I am using following php code :
$vk = new VK($app_id, $api_secret);
$user_wall = $vk->api('newsfeed.get', array(
//'owner_id' => $o->profile_uid,
'count' => 100,
'filters' => 'post,photo,wall_photo,friend',
'access_token' => $o->profile_token
echo '<pre>';
I am getting error when trying above code. I have successfully completed auth and stored user profile info in mysql table. I notice that when I see Api.Console permission in App> Setting, I see Access the Wall permission. But in application I used to retrieve data, I do not see this permission.
Error description : Permission to perform this action is denied
Error code : 7
The documentation is poorly described. Even which field is required or optional I can not determine. And what is difference between wall.get with filter "others" vs newsfeed.get ?
$AuthURL = $vk->getAuthorizeURL('notify,friends,photos,audio,video,docs,notes,pages,status,offers,questions,wall,groups,notifications,stats,ads,offline', $redirect_uri);
$vk_code = $_REQUEST['code'];
$vk = new VK($app_id, $app_secret);
$access_token = $vk->getAccessToken($vk_code, $redirect_uri);
$uid = $access_token['user_id'];
$token = $access_token['access_token'];
$user_info = $vk->api('users.get', array(
'user_ids' => $uid,
'fields' => 'nickname, screen_name, sex, bdate (birthdate), city, country, timezone, photo, photo_medium, photo_big, has_mobile, contacts, education, online, counters, relation, last_seen, activity, can_write_private_message, can_see_all_posts, can_post, universities, counters'
First you must register application: vk.com/editapp?act=create
Then you need get authorize code. To do this follow link:
Where {APP_ID} — your application id (see on app settings page),
{API_SETTINGS} — access rights requested by your app (through comma). If need infinite token use key "offline". For newsfeed need use key "wall,friends,offline".
Opens page. Copy string in URL AFTER #code=
Later you need get access token. Go to link:
Where {API_SECRET} — secret application key (see on app settings page),
{CODE} — code that was copied in step 2.
Copy access_token.
To get newsfeed data request link:
Where {ACCESS_TOKEN} — token that was in step 3.
You need the following rights to call this method: wall and friends. (Read more on rights)
You must generate authorization with wall and friends...
Just replace APP_ID with your appilication and then get your token
I am trying to post to a Facebook account (with permissions) using the PHP
API. I am giving our users two options - posting to the Feed, and posting
to a specific facebook page. I am getting an error in the first case, but
not in the second case. In the code below:
$access_token is the access token I got back from linking to my app. It's of type
"User", and has the following permissions:
Where $page_token is, well, a "Page" type token, with the same set of permissions.
When I post to the page, it works fine. But when I try to post to the timeline, I get
the error:
Graph Error 200 : [Timeline]: [(#200) If posting to a group, requires app being
installed in the group, and either publish_to_groups permission with user token,
or both pages_read_engagement and pages_manage_posts permission with page token;
If posting to a page, requires both pages_read_engagement and pages_manage_posts
as an admin with sufficient administrative permission]
I'm not trying to post to a group, I'm posting to an account's timeline. And, per the
access token debugger, I have the permissions requested anyway. What's going on?
My code is below:
$linkData = [
'link' => $link_to_post,
'appsecret_proof' => $app_secret_proof
$token = $access_token;
$post_to = "/me/feed";
$page_id = $page_id;
$token = $page_token;
$post_to = "/$page_id/feed";
$response = $this->fb->post($post_to, $linkData, $token);
You can not post to a personal timeline via API any more, that was removed ages ago already. (With introduction of API v2.4, if I remember correctly.)
You can only use the Share or the Feed dialog, to offer the user a way to actively share / make a post themselves, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/web
I have the Xero API setup and the OAuth flow working. I have linked up the "Demo Company UK" as the tenant (Organisation) and have granted my user with Adviser • Contact bank account admin, Payroll admin • Expenses (Admin) permissions (which appears to be the highest level) located here: https://go.xero.com/Settings/Users but I still get the following error. "You are not permitted to access this resource" I have added all the scopes that should cover the requests and have a valid access token but still no good.
