extract part of a string before and after a word - php

i need to extract and show some words before and after a query word, something like google search results, for example:
$str = "hi user! welcome to new php open source world, we are trying to learn you something!";
$query = "new php";
$result = "... welcome to new php open source ...";
i searched google an SO but didn't find a clear answer or maybe my php knowledge was not enough!
is there a workable and easy-to-use function to do this job?

function yourFuncName($str, $query, $numOfWordToAdd) {
list($before, $after) = explode($query, $str);
$before = rtrim($before);
$after = ltrim($after);
$beforeArray = array_reverse(explode(" ", $before));
$afterArray = explode(" ", $after);
$countBeforeArray = count($beforeArray);
$countAfterArray = count($afterArray);
$beforeString = "";
if($countBeforeArray < $numOfWordToAdd) {
$beforeString = implode(' ', $beforeArray);
else {
for($i = 0; $i < $numOfWordToAdd; $i++) {
$beforeString = $beforeArray[$i] . ' ' . $beforeString;
$afterString = "";
if($countAfterArray < $numOfWordToAdd) {
$afterString = implode(' ', $afterArray);
else {
for($i = 0; $i < $numOfWordToAdd; $i++) {
$afterString = $afterString . $afterArray[$i] . ' ';
$string = $beforeString . $query . ' ' . $afterString;
return $string;
Output is: user! welcome to new php open source world, ($numOfWordToAdd = 3)

Here is an working example I thing that it is clear what I did and how:
$str = "hi user! welcome to new php open source world, we are trying to learn you something!";
$query = "new php";
$expl = explode($query, $str);
// items on the left side of middle string
$expl_left = explode(" ", $expl[0]);
$left_cnt = count($expl_left);
$new_left = $expl_left[$left_cnt-3] . " " . $expl_left[$left_cnt-2];
// items on the right side of middle string
$expl_right = explode(" ", $expl[1]);
$new_right = $expl_right[1] . " " . $expl_right[2];
// new string formated
$new = "... " . $new_left . " " . $query . " " . $new_right . " ...";
print $new;
If you have some questions feel free to ask...

$result = preg_replace('/(.+)?([^\s]+.{10}'.$query.'.{10}[^\s]+)(.+)?/', '... $2 ...', $str);
This will return the same result from the same string and query you gave. If the before or after length starts or ends (respectively) in the middle of a word, it will continue until it completes the word before it stops.

Assuming a "word" is any series of non-whitespace characters, the following will extract 3 words on either side of new php out of the string $subject, but accept less if necessary:
if (preg_match('/(?:\S+\s+){1,3}new php(?:\s+\S+){1,3}/', $subject, $regs)) {
$result = $regs[0];
Change the 3s to any number you like.

I used the following function with explode:
public static function returnSearch($query, $str, $wordcount) {
$explode = explode($query, $str);
$result = null;
//if explode count is one the query was not found
if (count($explode) == 1) {
$result = implode(' ', array_slice(str_word_count($explode[0], 2), -$wordcount, $wordcount)) . " ";
//if explode count is more than one the query was found at least one time
if (count($explode) > 1) {
//check for if the string begins with the query
if (!empty($explode[0])) {
$result = "..." . implode(' ', array_slice(str_word_count($explode[0], 2), -$wordcount, $wordcount)) . " ";
$result = $result . $query;
if (!empty($explode[1])) {
$result = $result . " " . implode(' ', array_slice(str_word_count($explode[1], 2), 0, $wordcount)) . "...";
//return result
return $result;

Corrected function from #Can Vural, it wont mess the phrase of the before match and its case insensitive, very usefull to dispaly in php search results:
function render_search_words($str, $query, $numOfWordToAdd) {
list($before, $after) = preg_split("/$query/i", $str);
$before = rtrim($before);
$after = ltrim($after);
$beforeArray = explode(" ", $before);
$afterArray = explode(" ", $after);
$countBeforeArray = count($beforeArray);
$countAfterArray = count($afterArray);
$beforeString = "";
if($countBeforeArray < $numOfWordToAdd) {
$beforeString = implode(' ', $beforeArray);
else {
for($i = 0; $i < $numOfWordToAdd; $i++) {
$beforeString = $beforeArray[$i] . ' ' . $beforeString;
$afterString = "";
if($countAfterArray < $numOfWordToAdd) {
$afterString = implode(' ', $afterArray);
else {
for($i = 0; $i < $numOfWordToAdd; $i++) {
$afterString = $afterString . $afterArray[$i] . ' ';
$string = '...'.$beforeString . ' <span>' . $query . '</span> ' . $afterString.'...';
return $string;


