I am looking for a guidline for step by step configuration Eclipse with PHPcloud. phpcloud have got a quick start guideline covering zend studio, Netbeans and PHP storm.
I am using Eclipse for PHP Developers , Version: 3.0.2
PHPcould: https://my.phpcloud.com
I have multiple PHP projects and some are in PHP 7.4 and others are in PHP 8.0.
Is there a way to setup the PHP version per project / workspace ?
[Not that it helps much but machine is a Linux Mint 20 box and Visual Studio Code 1.55.1]
It seems that Visual Studio Code does not support this kind of configuration. So you can not setup the PHP executable per project or workspace.
The only IDE (tried Visual Code, Netbeans and PHPStorm) that I found to support this kind of feature was PHPStorm.
I have set up Eclipse Oxygen.1 4.7.1 (Build 20170914-1200) to work on a Symfony based PHP project.
Everything works fine but the highlight of occurrences (e.g. local variables, methods, etc.).
public function someMethod($paramA) {
$var = $paramA;
When I place the cursor within $paramA in the method signature, I would expect, that the occurrences of $paramA within the method body are highlighted. This was definitely the case when using Ecplise Mars some time ago. Any idea why this does not work?
I already checked Preferences/PHP/Editor/Mark/Occurrences where all options are checked/activated.
Preferences/General/Editors/Text Editors/Annotations/Occurrences seems to be setup correct as well (Vertical ruler: No, Overview ruler: Yes, Text as Highlight, Color: Grey, Includ in next/previous navigation: No)
Are there any other preferences which need to be checked?
This is the list of installed software:
Eclipse GitHub integration with task focused interface org.eclipse.mylyn.github.feature.feature.group Eclipse EGit
Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers epp.package.php Eclipse Packaging Project
Eclipse Platform 4.7.1.v20170906-1700 org.eclipse.platform.feature.group Eclipse.org
Eclipse RCP 4.7.1.v20170906-1700 org.eclipse.rcp.feature.group Eclipse.org
Eclipse XML Editors and Tools 3.9.1.v201707252002 org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
Git integration for Eclipse org.eclipse.egit.feature.group Eclipse EGit
Git integration for Eclipse - Gitflow support org.eclipse.egit.gitflow.feature.feature.group Eclipse EGit
Git integration for Eclipse - Task focused interface org.eclipse.egit.mylyn.feature.group Eclipse EGit
JavaScript Development Tools 2.1.0.v201706011953 org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.feature.feature.group Eclipse Web Tools Platform
Mylyn Context Connector: Eclipse IDE 3.23.0.v20170411-2108 org.eclipse.mylyn.ide_feature.feature.group Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Task List 3.23.1.v20170623-0008 org.eclipse.mylyn_feature.feature.group Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Task-Focused Interface 3.23.0.v20170414-0629 org.eclipse.mylyn.context_feature.feature.group Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn Tasks Connector: Bugzilla 3.23.1.v20170623-0008 org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla_feature.feature.group Eclipse Mylyn
Mylyn WikiText org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext_feature.feature.group Eclipse Mylyn
Oomph Setup 1.9.0.v20170706-0615 org.eclipse.oomph.setup.feature.group Eclipse Oomph Project
PDT Extensions org.pdtextensions.feature.feature.group http://pdt-extensions.org
PHP CodeSniffer 1.3.0.R20111119000000 org.phpsrc.eclipse.pti.tools.codesniffer.feature.group Sven Kiera
PHP Copy/Paste Detection 0.2.2.R20100414000000 org.phpsrc.eclipse.pti.tools.phpcpd.feature.group Sven Kiera
PHP Depend 0.3.3.R20110627000000 org.phpsrc.eclipse.pti.tools.phpdepend.feature.group Sven Kiera
PHP Development Tools (PDT) org.eclipse.php.feature.group Eclipse PDT
PHP Development Tools (PDT) Composer Support org.eclipse.php.composer.feature.group Eclipse PDT
PHP Development Tools (PDT) Mylyn Integration org.eclipse.php.mylyn.feature.group Eclipse PDT