'client_id' => env('XERO_CLIENT_ID'),
'client_secret' => env('XERO_CLIENT_SECRET'),
'redirect_uri' => env('XERO_REDIRECT_URI'),
'scope' => 'openid email profile offline_access accounting.transactions accounting.contacts accounting.contacts.read accounting.reports.read',
Example function making a basic call to get the users within the account. The connection to Xero is fine but as soon as I try to request any data the same error is thrown.
public function testXero() {
$xeroAccessToken = GlobalSetting::where('name', '=', 'xero_access_token')->first();
$xeroTenantOrganisation = GlobalSetting::where('name', '=', 'xero_tenant_organisation_id')->first();
$xero = new XeroApp(
new AccessToken(
'access_token' => json_decode($xeroAccessToken->value)->id_token
), $xeroTenantOrganisation->value
//dd( $xero ); //we have a succesfull connection here...
# Retrieve all contacts
$contacts = $xero->contacts()->get();
dd($contacts); //error "You are not permitted to access this resource".
Has anybody encountered this issue?
The issue is that I was passing id_token when making a new XeroApp class instance. I failed to see all the other objects in the JSON object stored in the Database (very large). There is an actual access_token that is stored along with some other useful bits of information that I make within my call.
$xero = new XeroApp(
new AccessToken(
'access_token' => json_decode($xeroAccessToken->value)->access_token,
'refresh_token' => json_decode($xeroAccessToken->value)->refresh_token,
'expires' => json_decode($xeroAccessToken->value)->expires,
), $xeroTenantOrganisation->value
$contacts = $xero->contacts;
dd($contacts);//RESULTS!!! YES
I will keep this thread open just in case it helps anyone out.
Nice save Nick - yes the id_token can be used for things like "Sign up with Xero" which can be a huge advantage if your business operations is core to financial data.
It essentially enables you to provision accounts in your system (using the decoded ID token name / email) and sync their Xero data in a single flow. We've see partners significantly reduce drop off for new signups because of it.
All that said, a valid access_token and the tenant_id are the things you need to make authorized API calls.
I had same problem and I recognized that I had wrong tenant id.
You have to be sure about all credentials.
I am the owner and admin of a LinkedIn company page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/{id}/.
I want to connect to LinkedIn and get return a JSON-feed with latest 10 posts on my company wall to display on my website so I touch on the service https://api.linkedin.com/v1/companies/{id}/updates?format=json.
The JSON is outputted in linkedin.php. This file is then included in my web page, say index.php.
I have registrered an app at https://developer.linkedin.com. I have entered my Client ID and Client Secret in PHP-LinkedIn-SDK available here https://github.com/ashwinks/PHP-LinkedIn-SDK.
I followed the developer documentation I need to authenticate first. When I run linkedin.php I am redirected to sign into my LinkedIn profile. I have to finish this step in order to touch the service above.
With the current solution my users will have to login into LinkedIn when they access my website.
How can I access a list of my company's LinkedIn posts without prompting my users to sign in?
1. Generate your access token
Follow the documentation https://github.com/ashwinks/PHP-LinkedIn-SDK to create a login link.
2. Save your access token
Once you get it, it will be available for 60 days. Save it into your database.
3. Fetch your company posts
You can use the same access token to fetch company contents
$li = new LinkedIn(...);
$posts = $li->get('/companies/YOUR_COMPANY_ID/updates/');
4. Manage response
Cache or display the response after parsing it.
Hope that helps,
Use https://packagist.org/packages/linkedinapi/linkedin
$li = new LinkedIn(
'api_key' => 'yourapikey',
'api_secret' => 'yourapisecret',
'callback_url' => 'https://yourdomain.com/redirecthere'
//Get the login URL - this accepts an array of SCOPES
$url = $li->getLoginUrl(
/*LinkedIn will redirect to 'callback_url' with an access token as the 'code' parameter. You might want to store the token in your session so the user doesn't have to log in again*/
$token = $li->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['code']);
$token_expires = $li->getAccessTokenExpiration();
//Make a request to the API
$info = $li->get('/people/~:(first-name,last-name,positions)');
$li = new LinkedIn(
'api_key' => 'yourapikey',
'api_secret' => 'yourapisecret',
'callback_url' => 'https://yourdomain.com/redirecthere',
'curl_options' => array(
My situation is the following.