ignore url in PHP regex

I've got a utility where I'm trying to enforce brand standards in an application where the function will wrap brand words in a span with a class.
public function filterBrandWords($text)
// look up the brand words from the config settings
$filter_terms = ['brandword1', 'brandword2', 'brandword3'];
$filtered_text = $text;
foreach ($filter_terms as $word) {
$match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . '/i', $text, $matches);
for ($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
$brand_string = trim($matches[0][$i]);
$lower = strtolower($brand_string);
$new = '<span class="font-semibold">' . substr($lower, 0, 3) . '</span>' . substr($lower, 3);
$filtered_text = preg_replace('/\b' . $brand_string . '\b/', $new, $filtered_text);
return $filtered_text;
This works but noticed that it's also filtering text that contains the brand URL when applied.
I tried amending $match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . '/i', $text, $matches); to $match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . 'com$' . '/i', $text, $matches); in the hope it would ignore matches with com in them.
What have I gotten wrong here the regex?
If I do
echo filterBrandWords('brandword1');
the output is
<span class="font-semibold">bra</span>ndword1
with a URL, the output is
<span class="font-semibold">bra</span>ndword1.com
In those instances, I want to ignore the filter and just give it straight.
If you want to ignore anything like a URL you can use something like this as your regex:
which is a Negative Lookahead assertion that matches URL's (broadly). Insert that into your function as I have done here:
function filterBrandWords($text)
// look up the brand words from the config settings
$filter_terms = ['brandword1', 'brandword2', 'brandword3'];
$filtered_text = $text;
if(!preg_match('/(?|.*\.(com|net|org))/', $filtered_text)) { // if it resembles a URL, skip it
foreach ($filter_terms as $word) {
$match_count = preg_match_all('/' . $word . '/i', $text, $matches);
for ($i = 0; $i < $match_count; $i++) {
$brand_string = trim($matches[0][$i]);
$lower = strtolower($brand_string);
$new = '<span class="font-semibold">' . substr($lower, 0, 3) . '</span>' . substr($lower, 3);
$filtered_text = preg_replace('/\b' . $brand_string . '\b/', $new, $filtered_text);
return $filtered_text;
Now call the function with something resembling a URL:
echo filterBrandWords('brandword1.com');
And the entire URL is just returned:

How to reformat a string of words with commas/ampersands in PHP

I am trying to write some PHP code that will separate words when the are two with "&" and a comma when they are three and the last two with "&"
Something like this
$string = "stack over flow";
Print on screen like this "stack, over & flow";
Hope you noticed the comma and the ampersand.
Then when they are two words
$string = "stack overflow";
print like this echo "stack & overflow";
Here is my code I have been trying, but I am not getting it right:
$string = '1,2';
$list = explode(',',$string);
foreach($list as $row) {
if($list = 2) {
echo ''.$row.' &';
This should take into account the possibilities of one or more words. If there is more than one word, just remove the last word (using array_pop()) and implode() with , the remaining words.
If there is only 1 word, the result is the same as the original string...
$string = "stack over";
$list = explode(" ", $string);
if ( count($list) > 1 ) {
$last = array_pop($list);
$result = implode(", ", $list) . " & {$last}";
else {
$result = $string;
To add anchor tags to each word...
$list = explode(" ", $string);
$aTag = '<a href="#">';
if ( count($list) > 1 ) {
$last = array_pop($list);
$result = $aTag.
implode("</a>, {$aTag}", $list) . "</a> & {$aTag}{$last}</a>";
else {
$result = $aTag.$string."</a>";
echo $result;
thanks Nigel Ren.. you code was really helpfully
but their a correction i made.Here
$string = "stack over flow";
$list = explode(" ", $string);
$aTag = '<a href="#">';
if ( count($list) > 1 ) {
$last = array_pop($list);
$result = $aTag.
implode('</a>, '.$aTag.'', $list) . "</a> & {$aTag}{$last}</a>";
else {
$result = $aTag.$string."</a>";
echo $result;

