Unable to update user full name on Soundcloud, over api access? - php

Are anyone using Soundcloud.com api and trying to update user[full_name] ?!
I'm developing my own PHP wrapper, but I've tested with the 'Official supported' php wrapper, with no luck too.
Is it possible that 'full_name' is a read-only data field?!
require_once 'Services/Soundcloud.php';
// create a client object with access token
$client = new Services_Soundcloud('YOUR_CLIENT_ID', 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET');
// get authrization login
// authorize application, get the CODE here
// ...
// then set the oauth2_token to access 'private' aka logged-in-only resources
// get the current user
$user = json_decode($client->get('me'));
// update the user's profile full_name
$user = json_decode($client->put('me', array(
'user[full_name]' => 'John Doe'
print $user->full_name;
When i run this code.. I receive on my cURL handler a HTTP CODE of 200 OK.
but the full name is never updated on soundcloud. I can with the same code update 'description', or 'city' fields.
it's possible that 'full_name' is a read-only?!
Soundcloud documentation is very 'limited' (on lack of better word, english is not my native language) and I can't find there (developers.soundcloud.com) any information regarding 'non-updatable' data fields.
Thanks for your help in advance,
and Sorry for my bad English.


Spotify API php - unable to request data and get access token

I am currently new to using php and Laravel and working with an API however I have been following the Spotify PHP tutorial https://github.com/jwilsson/spotify-web-api-php.
I've also put in bold some of my questions that I wanted to ask , hopefully someone can help.
I have followed all steps but need help just to get it working.
Put the following code in its own file, lets call it auth.php. Replace CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET with the values given to you by Spotify.
(Where abouts should I save this file?)
The REDIRECT_URI is the one you entered when creating the Spotify app, make sure it's an exact match.
(I used my localhost:8888/callback/ not sure if that is correct?) Obviously I haven't put me details in here on this website as for security reasons.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$session = new SpotifyWebAPI\Session(
$options = [
'scope' => [
header('Location: ' . $session->getAuthorizeUrl($options));
When the user has approved your app, Spotify will redirect the user together with a code to the specifed redirect URI. You'll need to use this code to request a access token from Spotify.
put this code in a new file called callback.php:
Do replace client id and secret with my detail? also how do I save the access token?
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$session = new SpotifyWebAPI\Session(
// Request a access token using the code from Spotify
$accessToken = $session->getAccessToken();
$refreshToken = $session->getRefreshToken();
// Store the access and refresh tokens somewhere. In a database for example.
// Send the user along and fetch some data!
header('Location: app.php');
In a third file, app.php, tell the API wrapper which access token to use, and then make some API calls!
(Where do i also save this file and how do I make these calls in my Laravel Controllers?)
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$api = new SpotifyWebAPI\SpotifyWebAPI();
// Fetch the saved access token from somewhere. A database for example.
// It's now possible to request data about the currently authenticated user
// Getting Spotify catalog data is of course also possible
(Where abouts should I save this file?)
You can save this file in differents places in laravel, for testing you could write it in a controller (not the best but you can).
Do replace client id and secret with my detail?
Yes of course !
also how do I save the access token?
You can save in a database or in a session or where you want. If you store it in a session you will have to make a new request to get a new Access token if the user logged out of your application. In a database you can reuse it.
Many access token are only available for a specific duration. The spotify doc should speak of it.
(Where do i also save this file and how do I make these calls in my Laravel Controllers?)
For testing you can do this in your controller, but it's a good idea to have a service layer where you put the business logic of your application.
Do not copy require 'vendor/autoload.php'; in your file laravel handle the composer autoload already.

Amazon SES Error retrieving credentials from the instance profile metadata server. (Client error: 404)

Am having some issues getting AWS SES working per below; I want to send an email to users from my website. Looks like the credentials are not being validated, however I have used the correct credentials generated from an IAM (I also tried the server root keys and it gave me the same error). I have run out of ideas of how to resolved/ debug any further so any steer would be greatly appreciated.
Error Received on Execution:
Error retrieving credentials from the instance profile metadata server. (Client error: 404)
Steps Taken
I have setup SES and validated the email addresses etc
I have created a IAM profile with 'Full access to SES'
I have installed the AWS SDK for php using the phar file
I have written the php code below providing the correct security access code directly of the SES
require 'aws/aws.phar';
use Aws\Ses\SesClient;
//More code here
$client = SesClient::factory(array(
'key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
'region' => 'us-west-2',
'version' => '2010-12-01'
//code to build the $msg here as array
$result = $client->sendEmail($msg);
//save the MessageId which can be used to track the request
$msg_id = $result->get('MessageId');
echo("MessageId: $msg_id");
//view sample output
} catch (Exception $e) {
//view the original message passed to the SDK
Thank you for your help in advance - this is always a great community!! Please let me know if i can provide anything else
You can provide credentials to your SDK using multiple methods. See the documentation: Providing Credentials to SDK
1) Set the environment variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION with the values from the IAM profile you created.
2) Instead of 1), you can also create ~/.aws/credentials file. Here you can add the lines: [default]
aws_access_key_id = YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
aws_default_region = the region
1) or 2) will definitely work and it is straight forward.
3) You can also create instance profile. You need to create IAM role and instance profile. Your instance needs to have instance profile assigned when it is being created. See page 183 (as indicated on bottom of page. The topic name is "Using an IAM Role to Grant Permissions to Applications
Running on Amazon EC2 Instances") of this guide: AWS IAM User Guide to understand the steps and procedure. Here, the secret key and access key are automatically picked up and you don't have to do anything. You just need to set default region using step 1) (i.e, export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=someregion).
4) You have already tried the 4th method and may be there is some issue in your settings which I am not aware of.

