rest of the digits
$remainingnum = (int)substr((string)$num, 1, strlen($num));
If you typcast the value to a string you can use the array type selector.
For example:
$n = (string)12345676543.876543;
echo (int)$n[0];
#Mark Baker offered the best solution, though you should do abs(floor($num)) before applying the algorithm.
I know you stated you wanted to avoid casting to a string, but if you want to loop over the digits in PHP, this will be the fastest way:
$len = strlen($n);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i)
$d = $n[$i];
In a quick-and-dirty benchmark, it was around 50% faster than the equivalent set of mathematical expressions, even when minimizing the calls to log and exp.