make first letter caps in php but ucfirst(strtolower('string')) does not work

I've been trying to make the first letter of a string in the capital but I can't get it to work.
I have tried the following code:
$str = $_POST['Papier'];
$f = highlightKeywords('papierwaren', $str);
$s = strtolower($f);
$r = ucfirst($s);
function highlightKeywords($text, $keyword)
$pos = strpos($text, $keyword);
$wordsAry = explode(" ", $keyword);
$wordsCount = count($wordsAry);
for ($i = 0; $i < $wordsCount; $i++) {
if ($pos === false) {
$highlighted_text = "<span style='font-weight:700;color:#151313;'>" . strtolower($wordsAry[$i]) . "</span>";
} else {
$highlighted_text = "<span style='font-weight:700;color:#151313;'>" . $wordsAry[$i] . "</span>";
$text = str_ireplace($wordsAry[$i], $highlighted_text, $text);
return $text;
still, I am not getting it to work and I tried if whitespace occurs with the following
still not succeeded. This 'papierwaren' text i'm getting it form db so pls someone help me to resolve this.
As Kaddath said, You are adding HTML to your string (<span ...). When you use ucfirst it changes the first char to uppercase but the first char is now <, the uppercase for < is <.
Try this code:
$str = 'papier';
$f = highlightKeywords('papierwaren', $str);
echo $f;
function highlightKeywords($text, $keyword)
$pos = strpos($text, $keyword);
$wordsAry = explode(" ", $keyword);
$wordsCount = count($wordsAry);
for ($i = 0; $i < $wordsCount; $i++) {
if ($pos === false) {
if ($i === 0) {
$highlighted_text = "<span style='font-weight:700;color:#151313;'>" . ucfirst(strtolower($wordsAry[$i])) . "</span>";
} else {
$highlighted_text = "<span style='font-weight:700;color:#151313;'>" . strtolower($wordsAry[$i]) . "</span>";
} else {
if ($i === 0) {
$highlighted_text = "<span style='font-weight:700;color:#151313;'>" . ucfirst($wordsAry[$i]) . "</span>";
} else {
$highlighted_text = "<span style='font-weight:700;color:#151313;'>" . $wordsAry[$i] . "</span>";
$text = str_ireplace($wordsAry[$i], $highlighted_text, $text);
return $text;
In laravel this should help
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
$testString = 'this is a sentence.';
$uppercased = Str::ucfirst($testString);
Do not forget to import Illuminate\Support\Str to controller.