How to retrieve user's newsfeed list (VK.com)?

I am using following php code :
$vk = new VK($app_id, $api_secret);
$user_wall = $vk->api('newsfeed.get', array(
//'owner_id' => $o->profile_uid,
'count' => 100,
'filters' => 'post,photo,wall_photo,friend',
'access_token' => $o->profile_token
echo '<pre>';
I am getting error when trying above code. I have successfully completed auth and stored user profile info in mysql table. I notice that when I see Api.Console permission in App> Setting, I see Access the Wall permission. But in application I used to retrieve data, I do not see this permission.
Error description : Permission to perform this action is denied
Error code : 7
The documentation is poorly described. Even which field is required or optional I can not determine. And what is difference between wall.get with filter "others" vs newsfeed.get ?
$AuthURL = $vk->getAuthorizeURL('notify,friends,photos,audio,video,docs,notes,pages,status,offers,questions,wall,groups,notifications,stats,ads,offline', $redirect_uri);
$vk_code = $_REQUEST['code'];
$vk = new VK($app_id, $app_secret);
$access_token = $vk->getAccessToken($vk_code, $redirect_uri);
$uid = $access_token['user_id'];
$token = $access_token['access_token'];
$user_info = $vk->api('users.get', array(
'user_ids' => $uid,
'fields' => 'nickname, screen_name, sex, bdate (birthdate), city, country, timezone, photo, photo_medium, photo_big, has_mobile, contacts, education, online, counters, relation, last_seen, activity, can_write_private_message, can_see_all_posts, can_post, universities, counters'
First you must register application: vk.com/editapp?act=create
Then you need get authorize code. To do this follow link:
Where {APP_ID} — your application id (see on app settings page),
{API_SETTINGS} — access rights requested by your app (through comma). If need infinite token use key "offline". For newsfeed need use key "wall,friends,offline".
Opens page. Copy string in URL AFTER #code=
Later you need get access token. Go to link:
Where {API_SECRET} — secret application key (see on app settings page),
{CODE} — code that was copied in step 2.
Copy access_token.
To get newsfeed data request link:
Where {ACCESS_TOKEN} — token that was in step 3.
You need the following rights to call this method: wall and friends. (Read more on rights)
You must generate authorization with wall and friends...
Just replace APP_ID with your appilication and then get your token

Getting 403 error when trying to update profile description with Soundcloud PHP API

When I try to update the profile description of a soundcloud account via their php sdk, I get a 403 error every time. The app is authenticated and I am able to do things like place comments, but I'm not able to update anything on the profile (particularly the description field).
I'm using the standard code, found in their official documentation:
require_once 'Services/Soundcloud.php';
// create a client object with access token
$client = new Services_Soundcloud('YOUR_CLIENT_ID', 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET');
// get the current user
$user = json_decode($client->get('me'));
// update the user's profile description
$user = json_decode($client->post('me', array(
'description' => 'I am using the SoundCloud API!'
print $user->description;
Please help me find out where the error comes from, because I'm all out of ideas.
Our bad, the user documentation that you point to there had two problems:
Updates to the user resource should use the PUT method, not POST.
Arguments need to be namespaced properly.
I've modified the documentation to fix these two problems. New code sample:
require_once 'Services/Soundcloud.php';
// create a client object with access token
$client = new Services_Soundcloud('YOUR_CLIENT_ID', 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET');
// get the current user
$user = json_decode($client->get('me'));
// update the user's profile description
$user = json_decode($client->put('me', array(
'user[description]' => 'I am using the SoundCloud API!'
print $user->description;
Hope that helps and sorry again for the confusion. Let me know if you run into any more problems.
To update user related information you need to login to Sound Cloud as user and then authenticate your application to use your personal data, else you will get 403 for all user related information while updating / delete. For posting any comments you don't need this authentication
Getting Information about the Authenticated User
Once the user has signed into SoundCloud and approved your app's authorization request, you will be able to access their profile and act on their behalf. We have provided a convenient endpoint for accessing information about the authenticated user.

Using Twitter OAuth for automatic status update

I want my website to automatically post status updates to a particular twitter account using OAuth in PHP.
I test this using a URL
but it asks me for "user name" and "password", which is fine when I am testing it. But my website will not be able to insert this user name and password before posting the status update.
So the question is how can a website which is in the server, automatically post a status update to an account without user filling out the user name and password.
Is there any way to bypass this? I tried saving oAuth tokens, but it's not working.
Thank you for your answer in advance!
My recommendation:
1) Use a PHP library like http://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth.
2) Select your app on http://dev.twitter.com/apps and click on "My Access Token".
3) Us that access token as described on http://dev.twitter.com/pages/oauth_single_token.
Just tried this and it WORKS! And its SO SIMPLE to use!!
Got it working in under 5mins.
xAuth is able to do that, but Twitter only allows it for desktop and mobile apps.
In case you wanna try it, read this article and the API docs.
Try it with zend framework. As of version 1.10.8 minimal code required to post on Twitter is:
$token = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Access;
'oauth_token' => 'REPLACE_WITH_TOKEN',
'oauth_token_secret' => 'REPLACE_WITH_TOKEN_SECRET'
$twitter = new Zend_Service_Twitter(array(
'accessToken' => $token
$response = $twitter->status->update('REPLACE WITH MESSAGE');
All tokens and secrets can be accessed after registering your application on http://dev.twitter.com