PHP Development Tools (PDT) PHPUnit Support org.eclipse.php.phpunit.feature.feature.group Eclipse PDT
PHP Development Tools (PDT) Remote Project Synchronization Support org.eclipse.php.rdt.sync.feature.group Eclipse PDT
PHP Development Tools (PDT) Zend Profiler Support org.eclipse.php.profiler.feature.group Eclipse PDT
PHP Mess Detector 0.1.0.R20110628000000 org.phpsrc.eclipse.pti.tools.phpmd.feature.group Dejan Spasic
PHP Tool Integration Core 1.6.0.R20111119000000 org.phpsrc.eclipse.pti.core.feature.group Sven Kiera
PHPUnit 0.8.0.R20111119000000 org.phpsrc.eclipse.pti.tools.phpunit.feature.group Sven Kiera
Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime org.eclipse.rse.feature.group Eclipse TM Project
Smarty Feature org.eclipse.php.smarty_feature.feature.group null
TM Terminal org.eclipse.tm.terminal.feature.feature.group Eclipse.org - Target Management
Twig Editor Feature com.dubture.twig.feature.feature.group https://github.com/pulse00
YEdit Feature org.dadacoalition.yedit.feature.feature.group YEdit Project
I had the same problem at the beginning. Maybe it's your folder or project structure?
Mark concurrency does not work with me if the script was added via "Open Projects from File System ...".
Try to create "PHP Project" in Eclipse with the same name as your project. Then drag your scripts or even the whole folder structure into the newly created project, update with "Refresh" and the highlighting should work.
As we can see here : How to integrate Zend 2 intto netbean, today there is no way to use ZF2 in neatbean.
I'm still not very friendly with php IDEs but I'm searching for a free IDE natively supporting ZF2.
Eclipse PDT works, but you have to download Eclipse Juno
then in Eclipse install new Software and select PDT 3.1.1
Older version available on www.zend.com/en/community/pdt didn't work for me.
i am using Zend Framework. some techniques i use currently
Zend_Debug::dump() (+die())
Zend_Log: to firebug/firephp
i particularly like the log to firebug, but when logging large objects, eg. doctrine 2 models (with many associated objects etc), i find that it slows down and crashes alot.
what alternatives are out there?
i currently use Notepad++, used Aptana Studio 3 b4, waiting for more php support, i think netbeans can debug php scripts is it? the step through debugger?
The following IDEs support step through debugging:
eclipse (PDT)
Aptana Studio
Zend Studio
Note: Aptana Studio and Zend Studio are based on eclipse.
I would like to use an IDE for PHP Development using Zend framework & jQuery. I decided to use Aptana Studio. There is no PHP support in [Studio 2][2], so I have to use Eclipse PDT.
My question is should I install Eclipse PDT first and the use Aptana as plugin? or install Aptana Studio and then install Eclipse PDT as a plugin? What are pros & cons of each method if any?
Install the Eclipse PDT first & use Aptana Studio as a plugin. You will benefit immensely from this, as there is very good support of auto-information for each & every method & class / object, along with its properties. One thing you need to take care is that you must need to create a Project for each & every work / project, otherwise it (support for auto-information feature) will not work, because Eclipse will search for the main definitions of classes.
This good information support is not that much prevalent in Aptana Studio if you install it. So it's best to use it as a plugin with Eclipse PDT.
Also you will be able to upload files & use the File Manager with Eclipse PDT, when you have installed the Aptana Studio as a plugin. Eclipse PDT also has a nice debugging feature, along with other useful features (which I've not yet used).
Hope it helps.
here a step by step tutorial to install Eclipse PHP with aptana plugin or aptana studio with pdt plugin:
1 - Eclipse
2 - Aptana as plugin
As Aptana2 did not support php .... i thick will be better to use it as plugin
Aptana 3.0, still in beta, has support for PHP too (and Ruby on Rails and Python) http://aptana.org/products/studio3
No more in beta stage. 3.6.1 is available.