Convert number to words

How can I convert my amount into words? I tried this code but it gave me this error when I call the function.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function Convert()
Did I do something wrong?
if (isset($_REQUEST["generate"])) {
Class Convert {
var $words = array();
var $places = array();
var $amount_in_words;
var $decimal;
var $decimal_len;
function Convert($amount, $currency="Pesos") {
$temp = (string)$amount;
$pos = strpos($temp,".");
if ($pos) {
$temp = substr($temp,0,$pos);
$this->decimal = strstr((string)$amount,".");
$this->decimal_len = strlen($this->decimal) - 2;
$this->decimal = substr($this->decimal,1,$this->decimal_len+1);
$len = strlen($temp)-1;
$ctr = 0;
$arr = array();
while ($len >= 0) {
if ($len >= 2) {
$arr[$ctr++] = substr($temp, $len-2, 3);
$len -= 3;
} else {
$arr[$ctr++] = substr($temp,0,$len+1);
$len = -1;
$str = "";
for ($i=count($arr)-1; $i>=0; $i--) {
$figure = $arr[$i];
$sub = array(); $temp="";
for ($y=0; $y<strlen(trim($figure)); $y++) {
$sub[$y] = substr($figure,$y,1);
$len = count($sub);
if ($len==3) {
if ($sub[0]!="0") {
$temp .= ((strlen($str)>0)?" ":"") . trim($this->words[$sub[0]]) . " Hundred";
$temp .= $this->processTen($sub[1], $sub[2]);
} elseif ($len==2) {
$temp .= $this->processTen($sub[0], $sub[1]);
} else {
$temp .= $words[$sub[0]];
if (strlen($temp)>0) {
$str .= $temp . $this->places[$i];
$str .= " " . $currency;
if ($this->decimal_len>0) {
$str .= " And " . $this->decimal . "/" . $this->denominator($this->decimal_len+1) . " Cents";
$this->amount_in_words = $str;
function denominator($x) {
$temp = "1";
for ($i=1; $i<=$x; $i++) {
$temp .= "0";
return $temp;
function display() {
echo $this->amount_in_words;
function processTen($sub1, $sub2) {
if ($sub1=="0") {
if ($sub2=="0") {
return "";
} else {
return $this->words[$sub2];
} elseif ($sub1!="1") {
if ($sub2!="0") {
return $this->words[$sub1."0"] . $this->words[$sub2];
} else {
return $this->words[$sub1 . $sub2];
} else {
if ($sub2=="0") {
return $this->words["10"];
} else {
return $this->words[$sub1 . $sub2];
function assign() {
$this->words["1"] = " One"; $this->words["2"] = " Two";
$this->words["3"] = " Three"; $this->words["4"] = " Four";
$this->words["5"] = " Five"; $this->words["6"] = " Six";
$this->words["7"] = " Seven"; $this->words["8"] = " Eight";
$this->words["9"] = " Nine";
$this->words["10"] = " Ten"; $this->words["11"] = " Eleven";
$this->words["12"] = " Twelve"; $this->words["13"] = " Thirten";
$this->words["14"] = " Fourten"; $this->words["15"] = " Fiften";
$this->words["16"] = " Sixten"; $this->words["17"] = " Seventen";
$this->words["18"] = " Eighten"; $this->words["19"] = " Nineten";
$this->words["20"] = " Twenty"; $this->words["30"] = " Thirty";
$this->words["40"] = " Forty"; $this->words["50"] = " Fifty";
$this->words["60"] = " Sixty"; $this->words["70"] = " Seventy";
$this->words["80"] = " Eighty"; $this->words["90"] = " Ninety";
$this->places[0] = ""; $this->places[1] = " Thousand";
$this->places[2] = " Million"; $this->places[3] = " Billion";
$this->places[4] = " Thrillion";
You aren't creating an instance of Convert so PHP thinks it's a function.
$convert = new Convert($amount);
On a side note, your Convert method is acting as a constructor function. This is a backwards compatibility function from older versions of PHP. You should follow best-practices by renaming it to __construct now. From the manual:
Warning: Old style constructors are DEPRECATED in PHP 7.0, and will be removed in a future version. You should always use __construct() in new code.
Working example.
Also on a side note - you allow for the currency to be provided as an argument to the constructor method, so you should also allow for the decimal point name as well (Cents) - it's currently hard coded into your Convert method.