I am the owner of a facebook app,and a facebook page.I would like to programatically(from code) post to this facebook page.
As far as I know I need a facebook app to do that so I created one.
I am using the facebook php sdk and code igniter.(I am not using the javascript sdk).
I have the facebook object.I printed it's methods and tried printint the user id while I was logged into facebook.
This did not work.
My questions are the following:
1)Why does it not work to print the facebook id?
2)What is the most simplest solution to programatically post to my facebook page ?(from my app,or from my user)
What am I doing wrong ?
This is my code
$config = array(
'appId' => 'xxxx',
'secret' => 'xxxx',
'cookie' => true,
$this->load->library('facebook', $config);
echo '<pre>';print_r(get_class_methods($this->facebook));
$id = $this->facebook->getAppId();
$secret =$this->facebook->getApiSecret();
$uri = "http://tipsterscorner.com/stats/display/facebook1";//callback_url se pare ca nu e bun
//i build the facebook url.If I use this in the browser ,I get a series of popups(do you allow the application to blabla)
//I read somewhere that if I change the last parametere to code,and use curl,I will get the token in the response
//printed on the screen of the return url,but that does not happen
$facebook_url = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?`client_id=$id&client_secret=$secret&redirect_uri=$uri&scope=publish_stream,offline_access,read_stream,manage_pages&response_type=token";`
$curl = curl_init();
// Set some options - we are passing in a useragent too here
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $facebook_url,
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Codular Sample cURL Request'
// Send the request & save response to $resp
$resp = curl_exec($curl);
This is the url.
Thank you very much.
To post on facebook by yourself and on behalf of other's using the app you need to obtain user access token. There are two kinds of Access Tokens namely App Access Token and User Access Token. When app is posting on user's behalf User Access Token is required. User Access Token is generated when a User gives permissions for the app(The dialog popup which you experienced when entering the facebook url in browser). Its solely upon user whether or not to grant permission to the app to post on their behalf. App should be developed to handle both the situations. Once User have given permission(Basic Permission which includes all publicly available info of the user), user access token will be generated. You can either store it in database table or in SESSION. Sometimes user access tokens may become invalid and new token has to be retrieved. During that time curl can be used to retrieve because user has already granted permission for the app.
When I try to update the profile description of a soundcloud account via their php sdk, I get a 403 error every time. The app is authenticated and I am able to do things like place comments, but I'm not able to update anything on the profile (particularly the description field).
I'm using the standard code, found in their official documentation:
require_once 'Services/Soundcloud.php';
// create a client object with access token
$client = new Services_Soundcloud('YOUR_CLIENT_ID', 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET');
// get the current user
$user = json_decode($client->get('me'));
// update the user's profile description
$user = json_decode($client->post('me', array(
'description' => 'I am using the SoundCloud API!'
print $user->description;
Please help me find out where the error comes from, because I'm all out of ideas.
Our bad, the user documentation that you point to there had two problems:
Updates to the user resource should use the PUT method, not POST.
Arguments need to be namespaced properly.
I've modified the documentation to fix these two problems. New code sample:
require_once 'Services/Soundcloud.php';
// create a client object with access token
$client = new Services_Soundcloud('YOUR_CLIENT_ID', 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET');
// get the current user
$user = json_decode($client->get('me'));
// update the user's profile description
$user = json_decode($client->put('me', array(
'user[description]' => 'I am using the SoundCloud API!'
print $user->description;
Hope that helps and sorry again for the confusion. Let me know if you run into any more problems.
To update user related information you need to login to Sound Cloud as user and then authenticate your application to use your personal data, else you will get 403 for all user related information while updating / delete. For posting any comments you don't need this authentication
Getting Information about the Authenticated User
Once the user has signed into SoundCloud and approved your app's authorization request, you will be able to access their profile and act on their behalf. We have provided a convenient endpoint for accessing information about the authenticated user.