php array values not being pushed onto associative array

I wrote a javascript function which takes in a string and parses it as an associative array.
function getValues(string){
var array_values = new Array();
var pairs_array = string.split('\n');
if(pairs_array[0] == 'SUCCESS'){
window.success = true;
for(x=1; x< pairs_array.length; x++){
var parsedValue = '';
//console.log(pairs_array[x] + "<br>");
var pair = pairs_array[x].split('=');
var variable = pair[0];
var value = pair[1];
for(i=0; i< value.length; i++){
var character = value.charAt(i);
if(character == '+'){
parsedValue = parsedValue + character.replace('+', ' ');
parsedValue = parsedValue + value.charAt(i);
array_values[variable] = decodeURIComponent(parsedValue);
array_values[variable] = '';
return array_values;
Then the function is called on the string window.name_value_pairs as follows
var array_callback = getValues(window.name_value_pairs);
for(x in array_callback){
console.log("call" + x + " " + array_callback[x]);
Works fine. Now i have been trying to write the function in php because i would prefer it on the server side but it is not working out. I'm not sure if the array values ar getting pushed onto the array because nothing gets returned. heres the php code i have tried:
Note: $results_values is a string
$result_values = $_REQUEST['result_values'];
echo "php array " . getValuesPhp($result_values);
function getValuesPhp($string){
$array_values = array();
$pairs_array = explode("\n",$string);
if($pairs_array[0] == 'SUCCESS'){
$success = true;
echo "TRUE";
for($x=1; $x< count($pairs_array); $x++){
$parsedValue = '';
$pair = explode("=",$pairs_array[$x]);
$variable = $pair[0];
$value = $pair[1];
for($i=0; $i< strlen($value); $i++){
$character = $value[$i];
//echo "char \n" . $character;
if(strpos($character, '+') !== false){
//echo "plus";
$parsedValue .= str_replace('+', ' ', $character);
//echo "hi2";
$parsedValue .= $value[$i];
echo "\n var " . $variable;
echo "\n parsed " . $parsedValue;
$array_values['" . $variable . "'] = $parsedValue;
//echo "arrayValues " . $array_values['" . $variable . "'];
//array_push($GLOBALS[$array_values]['" . $variable . "'], $parsedValue);
$array_values['" . $variable . "'] = '';
//array_push($GLOBALS[$array_values]['" . $variable . "'], '');
//echo "array payment stat" . $array_values['payment_status'];
return $array_values;
note: where it says $array_values['" . $variable . "'] this does print out the write result as it goes through the loop however it seems like the array elements are not being added to the array as nothing is returned at the end.
Thanks for any help
#ChrisWillard I would like to return an associative array from the string. the string is in the format where each line is in the form key=value .. it is actually the string which comes back from a paypal pdt response. For example:
thanks for all your answers and help. it was a combination of two things that caused it to not print.. firstly my silly syntax error (being just new at programming haha I wont go into the logic i had behind this but it did make sense to me at the time haha) $array_values['" . $variable . "'] = $parsedValue; changed to this:
$array_values[$variable] = $parsedValue;
it was also the line
echo "php array" . getValuesPhp($result_values); that caused it not to print.
when i changed this to
print_r(getValuesPhp($result_values)); it printed perfect thanks to #ChrisWillard for this. So here is my final code. A combination of #ChrisWillard answer and #Mark B and #Jdo answers. I also wanted to check first if pair[1] existed and go through each character of pair[1] changing any '+' to a space ' ' if it existed so that it could be read by the user. Now i have found the function to do this for me haha. I'm sure it is not new information for a lot of you but for anyone who doesn't know it is urldecode so you can see below ive commented out the loop that i did not need (going through the characters of the string changing the plus value) and instead ive written: $finished_array[$key] = urldecode($value); thanks for all your help.
$result_values = $_REQUEST['result_values'];
function getValuesPhp($string){
$finished_array = array();
$pairs_array = explode("\n",$string);
if($pairs_array[0] == 'SUCCESS'){
$success = true;
//echo "TRUE";
for($x=1; $x< count($pairs_array); $x++){
$parsedValue = '';
$pair = explode("=",$pairs_array[$x]);
$key = $pair[0];
$value = $pair[1];
//for($i=0; $i< strlen($value); $i++){
//$character = $value[$i];
//if(strpos($character, '+') !== false){
//$parsedValue .= str_replace('+', ' ', $character);
//$parsedValue .= $value[$i];
$finished_array[$key] = urldecode($value);
$finished_array[$key] = '';
return $finished_array;
This is totally non-sensical:
$array_values['" . $variable . "'] = $parsedValue;
You're literally using " . $variable . " as your array key - remember that '-quoted strings do NOT expand variables.
Why not just
$array_values[$variable] = $parsedValue
From what I can gather, this should get you what you need:
$result_values = $_REQUEST['result_values'];
function getValuesPhp($string){
$finished_array = array();
$pairs_array = explode("\n",$string);
if($pairs_array[0] == 'SUCCESS'){
$success = true; ////Not sure what you're trying to do here
for($x=1; $x< count($pairs_array); $x++) {
$pair = explode("=",$pairs_array[$x]);
$key = $pair[0];
$value = $pair[1];
$finished_array[$key] = $value;
return $finished_array;
